• Babbage, Charles 13

  • back member function of queue 693

  • back member function of sequence containers 674

  • back_inserter function template 734, 736

  • backslash escape sequence (\) 48

  • backward pointer 814

  • backward traversal 886

  • bad member function 603

  • bad_cast exception 776

  • bad_typeid exception 776

  • balanced tree 830

  • bandwidth 35

  • Bank account program 637

  • banking system 628

  • bar chart printing program 291

  • bar of asterisks 291

  • base class 498, 501

    • pointer (or reference type) 800

  • base-class catch 776

  • base-class constructor 524

  • base-class exception 775

  • base-class member accessibility in derived class 526

  • base-class pointer to a derived-class object 546

  • base-class private member 515

  • base specified for a stream 597

  • base-10 number system 215, 593

  • base-16 number system 593

  • base-8 number system 593

  • base-class initializer syntax 511

  • base-class member function redefined in a derived class 523

  • BasePlusCommissionEmployee class header 558

  • BasePlusCommissionEmployee class implementation file 559

  • BasePlusCommissionEmployee class represents an employee who receives a base salary in addition to a commission 507

  • BasePlusCommissionEmployee class test program 509

  • BasePlusCommissionEmployee class that inherits from class CommissionEmployee, which does not provide protected data 521

  • BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) 13, 799

  • basic searching and sorting algorithms of the Standard Library 726

  • basic_fstream class template 617

  • basic_ifstream class template 617

  • basic_iostream class template 580, 617

  • basic_istream class template 580, 617

  • basic_istringstream class 887

  • basic_ofstream class template 617

  • basic_ostream class template 617

  • basic_ostringstream class 887

  • basic_string template class 870

  • begin function 351

  • begin iterator 886

  • begin library function 670, 671

  • begin member function of class string 886

  • begin member function of containers 660

  • begin member function of first-class containers 662

  • beginning of a file 622

  • beginning of a stream 623

  • behavior

    • of a class 14

  • bell escape sequence 48

  • Bell Laboratories 11

  • beta software 38

  • big data 9

  • Big O 855, 861

    • binary search O(logn) 861

    • bubble sort, O(n2) 862

    • insertion sort, O(n2) 862

    • linear search, O(n) 861

    • merge sort, O(n log n) 862

    • quicksort, best case O(n log n) 862

    • quicksort, worst case O(n2) 862

    • recursive binary search O(log n) 862

    • recursive linear search, O(n) 862

    • selection sort, O(n2) 862

  • binary (base 2) number system 968

  • binary digit (bit) 8

  • binary function 745

  • binary function object 745

  • binary integer 155

  • binary literals 914

  • binary number 918

  • binary number system 934

  • binary search efficiency 850

  • binary search tree implementation 824

  • bit (binary digit) 8, 900

  • bit-field manipulation 917

  • bit-field member of structure 915

  • bit fields save space 917

  • bit manipulation 905

  • “bits-and-bytes” level 905

  • <bitset> header 221

  • bitwise AND assignment operator (&=) 913

  • bitwise AND, bitwise inclusive-OR, bitwise exclusive-OR and bitwise complement operators 908

  • bitwise assignment operators 696, 913

  • bitwise complement 906

  • bitwise exclusive OR assignment operator (^=) 913

  • bitwise exclusive OR operator (^) 905, 908, 911

  • bitwise inclusive OR assignment operator (|=) 913

  • bitwise left-shift operator (<<) 448, 911

  • bitwise logical OR 696

  • bitwise right-shift operator (>>) 448

  • bitwise shift operator 911

  • block of data 939

  • body mass index (BMI) 42

    • calculator 42

  • body of a function 47

  • body of a loop 118

  • body of an if statement 60

  • bool cast operator of a stream 583

  • bool data type 110

  • bool value false 110

  • bool value true 110

  • Boost C++ Libraries 39

  • bottom of a stack 814

  • boundary of a storage unit 917

  • bounds checking 295

  • bracket ([]) 286

  • brittle software 518

  • bucket sort 865

  • buffer is filled 581

  • buffer is flushed 581

  • buffer overflow 295

  • buffered output 581

  • buffered standard error stream 580

  • building block appearance 196

  • building blocks 104

  • Building Your Own Compiler exercise 799

  • Building Your Own Computer exercise 376

  • building-block approach 12

  • business-critical computing 763

  • business publications 39

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