Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Areas looked at in this chapter
Basic tools
/ Specialist colour
/ File formats
/ Print finishing
148 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design The production process
In-Cosmetics (opposite)
This brochure created by Research Studios helps to establish a visual identity and platform for cosmetics innovation. The use of a
colourful, dreamy image alludes to how cosmetics provide a wealth of possibilities, which interact to improve the appearance of the
people using them. The fine detail and the importance of image quality to the business of the client meant that high-end filled paper
stock with excellent printability and colour-reception characteristics had to be used. In this example, minimal dot gain is vital to
avoid registration problems. High opacity and whiteness are necessary to provide a crisp, clean background that allow the colours to
reproduce as intended.
Chapter 6
The production process
This final chapter looks at the basic tool kit a
graphic designer uses to create and produce effective
designs. The tools unleash and channel creative ideas
from the design process into workable and physical
products – through the printing process or for
electronic applications such as web pages. This section
also includes basic information on how to ensure that
control is maintained over the use of images and
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Procuring work < The production process > Appendix 149
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