
Section 12.1 Introduction

  • Polymorphism (p. 532) enables us to write programs that process objects of classes that are part of the same class hierarchy as if they were all objects of the hierarchy’s base class.

  • With polymorphism, we can design and implement systems that are easily extensible—new classes can be added with little or no modification to the general portions of the program. The only parts of a program that must be altered to accommodate new classes are those that require direct knowledge of the new classes that you add to the hierarchy.

Section 12.2 Introduction to Polymorphism: Polymorphic Video Game

  • With polymorphism, one function call can cause different actions to occur, depending on the type of the object on which the function is invoked.

  • This makes it possible to design and implement more extensible systems. Programs can be written to process objects of types that may not exist when the program is under development.

Section 12.3 Relationships Among Objects in an Inheritance Hierarchy

  • C++ enables polymorphism—the ability for objects of different classes related by inheritance to respond differently to the same member-function call.

Section 12.4.2 Declaring virtual Functions

  • Polymorphism is implemented via virtual functions (p. 540) and dynamic binding (p. 541).

Section 12.4.3 Invoking a virtual Function Through a Base-Class Pointer or Reference

  • When a base-class pointer or reference is used to call a virtual function, C++ chooses the correct overridden function in the appropriate derived class associated with the object.

Section 12.4.4 Invoking a virtual Function Through an Object’s Name

  • If a virtual function is called by referencing a specific object by name and using the dot member-selection operator, the reference is resolved at compile time (this is called static binding; p. 541); the virtual function that’s called is the one defined for the class of that particular object.

  • Derived classes can override a base-class virtual function if necessary, but if they do not, the base class’s implementation is used.

Section 12.4.5 virtual Functions in the CommissionEmployee Hierarchy

  • To help prevent errors, apply C++11’s override keyword (p. 542) to the prototype of every derived-class function that overrides a base-class virtual function. This enables the compiler to check whether the base class has a virtual member function with the same signature. If not, the compiler generates an error.

Section 12.4.6 virtual Destructors

  • Declare a virtual base-class destructor (p. 546) if the class contains virtual functions. This makes all derived-class destructors virtual, even though they do not have the same name as the base-class destructor. If an object in the hierarchy is destroyed explicitly by applying the delete operator to a base-class pointer to a derived-class object, the destructor for the appropriate class is called. After a derived-class destructor runs, the destructors for all of that class’s base classes run all the way up the hierarchy.

  • In C++11, you can tell the compiler to explicitly generate the default version of a default constructor, copy constructor, move constructor, copy assignment operator, move assignment operator or destructor by following the special member function’s prototype with = default (p. 546).

Section 12.4.7 C++11: final Member Functions and Classes

  • In C++11, a base-class virtual function that’s declared final (p. 546) in its prototype cannot be overridden in any derived class.

  • In C++11, you can declare a class as final (p. 547) to prevent it from being used as a base class.

  • Attempting to override a final member function or inherit from a final base class results in a compilation error.

Section 12.5 Type Fields and switch Statements

  • Polymorphic programming with virtual functions can eliminate the need for switch logic. You can use the virtual function mechanism to perform the equivalent logic automatically, thus avoiding the kinds of errors typically associated with switch logic.

Section 12.6 Abstract Classes and Pure virtual Functions

  • Abstract classes (p. 547) are typically used as base classes, so we refer to them as abstract base classes (p. 547). No objects of an abstract class may be instantiated.

  • Classes from which objects can be instantiated are concrete classes (p. 547).

Section 12.6.1 Pure Virtual Functions

  • You create an abstract class by declaring one or more pure virtual functions (p. 548) with pure specifiers (= 0) in their declarations.

  • If a class is derived from a class with a pure virtual function and that derived class does not supply a definition for that pure virtual function, then that virtual function remains pure in the derived class. Consequently, the derived class is also an abstract class.

  • Although we cannot instantiate objects of abstract base classes, we can declare pointers and references to objects of abstract base classes. Such pointers and references can be used to enable polymorphic manipulations of derived-class objects instantiated from concrete derived classes.

Section 12.8 (Optional) Polymorphism, Virtual Functions and Dynamic Binding “Under the Hood”

  • Dynamic binding requires that at runtime, the call to a virtual member function be routed to the virtual function version appropriate for the class. A virtual function table called the vtable (p. 563) is implemented as an array containing function pointers. Each class with virtual functions has a vtable. For each virtual function in the class, the vtable has an entry containing a function pointer to the version of the virtual function to use for an object of that class. The virtual function to use for a particular class could be the function defined in that class, or it could be a function inherited either directly or indirectly from a base class higher in the hierarchy.

  • When a base class provides a virtual member function, derived classes can override the virtual function, but they do not have to override it.

  • Each object of a class with virtual functions contains a pointer to the vtable for that class. When a function call is made from a base-class pointer to a derived-class object, the appropriate function pointer in the vtable is obtained and dereferenced to complete the call at execution time.

  • Any class that has one or more nullptr pointers in its vtable is an abstract class. Classes without any nullptr vtable pointers are concrete classes.

  • New kinds of classes are regularly added to systems and accommodated by dynamic binding.

Section 12.9 Case Study: Payroll System Using Polymorphism and Runtime Type Information with Downcasting, dynamic_cast, typeid and type_info

  • Operator dynamic_cast (p. 567) checks the type of the object to which a pointer points, then determines whether the type has an is-a relationship with the type to which the pointer is being converted. If so, dynamic_cast returns the object’s address. If not, dynamic_cast returns nullptr.

  • Operator typeid (p. 570) returns a reference to a type_info object (p. 570) that contains information about the operand’s type, including the type name. To use typeid, the program must include header <typeinfo> (p. 570).

  • When invoked, type_info member function name (p. 570) returns a pointer-based string that contains the name of the type that the type_info object represents.

  • Operators dynamic_cast and typeid are part of C++’s runtime type information (RTTI; p. 567) feature, which allows a program to determine an object’s type at runtime.

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