Chapter 8

The Botnet Problem

Xinyuan Wang, George Mason University

Daniel Ramsbrock, George Mason University

A botnet is a collection of compromised Internet computers being controlled remotely by attackers for malicious and illegal purposes. The term comes from these programs being called robots, or bots for short, due to their automated behavior.

Bot software is highly evolved Internet malware, incorporating components of viruses, worms, spyware, and other malicious software. The person controlling a botnet is known as the botmaster or bot-herder, and he seeks to preserve his anonymity at all costs. Unlike previous malware such as viruses and worms, the motivation for operating a botnet is financial. Botnets are extremely profitable, earning their operators hundreds of dollars per day. Botmasters can either rent botnet processing time to others or make direct profits by sending spam, distributing spyware to aid in identity theft, and even extorting money from companies via the threat of a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.1 It is no surprise that many network security researchers believe that botnets are one of the most pressing security threats on the Internet today.

Bots are at the center of the undernet economy. Almost every major crime problem on the Net can be traced to them.

—Jeremy Linden, formerly of Arbor Networks2

1. Introduction

You sit down at your computer in the morning, still squinting from sleep. Your computer seems a little slower than usual, but you don’t think much of it. After checking the news, you try to sign into eBay to check on your auctions. Oddly enough, your password doesn’t seem to work. You try a few more times, thinking maybe you changed it recently—but without success.

Figuring you’ll look into it later, you sign into online banking to pay some of those bills that have been piling up. Luckily, your favorite password still works there—so it must be a temporary problem with eBay. Unfortunately, you are in for more bad news: The $0.00 balance on your checking and savings accounts isn’t just a “temporary problem.” Frantically clicking through the pages, you see that your accounts have been completely cleaned out with wire transfers to several foreign countries.

You check your email, hoping to find some explanation of what is happening. Instead of answers, you have dozens of messages from “network operations centers” around the world, informing you in no uncertain terms that your computer has been scanning, spamming, and sending out massive amounts of traffic over the past 12 hours or so. Shortly afterward, your Internet connection stops working altogether, and you receive a phone call from your service provider. They are very sorry, they explain, but due to something called “botnet activity” on your computer, they have temporarily disabled your account. Near panic now, you demand an explanation from the network technician on the other end. “What exactly is a botnet? How could it cause so much damage overnight?”

Though this scenario might sound far-fetched, it is entirely possible; similar things have happened to thousands of people over the last few years. Once a single bot program is installed on a victim computer, the possibilities are nearly endless. For example, the attacker can get your online passwords, drain your bank accounts, and use your computer as a remote-controlled “zombie” to scan for other victims, send out spam emails, and even launch DDoS attacks.

This chapter describes the botnet threat and the countermeasures available to network security professionals. First, it provides an overview of botnets, including their origins, structure, and underlying motivation. Next, the chapter describes existing methods for defending computers and networks against botnets. Finally, it addresses the most important aspect of the botnet problem: how to identify and track the botmaster in order to eliminate the root cause of the botnet problem.

2. Botnet Overview

Bots and botnets are the latest trend in the evolution of Internet malware. Their black-hat developers have built on the experience gathered from decades of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other malware to create highly sophisticated software that is difficult to detect and remove. Typical botnets have several hundred to several thousand members, though some botnets have been detected with over 1.5 million members.3 As of January 2007, Google’s Vinton Cerf estimated that up to 150 million computers (about 25% of all Internet hosts) could be infected with bot software.4

Origins of Botnets

Before botnets, the main motivation for Internet attacks was fame and notoriety. By design, these attacks were noisy and easily detected. High-profile examples are the Melissa email worm (1999), ILOVEYOU (2000), Code Red (2001), Slammer (2003), and Sasser (2004).5,6 Though the impact of these viruses and worms was severe, the damage was relatively short-lived and consisted mainly of the cost of the outage plus man-hours required for cleanup. Once the infected files had been removed from the victim computers and the vulnerability patched, the attackers no longer had any control.

By contrast, botnets are built on the very premise of extending the attacker’s control over his victims. To achieve long-term control, a bot must be stealthy during every part of its lifecycle, unlike its predecessors.2 As a result, most bots have a relatively small network footprint and do not create much traffic during typical operation. Once a bot is in place, the only required traffic consists of incoming commands and outgoing responses, constituting the botnet’s command and control (C&C) channel. Therefore, the scenario at the beginning of the chapter is not typical of all botnets. Such an obvious attack points to either a brazen or inexperienced botmaster, and there are plenty of them.

The concept of a remote-controlled computer bot originates from Internet Relay Chat (IRC), where benevolent bots were first introduced to help with repetitive administrative tasks such as channel and nickname management.1,2 One of the first implementations of such an IRC bot was Eggdrop, originally developed in 1993 and still one of the most popular IRC bots.6,7 Over time, attackers realized that IRC was in many ways a perfect medium for large-scale botnet C&C. It provides an instantaneous one-to-many communications channel and can support very large numbers of concurrent users.8

Botnet Topologies and Protocols

In addition to the traditional IRC-based botnets, several other protocols and topologies have emerged recently. The two main botnet topologies are centralized and peer-to-peer (P2P). Among centralized botnets, IRC is still the predominant protocol,9,10,11 but this trend is decreasing and several recent bots have used HTTP for their C&C channels.9,11 Among P2P botnets, many different protocols exist, but the general idea is to use a decentralized collection of peers and thus eliminate the single point of failure found in centralized botnets. P2P is becoming the most popular botnet topology because it has many advantages over centralized botnets.12


Centralized botnets use a single entity (a host or a small collection of hosts) to manage all bot members. The advantage of a centralized topology is that it is fairly easy to implement and produces little overhead. A major disadvantage is that the entire botnet becomes useless if the central entity is removed, since bots will attempt to connect to nonexistent servers. To provide redundancy against this problem, many modern botnets rely on dynamic DNS services and/or fast-flux DNS techniques. In a fast-flux configuration, hundreds or thousands of compromised hosts are used as proxies to hide the identities of the true C&C servers. These hosts constantly alternate in a round-robin DNS configuration to resolve one hostname to many different IP addresses (none of which are the true IPs of C&C servers). Only the proxies know the true C&C servers, forwarding all traffic from the bots to these servers.13

As we’ve described, the IRC protocol is an ideal candidate for centralized botnet control, and it remains the most popular among in-the-wild botmasters,9,10,11 although it appears that will not be true much longer. Popular examples of IRC bots are Agobot, Spybot, and Sdbot.13 Variants of these three families make up most active botnets today. By its nature, IRC is centralized and allows nearly instant communication among large botnets. One of the major disadvantages is that IRC traffic is not very common on the Internet, especially in an enterprise setting. As a result, standard IRC traffic can be easily detected, filtered, or blocked. For this reason, some botmasters run their IRC servers on nonstandard ports. Some even use customized IRC implementations, replacing easily recognized commands such as JOIN and PRIVMSG with other text. Despite these countermeasures, IRC still tends to stick out from the regular Web and email traffic due to uncommon port numbers.

Recently, botmasters have started using HTTP to manage their centralized botnets. The advantage of using regular Web traffic for C&C is that it must be allowed to pass through virtually all firewalls, since HTTP comprises a majority of Internet traffic. Even closed firewalls that only provide Web access (via a proxy service, for example) will allow HTTP traffic to pass. It is possible to inspect the content and attempt to filter out malicious C&C traffic, but this is not feasible due to the large number of existing bots and variants. If botmasters use HTTPS (HTTP encrypted using SSL/TLS), then even content inspection becomes useless and all traffic must be allowed to pass through the firewall. However, a disadvantage of HTTP is that it does not provide the instant communication and built-in, scale-up properties of IRC: Bots must manually poll the central server at specific intervals. With large botnets, these intervals must be large enough and distributed well to avoid overloading the server with simultaneous requests. Examples of HTTP bots are Bobax14,11 and Rustock, with Rustock using a custom encryption scheme on top of HTTP to conceal its C&C traffic.15


As defenses against centralized botnets have become more effective, more and more botmasters are exploring ways to avoid the pitfalls of relying on a centralized architecture and therefore a single point of failure. Symantec reports a “steady decrease” in centralized IRC botnets and predicts that botmasters are now “accelerating their shift…to newer, stealthier control methods, using protocols such as…peer-to-peer.”12 In the P2P model, no centralized server exists, and all member nodes are equally responsible for passing on traffic. “If done properly, [P2P] makes it near impossible to shut down the botnet as a whole. It also provides anonymity to the [botmaster], because they can appear as just another node in the network,” says security researcher Joe Stewart of Lurhq.16 There are many protocols available for P2P networks, each differing in the way nodes first join the network and the role they later play in passing traffic along. Some popular protocols are BitTorrent, WASTE, and Kademlia.13 Many of these protocols were first developed for benign uses, such as P2P file sharing.

One of the first malicious P2P bots was Sinit, released in September 2003. It uses random scanning to find peers, rather than relying on one of the established P2P bootstrap protocols.13 As a result, Sinit often has trouble finding peers, which results in overall poor connectivity.17 Due to the large amount of scanning traffic, this bot is easily detected by intrusion detection systems (IDSs).18

Another advanced bot using the P2P approach is Nugache, released in April 2006.13 It initially connects to a list of 22 predefined peers to join the P2P network, then downloads a list of active peer nodes from there. This implies that if the 22 “seed” hosts can be shut down, no new bots will be able to join the network, but existing nodes can still function.19 Nugache encrypts all communications, making it harder for IDSs to detect and increasing the difficulty of manual analysis by researchers.16 Nugache is seen as one of the first more sophisticated P2P bots, paving the way for future enhancements by botnet designers.

The most famous P2P bot so far is Peacomm, more commonly known as the Storm Worm. It started spreading in January 2007 and continues to have a strong presence.20 To communicate with peers, it uses the Overnet protocol, based on the Kademlia P2P protocol. For bootstrapping, it uses a fixed list of peers (146 in one observed instance) distributed along with the bot. Once the bot has joined Overnet, the botmaster can easily update the binary and add components to extend its functionality. Often the bot is configured to automatically retrieve updates and additional components, such as an SMTP server for spamming, an email address harvesting tool, and a DoS module. Like Nugache, all of Peacomm’s communications are encrypted, making it extremely hard to observe C&C traffic or inject commands appearing to come from the botmaster. Unlike centralized botnets relying on a dynamic DNS provider, Peacomm uses its own P2P network as a distributed DNS system that has no single point of failure. The fixed list of peers is a potential weakness, although it would be challenging to take all these nodes offline. Additionally, the attackers can always set up new nodes and include an updated peer list with the bot, resulting in an “arms race” to shut down malicious nodes.13

3. Typical Bot Life Cycle

Regardless of the topology being used, the typical life cycle of a bot is similar:

1. Creation. First, the botmaster develops his bot software, often reusing existing code and adding custom features. He might use a test network to perform dry runs before deploying the bot in the wild.

2. Infection. There are many possibilities for infecting victim computers, including the following four. Once a victim machine becomes infected with a bot, it is known as a zombie.

• Software vulnerabilities. The attacker exploits a vulnerability in a running service to automatically gain access and install his software without any user interaction. This was the method used by most worms, including the infamous Code Red and Sasser worms.5

• Drive-by download. The attacker hosts his file on a Web server and entices people to visit the site. When the user loads a certain page, the software is automatically installed without user interaction, usually by exploiting browser bugs, misconfigurations, or unsecured ActiveX controls.

• Trojan horse. The attacker bundles his malicious software with seemingly benign and useful software, such as screen savers, antivirus scanners, or games. The user is fully aware of the installation process, but he does not know about the hidden bot functionality.

• Email attachment: Although this method has become less popular lately due to rising user awareness, it is still around. The attacker sends an attachment that will automatically install the bot software when the user opens it, usually without any interaction. This was the primary infection vector of the ILOVEYOU email worm from 2000.5 The recent Storm Worm successfully used enticing email messages with executable attachments to lure its victims.20

3. Rallying. After infection, the bot starts up for the first time and attempts to contact its C&C server(s) in a process known as rallying. In a centralized botnet, this could be an IRC or HTTP server, for example. In a P2P botnet, the bots perform the bootstrapping protocol required to locate other peers and join the network. Most bots are very fault-tolerant, having multiple lists of backup servers to attempt if the primary ones become unavailable. Some C&C servers are configured to immediately send some initial commands to the bot (without botmaster intervention). In an IRC botnet, this is typically done by including the commands in the C&C channel’s topic.

4. Waiting. Having joined the C&C network, the bot waits for commands from the botmaster. During this time, very little (if any) traffic passes between the victim and the C&C servers. In an IRC botnet, this traffic would mainly consist of periodic keep-alive messages from the server.

5. Executing. Once the bot receives a command from the botmaster, it executes it and returns any results to the botmaster via the C&C network. The supported commands are only limited by the botmaster’s imagination and technical skills. Common commands are in line with the major uses of botnets: scanning for new victims, sending spam, sending DoS floods, setting up traffic redirection, and many more.

Following execution of a command, the bot returns to the waiting state to await further instructions. If the victim computer is rebooted or loses its connection to the C&C network, the bot resumes in the rallying state. Assuming it can reach its C&C network, it will then continue in the waiting state until further commands arrive.

Figure 8.1 shows the detailed infection sequence in a typical IRC-based botnet:

1. An existing botnet member computer launches a scan, then discovers and exploits a vulnerable host.

2. Following the exploit, the vulnerable host is made to download and install a copy of the bot software, constituting an infection.

3. When the bot starts up on the vulnerable host, it enters the rallying state: It performs a DNS lookup to determine the current IP of its C&C server.

4. The new bot joins the botnet’s IRC channel on the C&C server for the first time, now in the waiting state.

5. The botmaster sends his commands to the C&C server on the botnet’s IRC channel.

6. The C&C server forwards the commands to all bots, which now enter the executing state.


Figure 8.1 Infection sequence of a typical centralized IRC-based botnet.

4. The Botnet Business Model

Unlike the viruses and worms of the past, botnets are motivated by financial profit. Organized crime groups often use them as a source of income, either by hiring “freelance” botmasters or by having their own members create botnets. As a result, network security professionals are up against motivated, well-financed organizations that can often hire some of the best minds in computers and network security. This is especially true in countries such as Russia, Romania, and other Eastern European nations where there is an abundance of IT talent at the high school and university level but legitimate IT job prospects are very limited. In such an environment, criminal organizations easily recruit recent graduates by offering far better opportunities than the legitimate job market.21,22,23,24 One infamous example of such a crime organization is the Russian Business Network (RBN), a Russian Internet service provider (ISP) that openly supports criminal activity.21,25 They are responsible for the Storm Worm (Peacomm),25 the March 2007 DDoS attacks on Estonia,25 and a high-profile attack on the Bank of India in August 2007,26 along with many other attacks.

It might not be immediately obvious how a collection of computers can be used to cause havoc and produce large profits. The main point is that botnets provide anonymous and distributed access to the Internet. The anonymity makes the attackers untraceable, and a botnet’s distributed nature makes it extremely hard to shut down. As a result, botnets are perfect vehicles for criminal activities on the Internet. Some of the main profit-producing methods are explained here,27 but criminals are always devising new and creative ways to profit from botnets:

• Spam. Spammers send millions of emails advertising phony or overpriced products, phishing for financial data and login information, or running advance-fee schemes such as the Nigerian 419 scam.28 Even if only a small percentage of recipients respond to this spam, the payoff is considerable for the spammer. It is estimated that up to 90% of all spam originates from botnets.2

• DDoS and extortion. Having amassed a large number of bots, the attacker contacts an organization and threatens to launch a massive DDoS attack, shutting down its Web site for several hours or even days. Another variation on this method is to find vulnerabilities, use them steal financial or confidential data, and then demand money for the “safe return” of the data and to keep it from being circulated in the underground economy.23 Often, companies would rather pay off the attacker to avoid costly downtime, lost sales, and the lasting damage to its reputation that would result from a DDoS attack or data breach.

• Identity theft. Once a bot has a foothold on a victim’s machine, it usually has complete control. For example, the attacker can install keyloggers to record login and password information, search the hard drive for valuable data, or alter the DNS configuration to redirect victims to look-alike Web sites and collect personal information, known as pharming.29 Using the harvested personal information, the attacker can make fraudulent credit card charges, clean out the victim’s bank account, and apply for credit in the victim’s name, among many other things.

• Click fraud. In this scenario, bots are used to repeatedly click Web advertising links, generating per-click revenue for the attacker.2 This represents fraud because only the clicks of human users with a legitimate interest are valuable to advertisers. The bots will not buy the product or service as a result of clicking the advertisement.

These illegal activities are extremely profitable. For example, a 2006 study by the Germany Honeynet Project estimated that a botmaster can make about $430 per day just from per-install advertising software.30 A 20-year-old California botmaster indicted in February 2006 earned $100,000 in advertising revenue from his botnet operations.31 However, both of these cases pale in comparison to the estimated $20 million worth of damage caused by an international ring of computer criminals known as the A-Team.32

Due to these very profitable uses of botnets, many botmasters make money simply by creating botnets and then renting out processing power and bandwidth to spammers, extortionists, and identity thieves. Despite a recent string of high-profile botnet arrests, these are merely a drop in the bucket.4 Overall, botmasters still have a fairly low chance of getting caught due to a lack of effective traceback techniques. The relatively low risk combined with high yield makes the botnet business very appealing as a fundraising method for criminal enterprises, especially in countries with weak computer crime enforcement.

5. Botnet Defense

When botnets emerged, the response was similar to previous Internet malware: Antivirus vendors created signatures and removal techniques for each new instance of the bot. This approach initially worked well at the host level, but researchers soon started exploring more advanced methods for eliminating more than one bot at a time. After all, a botnet with tens of thousands of members would be very tedious to combat one bot at a time.

This section describes the current defenses against centralized botnets, moving from the host level to the network level, then to the C&C server, and finally to the botmaster himself.

Detecting and Removing Individual Bots

Removing individual bots does not usually have a noticeable impact on the overall botnet, but it is a crucial first step in botnet defense. The basic antivirus approach using signature-based detection is still effective with many bots, but some are starting to use polymorphism, which creates unique instances of the bot code and evades signature-based detection. For example, Agobot is known to have thousands of variants, and it includes built-in support for polymorphism to change its signature at will.33

To deal with these more sophisticated bots and all other polymorphic malware, detection must be done using behavioral analysis and heuristics. Researchers Stinson and Mitchell have developed a taint-based approach called BotSwat that marks all data originating from the network. If this data is used as input for a system call, there is a high probability that it is bot-related behavior, since user input typically comes from the keyboard or mouse on most end-user systems.34

Detecting C&C Traffic

To mitigate the botnet problem on a larger scale, researchers turned their attention to network-based detection of the botnet’s C&C traffic. This method allows organizations or even ISPs to detect the presence of bots on their entire network, rather than having to check each machine individually.

One approach is to examine network traffic for certain known patterns that occur in botnet C&C traffic. This is, in effect, a network-deployed version of signature-based detection, where signatures have to be collected for each bot before detection is possible. Researchers Goebel and Holz implemented this method in their Rishi tool, which evaluates IRC nicknames for likely botnet membership based on a list of known botnet naming schemes. As with all signature-based approaches, it often leads to an “arms race” where the attackers frequently change their malware and the network security community tries to keep up by creating signatures for each new instance.35

Rather than relying on a limited set of signatures, it is also possible to use the IDS technique of anomaly detection to identify unencrypted IRC botnet traffic. This method was successfully implemented by researchers Binkley and Singh at Portland State University, and as a result they reported a significant increase in bot detection on the university network.36

Another IDS-based detection technique called BotHunter was proposed by Gu et al. in 2007. Their approach is based on IDS dialog correlation techniques: It deploys three separate network monitors at the network perimeter, each detecting a specific stage of bot infection. By correlating these events, BotHunter can reconstruct the traffic dialog between the infected machine and the outside Internet. From this dialog, the engine determines whether a bot infection has taken place with a high accuracy rate.37

Moving beyond the scope of a single network/organization, traffic from centralized botnets can be detected at the ISP level based only on transport layer flow statistics. This approach was developed by Karasaridis et al., and it solves many of the problems of packet-level inspection. It is passive, highly scalable, and only uses flow summary data (limiting privacy issues). Additionally, it can determine the size of a botnet without joining and can even detect botnets using encrypted C&C. The approach exploits the underlying principle of centralized botnets: Each bot has to contact the C&C server, producing detectable patterns in network traffic flows.38

Beyond the ISP level, a heuristic method for Internet-wide bot detection was proposed by Ramachandran et al. in 2006. In this scheme, query patterns of DNS black-hole lists (DNSBLs) are used to create a list of possible bot-infected IP addresses. It relies on the fact that botmasters need to periodically check whether their spam-sending bots have been added to a DNSBL and have therefore become useless. The query patterns of botmasters to a DNSBL are very different from those of legitimate mail servers, allowing detection.39 One major limitation is that this approach focuses mainly on the sending of spam. It would most likely not detect bots engaged in other illegal activities, such as DDoS attacks or click fraud, since these do not require DNSBL lookups.

Detecting and Neutralizing the C&C Servers

Though detecting C&C traffic and eliminating all bots on a given local network is a step in the right direction, it still doesn’t allow the takedown of an entire botnet at once. To achieve this goal in a centralized botnet, access to the C&C servers must be removed. This approach assumes that the C&C servers consist of only a few hosts that are accessed directly. If hundreds or thousands of hosts are used in a fast-flux proxy configuration, it becomes extremely challenging to locate and neutralize the true C&C servers.

In work similar to BotHunter, researchers Gu et al. developed BotSniffer in 2008. This approach represents several improvements, notably that BotSniffer can handle encrypted traffic, since it no longer relies only on content inspection to correlate messages. A major advantage of this approach is that it requires no advance knowledge of the bot’s signature or the identity of C&C servers. By analyzing network traces, BotSniffer detects the spatial-temporal correlation among C&C traffic belonging to the same botnet. It can therefore detect both the bot members and the C&C server(s) with a low false positive rate.40

Most of the approaches mentioned under “Detecting C&C Traffic” can also be used to detect the C&C servers, with the exception of the DNSBL approach.39 However, their focus is mainly on detection and removal of individual bots. None of these approaches mentions targeting the C&C servers to eliminate an entire botnet.

One of the few projects that has explored the feasibility of C&C server takedown is the work of Freiling et al. in 2005.41 Although their focus is on DDoS prevention, they describe the method that is generally used in the wild to remove C&C servers when they are detected. First, the bot binary is either reverse-engineered or run in a sandbox to observe its behavior, specifically the hostnames of the C&C servers. Using this information, the proper dynamic DNS providers can be notified to remove the DNS entries for the C&C servers, preventing any bots from contacting them and thus severing contact between the botmaster and his botnet. Dagon et al. used a similar approach in 2006 to obtain experiment data for modeling botnet propagation, redirecting the victim’s connections from the true C&C server to their sinkhole host.42 Even though effective, the manual analysis and contact with the DNS operator is a slow process. It can take up to several days until all C&C servers are located and neutralized. However, this process is essentially the best available approach for shutting down entire botnets in the wild. As we mentioned, this technique becomes much harder when fast-flux proxies are used to conceal the real C&C servers or a P2P topology is in place.

Attacking Encrypted C&C Channels

Though some of the approaches can detect encrypted C&C traffic, the presence of encryption makes botnet research and analysis much harder. The first step in dealing with these advanced botnets is to penetrate the encryption that protects the C&C channels.

A popular approach for adding encryption to an existing protocol is to run it on top of SSL/TLS; to secure HTTP traffic, ecommerce Web sites run HTTP over SSL/TLS, known as HTTPS. Many encryption schemes that support key exchange (including SSL/TLS) are susceptible to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, whereby a third party can impersonate the other two parties to each other. Such an attack is possible only when no authentication takes place prior to the key exchange, but this is a surprisingly common occurrence due to poor configuration.

The premise of an MITM attack is that the client does not verify that it’s talking to the real server, and vice versa. When the MITM receives a connection from the client, it immediately creates a separate connection to the server (under a different encryption key) and passes on the client’s request. When the server responds, the MITM decrypts the response, logs and possibly alters the content, then passes it on to the client reencrypted with the proper key. Neither the client or the server notice that anything is wrong, because they are communicating with each other over an encrypted connection, as expected. The important difference is that unknown to either party, the traffic is being decrypted and reencrypted by the MITM in transit, allowing him to observe and alter the traffic.

In the context of bots, two main attacks on encrypted C&C channels are possible: (1) “gray-box” analysis, whereby the bot communicates with a local machine impersonating the C&C server, and (2) a full MITM attack, in which the bot communicates with the true C&C server. Figure 8.2 shows a possible setup for both attacks, using the DeleGate proxy43 for the conversion to and from SSL/TLS.


Figure 8.2 Setups for man-in-the-middle attacks on encrypted C&C channels.

The first attack is valuable to determine the authentication information required to join the live botnet: the address of the C&C server, the IRC channel name (if applicable), plus any required passwords. However, it does not allow the observer to see the interaction with the larger botnet, specifically the botmaster. The second attack reveals the full interaction with the botnet, including all botmaster commands, the botmaster password used to control the bots, and possibly the IP addresses of other bot members (depending on the configuration of the C&C server). Figures 8.38.5 show the screenshots of the full MITM attack on a copy of Agobot configured to connect to its C&C server via SSL/TLS. Specifically, Figure 8.3 shows the botmaster’s IRC window, with his commands and the bot’s responses. Figure 8.4 shows the encrypted SSL/TLS trace, and Figure 8.5 shows the decrypted plaintext that was observed at the DeleGate proxy. The botmaster password botmasterPASS is clearly visible, along with the required username, botmaster.


Figure 8.3 Screenshot showing the botmaster’s IRC window.


Figure 8.4 Screenshot showing the SSL/TLS-encrypted network traffic.


Figure 8.5 Screenshot showing decrypted plaintext from the DeleGate proxy.

Armed with the botmaster username and password, the observer could literally take over the botnet. He could log in as the botmaster, then issue a command such as Agobot’s .bot.remove, causing all bots to disconnect from the botnet and permanently remove themselves from the infected computers. Unfortunately, there are legal issues with this approach because it constitutes unauthorized access to all the botnet computers, despite the fact that it is in fact a benign command to remove the bot software.

Locating and Identifying the Botmaster

Shutting down an entire botnet at once is a significant achievement, especially when the botnet numbers in the tens of thousands of members. However, there is nothing stopping the botmaster from simply deploying new bots to infect the millions of vulnerable hosts on the Internet, creating a new botnet in a matter of hours. In fact, most of the machines belonging to the shut-down botnet are likely to become infected again because the vulnerabilities and any attacker-installed backdoors often remain active, despite the elimination of the C&C servers. Botnet-hunting expert Gadi Evron agrees: “When we disable a command-and-control server, the botnet is immediately recreated on another host. We’re not hurting them anymore,” he said in a 2006 interview.44

The only permanent solution of the botnet problem is to go after the root cause: the botmasters. Unfortunately, most botmasters are very good at concealing their identities and locations, since their livelihood depends on it. Tracking the botmaster to her true physical location is a complex problem that is described in detail in the next section. So far, there is no published work that would allow automated botmaster traceback on the Internet, and it remains an open problem.

6. Botmaster Traceback

The botnet field is full of challenging problems: obfuscated binaries, encrypted C&C channels, fast-flux proxies protecting central C&C servers, customized communication protocols, and many more (see Figure 8.6). Arguably the most challenging task is locating the botmaster. Most botmasters take precautions on multiple levels to ensure that their connections cannot be traced to their true locations.


Figure 8.6 Botnet C&C traffic laundering.

The reason for the botmaster’s extreme caution is that a successful trace would have disastrous consequences. He could be arrested, his computer equipment could be seized and scrutinized in detail, and he could be sentenced to an extended prison term. Additionally, authorities would likely learn the identities of his associates, either from questioning him or by searching his computers. As a result, he would never again be able to operate in the Internet underground and could even face violent revenge from his former associates when he is released.

In the United States, authorities have recently started to actively pursue botmasters, resulting in several arrests and convictions. In November 2005, 20-year-old Jeanson James Ancheta of California was charged with botnet-related computer offenses.45 He pleaded guilty in January 2006 and could face up to 25 years in prison.46 In a similar case, 20-year-old Christopher Maxwell was indicted on federal computer charges. He is accused of using his botnet to attack computers at several universities and a Seattle hospital, where bot infections severely disrupted operations.31

In particular, the FBI’s Operation Bot Roast has resulted in several high-profile arrests, both in the United States and abroad.47 The biggest success was the arrest of 18-year-old New Zealand native Owen Thor Walker, who was a member of a large international computer crime ring known as the A-Team. This group is reported to have infected up to 1.3 million computers with bot software and caused about $20 million in economic damage. Despite this success, Walker was only a minor player, and the criminals in control of the A-Team are still at large.32

Unfortunately, botmaster arrests are not very common. The cases described here represent only several individuals; thousands of botmasters around the world are still operating with impunity. They use sophisticated techniques to hide their true identities and locations, and they often operate in countries with weak computer crime enforcement. The lack of international coordination, both on the Internet and in law enforcement, makes it hard to trace botmasters and even harder to hold them accountable to the law.22

Traceback Challenges

One defining characteristic of the botmaster is that he originates the botnet C&C traffic. Therefore, one way to find the botmaster is to track the botnet C&C traffic. To hide himself, the botmaster wants to disguise his link to the C&C traffic via various traffic-laundering techniques that make tracking C&C traffic more difficult. For example, a botmaster can route his C&C traffic through a number of intermediate hosts, various protocols, and low-latency anonymous networks to make it extremely difficult to trace. To further conceal his activities, a botmaster can also encrypt his traffic to and from the C&C servers. Finally, a botmaster only needs to be online briefly and send small amounts of traffic to interact with his botnet, reducing the chances of live traceback. Figure 8.6 illustrates some of the C&C traffic-laundering techniques a botmaster can use.

Stepping Stones

The intermediate hosts used for traffic laundering are known as stepping stones. The attacker sets them up in a chain, leading from the botmaster’s true location to the C&C server. Stepping stones can be SSH servers, proxies (such as SOCKS), IRC bouncers (BNCs), virtual private network (VPN) servers, or any number of network redirection services. They usually run on compromised hosts, which are under the attacker’s control and lack audit/logging mechanisms to trace traffic. As a result, manual traceback is tedious and time-consuming, requiring the cooperation of dozens of organizations whose networks might be involved in the trace.

The major challenge posed by stepping stones is that all routing information from the previous hop (IP headers, TCP headers, and the like) is stripped from the data before it is sent out on a new, separate connection. Only the content of the packet (the application layer data) is preserved, which renders many existing tracing schemes useless. An example of a technique that relies on routing header information is probabilistic packet marking (PPM). This approach was introduced by Savage et al. in 2000, embedding tracing information in an unused IP header field.48 Two years later, Goodrich expanded this approach, introducing “randomize-and-link” for better scalability.49 Another technique for IP-level traceback is the log/hash-based scheme introduced by Snoeren et al.50 and enhanced by Li et al.51 These techniques were very useful in combating the fast-spreading worms of the early 2000s, which did not use stepping stones. However, these approaches do not work when stepping stones are present, since IP header information is lost.

Multiple Protocols

Another effective and efficient method to disguise the botmaster is to launder the botnet C&C traffic across other protocols. Such protocol laundering can be achieved by either protocol tunneling or protocol translation. For example, a sophisticated botmaster could route its command and control traffic through SSH (or even HTTP) tunnels to reach the command and control center. The botmaster could also use some intermediate host X as a stepping stone, use some real-time communication protocols other than IRC between the botmaster host and host X, and use IRC between the host X and the IRC server. In this case, host X performs the protocol translation at the application layer and serves as a conduit of the botnet C&C channel. One protocol that is particularly suitable for laundering the botnet command and control is instant messaging (IM), which supports real-time text-based communication between two or more people.

Low-Latency Anonymous Network

Besides laundering the botnet C&C across stepping stones and different protocols, a sophisticated botmaster could anonymize its C&C traffic by routing it through some low-latency anonymous communication systems. For example, Tor—the second generation of onion routing—uses an overlay network of onion routers to provide anonymous outgoing connections and anonymous hidden services. The botmaster could use Tor as a virtual tunnel to anonymize his TCP-based C&C traffic to the IRC server of the botnet. At the same time, the IRC server of the botnet could utilize Tor’s hidden services to anonymize the IRC server of the botnet in such a way that its network location is unknown to the bots and yet it could communicate with all the bots.


All or part of the stepping stone chain can be encrypted to protect it against content inspection, which could reveal information about the botnet and botmaster. This can be done using a number of methods, including SSH tunneling, SSL/TLS-enabled BNCs, and IPsec tunneling. Using encryption defeats all content-based tracing approaches, so the tracer must rely on other network flow characteristics, such as packet size or timing, to correlate flows to each other.

Low-Traffic Volume

Since the botmaster only has to connect briefly to issue commands and retrieve results from his botnet, a low volume of traffic flows from any given bot to the botmaster. During a typical session, only a few dozen packets from each bot can be sent to the botmaster. Tracing approaches that rely on analysis of packet size or timing will most likely be ineffective because they typically require a large amount of traffic (several hundred packets) to correlate flows with high statistical confidence. Examples of such tracing approaches52,53,54 all use timing information to embed a traceable watermark. These approaches can handle stepping stones, encryption, and even low-latency anonymizing network, but they cannot be directly used for botmaster traceback due to the low traffic volume.

Traceback Beyond the Internet

Even if all three technical challenges can be solved and even if all Internet-connected organizations worldwide cooperate to monitor traffic, there are additional traceback challenges beyond the reach of the Internet (see Figure 8.7). Any IP-based traceback method assumes that the true source IP belongs to the computer the attacker is using and that this machine can be physically located. However, in many scenario this is not true—for example, (1) Internet-connected mobile phone networks, (2) open wireless (Wi-Fi) networks, and (3) public computers, such as those at libraries and Internet cafés.


Figure 8.7 Using a cell phone to evade Internet-based traceback.

Most modern cell phones support text-messaging services such as Short Message Service (SMS), and many smart phones also have full-featured IM software. As a result, the botmaster can use a mobile device to control her botnet from any location with cell phone reception. To enable her cell phone to communicate with the C&C server, a botmaster needs to use a protocol translation service or a special IRC client for mobile phones. She can run the translation service on a compromised host, an additional stepping stone. For an IRC botnet, such a service would receive the incoming SMS or IM message, then repackage it as an IRC message and send it on to the C&C server (possibly via more stepping stones), as shown in Figure 8.7. To eliminate the need for protocol translation, the botmaster can run a native IRC client on a smart phone with Internet access. Examples of such clients are the Java-based WLIrc55 and jmIrc56 open source projects. In Figure 8.8, a Nokia smartphone is shown running MSN Messenger, controlling an Agobot zombie via MSN-IRC protocol translation. On the screen, a new bot has just been infected and has joined the IRC channel following the botmaster’s .scan.dcom command.


Figure 8.8 Using a Nokia smartphone to control an Agobot-based botnet. (Photo courtesy of Ruishan Zhang.)

When a botnet is being controlled from a mobile device, even a perfect IP traceback solution would only reach as far as the gateway host that bridges the Internet and the carrier’s mobile network. From there, the tracer can ask the carrier to complete the trace and disclose the name and even the current location of the cell phone’s owner. However, there are several problems with this approach. First, this part of the trace again requires lots of manual work and cooperation of yet another organization, introducing further delays and making a real-time trace unlikely. Second, the carrier won’t be able to determine the name of the subscriber if he is using a prepaid cell phone. Third, the tracer could obtain an approximate physical location based on cell site triangulation. Even if he can do this in real time, it might not be very useful if the botmaster is in a crowded public place. Short of detaining all people in the area and checking their cell phones, police won’t be able to pinpoint the botmaster.

A similar situation arises when the botmaster uses an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. This could either be a public access point or a poorly configured one that is intended to be private. With a strong antenna, the botmaster can be located up to several thousand feet away. In a typical downtown area, such a radius can contain thousands of people and just as many computers. Again, short of searching everyone in the vicinity, the police will be unable to find the botmaster.

Finally, many places provide public Internet access without any logging of the users’ identities. Prime examples are public libraries, Internet cafés, and even the business centers at most hotels. In this scenario, a real-time trace would actually find the botmaster, since he would be sitting at the machine in question. However, even if the police are late by only several minutes, there might no longer be any record of who last used the computer. Physical evidence such as fingerprints, hair, and skin cells would be of little use, since many people use these computers each day. Unless a camera system is in place and it captured a clear picture of the suspect on his way to/from the computer, the police again will have no leads.

This section illustrates a few common scenarios where even a perfect IP traceback solution would fail to locate the botmaster. Clearly, much work remains on developing automated, integrated traceback solutions that work across various types of networks and protocols.

7. Summary

Botnets are one of the biggest threats to the Internet today, and they are linked to most forms of Internet crime. Most spam, DDoS attacks, spyware, click fraud, and other attacks originate from botnets and the shadowy organizations behind them. Running a botnet is immensely profitable, as several recent high-profile arrests have shown. Currently, many botnets still rely on a centralized IRC C&C structure, but more and more botmasters are using P2P protocols to provide resilience and avoid a single point of failure. A recent large-scale example of a P2P botnet is the Storm Worm, widely covered in the media.

A number of botnet countermeasures exist, but most are focused on bot detection and removal at the host and network level. Some approaches exist for Internet-wide detection and disruption of entire botnets, but we still lack effective techniques for combating the root of the problem: the botmasters who conceal their identities and locations behind chains of stepping-stone proxies.

The three biggest challenges in botmaster traceback are stepping stones, encryption, and the low traffic volume. Even if these problems can be solved with a technical solution, the trace must be able to continue beyond the reach of the Internet. Mobile phone networks, open wireless access points, and public computers all provide an additional layer of anonymity for the botmasters.

Short of a perfect solution, even a partial traceback technique could serve as a very effective deterrent for botmasters. With each botmaster that is located and arrested, many botnets will be eliminated at once. Additionally, other botmasters could decide that the risks outweigh the benefits when they see more and more of their colleagues getting caught. Currently, the economic equation is very simple: Botnets can generate large profits with relatively low risk of getting caught. A botmaster traceback solution, even if imperfect, would drastically change this equation and convince more botmasters that it simply is not worth the risk of spending the next 10–20 years in prison.

1T. Holz, “A short visit to the bot zoo,” IEEE Security and Privacy, 3(3), 2005, pp. 76–79.

2S. Berinato, “Attack of the bots,” WIRED, Issue 14.11, November 2006,

3Joris Evers, “‘Bot herders’ may have controlled 1.5 million PCs,”

4A. Greenberg, “Spam crackdown ‘a drop in the bucket,’” Forbes, June 14, 2007,

5Wikipedia contributors, “Timeline of notable computer viruses and worms,” (accessed May 3, 2008).

6P. Barford and V. Yegneswaran, “An inside look at botnets,” Special Workshop on Malware Detection, Advances in Information Security, Springer Verlag, 2006.

7Wikipedia contributors, “Eggdrop,” (accessed May 3, 2008).

8E. Cooke, F. Jahanian, and D. McPherson, “The zombie roundup: Understanding, detecting, and disturbing botnets,” in Proc. 1st Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI), Cambridge, July 7, 2005, pp. 39–44.

9N. Ianelli and A. Hackworth, “Botnets as a vehicle for online crime,” in Proc. 18th Annual Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), Baltimore, June 25–30, 2006.

10M. Rajab, J. Zarfoss, F. Monrose, and A. Terzis, “A multifaceted approach to understanding the botnet phenomenon,” in Proc. of the 6th ACM SIGCOM Internet Measurement Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2006.

11Trend Micro, “Taxonomy of botnet threats,” Trend Micro Enterprise Security Library, November 2006.

12Symantec, “Symantec internet security threat report, trends for July–December 2007,” Volume XIII, April 2008.

13J. Grizzard, V. Sharma, C. Nunnery, B. Kang, and D. Dagon, “Peer-to-peer botnets: Overview and case study,” in Proc. First Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots), Cambridge, April 2007.

14J. Stewart, “Bobax Trojan analysis,” SecureWorks, May 17, 2004,

15K. Chiang and L. Lloyd, “A case study of the Rustock Rootkit and Spam Bot,” in Proc. First Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots), Cambridge, April 10, 2007.

16R. Lemos, “Bot software looks to improve peerage,” SecurityFocus, May 2, 2006,

17P. Wang, S. Sparks, and C. Zou, “An advanced hybrid peer-to-peer botnet,” in Proc. First Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots), Cambridge, April 10, 2007.

18J. Stewart, “Sinit P2P Trojan analysis,” SecureWorks, December 8, 2004,

19R. Schoof and Ralph Koning, “Detecting peer-to-peer botnets,” unpublished paper, University of Amsterdam, February 4, 2007,

20Wikipedia contributors, “Storm worm,” accessed May 4, 2008).

21D. Bizeul, “Russian business network study,” unpublished paper, November 20, 2007,

22A. E. Cha, “Internet dreams turn to crime,” Washington Post, May 18, 2003,

23B. I. Koerner, “From Russia with løpht,” Legal Affairs, May–June 2002,

24M. Delio, “Inside Russia’s hacking culture,” WIRED, March 12, 2001,

25Wikipedia contributors, “Russian business network,” (accessed May 3, 2008).

26L. Tung, “Infamous Russian ISP behind Bank of India hack” ZDNet, September 4, 2007,,1000000189,39289057,00.htm?r=2.

27P. Bächer, T. Holz, M. Kötter, and G. Wicherski, “Know your enemy: Tracking botnets,” March 13, 2005, see

28Wikipedia contributors, “E-mail spam,” (accessed May 3, 2008).

29Wikipedia contributors, “Pharming,” (accessed May 3, 2008).

30R. Naraine, “Money bots: Hackers cash in on hijacked PCs,” eWeek, September 8, 2006,,1759,2013924,00.asp.

31P. F. Roberts, “DOJ indicts hacker for hospital botnet attack,” eWeek, February 10, 2006,,1759,1925456,00.asp.

32T. Claburn, “New Zealander ‘AKILL’ pleads guilty to botnet charges,” Information Week, April 3, 2008,

33Wikipedia contributors, “Agobot (computer worm),” (accessed May 3, 2008).

34E. Stinson and J. Mitchell, “Characterizing bots’ remote control behavior,” in Proc. 4th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions & Malware and Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA), Lucerne, Switzerland, July 12–13, 2007.

35J. Goebel and T. Holz, “Rishi: Identify bot contaminated hosts by IRC nickname evaluation,” in Proc. First Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots), Cambridge, April 10, 2007.

36J. Binkley and S. Singh, “An algorithm for anomaly-based botnet detection,” in Proc. 2nd Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI), San Jose, July 7, 2006, pp. 43–48.

37G. Gu, P. Porras, V. Yegneswaran, M. Fong, and W. Lee, “BotHunter: Detecting malware infection through IDS-driven dialog correlation,” in Proc. 16th USENIX Security Symposium, Boston, August 2007.

38A. Karasaridis, B. Rexroad, and D. Hoeflin, “Wide-scale botnet detection and characterization,” in Proc. First Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets (HotBots), Cambridge, MA, April 10, 2007.

39A. Ramachandran, N. Feamster, and D. Dagon, “Revealing botnet membership using DNSBL counter-intelligence,” in Proc. 2nd Workshop on Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet (SRUTI), San Jose, CA, July 7, 2006, pp. 49–54.

40G. Gu, J. Zhang, and W. Lee, “BotSniffer: Detecting botnet command and control channels in network traffic,” in Proc. 15th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, February 2008.

41F. Freiling, T. Holz, and G. Wicherski, “Botnet tracking: Exploring a root-cause methodology to prevent denial-of-service attacks,” in Proc. 10th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), Milan, Italy, September 12–14, 2005.

42D. Dagon, C. Zou, and W. Lee, “Modeling botnet propagation using time zones,” in Proc. 13th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), February 2006.

43“DeleGate multi-purpose application gateway,” (accessed May 4, 2008).

44R. Naraine, “Is the botnet battle already lost?” eWeek, October 16, 2006,,1895,2029720,00.asp.

45P. F. Roberts, “California man charged with botnet offenses,” eWeek, November 3, 2005,,1759,1881621,00.asp.

46P. F. Roberts, “Botnet operator pleads guilty,” eWeek, January 24, 2006,,1759,1914833,00.asp.

47S. Nichols, “FBI ‘bot roast’ scores string of arrests”, December 3, 2007,

48S. Savage, D. Wetherall, A. Karlin, and T. Anderson, “Practical network support for IP traceback,” in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2000, Sept. 2000, pp. 295–306.

49M. T. Goodrich, “Efficient packet marking for large-scale IP traceback,” in Proc. 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2002), October 2002, pp. 117–126.

50A. Snoeren, C. Patridge, L. A. Sanchez, C. E. Jones, F. Tchakountio, S. T. Kent, and W. T. Strayer, “Hash-based IP traceback,” in Proc. ACM SIGCOMM 2001, September 2001, pp. 3–14.

51J. Li, M. Sung, J. Xu, and L. Li, “Large-scale IP traceback in high-speed internet: Practical techniques and theoretical foundation,” in Proc. 2004 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE, 2004.

52X. Wang, S. Chen, and S. Jajodia, “Network flow watermarking attack on low-latency anonymous communication systems,” in Proc. 2007 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2007.

53X. Wang, S. Chen, and S. Jajodia, “Tracking anonymous, peer-to-peer VoIP calls on the internet,” in Proc. 12th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2005), October 2005.

54X. Wang and D. Reeves, “Robust correlation of encrypted attack traffic through stepping stones by manipulation of interpacket delays,” in Proc. 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2003), October 2003, pp. 20–29.

55“WLIrc wireless IRC client for mobile phones,” (accessed May 3, 2008).

56“jmIrc: Java mobile IRC-client (J2ME),” (accessed May 3, 2008).

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