Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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90 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design The graphic design process
It starts with a word – poverty – and then adds to
it to develop the idea represented in a way that goes
beyond the mere choice of font. To emphasise the
idea, the graphic treatments can be altered and new
treatments incorporated to reinforce the meaning
of the word.
Layers of meaning
Design can carry several layers of meanings or
different ideas by using various graphic devices.
These layers can convey an idea beyond the simple
formal presentation of information in a piece
of communication as they are able to connect with
broader ideas and references held by the
target readers.
poverty p verty
Ty p o g r a p h i c s t o r i e s
The use of a mono-spaced, typewriter-
style font creates the impression of a lack
of resources.
Here, the ‘o’ has been replaced with the
image of a coin to reinforce the fact that
poverty is related to money (or the lack
of it).
This child-like font is a powerful
communication implying that poverty
hits children worst.
poverty pove ty
Using a heavier font gives extra power to
the meaning.
Ty p e
A simple word has a literal meaning.
Intentional misspelling
By reversing one of the letters, a lack of
education is implied, which may be due
to poverty.
A graphic designer can add to the power of
a message through graphic intervention that
emphasises the idea being communicated. The
example below provides a simplistic example
of this.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Wit and humour < Layers of meaning > Development and experimentation 91
Mirage (above and right)
This identity for Mirage was created by Jog Design
and it features the distinctive capital of the logotype
on the cover. The logotype was created by burning away
the edges of the typeface to imitate how the edges of an
object are burnt away when you look at them against the
sun, thus playing on word ‘mirage’. The type also reads
the wrong way, as though it has burnt through from the
preceding page.
National Assessment Agency (NAA)
This folder and inserts, including
poster s, were crea ted by The Team for a
campaign to recruit examiners, markers
and moderators of GCSE and ‘A’ levels
for the NAA. Feedback from examiners
formed the core messages for the
campaign – ‘Examine their future’ and
‘Behind every paper there’s a student’.
Research showed the messages rang
true and helped attract more than double
the targeted number of applicants.
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