Chapter 10

Local Area Network Security

Dr. Pramod Pandya, California State University

Securing available resources on any corporate or academic data network is of paramount importance because most of these networks connect to the Internet for commercial or research activities. Therefore, the network is under attack from hackers on a continual basis, so network security technologies are ever evolving and playing catch-up with hackers. Around 20 years ago the number of potential users was small and the scope of any activity on the network was limited to local networks only. As the Internet expanded in its reach across national boundaries and as the number of users increased, potential risk to the network grew exponentially. Over the past 10 years ecommerce-related activities such as online shopping, banking, stock trading, and social networking have permeated extensively, creating a dilemma for both service providers and their potential clients, as to who is a trusted service provider and a trusted client on the network. Of course, this being a daunting task for security professionals, they have needed to design security policies appropriate for both the servers and their clients. The security policy must be a factor in clients’ level of access to the resources. So, in whom do we place trust, and how much trust? Current network designs implement three levels of trust: most trusted, less trusted, and least trusted. Figure 10.1 reflects these levels of trust, as described here:

• The most trusted users belong to the intranet. These users have to authenticate to a centralize administrator to access the resources on the network.

• The less trusted users may originate from the intranet as well as the external users who are authenticated to access resources such as email and Web services.

• The least trusted users are the unauthenticated users; most of them are simply browsing the resources on the Internet with no malice intended. Of course, some are scanning the resources with the intent to break in and steal data.


Figure 10.1 The DMZ.

These are the objectives of network security:

• Confidentiality. Only authorized users have access to the network.

• Integrity. Data cannot be modified by unauthorized users.

• Access. Security must be designed so that authorized users have uninterrupted access to data.

Finally, the responsibility for the design and implementation of network security is headed by the chief information officer (CIO) of the enterprise network. The CIO has a pool of network administrators and legal advisers to help with this task. The network administrators define the placing of the network access controls, and the legal advisors underline the consequences and liabilities in the event of network security breaches. We have seen cases of customer records such as credit-card numbers, Social Security numbers, and personal information being stolen. The frequency of these reports have been on the increase in the past years, and consequently this has led to a discussion on the merits of encryption of stored data. One of the most quoted legal requirements on the part of any business, whether small or big, is the protection of consumer data under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which restricts disclosure of health-related data and personal information.

1. Identify Network Threats

Network security threats can be in one of two categories: (1) disruptive type or (2) unauthorized access type.


Most LANs are designed as collapsed backbone networks using a layer-2 or layer-3 switch. If a switch or a router were to fail due to power failure, a segment or the entire network may cease to function until the power is restored. In some case, the network failure may be due to a virus attack on the secondary storage, thus leading to loss of data.

Unauthorized Access

This access type can be internal (employee) or external (intruder), a person who would attempt to break into resources such as database, file, and email or web servers that they have no permission to access. Banks, financial institutions, major corporations, and major retail businesses employ data networks to process customer transactions and store customer information and any other relevant data. Before the birth of the Internet Age, interinstitutional transactions were secured because the networks were not accessible to intruders or the general public. In the past 10 years, access to the Internet is almost universal; hence institutional data networks have become the target of frequent intruder attacks to steal customer records. One frequently reads in the news about data network security being compromised by hackers, leading to loss of credit card and debit card numbers, Social Security numbers, drivers’ license numbers, and other sensitive informationsuch as purchasing profiles. Over the years, although network security has increased, the frequency of attacks on the networks has also increased because the tools to breach the network security have become freely available on the Internet. In 1988 the U.S. Department of Defense established the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), whose mission is to work with the Internet community to prevent and respond to computer and network security breaches. Since the Internet is widely used for commercial activities by all kinds of businesses, the federal government has enacted stiffer penalties for hackers.

2. Establish Network Access Controls

In this section we outline steps necessary to secure networks through network controls. These network controls are either software or hardware based and are implemented in a hierarchical structure to reflect the network organization. This hierarchy is superimposed on the network from the network’s perimeter to the access level per user of the network resources. The functions of the network control are to detect an unauthorized access, to prevent network security from being breached, and finally, to respond to a breach—thus the three categories of detect, prevent, and respond.

The role of prevention control is to stop unauthorized access to any resource available on the network. This could be implemented as simply as a password required to authenticate the user to access the resource on the network. For an authorized user this password can grant login to the network to access the services of a database, file, Web, print, or email server. The network administrator would need a password to access the switch or a router. The prevention control in this case is software based. An analog of hardware-based control would be, for example, if the resources such as server computers, switches, and routers are locked in a network access control room.

The role of the detection control is to monitor the activities on the network and identify an event or a set of events that could breach network security. Such an event may be a virus, spyware, or adware attack. The detection control software must, besides registering the attack, generate or trigger an alarm to notify of an unusual event so that a corrective action can be taken immediately, without compromising security.

The role of the response control is to take corrective action whenever network security is breached so that the same kind of breach is detected and any further damage is prevented.

3. Risk Assessment

During the initial design phase of a network, the network architects assess the types of risks to the network as well as the costs of recovering from attacks for all the resources that have been compromised. These cost factors can be realized using well-established accounting procedures such as cost/benefit analysis, return on investment (ROI), and total cost of ownership (TCO). These risks could range from natural disaster to an attack by a hacker. Therefore, you need to develop levels of risks to various threats to the network. You need to design some sort of spreadsheet that lists risks versus threats as well as responses to those identified threats. Of course, the spreadsheet would also mark the placing of the network access controls to secure the network.

4. Listing Network Resources

We need to identify the assets (resources) that are available on the corporate network. Of course, this list could be long, and it would make no sense to protect all the resources, except for those that are mission-critical to the business functions. Table 10.1 identifies mission-critical components of any enterprise network. You will observe that these mission-critical components need to be prioritized, since they do not all provide the same functions. Some resources provide controlled access to a network; other resources carry sensitive corporate data. Hence the threats posed to these resources do not carry the same degree of vulnerabilities to the network. Therefore, the network access control has to be articulated and applied to each of the components listed, in varying degrees. For example, threats to DNS server pose a different set of problems from threats to the database servers. In the next section we itemize the threats to these resources and specific network access controls.

Table 10.1

Mission-Critical Components of Any Enterprise Network


5. Threats

We need to identify the threats posed to the network from internal users as opposed to those from external users. The reason for such a distinction is that the internal users are easily traceable, compared to the external users. If a threat to the data network is successful, and it could lead to loss or theft of data or denial of access to the services offered by the network, it would lead to monetary loss for the corporation. Once we have identified these threats, we can rank them from most probable to least probable and design network security policy to reflect that ranking.

From Table 10.2, we observe that most frequent threats to the network are from viruses, and we have seen a rapid explosion in antivirus, antispamware, and spyware and adware software. Hijacking of resources such as domain name services, Web services, and perimeter routers would lead to what’s most famously known as denial of service (DoS) or distributed denial of service (DDoS). Power failures can always be complemented by standby power supplies that could keep the essential resources from crashing. Natural disasters such as fire, floods, or earthquakes can be most difficult to plan for; therefore we see a tremendous growth in data protection and backup service provider businesses.

Table 10.2

The Most Frequent Threats to the Network Are from Viruses

Rank Threat
1 Virus
2 Spam
3 Spyware, Adware
4 Hijacking
5 Power Failure
6 Fire, Flood, Earthquake

6. Security Policies

The fundamental goals of security policy are to allow uninterrupted access to the network resources for authenticated users and to deny access to unauthenticated users. Of course, this is always a balancing act between the users’ demands on network resources and the evolutionary nature of information technology. The user community would prefer open access, whereas the network administrator insists on restricted and monitored access to the network.

The hacker is, in the final analysis, the arbitrator of the network security policy, since it is always the unauthorized user who discovers the potential flaw in the software. Hence, any network is as secure as the last attack that breached its security. It would be totally unrealistic to expect a secured network at all times, once it is built and secured. Therefore, network security design and its implementation represent the ultimate battle of the minds between the chief information security officer (CISO) and the devil, the hacker. We can summarize that the network security policy can be as simple as to allow access to resources, or it can be several hundred pages long, detailing the levels of access and punishment if a breach is discovered. Most corporate network users now have to sign onto the usage policy of the network and are reminded that security breaches are a punishable offence.

The critical functions of a good security policy are:

• Appoint a security administrator who is conversant with users’ demands and on a continual basis is prepared to accommodate the user community’s needs.

• Set up a hierarchical security policy to reflect the corporate structure.

• Define ethical Internet access capabilities.

• Evolve the remote access policy.

• Provide a set of incident-handling procedures.

7. The Incident-Handling Process

The incident-handling process is the most important task of a security policy for the reason that you would not want to shut down the network in case of a network security breach. The purpose of the network is to share the resources; therefore an efficient procedure must be developed to respond to a breach. If news of the network security breach becomes public, the corporation’s business practices could become compromised, thus resulting in compromise of its business operations. Therefore set procedures must be developed jointly with the business operations manager and the chief information officer. This calls for a modular design of the enterprise network so that its segments can be shut down in an orderly way, without causing panic.

Toward this end, we need a set of tools to monitor activities on the network—we need an intrusion detection and prevention system. These pieces of software will monitor network activities and log and report an activity that does not conform to usual or acceptable standards as defined by the software. Once an activity is detected and logged, response is activated. It is not merely sufficient to respond to an incident; the network administrator also has to activate tools to trace back to the source of this breach. This is critical so that the network administrator can update the security procedures to make sure that this particular incident does not take place.

8. Secure Design Through Network Access Controls

A network is as secure as its weakest link in the overall design. To secure it, we need to identify the entry and exit points into the network. Since most data networks have computational nodes to process data and storage nodes to store data, stored data may need to be encrypted so that if network security is breached, stolen data may still remain confidential unless the encryption is broken. As we hear of cases of stolen data from either hacked networks or stolen nodes, encrypting data while it’s being stored appears to be necessary to secure data.

The entry point to any network is a perimeter router, which sits between the external firewall and the Internet; this model is applicable to most enterprise networks that engage in some sort of ecommerce activities. Hence our first network access control is to define security policy on the perimeter router by configuring the appropriate parameters on the router. The perimeter router will filter traffic based on the range of IP addresses.

Next in the line of defense is the external firewall that filters traffic based on the state of the network connection. Additionally, the firewall could also check the contents of the traffic packet against the nature of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection requested. Following the firewall we have the so-called demilitarized zone, or DMZ, where we would place the following servers: Web, DNS, and email. We could harden these servers so that potential threatening traffic can be identified and appropriate incident response generated.

The DMZ is placed between two firewalls, so our last line of defense is the next firewall that would inspect the traffic and possibly filter out the potential threat. The nodes that are placed on the intranet can be protected by commercially available antivirus software. Last but not least, we could install on the network an intrusion detection and prevention system that will generate real-time response to a threat.

Next we address each of the network control access points. The traditional network design includes an access layer, a distribution layer, and the core layer. In the case of a local area network (LAN) we will use the access and distribution layers; the core layer would simply be our perimeter router that we discussed earlier in this section. Thus the LAN will consist of a number of segments reflecting the organizational structure. The segments could sit behind their firewall to protect one another as well, in case of network breach; segments under attack can be isolated, thus preventing a cascade-style attack on the network.

9. IDS Defined

An intrusion detection system, or IDS, can be both software and hardware based. IDSs listen to all the activities taking place on both the computer (node on a network) and the network itself. One could think of an IDS as like traffic police, whose function is to monitor the data packet traffic and detect and identify those data packets that match predefined unusual pattern of activities. An IDS can also be programmed to teach itself from its past activities to refine the rules for unusual activities. This should not come as a surprise, since the hackers also get smarter over time.

As we stated, the IDS collects information from a variety of system and network resources, but in actuality it captures packets of data as defined by the TCP/IP protocol stack. In this sense IDS is both a sniffer and analyzer software. IDS in its sniffer role would either capture all the data packets or select ones as specified by the configuration script. This configuration script is a set of rules that tell the analyzer what to look for in a captured data packet, then make an educated guess per rules and generate an alert. Of course, this could lead to four possible outcomes with regard to intrusion detection: false positive, false negative, true positive, or true negative. We address this topic in more detail later in the chapter.

IDSs performs a variety of functions:

• Monitor and analyze user and system activities

• Verify the integrity of data files

• Audit system configuration files

• Recognize activity of patterns, reflecting known attacks

• Statistical analysis of any undefined activity pattern

An IDS is capable of distinguishing different types of network traffic, such as an HTTP request over port 80 from some other application such as SMTP being run over port 80. We see here that an IDS understands which TCP/IP applications run over which preassigned port numbers, and therefore falsifying port numbers would be trivially detectable. This is a very easy illustration, but there are more complex attacks that are not that easy to identify, and we shall cover them later in this chapter.

The objective of intrusion detection software packages is to make possible the complex and sometimes virtually impossible task of managing system security. With this in mind, it might be worthwhile to bring to our attention two industrial-grade IDS software packages: Snort (NIDS), which runs on both Linux and Windows, and GFI LANguard S.E.L.M., a host intrusion detection system (HIDS), which runs on Windows only. Commercial-grade IDS software is designed with user-friendly interfaces that make it easy to configure scripts, which lay down the rules for intrusion detection.

Next let’s examine some critical functions of an IDS:

• Can impose a greater degree of flexibility to the security infrastructure of the network

• Monitors the functionality of routers, including firewalls, key servers, and critical switches

• Can help resolve audit trails, thus often exposing problems before they lead to loss of data

• Can trace user activity from the network point of entry to the point of exit

• Can report on file integrity checks

• Can detect whether a system has been reconfigured by an attack

• Can recognize a potential attack and generate an alert

• Can make possible security management of a network by nonexpert staff

10. NIDS: Scope and Limitations

Network-based IDS (NIDS) sensors scan network packets at the router or host level, auditing data packets and logging any suspicious packets to a log file. Figure 10.2 is an example of a NIDS. The data packets are captured by a sniffer program, which is a part of the IDS software package. The node on which the IDS software is enabled runs in promiscuous mode. In promiscuous mode, the NIDS node captures all the data packets on the network as defined by the configuration script. NIDSs have become a critical component of network security management as the number of nodes on the Internet has grown exponentially over last few years. Some of the common malicious attacks on networks are:

• IP address spoofing

• MAC address spoofing

• ARP cache poisoning

• DNS name corruption


Figure 10.2 An example of a network-based intrusion detection system.

11. A Practical Illustration of NIDS

In this section, we illustrate the use of Snort as an example of a NIDS. The signature files are kept in the directory signatures under the directory .doc. Signature files are used to match defined signature against a pattern of bytes in the data packets, to identify a potential attack. Files marked as rules in the rules directory are used to trigger an alarm and write to the file alert.ids. Snort is installed on a node with IP address The security auditing software Nmap is installed on a node with IP address Nmap software is capable of generating ping sweeps, TCP SYN (half-open) scanning, TCP connect() scanning, and much more. Figure 10.2 has a node labeled NIDS (behind the Linksys router) on which Snort would be installed. One of the workstations would run Nmap software.

UDP Attacks

A UDP attack is generated from a node with IP address to a node with IP address Snort is used to detect a possible attack. Snort’s detect engine uses one of the files in DOS under directory rules to generate the alert file alert.ids. We display a partial listing (see Listing 10.1) of the alert.ids file.


Listing 10.1 An alert.ids file.

Listing 10.2 shows a partial listing of DOS rules file. The rules stated in the DOS rules file are used to generate the alert.ids file.


Listing 10.2 The DOS rules file.

TCP SYN (Half-Open) Scanning

This technique is often referred to as half-open scanning because you don’t open a full TCP connection. You send a SYN packet, as though you were going to open a real connection, and wait for a response. A SYN|ACK indicates that the port is listening. An RST is indicative of a nonlistener. If a SYN|ACK is received, you immediately send an RST to tear down the connection (actually, the kernel does this for you). The primary advantage of this scanning technique is that fewer sites will log it! SYN scanning is the -s option of Nmap.

A SYN attack is generated using Nmap software from a node with IP address to a node with IP address Snort is used to detect for a possible attack. Snort’s detect engine uses scan and ICMP rules files under directory rules to generate the alert file alert.ids. A partial listing of alert.ids file is shown in Listing 10.3.


Listing 10.3 Alert.ids file.

A partial listing of the scan rules appears in Listing 10.4.


Listing 10.4 Scan rules.

Listing 10.5 contains a partial listing of the ICMP rules.


Listing 10.5 ICMP rules.

The following points must be noted about NIDS:

• One NIDS is installed per LAN (Ethernet) segment.

• Place NIDS on the auxiliary port on the switch and then link all the ports on the switch to that auxiliary port.

• When the network is saturated with traffic, the NIDS might drop packets and thus create a potential “hole.”

• If the data packets are encrypted, the usefulness of an IDS is questionable.

Some Not-So-Robust Features of NIDS

Network security is a complex issue with myriad possibilities and difficulties. In networks, security is also a weakest link phenomenon, since it takes vulnerability on one node to allow a hacker to gain access to a network and thus create chaos on the network. Therefore IDS products are vulnerable.

An IDS cannot compensate for weak identification and authentication. Hence you must rely on other means of identification and authentication of users. This is best implemented by token-based or biometric schemes and one-time passwords.

An IDS cannot conduct investigations of attacks without human intervention. Therefore when an incident does occur, steps must be defined to handle the incident. The incident must be followed up to determine the responsible party, then the vulnerability that allowed the problem to occur should be diagnosed and corrected. You will observe that an IDS is not capable of identifying the attacker, only the IP address of the node that served as the hacker’s point of entry.

An IDS cannot compensate for weaknesses in network protocols. IP and MAC address spoofing is a very common form of attack in which the source IP or MAC address does not correspond to the real source IP or MAC address of the hacker. Spoofed addresses can be mimicked to generate DDoS attacks.

An IDS cannot compensate for problems in the integrity of information the system provides. Many hacker tools target system logs, selectively erasing records corresponding to the time of the attack and thus covering the hacker’s tracks. This calls for redundant information sources.

An IDS cannot analyze all the traffic on a busy network. A network-based IDS in promiscuous mode can capture all the data packets, and as the traffic level raises, NIDS can reach a saturation point and begin to lose data packets.

An IDS cannot always deal with problems involving packet-level attacks. The vulnerabilities lie in the difference between IDS interpretation of the outcome of a network transaction and the destination node for that network session’s actual handling of the transaction. Therefore, a hacker can send a series of fragmented packets that elude detection and can also launch attacks on the destination node. Even worse, the hacker can lead to DoS on the IDS itself.

An IDS has problems dealing with fragmented data packets. Hackers would normally use fragmentation to confuse the IDS and thus launch an attack.

12. Firewalls

A firewall is either a single node or a set of nodes that enforce an access policy between two networks. Firewall technology evolved to protect the intranet from unauthorized users on the Internet. This was the case in the earlier years of corporate networks. Since then, the network administrators have realized that networks can also be attacked from trusted users as well as, for example, the employee of a company. The corporate network consists of hundreds of nodes per department and thus aggregates to over a thousand or more, and now there is a need to protect data in each department from other departments. Hence, a need for internal firewalls arose to protect data from unauthorized access, even if they are employees of the corporation. This need has, over the years, led to design of segmented IP networks, such that internal firewalls would form barriers within barriers, to restrict a potential break-in to an IP segment rather than expose the entire corporate network to a hacker. For this reason, network security has grown into a multibillion-dollar business.

Almost every intranet, whether of one node or many nodes, is always connected to the Internet, and thus a potential number of hackers wait to attack it. Thus every intranet is an IP network, with TCP- and UDP-based applications running over it. The design of TCP and UDP protocols require that every client/server application interacts with other client/server applications through TCP and UDP port numbers. As we stated earlier, these TCP and UDP port numbers are well known and hence give rise to a necessary weakness in the network. TCP and UDP port numbers open up “holes” in the networks by their very design. Every Internet and intranet point of entry has to be guarded, and you must monitor the traffic (data packets) that enter and leave the network.

A firewall is a combination of hardware and software technology, namely a sort of sentry, waiting at the points of entry and exit to look out for an unauthorized data packet trying to gain access to the network. The network administrator, with the help of other IT staff, must first identify the resources and the sensitive data that need to be protected from the hackers. Once this task has been accomplished, the next task is to identify who would have access to these identified resources and the data. We should pointed out that most of the networks in any corporation are never designed and built from scratch but are added to an existing network as the demand for networking grows with the growth of the business. So, the design of the network security policy has multilayered facets as well.

Once the network security policy is defined and understood, we can identify the proper placement of the firewalls in relation to the resources on the network. Hence, the next step would be to actually place the firewalls in the network as nodes. The network security policy now defines access to the network, as implemented in the firewall. These access rights to the network resources are based on the characteristics of TCP/IP protocols and the TCP/UDP port numbers.

Firewall Security Policy

The firewall enables the network administrator to centralize access control to the campuswide network. A firewall logs every packet that enters and leaves the network. The network security policy implemented in the firewall provides several types of protection, including the following:

• Block unwanted traffic

• Direct incoming traffic to more trustworthy internal nodes

• Hide vulnerable nodes that cannot easily be secured from external threats

• Log traffic to and from the network

A firewall is transparent to authorized users (both internal and external), whereas it is not transparent to unauthorized users. However, if the authorized user attempts to access a service that is not permitted to that user, a denial of that service will be echoed, and that attempt will be logged.

Firewalls can be configured in a number of architectures, providing various levels of security at different costs of installation and operations. Figure 10.2 is an example of a design termed a screened Subnet. In this design, the internal network is a private IP network, so the resources on that network are completely hidden from the users who are external to that network, such as users from the Internet. In an earlier chapter we talked about public versus private IP addresses. It is agreed to by the IP community that nodes with private IP addresses will not be accessible from outside that network. Any number of corporations may use the same private IP network address without creating packets with duplicated IP addresses. This feature of IP networks, namely private IP networks, adds to network security. In Figure 10.2, we used a Linksys router to support a private IP network ( implementation. For the nodes on the network to access the resources on the Internet, the Linksys router has to translate the private IP address of the data packet to a public IP address. In our scenario, the Linksys router would map the address of the node on the network, to an address on the public network, This feature is known as Network Address Translation (NAT), which is enabled on the Linksys router. You can see in Figure 10.2 that the Linksys router demarks the internal (IN) network from the external (OUT) network.

We illustrate an example of network address translation, as shown in Listing 10.6. The script configures a Cisco router that translates an internal private IP address to a public IP address. Of course, configuring a Linksys router is much simpler using a Web client. An explanation of the commands and their details follow the script.


Listing 10.6 Network Address Translation (NAT).

Configuration Script for sf Router

The access-list command creates an entry in a standard traffic filter list:

• Access-list “access-list-number” permit|deny source [source-mask]

• Access-list number: identifies the list to which the entry belongs; a number from 1 to 99

• Permit|deny: this entry allows or blocks traffic from the specified address

• Source: identifies source IP address

• Source-mask: identifies the bits in the address field that are matched; it has a 1 in position indicating “don’t care” bits, and a 0 in any position that is to be strictly followed

The IP access-group command links an existing access list to an outbound interface. Only one access list per port, per protocol, and per direction is allowed.

• Access-list-number: indicates the number of the access list to be linked to this interface

• In|out: selects whether the access list is applied to the incoming or outgoing interface; out is the default

NAT is a feature that operates on a border router between an inside private addressing scheme and an outside public addressing scheme. The inside private address is and the outside public address is chosen to be Equivalently, we have an intranet on the inside and the Internet on the outside.

13. Dynamic NAT Configuration

First a NAT pool is configured from which outside addresses are allocated to the requesting inside hosts: ip nat pool “pool name” “start outside IP address” “finish outside IP address.” Next the access-list is defined to determine which inside networks are translated by the NAT router: access-list “unique access-list number” permit|deny “inside IP network address.” Finally the NAT pool and the access list are correlated:

• IP NAT inside source list “unique access list number” pool “pool name”

• Enable the NAT on each interface of the NAT router

• IP NAT inside ++++++++++++++++ IP NAT outside

You will note that only one interface may be configured as outside, yet multiple interfaces may be configured as inside, with regard to Static NAT configuration:

• IP NAT inside source static “inside IP address” “outside IP address”

• IP NAT inside source static

14. The Perimeter

In Figure 10.3, you will see yet another IP network labeled demilitarized zone (DMZ). You may ask, why yet another network? The rationale behind this design is as follows.


Figure 10.3 An illustrative firewall design.

The users that belong to IN might want to access the resources on the Internet, such as read their email and send email to the users on the Internet. The corporation needs to advertise its products on the Internet.

The DMZ is the perimeter network, where resources have public IP addresses, so they are seen and heard on the Internet. The resources such as the Web (HTTP), email (SMTP), and domain name server (DNS) are placed in the DMZ, whereas the rest of the resources that belong to this corporation are completely hidden behind the Linksys router. The resources in the DMZ can be attacked by the hacker because they are open to users on the Internet. The relevant TCP and UDP port numbers on the servers in the DMZ have to be left open to the incoming and outgoing traffic. Does this create a potential “hole” in the corporate network? The answer to this is both yes and no. Someone can compromise the resources in the DMZ without the entire network being exposed to a potential attack.

The first firewall is the Cisco router, and it is the first line of defense, were network security policy implemented. On the Cisco router it is known as the Access Control List (ACL). This firewall will allow external traffic to inbound TCP port 80 on the Web server, TCP port 25 on the email server, and TCP and UDP port 53 on the DNS server. The external traffic to the rest of the ports will be denied and logged.

The second line of defense is the Linksys router that will have well-known ports closed to external traffic. It too will monitor and log the traffic. It is acceptable to place email and the Web server behind the Linksys router on the private IP network address. Then you will have to open up the TCP ports 80 and 25 on the Linksys router so that the external traffic can be mapped to ports 80 and 25, respectively. This would slow down the traffic because the Linksys router (or any commercial-grade router) would have to constantly map the port numbers back and forth. Finally, the DNS server would always need to be placed in the DMZ with a public IP address, since it will be used to resolve domain names by both internal and external users. This decision has to be left to the corporate IT staff.

15. Access List Details

The Cisco router in Figure 10.3 can be configured with the following access list to define network security policy. Building an access list in the configuration script of the router does not activate the list unless it is applied to an interface. “ip access-group 101 in” applies the access-list 101 to the serial interface of the router. Some of the access-list commands are explained here. For more information on Cisco access-list commands, visit the Cisco Web site (

• ip access-group group no. {in|out}: default is out

• What is the group number?

• The group number is the number that appears in the access-list command line

• What is {in|out}?

• In implies that the packet enters the router’s interface from the network

• Out implies that the packet leaves the router’s interface to the network

All TCP packets are IP packets, but all IP packets are not TCP packets. Therefore, entries matching on IP packets are more generic than matching on TCP, UDP, or ICMP packets. Each entry in the access list is interpreted (see Listing 10.7) from top to bottom for each packet on the specified interface. Once a match is reached, the remaining access-list entries are ignored. Hence, the order of entries in an access list is very critical, and therefore more specific entries should appear earlier on.


Listing 10.7 Access-list configuration script.

This permits TCP from any host to any host if the ACK or RST bit is set, which indicates that it is part of an established connection. You will note that in a TCP Full Connect, the first packet from the source node does not have the ACK bit set. The keyword established is meant to prevent an untrusted user from initiating a connection while allowing packets that are part of already established TCP connections to go through:

• Access-list 101 permit udp any gt 1023 host eq 53

• Permit UDP protocol from any host with port greater than 1023 to the DNS server at port 53

• Access-list 101 permit ip any host

• Permit IP from any host to


• Access-list 101 permit TCP any eq 80

• Permit any host to engage with our HTTP server on port 80 only

• Access-list 101 permit icmp any echo-reply

• Permit ICMP from any host to any host if the packet is in response to a ping request

• Access-list 101 deny ip any any

The last access-list command is implicit (that is, not explicitly stated). The action of this last access-list is to deny all other packets.

16. Types of Firewalls

Conceptually, there are three types of firewalls:

• Packet filtering. Permit packets to enter or leave the network through the interface on the router on the basis of protocol, IP address, and port numbers.

• Application-layer firewall. A proxy server that acts as an intermediate host between the source and the destination nodes.

• Stateful-inspection layer. Validates the packet on the basis of its content.

17. Packet Filtering: IP Filtering Routers

An IP packet-filtering router permits or denies the packet to either enter or leave the network through the interface (incoming and outgoing) on the basis of the protocol, IP address, and the port number. The protocol may be TCP, UDP, HTTP, SMTP, or FTP. The IP address under consideration would be both the source and the destination addresses of the nodes. The port numbers would correspond to the well-known port numbers. The packet-filtering firewall has to examine every packet and make a decision on the basis of defined ACL; additionally it will log the following guarded attacks on the network:

• A hacker will attempt to send IP spoofed packets using raw sockets (we will discuss more about usage of raw sockets in the next chapters)

• Log attempted network scanning for open TCP and UDP ports—NIDS will carry out this detective work in more detail

• SYN attacks using TCP connect(), and TCP half open

• Fragment attacks

18. Application-layer Firewalls: Proxy Servers

These are proxy servers that act as an intermediary host between the source and the destination nodes. Each of the sources would have to set up a session with the proxy server, then the proxy server would set up a session with the destination node. The packets would have to flow through the proxy server. There are examples of Web and FTP proxy servers on the Internet. The proxy servers would also have to be used by the internal users, that is, the traffic from the internal users will have to run through the proxy server to the outside network. Of course, this slows the flow of packets, but you must pay the price for added network security.

19. Stateful Inspection Firewalls

In here the firewall will examine the contents of the packets before permitting them to either enter or leave the network. The contents of the packets must conform with the protocol declared with the packet. For example, if the protocol declared is HTTP, the contents of the packet must be consistent with the HTTP packet definition.

20. NIDS Complements Firewalls

A firewall acts as a barrier, if so designed, among various IP network segments. Firewalls may be defined among IP intranet segments to protect resources. In any corporate network, there will always be more than one firewall because an intruder could be one of the authorized network users. Hence the following points should be noted:

• Not all threats originate outside the firewall.

• The most trusted users are also the potential intruders.

• Firewalls themselves may be subject to attack.

Since the firewall sits at the boundary of the IP network segments, it can only monitor the traffic entering and leaving the interface on the firewall that connects to the network. If the intruder is internal to the firewall, the firewall will not be able to detect the security breach. Once an intruder has managed to transit through the interface of the firewall, the intruder would go undetected, which could possibly lead to stealing sensitive information, destroying information, leaving behind viruses, staging attacks on other networks, and most important, leaving spyware software to monitor the activities on the network for future attacks. Hence, a NIDS would play a critical role in monitoring activities on the network and continually looking for possible anomalous patterns of activities.

Firewall technology has been around for the past 20 years, so much has been documented about its weaknesses and strengths. Information about firewalls is freely available on the Internet. Hence a new breed of hackers have utilized tunneling as a means of bypassing firewall security policy. NIDS enhances security infrastructure by monitoring system activities for signs of attack and then, based on the system settings, responds to the attack as well as generates an alarm. Response to a potential attack is known as the incident response or incident handling, which combines investigation and diagnosis phases. Incident response has been an emerging technology in the past couple of years and is now an integral part of intrusion detection and prevention technology.

Finally, but not least, securing network systems is an ongoing process in which new threats arise all the time. Consequently, firewalls, NIDS, and intrusion prevention systems are continuously evolving technologies. In this chapter and subsequent chapters our focus has been and will be wired networks. However, as wireless data networks proliferate and seamlessly connect to the cellular voice networks, the risk of attacks on the wired networks is growing exponentially.

21. Monitor and Analyze System Activities

Figure 10.1 shows the placement of a NIDS, one in the DMZ and the other in the private network. This suggests at least two points on the network from which we capture data packets. The next question is the timing of the information collection, although this depends on the degree of threat perceived to the network.

If the level of perceived threat to the network is low, an immediate response to the attack is not very critical. In such a case, interval-oriented data capturing and analysis is most economical in terms of load placed on a NIDS and other resources on the network. Additionally, there might not be full-time network security personnel to respond to an alarm triggered by the NIDS.

If the level of perceived threat is imminent and the time and the data are mission-critical to the organization, real-time data gathering and analysis are of extreme importance. Of course, the real-time data gathering would impact the CPU cycles on the NIDS and would lead to a massive amount of data storage. With real-time data capturing and analysis, real-time response to an attack can be automated with notification. In such a case, network activities can be interrupted, the incident could be isolated, and system and network recovery could be set in motion.

Analysis Levels

Capturing and storing data packets are among the manageable functions of any IDS. How do we analyze the data packets that represent potential or imminent threats to the network?

We need to examine the data packets and look for evidence that could point to a threat. Let’s examine the makeup of data packets. Of course, any packet is almost encapsulated by successive protocols from the Internet model, with the data as its kernel. Potential attacks could be generated by IP or MAC spoofing, fragmented IP packets leading to some sort of DoS, saturating the resource with flooding, and much more. We should remind readers that since humans are not going to examine the data packets, this process of examination is relegated to an algorithm. This algorithm must compare the packets with a known format of the packet (signature) that suggests an attack is in progress, or it could be that there is some sort of unusual activity on the network. How does one distinguish abnormal from normal sets of activities? There must be some baseline (statistical) that indicates normal, and deviation from it would be an indicator of abnormal. We explore these concepts in the following paragraphs.

We can identify two levels of analysis: signature and statistical.

22. Signature Analysis

Signature analysis includes some sort of pattern matching of the contents of the data packets. There are patterns corresponding to known attacks. These known attacks are stored in a database, and a pattern is examined against the known pattern, which defines signature analysis. Most commercial NIDS products perform signature analysis against a database of known attacks, which is part of the NIDS software. Even though the databases of known attacks may be proprietary to the vendor, the client of this software should be able to increase the scope of the NIDS software by adding signatures to the database. Snort is open-source NIDS software, and the database of known attacks is maintained and updated by the user community. This database is an ASCII (human-readable) file.

23. Statistical Analysis

First we have to define what constitutes a normal traffic pattern on the network. Then we must identify deviations away from normal patterns as potential threats. These deviations must be arrived at by statistical analysis of the traffic patterns. A good example would be how many times records are written to a database over a given time interval, and deviations from normally accepted numbers would be an indication of an impending attack. Of course, a clever hacker could mislead the detector into accepting attack activity as normal by gradually varying behavior over time. This would be an example of a false negative.

24. Signature Algorithms

Signature analysis is based on these algorithms:

• Pattern matching

• Stateful pattern matching

• Protocol decode-based analysis

• Heuristic-based analysis

• Anomaly-based analysis

Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is based on searching for a fixed sequence of bytes in a single packet. In most cases the pattern is matched against only if the suspect packet is associated with a particular service or, more precisely, destined to and from a particular port. This helps to reduce the number of packets that must get examined and thus speed up the process of detection. However, it tends to make it more difficult for systems to deal with protocols that do not live on well-defined ports.

The structure of a signature based on the simple pattern-matching approach might be as follows: First, the packet is IPv4 and TCP, the destination port is 3333, and the payload contains the fictitious string psuw, trigger an alarm. In this example, the pattern psuw is what we were searching for, and one of the IDS rules implies to trigger an alarm. One could do a variation on this example to set up more convoluted data packets. The advantage of this simple algorithm is:

• This method allows for direct correlation of an exploit with the pattern; it is highly specific.

• This method is applicable across all protocols.

• This method reliably alerts on the pattern matched.

The disadvantages of this pattern-matching approach are as follows:

• Any modification to the attack can lead to missed events (false negatives).

• This method can lead to high false-positive rates if the pattern is not as unique as the signature writer assumed.

• This method is usually limited to inspection of a single packet and, therefore, does not apply well to the stream-based nature of network traffic such as HTTP traffic. This scenario leads to easily implemented evasion techniques.

Stateful Pattern Matching

This method of signature development adds to the pattern-matching concept because a network stream comprises more than a single atomic packet. Matches should be made in context within the state of the stream. This means that systems that perform this type of signature analysis must consider arrival order of packets in a TCP stream and should handle matching patterns across packet boundaries. This is somewhat similar to a stateful firewall.

Now, instead of looking for the pattern in every packet, the system has to begin to maintain state information on the TCP stream being monitored. To understand the difference, consider the following scenario. Suppose that the attack you are looking for is launched from a client connecting to a server and you have the pattern-match method deployed on the IDS. If the attack is launched so that in any given single TCP packet bound for the target on port 3333 the string is present, this event triggers the alarm. If, however, the attacker causes the offending string to be sent such that the fictitious gp is in the first packet sent to the server and o is in the second, the alarm does not get triggered. If the stateful pattern-matching algorithm is deployed instead, the sensor has stored the gp portion of the string and is able to complete the match when the client forwards the fictitious p.The advantages of this technique are as follows:

• This method allows for direct correlation of an exploit with the pattern.

• This method is applicable across all protocols.

• This method makes evasion slightly more difficult.

• This method reliably alerts on the pattern specified.

The disadvantages of the stateful pattern matching-based analysis are as follows:

• Any modification to the attack can lead to missed events (false negatives).

• This method can lead to high false-positive rates if the pattern is not as unique as the signature writer assumed.

Protocol Decode-based Analysis

In many ways, intelligent extensions to stateful pattern matches are protocol decode-based signatures. This class of signature is implemented by decoding the various elements in the same manner as the client or server in the conversation would. When the elements of the protocol are identified, the IDS applies rules defined by the request for comments (RFCs) to look for violations. In some instances, these violations are found with pattern matches within a specific protocol field, and some require more advanced techniques that account for such variables as the length of a field or the number of arguments.

Consider the fictitious example of the gwb attack for illustration purposes. Suppose that the base protocol that the attack is being run over is the fictitious OBL protocol, and more specifically, assume that the attack requires that the illegal fictitious argument gpp must be passed in the OBL Type field. To further complicate the situation, assume that the Type field is preceded by a field of variable length called OBL Options. The valid list of fictitious options are gppi, nppi, upsnfs, and cvjmep. Using the simple or the stateful pattern-matching algorithm in this case leads to false positives because the option gppi contains the pattern that is being searched for. In addition, because the field lengths are variable, it would be impossible to limit such false positives by specifying search start and stop locations. The only way to be certain that gpp is being passed in as the OBL type argument is to fully decode the protocol.

If the protocol allows for behavior that the pattern-matching algorithms have difficulty dealing with, not doing full protocol decodes can also lead to false negatives. For example, if the OBL protocol allows every other byte to be a NULL if a value is set in the OBL header, the pattern matchers would fail to see fx00ox00ox00. The protocol decode-enabled analysis engine would strip the NULLS and fire the alarm as expected, assuming that gpp was in the Type field. Thus, with the preceding in mind, the advantages of the protocol decode-based analysis are as follows:

• This method can allow for direct correlation of an exploit.

• This method can be more broad and general to allow catching variations on a theme.

• This method minimizes the chance for false positives if the protocol is well defined and enforced.

• This method reliably alerts on the violation of the protocol rules as defined in the rules script.

The disadvantages of this technique are as follows:

• This method can lead to high false-positive rates if the RFC is ambiguous and allows developers the discretion to interpret and implement as they see fit. These gray area protocol violations are very common.

• This method requires longer development times to properly implement the protocol parser.

Heuristic-Based Analysis

A good example of this type of signature is a signature that would be used to detect a port sweep. This signature looks for the presence of a threshold number of unique ports being touched on a particular machine. The signature may further restrict itself through the specification of the types of packets that it is interested in (that is, SYN packets). Additionally, there may be a requirement that all the probes must originate from a single source. Signatures of this type require some threshold manipulations to make them conform to the utilization patterns on the network they are monitoring. This type of signature may be used to look for very complex relationships as well as the simple statistical example given.

The advantages for heuristic-based signature analysis are that some types of suspicious and/or malicious activity cannot be detected through any other means. The disadvantages are that algorithms may require tuning or modification to better conform to network traffic and limit false positives.

Anomaly-Based Analysis

From what is seen normally, anomaly-based signatures are typically geared to look for network traffic that deviates. The biggest problem with this methodology is to first define what normal is. Some systems have hardcoded definitions of normal, and in this case they could be considered heuristic-based systems. Some systems are built to learn normal, but the challenge with these systems is in eliminating the possibility of improperly classifying abnormal behavior as normal. Also, if the traffic pattern being learned is assumed to be normal, the system must contend with how to differentiate between allowable deviations and those not allowed or representing attack-based traffic. The work in this area has been mostly limited to academia, although there are a few commercial products that claim to use anomaly-based detection methods. A subcategory of this type of detection is the profile-based detection methods. These systems base their alerts on changes in the way that users or systems interact on the network. They incur many of the same limitations and problems that the overarching category has in inferring the intent of the change in behavior.

Statistical anomalies may also be identified on the network either through learning or teaching of the statistical norms for certain types of traffic, for example, systems that detect traffic floods, such as UDP, TCP, or ICMP floods. These algorithms compare the current rate of arrival of traffic with a historical reference; based on this, the algorithms will alert to statistically significant deviations from the historical mean. Often, a user can provide the statistical threshold for the alerts. The advantages for anomaly-based detection are as follows:

• If this method is implemented properly, it can detect unknown attacks.

• This method offers low overhead because new signatures do not have to be developed.

The disadvantages are:

• In general, these systems are not able to give you intrusion data with any granularity. It looks like something terrible may have happened, but the systems cannot say definitively.

• This method is highly dependent on the environment in which the systems learn what normal is.

The following are Freeware tools to monitor and analyze network activities:

• Network Scanner, Nmap, is available from Nmap is a free open-source utility to monitor open ports on a network. The MS-Windows version is a zip file by the name You also need to download a packet capture library, WinPcap, under Windows. It is available from In addition to these programs, you need a utility to unzip the zipped file, which you can download from various Internet sites.

• PortPeeker is a freeware utility for capturing network traffic for TCP, UDP, or ICMP protocols. With PortPeeker you can easily and quickly see what traffic is being sent to a given port. This utility is available from

• Port-scanning tools such as Fport 2.0 and SuperScan 4.0 are easy to use and freely available from

• Network sniffer Ethereal is available from Ethereal is a packet sniffer and analyzer for a variety of protocols.

• EtherSnoop light is a free network sniffer designed for capturing and analyzing the packets going through the network. It captures the data passing through your network Ethernet card, analyzes the data, and represents it in a readable form. EtherSnoop light is a fully configurable network analyzer program for Win32 environments. It is available from

• A fairly advanced tool, Snort, an open-source NIDS, is available from

• UDPFlood is a stress testing tool that could be identified as a DoS agent; it is available from

• An application that allows you to generate a SYN attack with a spoofed address so that the remote host’s CPU cycle’s get tied up is Attacker, and is available from

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