Chapter 3. Important Systems: Help and Security

What you’ll find in this chapter:

  • Finding help in all the right places

  • Using Super Tooltips

  • Changes in Microsoft Office Online

  • Safeguarding your files

Productivity is all about movement—moving forward, creating documents, crossing tasks off your To Do list, getting things done. Whether you are the manager of a large business or a sole proprietor working alone in an office, the way you meet and resolve obstacles in your day has a lot to do with how productive you—or your department or your company—can be.

This chapter is all about two important systems that help keep you moving on the road to productivity using the 2007 Microsoft® Office system. The help system in the 2007 release has been moved out of the task pane and now links users instantly to expanded and improved resources. And improvements in the way you finish and protect your completed documents give you a variety of ways to control who has access to your documents and how far that access will let them go in modifying, sharing, or printing the files they receive.

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