Shooting Youth with Drama


The image of a girl with a tear rolling down her cheek was from a series that was created for an assignment for a solo artist’s album art. The concept called for the 11-year-old model to portray a painful emotion that would evoke tears.


Photo © Matthew Roharik.

The makeup artist aided in the tearing process by administering a viscous liquid eye-liner sealer with an eyedropper to the corner of her eyes. The shutter speed was set at 160th of a second at ISO 100 to freeze the tear rolling down her cheek. A 7-foot octagonal soft box provided the fill light directly behind the camera, about 5 feet from the model. A bare-bulb-ring-light flash without diffusion added the even directional light canceling out the shadows under the nose. This light produces the graphic lighting quality for the painterly look. The lens used was a Nikon 50mm shot at aperture 5.0. Two strobe lights with narrow 9-x-36-inch strip soft boxes were placed equidistant to the left and right side of the model and slightly behind her.

The model sits approximately two feet from a 4-x-8-foot piece of smoothly finished wood that has been painted with chalkboard paint. The background was wiped with white chalk on a damp cloth that created a molted pattern and then misted with a spray bottle of tap water to create additional texture. —MR

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