Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:120
Retail environment
A place or location of trade that could function as a creative space – it can be exploited by designers to convey messages
to consumers.
Packaging is a substrate that includes a printed
communication, which also performs other functions
such as holding and protecting its contents from
damage, changes in temperature or light. Packaging
design is a specialist area that spans marketing, the
use of two- and three-dimensional spaces, and the
placement of the item in the sales environment.
120 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Delivering the message
Practicalities and aesthetics
Packaging can provide different types of protection
to its contents, including physical protection
and insulation.
A range of different materials can be used for
packaging, but cheap, lightweight materials are the
most commonly used due to their practicality. They
also reduce costs relating to the transportation and
distribution of the product.
Packaging design for the consumer environment
does not only need to consider what a product looks
like individually, but also what the collective visual
statement will be of several items on a shelf. The
tail environment is highly competitive and retailers
tend to remove lines that do not sell in high enough
quantities. In a supermarket, for example, brands and
their packaging have to work extremely hard to beat
the competition and secure sales.
Packaging is also subject to various legal,
industrial and societal conventions. For example,
food packaging must contain nutritional information
as it will project a brand image and target consumers
that are looking for quality, security and reliability.
This means some consumers may be less accepting
of experimental designs as they have strong
perceptions of what food products should look like.
Given the dramatic impact that packaging can
have, it is an area of design in which great creativity
can be seen in answer to the relatively
straightforward challenge of protecting and
presenting a product.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:121
Information design < Packaging > Screen design 121
Daft Punk (above)
This collectible package was created for Daft Punk’s Electroma
DVD by Research Studios and features black printing on a
metal tin. The packaging represents the dark, industrial nature of
the techno-electronic music the group produces.
Superdrug (above)
Turner Duckworth’s packaging redesign for Superdrug Handy
Wipes use images that remind shoppers of when they might
need a wipe. Each pack has a different visual prompt to
illustrate that it is not only parents with small children who
should have wipes to hand.
Monsters (above)
The children’s haircare range for Superdrug was designed by
Turner Duckworth and features monster graphics to represent
the different lines. It also makes a tongue-in-cheek reference to
the ‘little monsters’ who will use them.
Neal’s Yard Remedies (above)
The Neal’s Yard Remedies soap package is a box that can be
reused. The box is printed with vegetable ink, which supports the
ethos of the brand.
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