Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:138
Marque website (opposite)
This is the website of design studio Marque, formerly Third Eye Design. The site ingeniously reorders the sample thumbnail
images to fit the browser width of each viewer. The design is made informative and engaging through the use of animation.
It adds interest without being distracting and viewers quickly gain an overview of the site’s contents. The inclusion of a client
zone and other features makes the site well-rounded and robust.
Areas looked at in this chapter
/ Portfolios
Chapter 5
Procuring work
It is ironic that many graphic designers, in
spite of being responsible for creating attractive,
memorable and even iconographic images to promote
their clients, often struggle when it comes to their
own self-promotion. Considered, thoughtful and
targeted self-promotion is the designer’s key to
obtaining regular work. Successful graphic design,
like any creative industry, has to be underpinned
by a solid economic platform.
Self-promotion is an integral part of the
work of any graphic designer, whether an individual
practitioner or a member of a thriving design agency.
This chapter outlines some of the key considerations
to promote your design business.
138 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Procuring work
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:139
Delivering the message < Procuring work > The production process 139
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