15.6 Associative Containers

The associative containers provide direct access to store and retrieve elements via keys (often called search keys). The four ordered associative containers are multiset, set, multimap and map. Each of these maintains its keys in sorted order. There are also four corresponding unordered associative containersunordered_multiset, unordered_set, unordered_multimap and unordered_map—that offer the most of the same capabilities as their ordered counterparts. The primary difference between the ordered and unordered associative containers is that the unordered ones do not maintain their keys in sorted order. In this section, we focus on the ordered associative containers.

Performance Tip 15.10

The unordered associative containers might offer better performance for cases in which it’s not necessary to maintain keys in sorted order.

Iterating through an ordered associative container traverses it in the sort order for that container. Classes multiset and set provide operations for manipulating sets of values where the values themselves are the keys. The primary difference between a multiset and a set is that a multiset allows duplicate keys and a set does not. Classes multimap and map provide operations for manipulating values associated with keys (these values are sometimes referred to as mapped values). The primary difference between a multimap and a map is that a multimap allows duplicate keys with associated values to be stored and a map allows only unique keys with associated values. In addition to the common container member functions, ordered associative containers also support several member functions that are specific to associative containers. Examples of each of the ordered associative containers and their common member functions are presented in the next several subsections.

15.6.1 multiset Associative Container

The multiset ordered associative container (from header <set>) provides fast storage and retrieval of keys and allows duplicate keys. The elements’ ordering is determined by a so-called comparator function object. For example, in an integer multiset, elements can be sorted in ascending order by ordering the keys with comparator function object less<int>. We discuss function objects in detail in Section 16.5. For this chapter, we’ll simply show how to use less<int> when declaring ordered associative containers. The data type of the keys in all ordered associative containers must support comparison based on the comparator function object—keys sorted with less<T> must support comparison with operator<. If the keys used in the ordered associative containers are of user-defined data types, those types must supply the appropriate comparison operators. A multiset supports bidirectional iterators (but not random-access iterators). If the order of the keys is not important, use unordered_multiset (header <unordered_set>).

Figure 15.15 demonstrates the multiset ordered associative container for a multiset of ints with keys that are sorted in ascending order. Containers multiset and set (Section 15.6.2) provide the same basic functionality.

Fig. 15.15 Standard Library multiset class template.

Alternate View

 1   // Fig. 15.15: fig15_15.cpp
 2   // Standard Library multiset class template
 3   #include <array>
 4   #include <iostream>
 5   #include <set> // multiset class-template definition
 6   #include <algorithm> // copy algorithm
 7   #include <iterator> // ostream_iterator
 8   using namespace std;
10   int main() {
11      multiset<int, less<int>> intMultiset; // multiset of ints
13      cout << "There are currently " << intMultiset.count(15)
14         << " values of 15 in the multiset
16      intMultiset.insert(15); // insert 15 in intMultiset
17      intMultiset.insert(15); // insert 15 in intMultiset
18      cout << "After inserts, there are " << intMultiset.count(15)
19         << " values of 15 in the multiset

21      // find 15 in intMultiset; find returns iterator
22      auto result{intMultiset.find(15)};
24      if (result != intMultiset.end()) { // if iterator not at end
25         cout << "Found value 15
"; // found search value 15
26      }
28      // find 20 in intMultiset; find returns iterator
29      result = intMultiset.find(20);
31      if (result == intMultiset.end()) { // will be true hence
32         cout << "Did not find value 20
"; // did not find 20
33      }
35      // insert elements of array a into intMultiset
36      vector<int> a{7, 22, 9, 1, 18, 30, 100, 22, 85, 13};
37      intMultiset.insert(a.cbegin(), a.cend());
38      cout << "
After insert, intMultiset contains:
39      ostream_iterator<int> output{cout, " "};
40      copy(intMultiset.begin(), intMultiset.end(), output);
42      // determine lower and upper bound of 22 in intMultiset
43      cout << "

Lower bound of 22: "
44         << *(intMultiset.lower_bound(22));
45      cout << "
Upper bound of 22: " <<*(intMultiset.upper_bound(22));
47      // use equal_range to determine lower and upper bound
48      // of 22 in intMultiset
49      auto p{intMultiset.equal_range(22)};
51      cout << "

equal_range of 22:"
 Lower bound: "
52         << *(p.first) << "
 Upper bound: " << *(p.second);
53      cout << endl;
54   }

There are currently 0 values of 15 in the multiset
After inserts, there are 2 values of 15 in the multiset

Found value 15
Did not find value 20

After insert, intMultiset contains:
1 7 9 13 15 15 18 22 22 30 85 100

Lower bound of 22: 22
Upper bound of 22: 30

equal_range of 22:
   Lower bound: 22
   Upper bound: 30

Creating a multiset

Line 11 creates a multiset of ints ordered in ascending order, using the function object less<int>. Ascending order is the default for a multiset, so less<int> can be omitted and line 11 can be written as

multiset<int> intMultiset; // multiset of ints

C++11 fixed a syntax issue with spacing between the closing > of less<int> and the closing > of the multiset type. Before C++11, if you specified this multiset’s type as we did in line 11, the compiler would treat the >> in

multiset<int, less<int>>

as the >> operator and generate a compilation error. For this reason, you were required to put a space between the closing > of less<int> and the closing > of the multiset type (or any other similar template type, such as vector<vector<int>>). As of C++11, the preceding declaration compiles correctly.

multiset Member Function count

Line 13 uses function count (available to all associative containers) to count the number of occurrences of the value 15 currently in the multiset.

multiset Member Function insert

Lines 16–17 use one of the several overloaded versions of function insert to add the value 15 to the multiset twice. A second version of insert takes an iterator and a value as arguments and begins the search for the insertion point from the iterator position specified. A third version of insert takes two iterators as arguments that specify a range of values to add to the multiset from another container.

multiset Member Function find

Line 22 uses function find (available to all associative containers) to locate the value 15 in the multiset. Function find returns an iterator or a const_iterator (depending on whether the multiset is const) pointing to the location at which the value is found. If the value is not found, find returns an iterator or a const_iterator equal to the value returned by calling end on the container. Line 31 demonstrates this case.

Inserting Elements of Another Container into a multiset

Line 37 uses function insert to insert the elements of the vector named a into the multiset. In line 40, the copy algorithm copies the elements of the multiset to the standard output in ascending order.

multiset Member Functions lower_bound and upper_bound

Lines 44 and 45 use functions lower_bound and upper_bound (available in all associative containers) to locate the earliest occurrence of the value 22 in the multiset and the element after the last occurrence of the value 22 in the multiset. Both functions return iterators or const_iterators pointing to the appropriate location or the iterator returned by end if the value is not in the multiset.

pair Objects and multiset Member Function equal_range

Line 49 creates and intializes a pair object called p. Once again, we use C++11’s auto keyword to infer the variable’s type from its initializer—in this case, the return value of multiset member function equal_range, which is a pair object. Such objects associate pairs of values. The contents of p will be two const_iterators for our multiset of ints. The multiset function equal_range returns a pair containing the results of calling both lower_bound and upper_bound. Type pair contains two public data members called first and second. Line 49 uses function equal_range to determine the lower_bound and upper_bound of 22 in the multiset. Line 52 uses p.first and p.second to access the lower_bound and upper_bound. We dereferenced the iterators to output the values at the locations returned from equal_range. Though we did not do so here, you should always ensure that the iterators returned by lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range are not equal to the container’s end iterator before dereferencing the iterators.

C++11: Variadic Class Template tuple

C++ also includes class template tuple, which is similar to pair, but can hold any number of items of various types. As of C++11, class template tuple is implemented using variadic templates—templates that can receive a variable number of arguments. We discuss tuple and variadic templates in Chapter 24, C++11 and C++14 Additional Features.

C++14: Heterogeneous Lookup

Prior to C++14, when searching for a key in an associative container, the argument provided to a search function like find was required to have the container’s key type. For example, if the key type were string, you could pass find a pointer-based string to locate in the container. In this case, the argument would be converted into a temporary object of the key type (string), then passed to find. As of C++14, the argument to find (and other similar functions) can be of any type, provided that there are overloaded comparison operators that can compare values of the argument’s type to values of the container’s key type. If there are, no temporary objects will be created. This is known as heterogeneous lookup.

15.6.2 set Associative Container

The set associative container (from header <set>) is used for fast storage and retrieval of unique keys. The implementation of a set is identical to that of a multiset, except that a set must have unique keys. Therefore, if an attempt is made to insert a duplicate key into a set, the duplicate is ignored—this is the intended mathematical behavior of a set, so it’s not considered an error. A set supports bidirectional iterators (but not random-access iterators). If the order of the keys is not important, you can use unordered_set (header <unordered_set>) instead. Figure 15.16 demonstrates a set of doubles.

Fig. 15.16 Standard Library set class template.

Alternate View

 1   // Fig. 15.16: fig15_16.cpp
 2   // Standard Library set class template.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <vector>
 5   #include <set>
 6   #include <algorithm>
 7   #include <iterator> // ostream_iterator
 8   using namespace std;
10   int main() {
11      vector<double> a{2.1, 4.2, 9.5, 2.1, 3.7};
12      set<double, less<double>> doubleSet{a.begin(), a.end()};
14      cout << "doubleSet contains: ";
15      ostream_iterator<double> output{cout, " "};
16      copy(doubleSet.begin(), doubleSet.end(), output);
18      // insert 13.8 in doubleSet; insert returns pair in which
19      // p.first represents location of 13.8 in doubleSet and  
20      // p.second represents whether 13.8 was inserted         
21      auto p{doubleSet.insert(13.8)}; // value not in set      
22      cout << "

" << *(p.first)
23         << (p.second ? " was" : " was not") << " inserted";
24      cout << "
doubleSet contains: ";
25      copy(doubleSet.begin(), doubleSet.end(), output);
27      // insert 9.5 in doubleSet                          
28      p = doubleSet.insert(9.5); // value already in set  
29      cout << "

" << *(p.first)
30         << (p.second ? " was" : " was not") << " inserted";
31      cout << "
doubleSet contains: ";
32      copy(doubleSet.begin(), doubleSet.end(), output);
33      cout << endl;
34   }

doubleSet contains: 2.1 3.7 4.2 9.5

13.8 was inserted
doubleSet contains: 2.1 3.7 4.2 9.5 13.8

9.5 was not inserted
doubleSet contains: 2.1 3.7 4.2 9.5 13.8

Line 12 creates a set of doubles ordered in ascending order, using the function object less<double>. The constructor call takes all the elements in vector a and inserts them into the set. Line 16 uses algorithm copy to output the contents of the set. Notice that the value 2.1—which appeared twice in the vector a—appears only once in doubleSet, because container set does not allow duplicates.

Line 21 defines and initializes a pair to store the result of a call to set function insert. The pair returned consists of a const_iterator pointing to the item in the set inserted and a bool value indicating whether the item was inserted—true if the item was not in the set; false if it was.

Line 21 uses function insert to place the value 13.8 in the set. The returned pair, p, contains an iterator p.first pointing to the value 13.8 in the set and a bool value that’s true because the value was inserted. Line 28 attempts to insert 9.5, which is already in the set. The output shows that 9.5 was not inserted again because sets don’t allow duplicate keys. In this case, p.first in the returned pair points to the existing 9.5 in the set.

15.6.3 multimap Associative Container

The multimap associative container is used for fast storage and retrieval of keys and associated values (often called key–value pairs). Many of the functions used with multisets and sets are also used with multimaps and maps. The elements of multimaps and maps are pairs of keys and values instead of individual values. When inserting into a multimap or map, a pair object that contains the key and the value is used. The ordering of the keys is determined by a comparator function object. For example, in a multimap that uses integers as the key type, keys can be sorted in ascending order by ordering them with comparator function object less<int>. Duplicate keys are allowed in a multimap, so multiple values can be associated with a single key. This is called a one-to-many relationship. For example, in a credit-card transaction-processing system, one credit-card account can have many associated transactions; in a university, one student can take many courses, and one professor can teach many students; in the military, one rank (like “private”) has many people. A multimap supports bidirectional iterators, but not random-access iterators.

Figure 15.17 demonstrates the multimap associative container. Header <map> must be included to use class multimap. If the order of the keys is not important, you can use unordered_multimap (header <unordered_map>) instead.

Performance Tip 15.11

A multimap is implemented to efficiently locate all values paired with a given key.

Fig. 15.17 Standard Library multimap class template.

Alternate View

 1   // Fig. 15.17: fig15_17.cpp
 2   // Standard Library multimap class template.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <map> // multimap class-template definition
 5   using namespace std;
 7   int main() {
 8      multimap<int, double, less<int>> pairs; // create multimap
10      cout << "There are currently " << pairs.count(15)
11         << " pairs with key 15 in the multimap
13      // insert two value_type objects in pairs
14      pairs.insert(make_pair(15, 99.3));       
15      pairs.insert(make_pair(15, 2.7));        
17      cout << "After inserts, there are " << pairs.count(15)
18         << " pairs with key 15

20      // insert five value_type objects in pairs
21      pairs.insert(make_pair(30, 111.11));      
22      pairs.insert(make_pair(10, 22.22));       
23      pairs.insert(make_pair(25, 33.333));      
24      pairs.insert(make_pair(20, 9.345));       
25      pairs.insert(make_pair(5, 77.54));        
27      cout << "Multimap pairs contains:
Key	Value
29      // walk through elements of pairs
30      for (auto mapItem : pairs) {                            
31         cout << mapItem.first << '	' << mapItem.second << '
32      }                                                       
34      cout << endl;
35   }

There are currently 0 pairs with key 15 in the multimap
After inserts, there are 2 pairs with key 15

Multimap pairs contains:
Key     Value
5       77.54
10      22.22
15      99.3
15      2.7
20      9.345
25      33.333
30      111.11

Line 8 creates a multimap in which the key type is int, the type of a key’s associated value is double and the elements are ordered in ascending order—the template argument less<int> is the default ordering it’s not required in the multimap declaration. Line 10 uses function count to determine the number of key–value pairs with a key of 15 (none yet, since the container is currently empty).

Line 14 uses function insert to add a new key–value pair to the multimap. The Standard Library function make_pair creates a key–value pair object—in this case first represents a key (15) of type int and second represents a value (99.3) of type double. Function make_pair automatically uses the types that you specified for the keys and values in the multimap’s declaration (line 8). Line 15 inserts another pair object with the key 15 and the value 2.7. Then lines 17–18 output the number of pairs with key 15. As of C++11, you can use list initalization for pair objects, so line 15 can be simplified as

pairs.insert({15, 2.7};

Similarly, you can use C++11 list initialization to initialize an object being returned from a function. For example, the following returns a pair containing an int and a double

return {15, 2.7};

Lines 21–25 insert five additional pairs into the multimap. The range-based for statement in lines 30–32 outputs the contents of the multimap, including both keys and values. We infer the type of the loop’s control variable (a pair containing an int key and a double value) with keyword auto. Line 31 accesses the members of the current pair in each element of the multimap. Notice in the output that the keys appear in ascending order.

C++11: List Initializing a Key–Value Pair Container

In this example, we used separate calls to member function insert to place key–value pairs in a multimap. If you know the key–value pairs in advance, you can use list initialization when you create the multimap. For example, the following statement initializes a multimap with three key–value pairs that are represented by the sublists in the main intializer list:

multimap<int, double, less<int>> pairs{
   {10, 22.22}, {20, 9.345}, {5, 77.54}};

15.6.4 map Associative Container

The map associative container (from header <map>) performs fast storage and retrieval of unique keys and associated values. Duplicate keys are not allowed—a single value can be associated with each key. This is called a one-to-one mapping. For example, a company that uses unique employee numbers, such as 100, 200 and 300, might have a map that associates employee numbers with their telephone extensions—4321, 4115 and 5217, respectively. With a map you specify the key and get back the associated data quickly. Providing the key in a map’s subscript operator [] locates the value associated with that key in the map. Insertions and deletions can be made anywhere in a map. If the order of the keys is not important, you can use unordered_map (header <unordered_map>) instead.

Figure 15.18 demonstrates a map (created at line 8) and uses the same features as Fig. 15.17 to demonstrate the subscript operator. Lines 27–28 use the subscript operator of class map. When the subscript is a key that’s already in the map (line 27), the operator returns a reference to the associated value. When the subscript is a key that’s not in the map (line 28), the operator inserts the key in the map and returns a reference that can be used to associate a value with that key. Line 27 replaces the value for the key 25 (previously 33.333 as specified in line 15) with a new value, 9999.99. Line 28 inserts a new key–value pair in the map (called creating an association). Note this example’s map, could have been initialized with an initializer list of pairs, as we showed for a multimap in Section 15.6.3.

Fig. 15.18 Standard Library map class template.

Alternate View

 1   // Fig. 15.18: fig15_18.cpp
 2   // Standard Library class map class template.
 3   #include <iostream>
 4   #include <map> // map class-template definition
 5   using namespace std;
 7   int main() {
 8      map<int, double, less<int>> pairs;
10      // insert eight value_type objects in pairs
11      pairs.insert(make_pair(15, 2.7));
12      pairs.insert(make_pair(30, 111.11));
13      pairs.insert(make_pair(5, 1010.1));
14      pairs.insert(make_pair(10, 22.22));
15      pairs.insert(make_pair(25, 33.333));
16      pairs.insert(make_pair(5, 77.54)); // dup ignored
17      pairs.insert(make_pair(20, 9.345));
18      pairs.insert(make_pair(15, 99.3)); // dup ignored
20      cout << "pairs contains:
Key	Value
22      // walk through elements of pairs
23      for (auto mapItem : pairs) {
24         cout << mapItem.first << '	' << mapItem.second << '
25      }
27      pairs[25] = 9999.99; // use subscripting to change value for key 25
28      pairs[40] = 8765.43; // use subscripting to insert value for key 40
30      cout << "
After subscript operations, pairs contains:
Key	Value
32      // use const_iterator to walk through elements of pairs
33      for (auto mapItem : pairs) {
34         cout << mapItem.first << '	' << mapItem.second << '
35      }
37      cout << endl;
38   }

pairs contains:
Key      Value
5        1010.1
10       22.22
15       2.7
20       9.345
25       33.333
30       111.11

After subscript operations, pairs contains:
Key      Value
5        1010.1
10       22.22
15       2.7
20       9.345
25       9999.99
30       111.11
40       8765.43
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