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110 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Delivering the message
The printing process
Printing is a process that is widely used to produce
books, magazines and other publications. The variety
of different printing processes available gives a
designer a wide range of flexibility in the finish,
which can be obtained in the final product and the
print run possible.
In addition to putting ink on stock, the different
processes can also give a job other characteristics
that result from the process itself. For example, the
pressure used by the letterpress process leaves
subtle indentations in the stock and causes subtle
differences inthe amount of ink deposited on to the
stoc k. The rmogr aphy a nd scre en -pr int ing produce
characters that have a slightly raised surface. All
these processes add tactile elements to a design.
The printing process is often overlooked when a
job is being designed for print, but a designer must
take into account the printing process to ensure that
visual impact is optimised.
The way the different inks print in the standard
four-colour printing process can be altered to
produce different visual effects, as can techniques
such as overprinting, surprinting and the addition
of shiners.
The print process selected for a job and how it is
specified has a big impact on the cost of the job and
the schedule for its production. Creative use of the
print process means that a designer can overcome
some of the restrictions of budgetary constraints,
which may limit a job to having two colours rather
than four.
The choice of printing method is determined by
several factors, although for the majority of jobs the
most important are printing cost and print run
quantity. Each printing method has particular limiting
characteristics that differ from process to process.
These may affect printing speed, the number of
colours printed, the types of paper stock and the
paper format or size.
Printing is a collective term that refers to the
various methods used to apply ink to a substrate
such as offset lithography, screen-printing, gravure,
letterpress, hot-metal, lino cut, thermography, ink-jet
and laser printing. These methods enable text and
images to be printed on to a wide range of substrates
from paper and board, to ceramics and textiles.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Print > Direct mail 111
Editions de la Martinière
(above and left)
This is
La Terra, Vue du Ciel
by Yann
Arthus-Bertrand, designed by Research
Studios. It contains pictures of the earth
taken from the air. This collector’s edition
has an exceptionally large format with
the long side measuring 70cm, providing
ample space to let the images come to
life and impress the reader.
Acordis (above)
The Vast Agency’s brochure for Acordis features subtle increments of ink to create a
soft, delicate print with which to present information about fine fabrics. The care and
attention taken over the printing reflects the care and attention taken over the fabrics.
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112 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Delivering the message
Dyson internal communications (left and below)
Pictured are spreads from the staff magazine created by
Thirteen for home products producer, Dyson. Each issue of the
magazine is visually different and presents innovative, engaging
and inspirational messages to reinforce the culture of the
company and the nature of its approach to product design. As
this is an internal publication, it addresses an audience that
already understands the company’s products and messages.
However, it still needs to be engaging for its messages to be
effectively communicated.
Internal communications
In addition to communicating to the world at large, many companies and
organisations also generate a wide range of internal communications for their
employees, both in print and web format. Here, the target audience already has
an understanding of the product and the culture of the organisation issuing the
communication. As a result, content is presented towards the employees’
perspective so that they feel included in the ongoing debate about the direction
and progress of the entity. Such publications can often include more technical
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Print > Direct mail 113
Public-facing communications
Public-facing communications are those targeted at the general public, who
may not be familiar with the products, services, or culture of the organisation
issuing the communication. Such communications, therefore, often have to
explain aspects of the product in order to create awareness – even if this means
stating the very obvious. Often, technical language will need to be diluted into
terms that are more accessible for a non-expert audience.
National Maritime Museum
These simple icon-based
covers by Mark Design,
London result in an engaging
identity for the publishing
department of the National
Maritime Museum. Instead
of using traditional images
of the sea, icons that
individually refer to the sea
were used, collectively
creating the sensation of a
wave breaking over a beach.
Axeman Lullaby (right)
Pictured are posters created
by 3 Deep Design for
performance company
BalletLab that feature
arresting monotone images,
which capture the essence of
the Axeman Lullaby show.
The image styling suggests
blood spatter that combines
with the fearful look of the
character in the image to
inform the public about the
nature of the show. The use of
black rather than red ink
prevents the image from
appearing too grisly.
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Flood colour
Full-bleed colour that flows off some or all sides of the printed piece.
114 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Delivering the message
City of Light, Krems
(right and below)
The City of Light brochure
designed by Büro X for the
city of Krems uses yellow as
a flood colour that bleeds off
the page edges. The colour
also merges into some of
the photography.
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