Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:136
Brand values
Attributes that convey the essence and core beliefs brand, such as excellence, quality and integrity.
Retail design
The design of the retail environment has both
practical and aesthetic considerations that combine
to create an atmosphere in which customers will
buy products. At a practical level, retail design has
to allow customers to see, and possibly touch, the
merchandise. However, it also needs to visually
present items in such a way as to appear attractive
and desirable. This often entails creating an
environment that resembles the aspirations of the
consumer, or one that reflects the conditions in which
the merchandise will be used. As such, retail design
is the translation of b
rand values into the built
As buyers become more sophisticated, they are
better able to see through contrived presentations
and so retail design continues to evolve to meet the
needs and demands of increasingly savvy shoppers.
136 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Delivering the message
Oliver Spencer
The images on this spread show the identity and retail
environment created by Marque for the Oliver Spencer clothing
store. The retail environment has a homely feel that is eclectic
and unconventional; it was created through the use of the
collection of objects that sets a scene and allows a customer
to feel as though they are browsing through an old house filled
with intriguing items. The logotype is a re-cut typewriter font
inspired by a pre-school, utilitarian explorer aesthetic.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:137
Screen design < Environmental design 137
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