• IBM Corporation 3, 12

  • IDE (integrated development environment) 17

  • IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 2

  • #if preprocessing directive 986

  • #ifdef preprocessor directive 986

  • #ifndef preprocessor directive 389, 986

  • ignore function of istream 458, 586

  • implementation inheritance 550

  • implementation of a member function changes 404

  • implementation of merge sort 856

  • implementing the binary search tree 824

  • implicit conversion 129, 482, 484

    • via conversion constructors 484

  • implicit first argument 423

  • implicit handle 398

  • implicit, user-defined conversions 482

  • implicitly virtual 541

  • improper implicit conversion 483

  • improve performance of bubble sort 865

  • in-class initializers 389

  • in-memory formatting 887

  • in-memory I/O 887

  • in-class initializer 90

  • #include <iostream> 46

  • #include preprocessing directive 982

  • including a header multiple times 390

  • increment 167

    • of a for statement 165

    • operator, ++ 137

  • increment an iterator 666

  • increment and decrement operators 137

  • increment operator 460

  • indefinite repetition 124

  • independent software vendor (ISV) 12

  • indexed access 680

  • indexed list 839

  • indirect base class 499

  • indirect derived class 558

  • indirection operator (*) 343, 345

  • indirectly reference a value 341

  • inefficient sorting algorithm 853

  • inequality operator (!=) 469

  • -inf (negative infinity) 759

  • inf (positive infinity) 759

  • infer a lambda parameter’s type 711

  • infinite series 207

  • infix arithmetic expression 835

  • infix-to-postfix conversion algorithm 835

  • Infix-to-Postfix Conversion 835

  • information hiding 16

  • inheritance 16, 415, 498, 500

    • hierarchy for university CommunityMembers 500

    • implementation vs. interface inheritance 550

    • inherit constructors from base class 524, 525

    • inherit implementation 574

    • inherit members of an existing class 498

    • inheriting interface versus implementation 574

  • initial state in the UML 107, 194

  • initial value of control variable 160

  • initialize a pointer 342

  • initializer 288

  • initializer_list 743

  • initializer_list class template 480

  • initializing

    • an array’s elements to zeros and printing the array 287

    • multidimensional arrays 308

    • the elements of an array with a declaration 288

  • inline keyword 241

  • inner block 234

  • inner_product algorithm 749

  • innermost pair of parentheses 56

  • inplace_merge algorithm 736, 748

  • input a line of text 585

    • into an array 366

  • Input and output stream iterators 662

  • input device 6

  • input from string in memory 222

  • input/output (I/O) 213

  • input/output library functions 222

  • input/output of objects 643

  • input/output stream header <iostream> 46

  • input sequence 662

  • input stream iterator 662

  • input stream object (cin) 53

  • input unit 6

  • Inputting Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal Values 612

  • inputting from strings in memory 887

  • insert function of associative container 684, 688

  • insert member function of class string 884

  • insert member function of containers 659

  • insert member function of sequence container 675

  • Insert/Delete Anywhere in a Linked List exercise 839

  • inserter function template 734

  • insertion at back of vector 667

  • instance 15

  • instant access processing 637

  • instant message 4

  • instant-access application 628

  • instruction 18

  • instruction execution cycle 380

  • instructor resources for C++ How to Program, 9/e xxxv

  • int operands promoted to double 129

  • int primitive type 137

  • int64_t type 177

  • integer arithmetic 448

  • Integer class definition 772

  • integer division 56

  • integer promotion 129

  • integerPower 274

  • integers prefixed with 0 (octal) 597

  • integers prefixed with 0x or 0X (hexadecimal) 597

  • IntegerSet class 443

  • integral constant expression 181, 468

  • integral expression 186

  • integral size limits 222

  • integrated development environment (IDE) 17

  • Intel 3

  • interest on deposit 208

  • interest rate 167

  • interface inheritance 550

  • interface of a class 388

  • internal spacing 595

  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 2

  • International Standards Organization (ISO) 2, 11

  • Internet 34

  • Internet of Things (IoT) 36

  • Internet TV 4

  • interpreter 10

  • Invoice class (exercise) 100

  • invoke a method 213

  • invoking a non-const member function on a const object 414

  • ios_base class 601

    • precision function 588

    • width member function 590

  • ios::app file open mode 618

  • ios::ate file open mode 619

  • ios::beg seek direction 623

  • ios::cur seek direction 623

  • ios::end seek direction 623

  • ios::in file open mode 619, 621

  • ios::out file open mode 618

  • ios::trunc file open mode 619

  • iota algorithm 749

  • iPod Touch 33

  • is-a relationship (inheritance) 498

  • is_heap algorithm 748

  • is_heap_until algorithm 748

  • is_partitioned algorithm 748

  • is_permutation algorithm 748

  • is_sorted algorithm 748

  • is_sorted_until algorithm 748

  • isalnum function 918

  • isalpha function 918

  • ISO (International Standards Organization) 2

  • Issue navigator 29

  • istream member function ignore 458

  • istream_iterator 662

  • isxdigit function 918

  • iteration terminates 118

  • Iterative factorial solution 261

  • <iterator> header 222

  • iterator invalidation 709

  • iterator operations 666

  • iterator pointing to first element past the end of container 662

  • iterator pointing to the first element of the container 662

  • iterator typedef 664

  • iterator-category hierarchy 664

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