
Section 2.2 First Program in C++: Printing a Line of Text

  • Single-line comments (p. 46) begin with //. You insert comments to document your programs and improve their readability.

  • Comments do not cause the computer to perform any action (p. 47) when the program is run— they’re ignored by the compiler.

  • A preprocessing directive (p. 46) begins with # and is a message to the C++ preprocessor. Preprocessing directives are processed before the program is compiled.

  • The line #include <iostream> (p. 46) tells the C++ preprocessor to include the contents of the input/output stream header, which contains information necessary to compile programs that output data to the screen or input data from the keyboard.

  • White space (i.e., blank lines, space characters and tab characters; p. 46) makes programs easier to read. White-space characters outside of string literals are ignored by the compiler.

  • C++ programs begin executing at main (p. 47), even if main does not appear first in the program.

  • The keyword int to the left of main indicates that main “returns” an integer value.

  • The body (p. 47) of every function must be contained in braces ({ and }).

  • A string (p. 47) in double quotes is sometimes referred to as a character string, message or string literal. White-space characters in strings are not ignored by the compiler.

  • Most C++ statements (p. 47) end with a semicolon, also known as the statement terminator (we’ll see some exceptions to this soon).

  • Output and input in C++ are accomplished with streams (p. 47) of data.

  • The output stream object std::cout (p. 47)—normally connected to the screen—is used to output data. Multiple data items can be output by concatenating stream insertion (<<; p. 48) operators.

  • The input stream object std::cin—normally connected to the keyboard—is used to input data. Multiple data items can be input by concatenating stream extraction (>>) operators.

  • The notation std::cout specifies that we are using cout from “namespace” std.

  • When a backslash (i.e., an escape character) is encountered in a string of characters, the next character is combined with the backslash to form an escape sequence (p. 48).

  • The newline escape sequence (p. 48) moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line on the screen.

  • C++ keyword return (p. 49) is one of several means to exit a function.

Section 2.4 Another C++ Program: Adding Integers

  • All variables (p. 51) in a C++ program must be declared before they can be used.

  • Variables of type int (p. 51) hold integer values, i.e., whole numbers such as 7, –11, 0, 31914.

  • A variable can be initialized in its declaration using list initialization (p. 51; introduced in C++11)—the variable’s initial value is placed in braces ({ and }) immediately following the variable’s name.

  • A variable name is any valid identifier (p. 51) that is not a keyword. An identifier is a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores ( _ ). Identifiers cannot start with a digit. Identifiers can be any length, but some systems or C++ implementations may impose length restrictions.

  • A message that directs the user to take a specific action is known as a prompt (p. 52).

  • C++ is case sensitive (p. 52).

  • A program reads the user’s input with the std::cin (p. 53) object and the stream extraction (>>; p. 53) operator.

  • Most calculations are performed in assignment statements (p. 53).

Section 2.5 Memory Concepts

  • A variable is a location in memory (p. 54) where a value can be stored for use by a program.

  • Every variable stored in the computer’s memory has a name, a value, a type and a size.

  • Whenever a new value is placed in a memory location, the process is destructive (p. 54); i.e., the new value replaces the previous value in that location. The previous value is lost.

  • When a value is read from memory, the process is nondestructive (p. 55); i.e., a copy of the value is read, leaving the original value undisturbed in the memory location.

  • The std::endl stream manipulator (p. 54) outputs a newline, then “flushes the output buffer.”

Section 2.6 Arithmetic

  • C++ evaluates arithmetic expressions (p. 55) in a precise sequence determined by the rules of operator precedence (p. 56) and associativity (p. 56).

  • Parentheses may be used to group expressions.

  • Integer division (p. 56) yields an integer quotient. Any fractional part in integer division is truncated.

  • The remainder operator, % (p. 56), yields the remainder after integer division.

Section 2.7 Decision Making: Equality and Relational Operators

  • The if statement (p. 59) allows a program to take alternative action based on whether a condition is met. The format for an if statement is

    if (condition) {

    If the condition is true, the statement in the body of the if is executed. If the condition is not met, i.e., the condition is false, the body statement is skipped.

  • Conditions in if statements are commonly formed by using equality and relational operators (p. 59). The result of using these operators is always the value true or false.

  • The using declaration (p. 61)

    using std::cout;

    informs the compiler where to find cout (namespace std) and eliminates the need to repeat the std:: prefix. The using directive (p. 61)

    using namespace std;

    enables the program to use all the names in any included C++ standard library header.

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