• abbreviating assignment expressions 136

  • abs function 178

  • absolute value 215

  • accelerometer 6

  • access a global variable 247

  • access function 399

  • access modifier in the UML

    • - (private) 84

    • + (public) 84

  • access non-static class data members and member functions 433

  • access private member of a class 83

  • access specifier 82, 423

    • private 82

  • access the caller’s data 242

  • access violation 657

  • Account Inheritance Hierarchy (exercise) 529

  • accounts-receivable program 650

  • accounts-receivable system 617

  • accumulated outputs 54

  • accumulator 377

  • action expression in the UML 107

  • action state in the UML 107, 196

  • action state symbol 107

  • action to execute 105

  • activation record 237

  • activity diagram 106, 107, 111, 165, 196

    • do...while statement 180

    • for statement 165

    • if statement 110

    • if...else statement 111

    • sequence statement 107

    • switch statement 185

    • while statement 118

  • activity in the UML 107

  • Ada Lovelace 13

  • Ada programming language 13

  • add a new account to a file 643

  • add an integer to a pointer 359

  • adding strings 178

  • addition compound assignment operator, += 136

  • addition program that displays the sum of two numbers 50

  • address of a bit field 917

  • addressable storage unit 917

  • adjacent_difference algorithm 749

  • adjacent_find algorithm 748

  • “administrative” section of the computer 7

  • aggregation 415

  • Agile Alliance (www.agilealliance.org) 36

  • Agile Manifesto (www.agilemanifesto.org) 36

  • agile software development 36

  • aiming a derived-class pointer at a base-class object 538

  • airline reservation system 628

  • Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) 35

  • alert escape sequence ('a') 48, 921

  • algebraic expression 56

  • algorithms 657, 667, 799

    • binary search 846

    • bubble sort 865

    • bucket sort 865

    • linear search 843

    • recursive binary search 866

    • recursive linear search 866

    • selection sort 853

  • alias for the name of an object 409

  • allocate dynamic memory 772

  • allocator_type 661

  • Allowing Duplicates in Binary Trees 837

  • alpha software 38

  • alphabetizing

    • animal names 896

  • alphabetizing strings 927, 953

  • ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) 7

  • Amazon 3

  • AMBER Alert 3

  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 11

  • Analytical Engine 13

  • “ANDed” 907

  • Android 34

    • operating system 33

    • smartphone 33

  • Android TV 4

  • angle brackets (< and >) 251, 982

  • angle brackets (< and >) in templates 786

  • anonymous function 710

  • anonymous function objects 708

  • ANSI (American National Standards Institute) 11

  • any member function of class bitset 696

  • Apache Software Foundation 33

  • append data to a file 618, 619

  • append member function of class string 873

  • Apple Macintosh 33

  • Apple TV 4

  • argument coercion 219

  • argument for a macro 984

  • argument to a function 78

  • arguments in correct order 217

  • arguments passed to member-object constructors 415

  • arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) 7

  • arithmetic calculations 55

  • arithmetic compound assignment operators 136

  • arithmetic mean 57

  • arithmetic operator 55

  • arithmetic underflow 776

  • “arity” of an operator 454

  • ARPANET 34

  • array

    • notation for accessing elements 362

    • subscripting 363

  • Array class 469

  • Array class definition with overloaded operators 473

  • Array class member-function and friend function definitions 474

  • array class template 284

    • copy constructor called with parentheses 715

    • multidimensional array 308

  • array subscript operator ([]) 472

  • arrays

    • using instead of switch 293

  • arrow member selection operator (->) 398, 399

  • arrow operator (->) 425

  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 8

  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) character set 186

  • assembler 10

  • assembly language 10

  • assert function 988

  • assign member function of class string 871

  • assign member function of list 679

  • assign one iterator to another 666

  • assigning addresses of base-class and derived-class objects to base-class and derived-class pointers 535

  • assigning class objects 412

  • assignment operator = 53, 63

  • assignment operator functions 478

  • assignment statement 53

  • associate from left to right 63, 139

  • associate from right to left 63, 139

  • association 689

  • associative container functions

    • equal_range 685

    • lower_bound 685

    • upper_bound 685

  • associativity 192

  • associativity chart 63, 140

  • associativity not changed by overloading 454

  • associativity of operators 56, 63

  • asterisk (*) 55

  • asynchronous event 767

  • atof function 931

  • atoi function 931

  • atol function 932

  • attribute

    • of a class 14

    • of an object 16

  • automated teller machine 628

  • automatic array 287

  • automatic array initialization 296

  • automatic local array 296

  • automatic object 768

  • automatic variable 815

  • automatic variables 296

  • automatically destroyed 235

  • avoid naming conflicts 423

  • avoid repeating code 404

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