3.7 Wrap-Up

In this chapter, you created your own classes and member functions, created objects of those classes and called member functions of those objects to perform useful actions. You declared data members of a class to maintain data for each object of the class, and you defined your own member functions to operate on that data. You passed information to a member function as arguments whose values are assigned to the member function’s parameters. You learned the difference between a local variable of a member function and a data member of a class, and that only data members that are objects are initialized automatically with calls to their default constructors. You also learned how to use a class’s constructor to specify the initial values for an object’s data members. You saw how to create UML class diagrams that model the member functions, attributes and constructors of classes.

In the next chapter we begin our introduction to control statements, which specify the order in which a program’s actions are performed. You’ll use these in your member functions to specify how they should order their tasks.

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