Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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We would like to thank everyone who has
been involved in the production of this volume,
especially all the designers and design studios that
generously contributed examples of their work. And
a final thank you to Renee Last, Brian Morris and all
at AVA Publishing for all their help and support.
All reasonable attempts have been made to clear permissions and credit the copyright holders of the works
reproduced in this book. However, if any have been omitted inadvertently, the publisher will endeavour to
incorporate amendments in future editions.
Designer/Design Group Page No.
3 Deep Design 13, 25, 49, 97, 113
Adbusters 45
Ambrose, Gavin 62, 181, 186
Blast 52, 75, 81–82, 85, 87
Brandhouse 71
Brown, James 141
Büro X 23, 49, 114, 119, 134, 169
Cartlidge Levene 130
Faydherbe / De Vringer 7, 8, 17, 33, 164, 166, 170,
180, 182
Games, Abram 88
General Pattern 141
Imaginary Forces 123
INTRO 47, 106
Jog Design 29, 81, 85, 91, 93, 117, 167
Keedy, Jeffery 34
Lambie Nairn 124
Leo Burnett 11
Mark Studio, Manchester 62, 85, 88–89, 170, 174
Mark Design, London 50, 69, 101, 113
Marque 107, 136–138, 183
O’Carroll, Gerrard 27
Designer/Design Group Page No.
Parent 8, 41, 50, 158, 168
Pentagram 18
Research Studios 4, 40–41, 103, 111, 121, 128–129,
149, 187
Rowland, Steve 68, 105
Sifer Design 147
Staines, Simon 34
Studio Myerscough 27, 31, 39, 54, 131, 135
Studio Output 39, 48, 51, 127, 144, 163
The Team 40, 55, 91, 173, 175
The Vast Agency 111, 141, 143, 172
Them Design 142
Thirteen 53, 81, 100, 112
Tilson, Jake 65
Turner Duckworth 67, 121
UsLot 125
Vault 49 33, 77, 161
Webb & Webb 20–21, 60, 73, 89, 104, 165, 167,
176, 185
Why Not Associates 30, 133, 179
Ziggurat 109
Page 13: Poster for motor racing at Monza, Italy, 17th October 1948
by Huber, Max (b. 1919), Private Collection/The Bridgeman Art
Library. © DACS 2008.
Page 15: Skull and crossbones spread from `For Reading Out Loud`,
a collection of poems by Mayakovsky (1893-1930) designed by
El Lissitzky (1890-1941) pub. in Berlin, 1923, Private Collection/The
Bridgeman Art Library. © DACS 2008.
Page 39: Audi advertising poster for the Fox, early 1970s
by Krone, Helmut (20th century), Private Collection/
The Bridgeman Art Library.
Page 79: Composition, 1928 (oil on canvas) by Kandinsky, Wassily
(1866-1944), Private Collection, Milan, Italy/Alinari/The Bridgeman
Art Library. © ADAGP Paris and DACS, London 2008.
Page 123 © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Page 124 © The BBC. Courtesy of Lambie-Nairn.
Index compiled by Indexing Specialists (UK) Ltd,
192 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Appendix
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