16.6 Standard Library Algorithm Summary

The C++ standard specifies over 90 algorithms—many overloaded with two or more versions. The standard separates the algorithms into several categories—mutating sequence algorithms, nonmodifying sequence algorithms, sorting and related algorithms and generalized numeric operations. To learn about algorithms we did not present in this chapter, see your compiler’s documentation or visit sites such as


Mutating Sequence Algorithms

Figure 16.16 shows many of the mutating-sequence algorithms—i.e., algorithms that modify the containers they operate on. Algorithms added in C++11 are marked with an * in Figs. 16.1616.19. Algorithms presented in this chapter are shown in bold.

Fig. 16.16 Mutating sequence algorithms from header <algorithm>.

Mutating sequence algorithms from header <algorithm>
copy copy_n* copy_if* copy_backward
move* move_backward* swap swap_ranges
iter_swap transform replace replace_if
replace_copy replace_copy_if fill fill_n
generate generate_n remove remove_if
remove_copy remove_copy_if unique unique_copy
reverse reverse_copy rotate rotate_copy
random_shuffle shuffle* is_partitioned* partition
stable_partition partition_copy* partition_point*

Nonmodifying Sequence Algorithms

Figure 16.17 shows the nonmodifying sequence algorithms—i.e., algorithms that do not modify the containers they operate on.

Fig. 16.17 Nonmodifying sequence algorithms from header <algorithm>

Nonmodifying sequence algorithms from header <algorithm>
all_of* any_of* none_of* for_each
find find_if find_if_not* find_end
find_first_of adjacent_find count count_if
mismatch equal is_permutation* search

Sorting and Related Algorithms

Figure 16.18 shows the sorting and related algorithms.

Fig. 16.18 Sorting and related algorithms from header <algorithm>

Sorting and related algorithms from header <algorithm>
sort stable_sort partial_sort partial_sort_copy
is_sorted* is_sorted_until* nth_element lower_bound
upper_bound equal_range binary_search merge
inplace_merge includes set_union set_intersection
set_difference set_symmetric_difference   push_heap
pop_heap make_heap sort_heap is_heap*
is_heap_until* min max minmax*
min_element max_element minmax_element* lexicographical_compare
next_permutation prev_permutation    

Numerical Algorithms

Figure 16.19 shows the numerical algorithms of the header <numeric>.

Fig. 16.19 Numerical algorithms from header <numeric>.

Numerical algorithms from header <numeric>
accumulate partial_sum iota*
inner_product adjacent_difference  
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