

A line in a network that may represent a path or route. An arc or branch is used to connect the nodes in a network.

Assignment Problem

A special type of network problem in which costs are minimized while assigning people to jobs (or other such assignments) on a one-to-one basis.


A demand location in a transportation problem.

Facility Location Analysis

An application of the transportation method to help a firm decide where to locate a new factory, warehouse, or other facility.

Maximal-Flow Problem

A network problem with the objective of determining the maximum amount that may flow from the origin or source to the final destination or sink.

Minimal-Spanning Tree Problem

A network problem with the objective of minimizing the total distance or cost required to connect all the nodes in the network.


A point in a network, often represented by a circle, that is at the beginning or end of an arc.

Shortest-Route Problem

A network problem with the objective of finding the shortest distance from one location to another while passing through intermediate nodes.


The final node or destination in a network.


An origin or supply location in a transportation problem. Also, the origin or beginning node in a maximal-flow network.

Transportation Problem

A specific case of LP concerned with scheduling shipments from sources to destinations so that total transportation costs are minimized.

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