Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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84 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design The graphic design process
Creative thinking
Graphic design is a creative process that does
more than simply respond to a client’s brief.
There are many ways to respond to a brief and the
demands it contains, and each will provide solutions
that produce differing levels of success. Creative
design explores the wider themes in order to find the
optimum solution to a brief.
Python philosophy
This philosophy was derived from ideas presented by
Tim Peters in ‘The Zen of Python’, such as ‘beautiful
is better than ugly’, ‘explicit is better than implicit’,
‘simple is better than complex’, ‘complex is better
than complicated’, ‘sparse is better than dense’,
‘readability counts’, ‘special cases are not special
enough to break the rules’, ‘practicality beats purity’,
‘errors should never pass silently’ and ‘refuse the
temptation to guess’.
This means that ‘there is more than one way to do it’
and follows the belief that a problem may have
several different, but equally valid, solutions.
Ockham’s razor
This involves methodological reductionism,
which seeks to pare back elements that are not
really needed to produce something simpler,
and in so doing, reduces the risk of introducing
inconsistencies, ambiguities and redundancies.
Creative approaches
The first step in the creative process is to use
broad-based thinking to challenge accepted
paradigms and assumptions. This process may
involve deconstruction to dismantle accepted ways
of doing things, which could inhibit finding a solution.
Designers can use various tools to obtain different
perspectives and identify the most important
elements to communicate. Such methods may help
a designer arrive at a novel solution, whether the
ultimate aim is to produce a magazine spread or
a chair.
User-centred design (UCD)
The needs, desires and limitations of the user are
placed at the centre of every stage of the design
process and require designers to foresee how users
are likely to use the resulting product. This method
focuses on the goals and tasks associated with the
use of a design, rather than focusing on the needs,
desires and limitations of the user.
KISS (Keep it simple, stupid)
This principle highlights the fact that simplicity is a
desirable objective in producing effective designs.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:85
Design as problem solving < Creative thinking > Wit and humour 85
Harrison Pursey (above)
The design of this frisbee was created
by Blast for recruitment agency Harrison
Pursey. As part of a brand development,
it uses the witty motto ‘seek find fetch’
to underline the direct nature of its
approach to placing go-getters. The
frisbee also represents something fun
and memorable.
Kevin Leighton (below)
The stationery designed by Mark Studio,
Manchester, for photographer Kevin
Leighton aims to capture the client’s
distinctive personality in a
staightforward and unexpected way.
Adidas press folder (above)
Jog Design’s press folder for
sportswear manufacturer Adidas
incorporates the brand into its physical
aspect. The three stripes on the front are
not only decorative – they are magnetic
strips that hold the folder shut.
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