Making a Difference

  1. 21.26 (Cooking with Healthier Ingredients) Obesity in the United States is increasing at an alarming rate. Check the map from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at, which shows obesity trends in the United States over the last 20 years. As obesity increases, so do occurrences of related problems (e.g., heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes). Write a program that helps users choose healthier ingredients when cooking, and helps those allergic to certain foods (e.g., nuts, gluten) find substitutes. The program should read a recipe from the user and suggest healthier replacements for some of the ingredients. For simplicity, your program should assume the recipe has no abbreviations for measures such as teaspoons, cups, and tablespoons, and uses numerical digits for quantities (e.g., 1 egg, 2 cups) rather than spelling them out (one egg, two cups). Some common substitutions are shown in Fig. 21.14. Your program should display a warning such as, “Always consult your physician before making significant changes to your diet.”

    Your program should take into consideration that replacements are not always one-for-one. For example, if a cake recipe calls for three eggs, it might reasonably use six egg whites instead. Conversion data for measurements and substitutes can be obtained at websites such as:


    Fig. 21.14 Sample ingredient substitutions.

    Ingredient Substitution
    1 cup sour cream 1 cup yogurt
    1 cup milk 1/2 cup evaporated milk and 1/2 cup water
    1 teaspoon lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon vinegar
    1 cup sugar 1/2 cup honey, 1 cup molasses or 1/4 cup agave nectar
    1 cup butter 1 cup yogurt
    1 cup flour 1 cup rye or rice flour
    1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup cottage cheese or 1/8 cup mayonnaise and 7/8 cup yogurt
    1 egg 2 tablespoons cornstarch, arrowroot flour or potato starch or 2 egg whites or 1/2 of a large banana (mashed)
    1 cup milk 1 cup soy milk
    1/4 cup oil 1/4 cup applesauce
    white bread whole-grain bread

    Your program should consider the user’s health concerns, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, weight loss, gluten allergy, and so on. For high cholesterol, the program should suggest substitutes for eggs and dairy products; if the user wishes to lose weight, low-calorie substitutes for ingredients such as sugar should be suggested.

  2. 21.27 (Spam Scanner) Spam (or junk e-mail) costs U.S. organizations billions of dollars a year in spam-prevention software, equipment, network resources, bandwidth, and lost productivity. Research online some of the most common spam e-mail messages and words, and check your own junk e-mail folder. Create a list of 30 words and phrases commonly found in spam messages. Write an application in which the user enters an e-mail message. Then, scan the message for each of the 30 keywords or phrases. For each occurrence of one of these within the message, add a point to the message’s “spam score.” Next, rate the likelihood that the message is spam, based on the number of points it received.

  3. 21.28 (SMS Language) Short Message Service (SMS) is a communications service that allows sending text messages of 160 or fewer characters between mobile phones. With the proliferation of mobile phone use worldwide, SMS is being used in many developing nations for political purposes (e.g., voicing opinions and opposition), reporting news about natural disasters, and so on. For example, check out Since the length of SMS messages is limited, SMS Language—abbreviations of common words and phrases in mobile text messages, e-mails, instant messages, etc.—is often used. For example, “in my opinion” is “IMO” in SMS Language. Research SMS Language online. Write a program in which the user can enter a message using SMS Language; the program should translate it into English (or your own language). Also provide a mechanism to translate text written in English (or your own language) into SMS Language. One potential problem is that one SMS abbreviation could expand into a variety of phrases. For example, IMO (as used above) could also stand for “International Maritime Organization,” “in memory of,” etc.

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