Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:116
116 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design Delivering the message
Direct mail
Direct mail is a form of marketing that attempts
to present potential consumers with a message
regarding a specific product or service rather than
simply raising the profile of a brand, which is the aim
of advertising. Direct mail can be in print or electronic
form and both are sent ‘direct’ to an end user to elicit
a buying response for a specific product or service.
Sending specific information to a pre-selected
target audience increases the chance of a
communicated offer being accepted. However,
sending an offer to an inappropriate segment of the
population will elicit little response, and could even
provoke anger that sours the recipient against
the company.
The increase in the quantity of direct mail sent
and how firms compile consumer details has led to
a growing body of law to govern the industry. In the
UK, for example, a person must have subscribed to
the company's product or service at some point to
be sent an HTML email. The footer of such emails
must give the recipient the option to not receive
future communications.
Direct communication
Marketing and advertising messages for a brand
generally raise its profile, whereas direct mail aims to
steer consumers to a specific buying action. For
example, Apple’s advertising supports its overall
approach to product creation, while its direct mail
informs consumers of new products and accessories
that they can buy.
Direct mail has two common forms: HTML emails
that can click through to websites or m
icro sites, and
printed communications calleddoor drop mailouts.
Both are usually targeted using demographic
consumer information compiled from feedback forms,
product registration forms, competitions, customer
service forms and other similar methods that have
been collated and sold to marketing firms.
Micro sites
Marketing-led website focusing on a specific product or service that is a subsidiary of the principal website of a brand. A micro
website will often contain campaign-related information that is closely linked to the direct mail theme and offer. A micro website
is often accessed via a link contained in an HTML email and it is where the selling company hopes to convert the interest of the
consumer into a sale.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
Proof Page:117
Alan Thornton
(above and right)
These A3 mailers are made
from 3mm-thick heavy board
and were produced by Jog
Design for photographer Alan
Thorn ton. The y w e re d es igne d
to make an impact with large,
creative advertising agencies
by being a counterpoint to the
postcards sent by most
photographers. It was based on
the premise that ‘Alan Thornton
is a rubbish photographer’, with
each shot being a stunning
image of something discarded
on the streets of London.
Corbis / Zefa (left)
This invite was for an event
to relaunch Zefa, a high-end
image library that Corbis had
purchased. Jog Design
created a high-quality,
multimedia experience that a
pre-defined set of invited
guests could access with
individual passwords. The
invitation needed to compel
guests to visit the site.
Print < Direct mail > Information design 117
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