M7.1 How to Set Up the Initial Simplex Solution

Let us consider the case of the Flair Furniture Company from Chapter 7. Instead of the graphical ­solution we used in that chapter, we now demonstrate the simplex method. You may recall that we let

T=number of tables producedC=number of chairs produced

and that the problem was formulated as

Maximize profit=$70T+$50C(objective function)subject to2T+1C100(painting hours constraint)4T+3C240(carpentry hours constraint)T,C0(nonnegativity constraints)

Converting the Constraints to Equations

The first step of the simplex method requires that we convert each inequality constraint (except nonnegativity constraints) in an LP formulation into an equation.1 Less-than-or-equal-to constraints () such as in the Flair problem are converted to equations by adding a slack variable to each constraint. Slack variables represent unused resources; these may be in the form of time on a machine, labor hours, money, warehouse space, or any number of such resources in various business problems.

In our case at hand, we can let

S1=slack variable representing unused hours in the painting departmentS2=slack variable representing unused hours in the carpentry department

The constraints to the problem may now be written as




Thus, if the production of tables (T) and chairs (C) uses less than 100 hours of painting time available, the unused time is the value of the slack variable, S1. For example, if T=0 and C=0 (in other words, if nothing is produced), we have S1=100 hours of slack time in the painting department. If Flair produces T=40 tables and C=10 chairs, then

          2T+1C+S1=100  2(40)+1(10)+S1=100S1=10

and there will be 10 hours of slack, or unused, painting time available.

To include all variables in each equation, which is a requirement of the next simplex step, slack variables not appearing in an equation are added with a coefficient of 0. This means, in ­effect, that they have no influence on the equations in which they are inserted; however, this step does allow us to keep tabs on all variables at all times. The equations now appear as follows:

2T + 1C + 1S1 + 0S2 = 1004T + 3C + 0S1 + 1S2 240          TCS1, S20

Because slack variables yield no profit, they are added to the original objective function with 0 profit coefficients. The objective function becomes

Maximize profit=$70T+$50C+$0S1+$0S2

Finding an Initial Solution Algebraically

Let’s take another look at the new constraint equations. We see that there are two equations and four variables. Think back to your last algebra course. When you have the same number of unknown variables as you have equations, it is possible to solve for unique values of the variables. But when there are four unknowns (T, C, S1, and S2, in this case) and only two equations, you can let two of the variables equal 0 and then solve for the other two. For example, if T=C=0, then S1=100 and S2=240. A solution found in this manner is called a basic feasible solution.

The simplex method begins with an initial feasible solution in which all real variables (such as T and C) are set equal to 0. This trivial solution always produces a profit of $0, as well as slack variables equal to the constant (right-hand-side) terms in the constraint equations. It’s not a very exciting solution in terms of economic returns, but it is one of the original corner point solutions (see Figure M7.1). As mentioned, the simplex method will start at this corner point (A) and then move up or over to the corner point that yields the most improved profit (B or D). Finally, the technique will move to a new corner point (C), which happens to be the optimal ­solution to the Flair Furniture problem. The simplex method considers only feasible solutions and hence will touch no possible combinations other than the corner points of the shaded region in Figure M7.1.

A graph represents the corner points, A, B, C, and D of the flair furniture company problem.

Figure M7.1 Corner Points of the Flair Furniture Company Problem

The First Simplex Tableau

To simplify handling the equations and objective function in an LP problem, we place all of the coefficients into tabular form. The first simplex tableau is shown in Table M7.1. An explanation of its parts and how the tableau is derived follows.

Table M7.1 Flair ­Furniture’s Initial Simplex Tableau

A table shows Flair Furniture’s initial simplex tableau.

Constraint Equations

We see that Flair Furniture’s two constraint equations can be expressed as follows:

S1 2 1 1 0 100
S2 4 3 0 1 240

The numbers (2, 1, 1, 0) in the first row represent the coefficients of the first equation— namely, 2T+1C+1S1+0S2. The numbers (4, 3, 0, 1) in the second row are the algebraic equivalent of the constraint 4T+3C+0S1+1S2.

As suggested earlier, we begin the initial solution procedure at the origin, where T=0 and C=0. The values of the other two variables must then be nonzero, so S1=100 and S2=240. These two slack variables constitute the initial solution mix; their values are found in the quantity (or right-hand-side [RHS]) column. Because T and C are not in the solution mix, their initial values are automatically equal to 0.

This initial solution is a basic feasible solution and is described in vector, or column, form as


Variables in the solution mix, which is called the basis in LP terminology, are referred to as basic variables. In this example, the basic variables are S1 and S2. Variables that are not in the solution mix or basis and that have been set equal to zero (T and C, in this case) are called ­nonbasic ­variables. Of course, if the optimal solution to this LP problem turned out to be T=30, C=40, S1=0, and S2=0, or

[TCS1S2]=[304000] (in vector form)

then T and C would be the final basic variables, and S1 and S2 would be the nonbasic variables. Notice that for any corner point, exactly two of the four variables will equal zero.

Substitution Rates

Many students are unsure as to the actual meaning of the numbers in the columns under each variable. We know that the entries are the coefficients for that variable. Under T are the coefficients (24), under C are (13), under S1 are (10), and under S2 are (01).

But what is their interpretation? The numbers in the body of the simplex tableau (see Table M7.1) can be thought of as substitution rates. For example, suppose we now wish to make T larger than 0—that is, to produce some tables. For every unit of the T product introduced into the current solution, 2 units of S1 and 4 units of S2 must be removed from the solution. This is so because each table requires 2 hours of the currently unused painting department slack time, S1. It also takes 4 hours of carpentry time; hence, 4 units of variable S2 must be removed from the solution for every unit of T that enters. Similarly, the substitution rates for each unit of C that enters the current solution are 1 unit of S1 and 3 units of S2.

Another point that you are reminded of throughout this module is that for any variable ever to appear in the solution mix column, it must have the number 1 someplace in its column and 0s in every other place in that column. We see that column S1 contains (10), so variable S1 is in the solution. Similarly, the S2 column is (01), so S2 is also in the solution.2

Adding The Objective Function

We now continue to the next step in establishing the first simplex tableau. We add a row to reflect the objective function values for each variable. These contribution rates, called Cj, appear just above each respective variable, as shown in the following table:

An image shows a table with the contribution rates.

The unit profit rates are not just found in the top Cj row: in the leftmost column, Cj indicates the unit profit for each variable currently in the solution mix. If S1 were removed from the solution and replaced—for example, by C—$50 would appear in the Cj column just to the left of the term C.

The Zj and Cj – Zj Rows

We can complete the initial Flair Furniture simplex tableau by adding two final rows. These last two rows provide us with important economic information, including the total profit and the answer as to whether the current solution is optimal.

We compute the Zj row values of the initial solution in Table M7.1 by multiplying the 0 contribution value of each number in the Cj column by each number in that row and the jth column and then summing. The Zj value for the quantity column provides the total contribution (gross profit, in this case) of the given solution:

Zj (for gross profit)=(Profit per unit of S1) × (Number of units of S1)(Profit per unit of S2) × (Number of units of S2)=$0 × 100 units + $0 × 240 units=$0 profit

The Zj values for the other columns (under the variables T, C, S1, and S2) represent the gross profit given up by adding one unit of this variable into the current solution. Their calculations are as follows:

Zj=(Profit per unit of S1)×(Substitution rate in row 1)        +(Profit per unit of S2)×(Substitution rate in row 2)


Zj (for column T)=($0)(2)+($0)(4)=$0Zj (for column C)=($0)(1)+($0)(3)=$0Zj (for column S1)=($0)(1)+($0)(0)=$0Zj (for column S2)=($0)(0)+($0)(1)=$0

We see that there is no profit lost by adding one unit of T (tables), C (chairs), S1, or S2.

The CjZj number in each column represents the net profit—that is, the profit gained minus the profit given up—that will result from introducing 1 unit of each product or variable into the solution. It is not calculated for the quantity column. To compute these numbers, simply subtract the Zj total for each column from the Cj value at the very top of that variable’s column. The calculations for the net profit per unit (the CjZj row) in this example follow:

T C S1 S2
Cj for column $70 $50 $0 $0
Zj for column 0 0 0 0
CjZj for column $70 $50 $0 $0

It is obvious to us when we compute a profit of $0 that the initial solution is not optimal. By examining the numbers in the CjZj row of Table M7.1, we see that the total profit can be increased by $70 for each unit of T (tables) and by $50 for each unit of C (chairs) added to the solution mix. A negative number in the CjZj row would tell us that profits would decrease if the corresponding variable were added to the solution mix. An optimal solution is reached in the simplex method when the CjZj row contains no positive numbers. Such is not the case in our initial tableau.

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