• label in a switch 184

  • Lady Ada Lovelace 13

  • lambda 708, 710

    • infer a parameter’s type 711

    • store in a variable 729

  • large object 245

  • leading 0x and leading 0X 593, 597

  • left brace ({) 47, 50

  • left justified 111

  • left-shift assignment operator (<<=) 913

  • left-to-right pass of an expression 835

  • left-to-right associativity 139

  • left-to-right associativity 63

  • left-to-right evaluation 56, 58

  • legacy C code 983

  • legacy code 988

  • length member function of class string 871

  • length of a string 366

  • length of a substring 485

  • less function object 745

  • less_equal function object 745

  • less< double > 686

  • less-than operator 59, 661

  • less-than-or-equal-to operator 59

  • letter 8

  • Letter Pyramid 897

  • level of indentation 111

  • level-order traversal of a binary tree 831, 838

  • Level-Order Binary Tree Traversal 838

  • lexicographical 875

  • lexicographical_compare algorithm 715, 718, 748

  • <limits> header 222

  • line number 988

  • line of communication with a file 618, 621

  • line of text 585

  • __LINE__ predefined symbolic constant 988

  • linear data structure 800, 823

  • linear runtime 845

  • linked list class template 839

  • linked list Implementation 802

  • Linux 32

    • shell prompt 20

  • Linux operating system 33

  • <list> header 221

  • List and Queues without Tail Pointers exercise 839

  • List class-template definition 806

  • <list> header 675

  • list initialization 51

  • list initializer 135, 323

    • narrowing conversion 219

  • list searching performance 839

  • List< STACKTYPE > 818

  • ListNode class-template definition 805

  • literal

    • floating point 170

  • live-code approach xxxi

  • local automatic object 409

  • <locale> header 222

  • location in memory 54

  • log function 215

  • log10 function 215

  • log2n levels in a binary search tree with n elements 830

  • logarithmic runtime 850

  • logic_error exception 776

  • logical complement operator, ! 190

  • logical decision 5

  • logical negation, ! 190

    • truth table 191

  • logical OR (||) 910

  • logical unit 6

  • logical_and function object 745

  • logical_not function object 745

  • logical_or function object 745

  • long double data type 126, 220

  • long int data type 220

  • long long data type 220

  • long long int data type 220

  • long long type 176

  • loop-continuation condition fails 260

  • Lord Byron 13

  • loss of data 603

  • Lovelace, Ada 13

  • lower_bound

    • function of associative container 685

  • “lowest type” 220

  • low-level I/O capabilities 579

  • lvalues as rvalues 193

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