M1.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process

In situations in which we can assign evaluations and weights to the various decision factors, the MFEP described previously works fine. In other cases, decision makers may have difficulties in accurately determining the various factor weights and evaluations. In such cases, the analytic hierarchy process can be used. This process was developed by Thomas L. Saaty and published in his 1980 book The Analytic Hierarchy Process.

The AHP involves pairwise comparisons. The decision maker starts by laying out the overall hierarchy of the decision. This hierarchy reveals the factors to be considered, as well as the various decision alternatives. Then a number of pairwise comparisons are done, resulting in the determination of factor weights and factor evaluations. They are the same types of weights and evaluations discussed in the preceding section and shown in Tables M1.1 through M1.5. As before, the alternative with the highest total weighted score is selected as the best alternative.

Judy Grim’s Computer Decision

To illustrate this process, we take the case of Judy Grim, who is looking for a new computer system for her small business. She has determined that the most important overall factors are hardware, software, and vendor support. Furthermore, Judy has narrowed down her alternatives to three possible computer systems. She has labeled these SYSTEM-1, SYSTEM-2, and SYSTEM-3. To begin, Judy has placed these factors and alternatives into a decision hierarchy (see Figure M1.1).

The decision hierarchy for the computer selection has three different levels. The top level describes the overall decision. As you can see in Figure M1.1, this overall decision is to select the best computer system. The middle level in the hierarchy describes the factors that are to be considered: hardware, software, and vendor support. Judy could decide to use a number of additional factors, but for this example, we keep our factors to only three to show you the types of calculations that are to be performed using the AHP. The bottom level of the decision hierarchy reveals the alternatives. (Alternatives have also been called items or systems.) As you can see, the alternatives include the three different computer systems.

An Excel Spreadsheet with several tables/matrices is shown between columns A to I.

Figure M1.1 Decision Hierarchy for Computer System Selection

The key to using the AHP is pairwise comparisons. The decision maker, Judy Grim, needs to compare two different alternatives using a scale that ranges from equally preferred to extremely preferred.

We use the following for pairwise comparison:

  • 1—Equally preferred

  • 2—Equally to moderately preferred

  • 3—Moderately preferred

  • 4—Moderately to strongly preferred

  • 5—Strongly preferred

  • 6—Strongly to very strongly preferred

  • 7—Very strongly preferred

  • 8—Very to extremely strongly preferred

  • 9—Extremely preferred

Using Pairwise Comparisons

Judy begins by looking at the hardware factor and by comparing computer SYSTEM-1 with computer SYSTEM-2. Using the preceding scale, Judy determines that the hardware for computer SYSTEM-1 is moderately preferred to computer SYSTEM-2. Thus, Judy uses the number 3, representing moderately preferred. Next, Judy compares the hardware for SYSTEM-1 with SYSTEM-3. She believes that the hardware for computer SYSTEM-1 is extremely preferred to computer SYSTEM-3. This is a numerical score of 9. Finally, Judy considers the only other pairwise comparison, which is the hardware for computer SYSTEM-2 compared with the hardware for computer SYSTEM-3. She believes that the hardware for computer SYSTEM-2 is strongly to very strongly preferred to the hardware for computer SYSTEM-3, a score of 6. With these pairwise comparisons, Judy constructs a pairwise comparison matrix for hardware. This is shown in the following table:

SYSTEM-1 3 9

This pairwise comparison matrix reveals Judy’s preferences for hardware concerning the three computer systems. From this information, using the AHP, we can determine the evaluation factors for hardware for the three computer systems.

Look at the upper-left corner of the pairwise comparison matrix. This upper-left corner compares computer SYSTEM-1 with itself for hardware. When comparing anything to itself, the evaluation scale must be 1, representing equally preferred. Thus, we can place the number 1 in the upper-left corner (see the next table) to compare SYSTEM-1 with itself. The same can be said for comparing SYSTEM-2 with itself and comparing SYSTEM-3 with itself. Each of these must also get a score of 1, which represents equally preferred.

In general, for any pairwise comparison matrix, we will place 1s down the diagonal from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner. To finish such a table, we make the observation that if alternative A is twice as preferred as alternative B, we can conclude that alternative B is preferred only one-half as much as alternative A. Thus, if alternative A receives a score of 2 relative to alternative B, then alternative B should receive a score of 1/2 when compared with alternative A. We can use this same logic to complete the lower-left side of the matrix of pairwise comparisons:

SYSTEM-1 1 3 9
SYSTEM-2 1/3 1 6
SYSTEM-3 1/9 1/6 1

Look at this newest matrix of pairwise comparisons. You will see that there are 1s down the diagonal from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner. Then look at the lower left part of the table. In the second row and first column of this table, you can see that SYSTEM-2 received a score of 1/3 compared with SYSTEM-1. This is because SYSTEM-1 received a score of 3 over SYSTEM-2 from the original assessment. Now look at the third row. The same has been done. SYSTEM-3 compared with SYSTEM-1, in row 3 and column 1 of the table, received a score of 1/9. This is because SYSTEM-1 compared with SYSTEM-3 received a score of 9 in the original pairwise comparison. In a similar fashion, SYSTEM-3 compared with SYSTEM-2 received a score of 1/6 in the third row and second column of the table. This is because when comparing SYSTEM-2 with SYSTEM-3 in the original pairwise comparison, the score of 6 was given.

Evaluations for Hardware

Now that we have completed the matrix of pairwise comparisons, we can start to compute the evaluations for hardware. We start by converting the numbers in the matrix of pairwise comparisons to decimals to make them easier to work with. We then get column totals:

SYSTEM-1 1 3 9
SYSTEM-2 0.333 1 6
SYSTEM-3 0.1111 0.1677 1
Column totals 1.444 4.1667 16.0

Once the column totals have been determined, the numbers in the matrix are divided by their respective column totals to produce the normalized matrix that follows:

SYSTEM-1 0.6923 0.7200 0.5625
SYSTEM-2 0.2300 0.2400 0.3750
SYSTEM-3 0.0769 0.0400 0.0625

To determine the priorities for hardware for the three computer systems, we simply find the average of the various rows from the matrix of numbers, as follows:

Row averages[0.65830.28190.0598]===(0.6923+0.7200+0.5625)/3(0.2300+0.2400+0.3750)/3(0.0769+0.0400+0.0625)/3

The results are displayed in Table M1.6. As you can see, the factor evaluation for SYSTEM-1 is 0.6583. For SYSTEM-2 and SYSTEM-3, the factor evaluations are 0.2819 and 0.0598, respectively. The same procedure is used to get the factor evaluations for all other factors—software and vendor support, in this case. But before we do this, we need to determine whether our responses are consistent by determining a consistency ratio.

Table M1.6 Factor Evaluation for Hardware

Hardware 0.6583 0.2819 0.0598

Determining the Consistency Ratio

To arrive at the consistency ratio, we begin by determining the weighted sum vector. This is done by multiplying the factor evaluation number for the first system by the first column of the original pairwise comparison matrix. We multiply the second factor evaluation by the second column and the third factor by the third column of the original matrix of pairwise comparisons. Then we sum these values over the rows:

Weighted sum vector=[(0.6583)(1)+(0.2819)(3)+(0.0598)(9)(0.6583)(0.3333)+(0.2819)(1)+(0.0598)(6)(0.06583)(0.1111)+(0.2819)(0.1677)+(0.0598)(1)]=[2.04230.86020.1799]

The next step is to determine the consistency vector. This is done by dividing the weighted sum vector by the factor evaluation values determined previously:

Consistency vector=[2.0423/0.65830.8602/0.28190.1799/0.0598]=[3.10253.05123.0086]

Computing Lambda and the Consistency Index

Now that we have found the consistency vector, we need to compute values for two more terms, lambda (λ) and the consistency index (CI), before the final consistency ratio can be computed. The value for lambda is simply the average value of the consistency vector. The formula for CI is


where n is the number of items or systems being compared. In this case, n=3, for three different computer systems being compared. The results of the calculations are as follows:


Computing The Consistency Ratio

Finally, we are now in a position to compute the consistency ratio. The consistency ratio (CR) is equal to the consistency index divided by the random index (RI), which is determined from a table. The random index is a direct function of the number of alternatives or systems being considered. This table is next followed by the final calculation of the consistency ratio:

n RI n RI
2 0.00 6 1.24
n3 0.58 7 1.32
4 0.90 8 1.41
5 1.12

In general,


In this case,


The consistency ratio tells us how consistent we are with our answers. A higher number means we are less consistent, whereas a lower number means that we are more consistent. In general, if the consistency ratio is 0.10 or less, the decision maker’s answers are relatively consistent. For a consistency ratio that is greater than 0.10, the decision maker should seriously consider reevaluating his or her responses during the pairwise comparisons that were used to obtain the original matrix of pairwise comparisons.

As you can see from the analysis, we are relatively consistent with our responses, so there is no need to reevaluate the pairwise comparison responses. If you look at the original pairwise comparison matrix, this makes sense. The hardware for SYSTEM-1 was moderately preferred to the hardware for SYSTEM-2. The hardware for SYSTEM-1 was extremely preferred to the hardware for SYSTEM-3. This implies that the hardware for SYSTEM-2 should be preferred over the hardware for SYSTEM-3. From our responses, the hardware for SYSTEM-2 was strongly to very strongly preferred over the hardware for SYSTEM-3, as indicated by the number 6. Thus, our original assessments of the pairwise comparison matrix seem to be consistent, and the consistency ratio that we computed supports our observations.

Although the calculations to compute the consistency ratio are fairly involved, they are an important step in using the AHP.

Evaluations for the Other Factors

So far, we have determined the factor evaluations for hardware for the three different computer systems along with a consistency ratio for these evaluations. Now, we can make the same calculations for other factors—namely, software and vendor support. As before, we start with the matrix of pairwise comparisons. We perform the same calculations and end up with the various factor evaluations for both software and vendor support. We begin by presenting the matrix of pairwise comparisons for both software and vendor support:

SYSTEM-3 8 5
SYSTEM-1 1 6

With the matrices shown, we can perform the same types of calculations to determine the factor evaluations for both software and vendor support for the three computer systems. The data for the three different systems are summarized in Table M1.7. We also need to determine the consistency ratios for both software and support. As it turns out, both consistency ratios are under 0.10, meaning that the responses to the pairwise comparison are acceptably consistent.

Table M1.7 Factor Evaluations

Hardware 0.6583 0.2819 0.0598
Software 0.0874 0.1622 0.7504
Vendor 0.4967 0.3967 0.1066

Note that the factor evaluations for the three factors and three different computer systems shown in Table M1.7 are similar to the factor evaluations in Table M1.2 for the job selection problem. The major difference is that we had to use the AHP to determine these factor evaluations using pairwise comparisons because we were not comfortable with our abilities to assess these factors subjectively without some assistance.

Determining Factor Weights

Next, we need to determine the factor weights. When we used the MFEP, it was assumed that we could simply determine these values subjectively. Another approach is to use the AHP and pairwise comparisons to determine the factor weights for hardware, software, and vendor support.

In comparing the three factors, we determine that software is the most important. Software is very to extremely strongly preferred over hardware (number 8). Software is moderately preferred over vendor support (number 3). In comparing vendor support to hardware, we decide that vendor support is more important. Vendor support is moderately preferred to hardware (number 3). With these values, we can construct the pairwise comparison matrix and then compute the weights for hardware, software, and support. We also need to compute a consistency ratio to make sure that our responses are consistent. As with software and vendor support, the actual calculations for determining the factor weights are left for you to make on your own. After making the appropriate calculations, the factor weights for hardware, software, and vendor support are shown in Table M1.8.

Table M1.8 Factor Weights

Hardware 0.0820
Software 0.6816
Vendor 0.2364

Overall Ranking

After the factor weights have been determined, we can multiply the factor evaluations in Table M1.7 by the factor weights in Table M1.8. This is the same procedure that we used for the job selection decision in Section M1.2. It will give us the overall ranking for the three computer systems, which is shown in Table M1.9. As you can see, SYSTEM-3 received the highest final ranking and is selected as the best computer system.

Table M1.9 Total Weighted Evaluations

System Or Alternative Total Weighted Evaluation
SYSTEM-1 0.2310
SYSTEM-2 0.2275
SYSTEM-3* 0.5416

*SYSTEM-3 is selected.

Using the Computer to Solve Analytic Hierarchy Process Problems

As you can see from the previous pages, solving AHP problems can involve a large number of calculations. Fortunately, computer programs are available to make the AHP easier. Appendix M1.1 demonstrates how Excel can be used for the AHP calculations shown in this module. A commercial package called Expert Choice for Windows can also be used to solve the types of AHP problems discussed in this module. In addition, it is possible to use the AHP with group decision making. Team Expert Choice helps groups brainstorm ideas, structure their decisions, and evaluate alternatives.

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