• PaaS (Platform as a Service) 37

  • Package inheritance hierarchy 529, 574

  • Packing Characters into Unsigned Integers exercise 949

  • padding in a structure 917

  • pair class template 685

  • pair of braces {} 62

  • palindrome function 706

  • parameter in the UML 84, 98

  • parameter list 81

  • parameter name 81

  • parameter type 81

  • parent node 824

  • parentheses operator (()) 56

  • parentheses to force order of evaluation 63, 140

  • Parking Charges exercise 273

  • partial_sort algorithm 748

  • partial_sort_copy algorithm 748

  • partial_sum algorithm 749

  • partition algorithm 748

  • partition step in quicksort 866

  • partition_copy algorithm 748

  • partition_point algorithm 748

  • Pascal programming language 13

  • pass-by-reference 242, 340, 346, 348

    • with a pointer parameter used to cube a variable’s value 346

    • with pointer parameters 345

    • with reference parameters 243, 345

  • pass-by-reference with pointers 243

  • Pass-by-Value vs. Pass-by-Reference exercise 280

  • passing arguments by value and by reference 243

  • passing large objects 245

  • passing options to a program 352

  • “past the end” iterator 725

  • pattern of 1s and 0s 8

  • Payroll System Modification exercise 574, 575

  • peek function of istream 586

  • percent sign (%) (remainder operator) 55

  • perfect number 275

  • Perfect Numbers exercise 275

  • perform a task 81

  • perform an action 47

  • performance 12

  • Performance of Binary Tree Sorting and Searching exercise 839

  • Performance Tips overview xxxiii

  • persistent 7

  • Peter Minuit problem 208

  • Phishing Scanner 653

  • Pi (π) 70

  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) 37

  • Plauger, P.J. 11

  • plus function object 745

  • Point Class 613

  • pointer 358

    • as an iterator 670

  • pointer assignment 361

  • pointer-based strings 364

  • pointer comparison 361

  • pointer dereference (*) operator 343, 344

  • pointer handle 398

  • pointer link 800

  • pointer notation 362

  • pointer operators & and * 344

  • pointer to a function 563

  • pointer to a pointer 829

  • pointer to an object 354

  • pointer to void (void *) 361

  • pointer variable 772

  • pointer/offset notation 362

  • pointer/subscript notation 362

  • pointer-based string 884

  • pointers and array subscripting 361, 362

  • pointers and arrays 361

  • pointers declared const 354

  • pointers to dynamically allocated storage 425, 478

  • point-of-sale system 628

  • poker playing program 445

  • poll analysis program 294

  • Polling exercise 337

  • Polymorphic Banking Program Exercise Using Account hierarchy 574

  • polymorphism 186, 526, 532, 547, 566

    • and references 563

    • as an alternative to switch logic 574

    • polymorphic screen manager 533

  • polynomial 58

  • Polynomial class 495

  • pop a stack 790

  • pop function of container adapters 691

  • pop member function of priority_queue 694

  • pop member function of queue 693

  • pop member function of stack 691

  • pop off a stack 237

  • pop_back member function of list 679

  • pop_heap algorithm 748

  • portable 11

  • position number 284

  • positional notation 968

  • positional values in the decimal number system 969

  • positive infinity (inf) 759

  • postdecrement 137

  • postfix decrement operator 137

  • Postfix Evaluation exercise 836

  • postfix expression 836

  • postfix expression evaluation algorithm 835

  • postfix increment operator 137, 164

  • postfix notation 835

  • postincrement an iterator 666

  • power of 2 larger than 100 118

  • #pragma once 389

  • precedence not changed by overloading 454

  • precision function of ios_base 588

  • precision of a floating-point value 126

  • predecrement 137

  • predefined function objects 744

  • predefined symbolic constants 987, 988

  • prefix decrement operator 137

  • prefix increment operator 137

  • preorder traversal 824

  • prepackaged functions 213

  • preprocessing directives 17, 46

  • preprocessor directives

  • prev_permutation algorithm 748

  • prevent memory leak 774

  • preventing headers from being included more than once 390

  • primary memory 7, 18

  • prime factorization 706

  • prime number 706

  • Prime Numbers exercise 276

  • primitive data type promotion 129

  • principal in an interest calculation 167

  • print a line of text 45

  • print a list backwards 802, 838

  • print a string backwards recursion exercise 336

  • print an array recursion exercise 336

  • print spooling 820

  • printing

    • binary tree in a two-dimensional tree format 830

    • Decimal Equivalent of a Binary Number exercise 155

    • line of text with multiple statements 49

    • multiple lines of text with a single statement 50

    • Sentence in Reverse Order with a Stack 835

    • string Backward 896

    • unsigned integer in bits 906

  • priority_queue adapter class 694

    • empty function 694

    • pop function 694

    • size function 694

    • top function 694

  • private

    • access specifier 82

    • base-class data cannot be accessed from derived class 512

    • inheritance as an alternative to composition 525

    • members of a base class 501

    • static data member 430

  • private inheritance 501

  • private libraries 18

  • probability 223

  • procedure for solving a problem 105

  • processing unit 5

  • product of odd integer 206

  • program 5

  • program construction principles 199

  • program control 105

  • program development environment 17

  • program development tool 110, 126

  • program execution stack 237

  • program in the general 532, 574

  • program in the specific 532

  • program termination 409

  • programmer 5

  • Project navigator 29

  • promotion hierarchy for builtin data types 220

  • promotion rules 219

  • prompting message 604

  • protected base-class data can be accessed from derived class 517

  • protected inheritance 501, 525

  • Protected vs. Private Base Classes exercise 529

  • pseudorandom numbers 226

  • public

  • public access specifier 83

  • public base class 525

  • public keyword 82

  • public member of a derived class 501

  • public services of a class 388

  • public static

    • class member 430

    • member function 430

  • punctuation mark 928

  • pure specifier 548

  • pure virtual function 548, 563

  • purpose of the program 46

  • push member function of container adapters 691

  • push member function of priority_queue 694, 706

  • push member function of queue 693

  • push member function of stack 691

  • push onto a stack 237

  • push_back member function of class template vector 323

  • push_back member function of vector 670

  • push_front member function of deque 680

  • push_front member function of list 678

  • push_heap algorithm 748

  • put file-position pointer 629, 633

  • put pointer 623

  • putback function of istream 586

  • Pythagorean Triples 207

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