• m-by-n array 308

  • machine code 10

  • machine dependent 359

  • machine language 10

    • programming 377

  • Macintosh 33

  • magic numbers 290

  • “make your point” 228

  • make_heap algorithm 748

  • make_unique function template 773, 775

  • Making a Difference exercises 101

  • mangled function name 249

  • manipulating a linked list 802

  • manipulating individual characters 918

  • manipulator 169

  • “manufacturing” section of the computer 7

  • <map> header 221

  • map associative container 681

  • mapped values 682

  • “masked off” 907

  • matching catch block 762

  • Math Library Functions exercise 279

  • mathematical algorithms of the Standard Library 723

  • mathematical calculation 12, 213

  • Matsumoto, Yukihiro 14

  • max_size member function of a string 879

  • max_size member function of containers 660

  • maximum function 215

  • maximum size of a string 877, 879

  • medical imaging 4

  • member function 15

    • argument 78

    • automatically inlined 393

    • calls for const objects 414

    • calls often concise 393

    • defined in a class definition 393

    • parameter 80

    • that takes no arguments 393

  • member function call 15

  • member function definitions of class Integer 773

  • member object

    • default constructor 421

    • destructors 782

    • initializer 420

  • memberwise assignment 411, 453

  • memberwise copy 477

  • <memory> header 222

  • memory address 341

  • memory consumption 563

  • memory functions of the string-handling library 939

  • memory handling

    • function memchr 942

    • function memcmp 942

    • function memcpy 940

    • function memmove 941

    • function memset 943

  • <memory> header 772

  • memory location 54

  • memory unit 7

  • memory-access violation 657

  • merge member function of list 679

  • merge sort (a recursive implementation) 855

  • merge sort efficiency 861

  • merge sort implementation 856

  • merge sort recursive implementation 856

  • merge symbol in the UML 118

  • merge two arrays 856

  • merge two ordered list objects 755, 835

  • Merging Ordered Lists 755, 835

  • metric conversion program 956

  • Microsoft 3

    • Imagine Cup 43

  • Microsoft Windows 183

  • mileage obtained by automobiles 150

  • minus function object 745

  • mission-critical computing 763

  • mixed-type expression 219

  • mobile application 3

  • modify a constant pointer 355

  • modify address stored in pointer variable 355

  • modularizing a program with functions 213

  • modulus function object 745

  • modulus operator (%) 223

  • monetary calculations 170

  • monetary formats 222

  • Moore’s Law 6

  • motion information 6

  • Motorola 3

  • mouse 5

  • move_backward algorithm 734, 747

  • Mozilla Foundation 32

  • multi-core processor 7

  • multidimensional array 308

  • multimap associative container 681, 687

  • multiple 56

  • multiple inheritance 499

  • multiple-selection statement 108

  • multiple-source-file program

    • compilation and linking process 396

  • Multiples exercise 274

  • Multiples of 2 with an Infinite Loop exercise 155

  • multiplication 55, 56

  • multiplication compound assignment operator, *= 137

  • Multiplication Via Bit Shifting exercise 949

  • multiplies function object 745

  • multiset associative container 681

  • mutating sequence algorithms 747

  • mystery recursive exercise 263

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