• W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) 35

  • walk a list 812

  • “walk off” either end of an array 468

  • wchar_t character type 579

  • “weakest” iterator type 664, 709

  • web services 35

  • Welcome to Xcode window 28

  • what member function of an exception object 322

  • what virtual function of class exception 759, 764, 769

  • whole number 51

  • width member function of class ios_base 590

  • width of a bit field 914

  • width of random number range 227

  • width setting 590

    • implicitly set to 0 590

  • Win32 Console Application 21

  • Windows 10 Mobile 32

  • Windows operating system 32

  • Wirth, Niklaus 13

  • word boundary 901

  • word equivalent of a check amount 955

  • word processing 954

  • Words Ending in “r” or “ay” exercise 896

  • workspace window 28

  • World Community Grid 3

  • World Population Growth exercise 156

  • World Wide Web 35

  • worst-case runtime for an algorithm 842

  • Wozniak, Steve 33

  • write function of ostream 581, 586

  • Write Your Own Character Handling Functions exercise 951

  • Write Your Own Memory Handling Functions exercise 952

  • Write Your Own String Comparison Functions exercise 953

  • Write Your Own String Conversion Functions exercise 951

  • Write Your Own String Copy and Concatenation Functions exercise 953

  • Write Your Own String Length Function exercise 953

  • Write Your Own String Searching Functions exercise 951

  • writing data randomly to a random-access file 633

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