Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Print-finishing considerations
Print-finishing processes add the final touches to a
printed piece. This can include decorative elements
such as the shimmer of a foil block or the texture
provided by an emboss or screen print, in addition to
added functionality, such as the protective nature of
a varnish or something that is fundamental to the
format, such as a binding. For example, a die cut
removes part of the substrate and can be used to
change the shape of the piece, or to provide an
aperture through which other parts of the publication
may be viewed.
Print-finishing processes may be performed
online as the substrate comes off the printing press
(online varnish), or offline as a separate operation
once printing is completed (foil block).
162 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design The production process
Print finishing
Print finishing encompasses a range of
processes that are used to provide the final touches to
a job – it can transform an ordinary-looking piece into
something much more spectacular. These processes
may include die-cutting, embossing, debossing, foil-
blocking, varnishing and screen-printing.
Print-finishing processes have the ability to
dramatically enhance a job, and although they
represent the end of the production process, they
should be considered as an integral part of the design
and not as an afterthought once a piece has been
printed. The successful use of print finishing
techniques means their application must be planned
as part of the initial design to maximise the benefits
derived and to control costs.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Binding is a collective term for a range of processes used to hold together the
pages or sections of a publication to form a book, magazine, brochure or other
printed product. The different binding methods available allow a designer to
make choices about the functionality as well as the visual qualities, longevity
and cost of a publication. Used creatively, binding can provide a simple means
of differentiating a publication. Options include perfect binding, sewn or burst
binding, and saddle-stitching.
File formats < Print finishing 163
This folder contains eight A5
artist postcards created by
Studio Output for the Zoo Art
Fair 07. It uses a black rubber
band as a binding and a silver
foil block on a micron cover.
The binding method allows
the content to be held
together as one unit, but also
means they can be separated
into independent and
autonomous pieces.
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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51º 48º – 04º 40º (above, right and below)
This catalogue by Faydherbe / De Vringer
takes the form of a screen-printed, linen-
covered box containing loose, printed
pieces that was created to hold various
art projects. As some were not ready
when the project was under development,
a conventional bound catalogue could not
be produced. The printed pieces are
printed on contrasting glossy and
uncoated stocks.
164 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design The production process
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Job No:01077 Title:The fundamentals og Graphic Design
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File formats < Print finishing 165
Ty p e s o f b i n d i n g
Perfect binding
Binding where the backs of sections are removed and held
together with a flexible adhesive, which also attaches a paper
cover to the spine, and the fore edge is trimmed flat.
Case or edition binding
This is commonly used for hard cover books. It sews
signatures together, flattens the spine, applies endpapers
and head and tail bands to the spine. Hard covers are attached
and grooves along the cover edge act as hinges.
A wiro-bound publication with a wrap-around cover and
an enclosed spine. A complete wrap-around cover is a full
Canadian and a partial wraparound is a half Canadian.
Comb and spiral binding
Comb binding uses plastic (comb) rings that allow a
document to open flat. Spiral binding uses metal wire that
winds through punched holes in the stock, which allows the
publication to open flat.
Open bind
A book bound without a cover, leaving an exposed spine.
Belly band
A printed band that wraps around a publication, typically
used with magazines.
Saddle stitch
Signatures are nested and bound with wire stitches applied
through the spine along the centrefold.
Singer stitch
A binding method where pages are sewn together
with one continual thread.
Clips and bolts
A fastening device that holds loose pages together.
This usually requires the insertion of a punched or drilled
hole for the bolt or clip to pass through.
Michael Kidner (left)
Webb & Webb’s cover for a hard
cover edition of a Michael Kidner book
features an embossed pattern. This
continuous pattern was stamped into
the cover substrate once the book had
been printed and bound.
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166 The Fundamentals of Graphic Design The production process
Hans van Bentem (above and right)
This combination of folder, postcards
and booklet celebrate the opening of the
Dutch Embassy’s new building in South
Africa. It showcases the art produced by
Hans van Bentem. The postcards feature
sculptures produced after the rest of
the job was printed. The artist took
photographs of the sculptures the
day before the opening, which were
processed at a nearby photo lab and then
added to the printed folders. This piece
was designed by Faydherbe / De Vringer.
Paper engineering
Paper engineering refers to the various methods by which paper stock can be
manipulated and formed during print finishing including folding, die-cutting and
perforating to produce specific formats or decorative effects.
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