World’s Largest Camera


If the category of “world’s smallest camera” involves cutting-edge technological innovations, the largest cameras are still grounded in continuity with time-tested techniques.

In June 2006, an entire aircraft hangar in El Toro, California, was transformed into an enormous pinhole camera, based on the same principle as the 14th-century camera obscura (see page 9). Measuring 215 × 160 × 80 feet, the darkened hangar created a photograph on a muslin canvas three stories high and 10 stories wide; the image was developed in a “tray” the size of a swimming pool.1


Windmills near Mota del Cuervo; courtesy Shaun Irving.

Shaun Irving lays claim to a very different sort of giant camera, however—one that he continues to use on a regular basis. Irving has modified a delivery truck to function as a camera large enough for the photographer to stand inside it. Having light-proofed the truck’s bed, Irving cut a hole in one wall of the vehicle large enough to fit a lens the size of a bathtub stopper. Massive sheets of photographic paper are hung from the opposite wall; when the lens is uncovered, an upside down image is projected onto the wall of the truck.


The camera truck near Santa Pola, Valencia, Spain; courtesy Shaun Irving.

Irving has displayed the photos created by his “camera truck” in galleries across the world. He describes the images as “living, breathing pieces of work”; indeed, some of his photographs continue to develop even days after they have been hung on display in the gallery. —DJS

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