Tom Mucciolo's Acknowledgments

I'd like to thank my brother, Rich, for his support and advice, along with his creative talents in designing, capturing, and printing all the figures used in my chapters. My thanks to Patrice Rutledge for shaping the main content of this book; Read Gilgen, Tim Dyck, Laurie Ulrich, and Robert C. Fuller for lending such quality expertise to specific areas; the editorial team, from copy to technical to production, in being so adept at bringing this project to fruition. In addition, I would like to thank Jamie Milazzo for keeping me on task, for allowing me the luxury of putting my own personality into each chapter, and for just making this book so much fun to write. On the personal side, I want to thank my mom and dad for always supporting everything I attempted, regardless of success or failure. On the technical side, I owe a debt of gratitude to my notebook computer for accepting every keystroke throughout the entire project, without complaint; and a really important thank you goes to my friend, the backspace key, without which my words would loofk ljke thyss. Oh, and finally, I want to thank everyone on the island of Crete, mainly because no one ever thanks those people for anything and this has to stop right now!

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