Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page





Organization of this Book


About the Editor


Part I: Overview of System and Network Security: A Comprehensive Introduction

Chapter 1. Building a Secure Organization

1. Obstacles to Security

2. Ten Steps to Building a Secure Organization

Chapter 2. A Cryptography Primer

1. What is Cryptography? What is Encryption?

2. Famous Cryptographic Devices

3. Ciphers

4. Modern Cryptography

5. The Computer Age

Chapter 3. Preventing System Intrusions

1. So, What is an Intrusion?

2. Sobering Numbers

3. Know Your Enemy: Hackers Versus Crackers

4. Motives

5. Tools of the Trade

6. Bots

7. Symptoms of Intrusions

8. What Can You Do?

9. Security Policies

10. Risk Analysis

11. Tools of Your Trade

12. Controlling User Access

13. Conclusion

Chapter 4. Guarding Against Network Intrusions

1. Traditional Reconnaissance and Attacks

2. Malicious Software

3. Defense in Depth

4. Preventive Measures

5. Intrusion Monitoring and Detection

6. Reactive Measures

7. Conclusions

Chapter 5. Unix and Linux Security

1. Unix and Security

2. Basic Unix Security

3. Protecting User Accounts and Strengthening Authentication

4. Reducing Exposure to Threats by Limiting Superuser Privileges

5. Safeguarding Vital Data by Securing Local and Network File Systems

Chapter 6. Linux and Unix Security

1. Introduction to Linux and Unix

2. Hardening Linux and Unix

3. Proactive Defense for Linux and Unix

Chapter 7. Internet Security

1. Internet Protocol Architecture

2. An Internet Threat Model

3. Defending Against Attacks on the Internet

4. Conclusion

Chapter 8. The Botnet Problem

1. Introduction

2. Botnet Overview

3. Typical Bot Life Cycle

4. The Botnet Business Model

5. Botnet Defense

6. Botmaster Traceback

7. Summary

Chapter 9. Intranet Security

1. Plugging the Gaps: NAC and Access Control

2. Measuring Risk: Audits

3. Guardian at the Gate: Authentication and Encryption

4. Wireless Network Security

5. Shielding the Wire: Network Protection

6. Weakest Link in Security: User Training

7. Documenting the Network: Change Management

8. Rehearse the Inevitable: Disaster Recovery

9. Controlling Hazards: Physical and Environmental Protection

10. Know Your Users: Personnel Security

11. Protecting Data Flow: Information and System Integrity

12. Security Assessments

13. Risk Assessments

14. Conclusion

Chapter 10. Local Area Network Security

1. Identify Network Threats

2. Establish Network Access Controls

3. Risk Assessment

4. Listing Network Resources

5. Threats

6. Security Policies

7. The Incident-Handling Process

8. Secure Design Through Network Access Controls

9. IDS Defined

10. NIDS: Scope and Limitations

11. A Practical Illustration of NIDS

12. Firewalls

13. Dynamic NAT Configuration

14. The Perimeter

15. Access List Details

16. Types of Firewalls

17. Packet Filtering: IP Filtering Routers

18. Application-layer Firewalls: Proxy Servers

19. Stateful Inspection Firewalls

20. NIDS Complements Firewalls

21. Monitor and Analyze System Activities

22. Signature Analysis

23. Statistical Analysis

24. Signature Algorithms

Chapter 11. Wireless Network Security

1. Cellular Networks

2. Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

3. Security Protocols

4. Secure Routing

5. Key Establishment


Chapter 12. Cellular Network Security

1. Introduction

2. Overview of Cellular Networks

3. The State of the Art of Cellular Network Security

4. Cellular Network Attack Taxonomy

5. Cellular Network Vulnerability Analysis

6. Discussion


Chapter 13. RFID Security

1. RFID Introduction

2. RFID Challenges

3. RFID Protections


Part II: Managing Information Security

Chapter 14. Information Security Essentials for IT Managers: Protecting Mission-Critical Systems

1. Information Security Essentials for it Managers, Overview

2. Protecting Mission-critical Systems

3. Information Security from the Ground up

4. Security Monitoring and Effectiveness


Chapter 15. Security Management Systems

1. Security Management System Standards

2. Training Requirements

3. Principles of Information Security

4. Roles and Responsibilities of Personnel

5. Security Policies

6. Security Controls

7. Network Access

8. Risk Assessment

9. Incident Response

10. Summary

Chapter 16. Information Technology Security Management

1. Information Security Management Standards

2. Information Technology Security Aspects

3. Conclusion

Chapter 17. Identity Management

1. Introduction

2. Evolution of Identity Management Requirements

3. The Requirements Fulfilled by Current Identity Management Technologies

4. Identity 2.0 for mobile users

5. Conclusion

Chapter 18. Intrusion Prevention and Detection Systems

1. What is an “Intrusion,” Anyway?

2. Unauthorized Access by an Outsider

3. Malware Infection

4. The Role of the “0-Day”

5. The Rogue’s Gallery: Attackers and Motives

6. A Brief Introduction to TCP/IP

7. The TCP/IP Data Architecture and Data Encapsulation

8. Survey of Intrusion Detection and Prevention Technologies

9. Anti-Malware Software

10. Network-based Intrusion Detection Systems

11. Network-based Intrusion Prevention Systems

12. Host-based Intrusion Prevention Systems

13. Security Information Management Systems

14. Network Session Analysis

15. Digital Forensics

16. System Integrity Validation

17. Putting it all Together

Chapter 19. Computer Forensics

1. What is Computer Forensics?

2. Analysis of Data

3. Computer Forensics in the Court System

4. Understanding Internet History

5. Temporary Restraining Orders and Labor Disputes

5. First Principles

6. Hacking a Windows XP Password

7. Network Analysis

8. Computer Forensics Applied

9. Testifying as an Expert

10. Beginning to End in Court

Chapter 20. Network Forensics

1. Scientific Overview

2. The Principles of Network Forensics

3. Attack Traceback and Attribution

4. Critical Needs Analysis

5. Research Directions

Chapter 21. Firewalls

1. Network Firewalls

2. Firewall Security Policies

3. A Simple Mathematical Model for Policies, Rules, and Packets

4. First-match Firewall Policy Anomalies

5. Policy Optimization

6. Firewall Types

7. Host and Network Firewalls

8. Software and Hardware Firewall Implementations

9. Choosing the Correct Firewall

10. Firewall Placement and Network Topology

11. Firewall Installation and Configuration

12. Supporting Outgoing Services Through Firewall Configuration

13. Secure External Services Provisioning

14. Network Firewalls for Voice and Video Applications

15. Firewalls and Important Administrative Service Protocols

16. Internal IP Services Protection

17. Firewall Remote Access Configuration

18. Load Balancing and Firewall Arrays

19. Highly Available Firewalls

20. Firewall Management

21. Conclusion

Chapter 22. Penetration Testing

1. What is Penetration Testing?

2. How does Penetration Testing Differ from an Actual “Hack?”

3. Types of Penetration Testing

4. Phases of Penetration Testing

5. Defining What’s Expected

6. The Need for a Methodology

7. Penetration Testing Methodologies

8. Methodology in Action

9. Penetration Testing Risks

10. Liability Issues

11. Legal Consequences

12. “Get Out of Jail Free” Card

13. Penetration Testing Consultants

14. Required Skill Sets

15. Accomplishments

16. Hiring a Penetration Tester

17. Why Should a Company Hire You?

18. All’s Well that Ends Well

Chapter 23. What Is Vulnerability Assessment?

1. Reporting

2. The “It Won’t Happen to Us” Factor

3. Why Vulnerability Assessment?

4. Penetration Testing Versus Vulnerability Assessment

5. Vulnerability Assessment Goal

6. Mapping the Network

7. Selecting the Right Scanners

8. Central Scans Versus Local Scans

9. Defense in Depth Strategy

10. Vulnerability Assessment Tools

11. Scanner Performance

12. Scan Verification

13. Scanning Cornerstones

14. Network Scanning Countermeasures

15. Vulnerability Disclosure Date

16. Proactive Security Versus Reactive Security

17. Vulnerability Causes

18. DIY Vulnerability Assessment

19. Conclusion

Part III: Encryption Technology

Chapter 24. Data Encryption

1. Need for Cryptography

2. Mathematical Prelude to Cryptography

3. Classical Cryptography

4. Modern Symmetric Ciphers

5. Algebraic Structure

6. The Internal Functions of Rijndael in AES Implementation

7. Use of Modern Block Ciphers

8. Public-key Cryptography

9. Cryptanalysis of RSA

10. Diffie-Hellman Algorithm

11. Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

12. Message Integrity and Authentication

13. Summary


Chapter 25. Satellite Encryption

1. The Need for Satellite Encryption

2. Satellite Encryption Policy

3. Implementing Satellite Encryption

4. The Future of Satellite Encryption

Chapter 26. Public Key Infrastructure

1. Cryptographic Background

2. Overview of PKI

3. The X.509 Model

4. X.509 Implementation Architectures

5. X.509 Certificate Validation

6. X.509 Certificate Revocation

7. Server-based Certificate Validity Protocol

8. X.509 Bridge Certification Systems

9. X.509 Certificate Format

10. PKI Policy Description

11. PKI Standards Organizations

12. PGP Certificate Formats

13. PGP PKI Implementations

14. W3C

15. Alternative PKI architectures

16. Modified X.509 Architectures

17. Alternative Key Management Models

Chapter 27. Instant-Messaging Security

1. Why Should I Care About Instant Messaging?

2. What is Instant Messaging?

3. The Evolution of Networking Technologies

4. Game Theory and Instant Messaging

5. The Nature of the Threat

6. Common IM Applications

7. Defensive Strategies

8. Instant-messaging Security Maturity and Solutions

9. Processes

10. Conclusion

Part IV: Privacy and Access Management

Chapter 28. NET Privacy

1. Privacy in the Digital Society

2. The Economics of Privacy

3. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies

4. Network Anonymity

5. Conclusion

Chapter 29. Personal Privacy Policies

1. Introduction

2. Content of Personal Privacy Policies

3. Semiautomated Derivation of Personal Privacy Policies

4. Specifying Well-Formed Personal Privacy Policies

5. Preventing Unexpected Negative Outcomes

6. The Privacy Management Model

7. Discussion and Related Work

8. Conclusions and Future Work

Chapter 30. Virtual Private Networks

1. History

2. Who is in Charge?

3. VPN Types

4. Authentication Methods

5. Symmetric Encryption

6. Asymmetric Cryptography

7. Edge Devices

8. Passwords

9. Hackers and Crackers

Chapter 31. Identity Theft

1. Experimental Design

2. Results and Analysis

3. Implications for Crimeware

4. Conclusion

Chapter 32. VoIP Security

1. Introduction

2. Overview of Threats

3. Security in Voip

4. Future Trends

5. Conclusion

Part V: Storage Security

Chapter 33. SAN Security

1. Organizational Structure

2. Access Control Lists (ACL) and Policies

3. Physical Access

4. Change Management

5. Password Policies

6. Defense in Depth

7. Vendor Security Review

8. Data Classification

9. Security Management

10. Auditing

11. Management Access: Separation of Functions

12. Host Access: Partitioning

13. Data Protection: Replicas

15. Encryption in Storage

16. Application of Encryption

17. Conclusion


Chapter 34. Storage Area Networking Security Devices

1. What is a SAN?

2. SAN Deployment Justifications

3. The Critical Reasons for SAN Security

4. SAN Architecture and Components

5. SAN General Threats and Issues

6. Conclusion

Chapter 35. Risk Management

1. The Concept of Risk

2. Expressing and Measuring Risk

3. The Risk Management Methodology

4. Risk Management Laws and Regulations

5. Risk Management Standards

6. Summary

Part VI: Physical Security

Chapter 36. Physical Security Essentials

1. Overview

2. Physical Security Threats

3. Physical Security Prevention and Mitigation Measures

4. Recovery from physical security breaches

5. Threat Assessment, Planning, and Plan Implementation

6. Example: a Corporate Physical Security Policy

7. Integration of Physical and Logical Security


Chapter 37. Biometrics

1. Relevant Standards

2. Biometric System Architecture

3. Using Biometric Systems

4. Security Considerations

5. Conclusion

Chapter 38. Homeland Security

1. Statutory Authorities

2. Homeland Security Presidential Directives

3. Organizational Actions

4. Conclusion

Chapter 39. Information Warfare

1. Information Warfare Model

2. Information Warfare Defined

3. IW: Myth or Reality?

4. Information Warfare: Making Iw Possible

5. Preventative Strategies

6. Legal Aspects of IW

7. Holistic View of Information Warfare

8. Conclusion

Part VII: Advanced Security

Chapter 40. Security Through Diversity

1. Ubiquity

2. Example Attacks Against Uniformity

3. Attacking Ubiquity with Antivirus Tools

4. The Threat of Worms

5. Automated Network Defense

6. Diversity and the Browser

7. Sandboxing and Virtualization

8. DNS Example of Diversity Through Security

9. Recovery from Disaster is Survival

10. Conclusion

Chapter 41. Reputation Management

1. The Human Notion of Reputation

2. Reputation Applied to the Computing World

3. State of the Art of Attack-Resistant Reputation Computation

4. Overview of Current Online Reputation Service

5. Conclusion

Chapter 42. Content Filtering

1. The Problem with Content Filtering

2. User Categories, Motivations, and Justifications

3. Content Blocking Methods

4. Technology and Techniques for Content-Filtering Control

5. Categories

6. Legal Issues

7. Issues and Problems with Content Filtering

9. Related Products

10. Conclusion

Chapter 43. Data Loss Protection

1. Precursors of DLP

2. What is DLP?

3. Where to Begin?

4. Data is Like Water

5. You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

6. How Do DLP Applications Work?

7. Eat Your Vegetables

8. It’s a Family Affair, Not Just It Security’s Problem

9. Vendors, Vendors Everywhere! Who Do You Believe?

10. Conclusion

Part VIII: Appendices

Appendix A. Configuring Authentication Service on Microsoft Windows Vista

1. Backup and Restore of Stored Usernames and Passwords

2. Credential Security Service Provider and SSO for Terminal Services Logon

3. TLS/SSL Cryptographic Enhancements

4. Kerberos Enhancements

5. Smart Card Authentication Changes

6. Previous Logon Information

Appendix B. Security Management and Resiliency

Appendix C. List of Top Security Implementation and Deployment Companies

List of SAN Implementation and Deployment Companies

SAN Security Implementation and Deployment Companies:

Appendix D. List of Security Products

Security Software

Appendix E. List of Security Standards

Appendix F. List of Miscellaneous Security Resources


Consumer Information


Help and Tutorials

Mailing Lists

News and Media


Products and Tools


Content Filtering Links

Other Logging Resources

Appendix G. Ensuring Built-in Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Wireless Network Security



Additional Information

Appendix H. Configuring Wireless Internet Security Remote Access

Adding the Access Points as RADIUS Clients to IAS

Adding Access Points to the First IAS Server

Scripting the Addition of Access Points to IAS Server (Alternative Procedure)

Configuring the Wireless Access Points

Enabling Secure WLAN Authentication on Access Points

Additional Settings to Secure Wireless Access Points

Replicating RADIUS Client Configuration to Other IAS Servers

Appendix I. Frequently Asked Questions

Appendix J. Glossary


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