Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Flores (right)
The brand developed by Studio Output for Flores restaurant had
items that were meant to be public-facing, so consistency
across the different items, such as menu cards, was essential.
The image shows how a floral-based brand mark is used to
instantly identify the restaurant on all the items. Notice how the
process of identification is aided by the consistent positioning
of the brand mark in the lower right-hand corner of each piece.
The floral nature of the restaurant’s name inspires the graphics
and natural colour scheme used.
Consumerism < Identity and branding > Social responsibility 51
Branding is a process that allows a company
to differentiate itself and its products from its
competitors, while also establishing positive links
to its customers in order to create and preserve
loyalty. Branding is important in competitive markets
as it provides a means for consumers to make buying
decisions based on their perceptions of the brand;
this may include quality, safety, luxury, value or other
considerations that are important to the consumer
at the moment of purchase.
Brands initially developed as a way of identifying
livestock and cattle. However, from the moment
Andrew Pears produced the Pears transparent soap
in 1789, brands have been used by manufacturers as
a way to make their products stand out from the rest
of the competition.
As the use of brands became more widespread,
companies saw that certain consumers exhibited
loyalty to particular brands. Companies then sought
to create brands representing desirable qualities
because consumers were beginning to buy brands
rather than products.
Some brands, such as Starbucks, Adidas and
Coca-Cola, have grown globally and send the
message that a consumer can obtain the same
product bearing the same qualities anywhere in the
world. The rise of global brands has also spurred
the development of niche brands that differentiate
themselves by being personal rather than ubiquitous.
Branding is now a major consideration
in the design of public-facing items that the general
population can access. For example, the ‘Pattern’
identity featured on the opposite page presents a
uniform face to the public, which also represents
the values and characteristics of the organisation.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Community Action
Group subsidiaries
Group businesses
CityStyle Living Ltd CHA Ventures Ltd
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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One Housing Group (below)
This logo was designed by Blast for One Housing Group. It uses
an ‘O’ to represent a sense of oneness, uniformity and unity. This
logo is versatile and can be used with various logotypes to
represent different areas of the business and group.
52 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Influences and creative elements
Brand development
Some brands or identities are stand-alone designs created for specific
applications, while others need to be designed with the flexibility to work in
different applications and environments, having bolt-on or sister brands, such
as the example logo below. These bolt-ons are sometimes pre-planned, but
often have to be developed at a later date as a company expands into
new markets.
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Consumerism < Identity and branding > Social responsibility 53
Plymouth Arts Centre
(right and below)
This dynamic and vibrant identity was
created by Thirteen for Plymouth Arts
Centre in the UK as part of a brand
development brief. The brand identity is
robust enough to be used over a range
of different stationery items and other
printed pieces due to the consistent use
of the coloured line treatment. The result
is a striking brand image obtained
through the use of vibrant lines. Notice
how some of these are printed while
others are produced by a die-cut that
shows colour through from the
stock underneath.
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Te c h n o t h r e a d s
(above and right)
This identity was created
by Studio Myerscough
for Technot hreads and
uses an image of a bound
mannequin as the basis for
the visual identity and brand.
This example shows that an
identity can be created by a
distinctive image or attitude
rather than a traditional
logo. This identit y appeals
to the savvy target audience,
and adds credibility and
authenticity as well as
arresting the viewer with
a memorable and striking
54 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Influences and creative elements
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Consumerism < Identity and branding > Social responsibility 55
English National Ballet
(left and below)
Pictured are brand guidelines
designed by The Team for the
English National Ballet as
part of a brief to create a
campaign to restore the
passion for the English ballet.
The brand proposition aims
to break down the barriers
between the audience and the
dancers by painting an
intimate portrait of the
dancers behind the scenes
and capturing the moment of
anticipation before they enter
the stage. As with other
brand guidelines, it includes
detail on how to use the
brand and its imagery.
Guidelines often include
handy tips and notes for a
designer who is using the
brand in a project – for
example, recommending a
minimum measurement for
the space where the logo is
to sit.
Brand guidelines
Companies spend a lot of time and money to develop their brands, but their
manifestation, or how they will appear in the public domain, may be dealt with
by several entities in different countries. In order to exercise control over how
various people will implement the use of a brand, companies also develop
brand usage guidelines so that the company identity is effectively represented
as intended. Brand guidelines are a clear set of instructions on how to use a
brand, and equally importantly, how not to use it.
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