Viewing an Organization Chart

The View menu includes several options for viewing the organization chart. Options include

  • Size to Window Displays the chart in a complete window

  • 50% of Actual The default (and best) size for creating a chart

  • Actual Size Enlarges the organization chart to 100% for easier viewing, but part of chart is obscured from view

  • 200% of Actual Zooms the organization chart so you can view details of a particular section at 200%


You can also click the Zoom button on the toolbar to zoom in on a particular part of the chart.

Using Draw Tools

Microsoft Organization Chart includes several drawing tools that can provide even greater formatting control. You can use these tools to actually draw your own organization chart, rather than rely on existing features. To view these tools, select View, Show Draw Tools. Buttons that enable you to draw your own lines and boxes appear on the toolbar (see Figure 10.15).

Figure 10.15. Use draw tools to create your own organization chart.

Table 10.1 describes the four available tools.

Table 10.1. Microsoft Organization Chart Draw Tools
Button Name Description
Horizontal/Vertical Line Draws a horizontal or vertical line.
Diagonal LineDraws a diagonal line.
Auxiliary LineDraws a connecting line from the edge of one box to the edge of another box.
RectangleCreates a rectangular-shaped box.

These draw tools are specific to the tasks you need to create organization charts and aren't the same as the drawing tools on the Drawing toolbar within PowerPoint, which includes a far greater array of options.


To hide these draw tools, choose View, Hide Draw Tools or press Ctrl+D.

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