3.2 Test-Driving an Account Object

Classes cannot execute by themselves. A Person object can drive a Car object by telling it what to do (go faster, go slower, turn left, turn right, etc.)—without knowing how the car’s internal mechanisms work. Similarly, the main function can “drive” an Account object by calling its member functions—without knowing how the class is implemented. In this sense, main is referred to as a driver program. We show the main program and its output first, so you can see an Account object in action. To help you prepare for the larger programs you’ll encounter later in this book and in industry, we define main in its own file (file AccountTest.cpp, Fig. 3.1). We define class Account in its own file as well (file Account.h, Fig. 3.2).

Fig. 3.1 Creating and manipulating an Account object.

Alternate View

 1   // Fig. 3.1: AccountTest.cpp
 2   // Creating and manipulating an Account object.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <string>
 5   #include "Account.h"
 7   using namespace std;
 9   int main() {
10      Account myAccount; // create Account object myAccount
12      // show that the initial value of myAccount’s name is the empty string
13      cout << "Initial account name is: " << myAccount.getName();
15      // prompt for and read name
16      cout << "
Please enter the account name: " ;
17      string theName;
18      getline(cin, theName); // read a line of text          
19      myAccount.setName(theName); // put theName in myAccount
21      // display the name stored in object myAccount
22      cout << "Name in object myAccount is: "
23         << myAccount.getName() << endl;
24   }

Initial account name is:
Please enter the account name: Jane Green
Name in object myAccount is: Jane Green

3.2.1 Instantiating an Object

Typically, you cannot call a member function of a class until you create an object of that class.3 Line 10

Account myAccount; // create Account object myAccount

creates an object of class Account called myAccount. The variable’s type is Account—the class we define in Fig. 3.2.

3.2.2 Headers and Source-Code Files

When we declare variables of type int, as we did in Chapter 2, the compiler knows what int is—it’s a fundamental type that’s “built into” C++. In line 10, however, the compiler does not know in advance what type Account is—it’s a user-defined type.

When packaged properly, new classes can be reused by other programmers. It’s customary to place a reusable class definition in a file known as a header with a .h filename extension.4 You include (via #include) that header wherever you need to use the class. For example, you can reuse the C++ Standard Library’s classes in any program by including the appropriate headers.

Class Account is defined in the header Account.h (Fig. 3.2). We tell the compiler what an Account is by including its header, as in line 5 (Fig. 3.1):

#include "Account.h"

If we omit this, the compiler issues error messages wherever we use class Account and any of its capabilities. In an #include directive, a header that you define in your program is placed in double quotes (""), rather than the angle brackets (<>) used for C++ Standard Library headers like <iostream>. The double quotes in this example tell the compiler that header is in the same folder as Fig. 3.1, rather than with the C++ Standard Library headers.

Files ending with the .cpp filename extension are source-code files. These define a program’s main function, other functions and more, as you’ll see in later chapters. You include headers into source-code files (as in Fig. 3.1), though you also may include them in other headers.

3.2.3 Calling Class Account’s getName Member Function

The Account class’s getName member function returns the account name stored in a particular Account object. Line 13

cout << "Initial name is: " << myAccount.getName();

displays myAccount’s initial name by calling the object’s getName member function with the expression myAccount.getName(). To call this member function for a specific object, you specify the object’s name (myAccount), followed by the dot operator (.), then the member function name (getName) and a set of parentheses. The empty parentheses indicate that getName does not require any additional information to perform its task. Soon, you’ll see that the setName function requires additional information to perform its task.

From main’s view, when the getName member function is called:

  1. The program transfers execution from the call (line 13 in main) to member function getName. Because getName was called via the myAccount object, getName “knows” which object’s data to manipulate.

  2. Next, member function getName performs its task—that is, it returns (i.e., gives back) myAccount’s name to line 13 where the function was called. The main function does not know the details of how getName performs its task.

  3. The cout object displays the name returned by member function getName, then the program continues executing at line 16 in main.

In this case, line 13 does not display a name, because we have not yet stored a name in the myAccount object.

3.2.4 Inputting a string with getline

Line 17

string theName;

creates a string variable called theName that’s used to store the account name entered by the user. string variables can hold character string values such as "Jane Green". A string is actually an object of the C++ Standard Library class string, which is defined in the header <string>.5 The class name string, like the name cout, belongs to namespace std. To enable line 17 to compile, line 4 includes the <string> header. The using directive in line 7 allows us to write string in line 17 rather than std::string.

getline Function Receiving a Line of Text from the User

Sometimes functions are not members of a class. Such functions are called global functions. Line 18

getline(cin, theName); // read a line of text

reads the name from the user and places it in the variable theName, using the C++ Standard Library global function getline to perform the input. Like class string, function getline requires the <string> header and belongs to namespace std.

Consider why we cannot simply write

cin >> theName;

to obtain the account name. In our sample program execution, we entered the name “Jane Green,” which contains multiple words separated by a space. (Recall that we highlight user inputs in bold in our sample program executions.) When reading a string, cin stops at the first white-space character (such as a space, tab or newline). Thus, the preceding statement would read only "Jane". The information after "Jane" is not lost—it can be read by subsequent input statements later in the program.

In this example, we’d like the user to type the complete name (including the space) and press Enter to submit it to the program. Then, we’d like to store the entire name in the string variable theName. When you press Enter (or Return) after typing data, the system inserts a newline in the input stream. Function getline reads from the standard input stream object cin the characters the user enters, up to, but not including, the newline, which is discarded; getline places the characters in the string variable theName.

3.2.5 Calling Class Account’s setName Member Function

The Account class’s setName member function stores an account name in a particular Account object. Line 19

myAccount.setName(theName); // put theName in myAccount

calls myAccounts’s setName member function. A member-function call can supply arguments that help the function perform its task. You place the arguments in the function call’s parentheses. Here, theName’s value (input by line 18) is the argument that’s passed to setName, which stores theName’s value in the object myAccount.

From main’s view, when setName is called:

  1. The program transfers execution from line 19 in main to setName member function’s definition. The call passes to the function the argument value in the call’s parentheses—that is, theName object’s value. Because setName was called via the myAccount object, setName “knows” the exact object to manipulate.

  2. Next, member function setName stores the argument’s value in the myAccount object.

  3. When setName completes execution, program execution returns to where setName was called (line 19), then continues at line 22.

Displaying the Name That Was Entered by the User

To demonstrate that myAccount now contains the name the user entered, lines 22–23

cout << "Name in object myAccount is: "
   << myAccount.getName() << endl;

call member function getName again. As you can see in the last line of the program’s output, the name entered by the user in line 18 is displayed. When the preceding statement completes execution, the end of main is reached, so the program terminates.

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