Self-Review Exercises

  1. 20.1 Fill in the blanks in each of the following statements:

    1. A selection sort application would take approximately              times as long to run on a 128-element array as on a 32-element array.

    2. The efficiency of merge sort is             .

  2. 20.2 What key aspect of both the binary search and the merge sort accounts for the logarithmic portion of their respective Big Os?

  3. 20.3 In what sense is the insertion sort superior to the merge sort? In what sense is the merge sort superior to the insertion sort?

  4. 20.4 In the text, we say that after the merge sort splits the array into two sub-arrays, it then sorts these two sub-arrays and merges them. Why might someone be puzzled by our statement that “it then sorts these two sub-arrays”?

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