Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Sets of collected beliefs held by an individual or social group in which there is an emotional investment. Values differ widely from
person to person and group to group, and can lead to acrimonious divisions when they conflict.
64 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Influences and creative elements
Rhetoric is the art of using language effectively in
order to persuade an audience. It originates from
the Greek rhetor meaning ‘the art of the orator’.
The ability to speak or communicate well by using
language precisely, clearly and in a way that is readily
accessible to the audience may at times be more
important to winning an argument than the facts
under discussion.
By keeping in mind the persuasive nature of
rhetoric, designers can structure designs and control
the presentation of information so that it bears more
weight, impact and the element of trustworthiness.
How information is presented can be more
persuasive than the bare facts.
Nostalgia is the longing for past situations,
bringing a feeling that things were better then than
they are today. People derive comfort from the
familiar and designers use nostalgia to create,
transfer and instil positive associations from the past
into a design or product of today. For example,
advertisements for Hovis bread employ nostalgia
through images of a small baker on a cobbled street
to instil the v
alues of tradition, quality and small-
town reliability into a product that is mass-produced
under factory conditions.
As consumers, we often seek robust traditional
values, yet we expect the cleanliness and
convenience that the modern world provides.
Nostalgia and rhetoric
Designers use various methods to convey
meaning, often tapping into shared cultural norms,
values, history and language. The use of symbols or
heroic figures from the past to support or represent
a viewpoint or certain qualities is an example of the
use of nostalgia and rhetoric.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Modernism and postmodernism < Nostalgia and rhetoric > Semiotics 65
A Tale of 12 Kitchens
A Tale of 12 Kitchens is a cookbook written, photographed, designed and typeset by Jake Tilson. The author’s eclectic style
draws on the nostalgia and rhetoric of his everyday life. His design brings an entirely new vision to food – its context, the way
it is grown, packaged, bought and cooked – and evokes powerful memories and emotions. For example, the illustration of the
Marmite jar is a clear nostalgic reference to childhood, as is the image of the plastic bread-bag tag. The book is also interspersed
with comments in a large typesize, which act as section breaks.
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