Chapter 1

Building a Secure Organization

John Mallery, BKD, LLP

It seems logical that any business, whether a commercial enterprise or a not-for-profit business, would understand that building a secure organization is important to long-term success. When a business implements and maintains a strong security posture, it can take advantage of numerous benefits. An organization that can demonstrate an infrastructure protected by robust security mechanisms can potentially see a reduction in insurance premiums being paid. A secure organization can use its security program as a marketing tool, demonstrating to clients that it values their business so much that it takes a very aggressive stance on protecting their information. But most important, a secure organization will not have to spend time and money identifying security breaches and responding to the results of those breaches.

As of September 2008, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 44 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico had enacted legislation requiring notification of security breaches involving personal information.1 Security breaches can cost an organization significantly through a tarnished reputation, lost business, and legal fees. And numerous regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, require businesses to maintain the security of information. Despite the benefits of maintaining a secure organization and the potentially devastating consequences of not doing so, many organizations have poor security mechanisms, implementations, policies, and culture.

1. Obstacles to Security

In attempting to build a secure organization, we should take a close look at the obstacles that make it challenging to build a totally secure organization.

Security Is Inconvenient

Security, by its very nature, is inconvenient, and the more robust the security mechanisms, the more inconvenient the process becomes. Employees in an organization have a job to do; they want to get to work right away. Most security mechanisms, from passwords to multifactor authentication, are seen as roadblocks to productivity. One of the current trends in security is to add whole disk encryption to laptop computers. Although this is a highly recommended security process, it adds a second login step before a computer user can actually start working. Even if the step adds only one minute to the login process, over the course of a year this adds up to four hours of lost productivity. Some would argue that this lost productivity is balanced by the added level of security. But across a large organization, this lost productivity could prove significant.

To gain a full appreciation of the frustration caused by security measures, we have only to watch the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security lines at any airport. Simply watch the frustration build as a particular item is run through the scanner for a third time while a passenger is running late to board his flight. Security implementations are based on a sliding scale; one end of the scale is total security and total inconvenience, the other is total insecurity and complete ease of use. When we implement any security mechanism, it should be placed on the scale where the level of security and ease of use match the acceptable level of risk for the organization.

Computers Are Powerful and Complex

Home computers have become storehouses of personal materials. Our computers now contain wedding videos, scanned family photos, music libraries, movie collections, and financial and medical records. Because computers contain such familiar objects, we have forgotten that computers are very powerful and complex devices. It wasn’t that long ago that computers as powerful as our desktop and laptop computers would have filled one or more very large rooms. In addition, today’s computers present a “user-friendly” face to the world. Most people are unfamiliar with the way computers truly function and what goes on “behind the scenes.” Things such as the Windows Registry, ports, and services are completely unknown to most users and poorly understood by many computer industry professionals. For example, many individuals still believe that a Windows login password protects data on a computer. On the contrary—someone can simply take the hard drive out of the computer, install it as a slave drive in another computer, or place it in a USB drive enclosure, and all the data will be readily accessible.

Computer Users Are Unsophisticated

Many computer users believe that because they are skilled at generating spreadsheets, word processing documents, and presentations, they “know everything about computers.” These “power users” have moved beyond application basics, but many still do not understand even basic security concepts. Many users will indiscriminately install software and visit questionable Web sites despite the fact that these actions could violate company policies. The “bad guys”—people who want to steal information from or wreak havoc on computers systems—have also identified that the average user is a weak link in the security chain. As companies began investing more money in perimeter defenses, attackers look to the path of least resistance. They send malware as attachments to email, asking recipients to open the attachment. Despite being told not to open attachments from unknown senders or simply not to open attachments at all, employees consistently violate this policy, wreaking havoc on their networks. The “I Love You Virus” spread very rapidly in this manner. More recently, phishing scams have been very effective in convincing individuals to provide their personal online banking and credit-card information. Why would an attacker struggle to break through an organization’s defenses when end users are more than willing to provide the keys to bank accounts? Addressing the threat caused by untrained and unwary end users is a significant part of any security program.

Computers Created Without a Thought to Security

During the development of personal computers (PCs), no thought was put into security. Early PCs were very simple affairs that had limited computing power and no keyboards and were programmed by flipping a series of switches. They were developed almost as curiosities. Even as they became more advanced and complex, all effort was focused on developing greater sophistication and capabilities; no one thought they would have security issues. We only have to look at some of the early computers, such as the Berkeley Enterprises Geniac, the Heathkit EC-1, or the MITS Altair 8800, to understand why security was not an issue back then.2 The development of computers was focused on what they could do, not how they could be attacked.

As computers began to be interconnected, the driving force was providing the ability to share information, certainly not to protect it. Initially the Internet was designed for military applications, but eventually it migrated to colleges and universities, the principal tenet of which is the sharing of knowledge.

Current Trend Is to Share, Not Protect

Even now, despite the stories of compromised data, people still want to share their data with everyone. And Web-based applications are making this easier to do than simply attaching a file to an email. Social networking sites such as SixApart provide the ability to share material: “Send messages, files, links, and events to your friends. Create a network of friends and share stuff. It’s free and easy …”3 In addition, many online data storage sites such as DropSend4 and FilesAnywhere5 provide the ability to share files. Although currently in the beta state of development, Swivel6 provides the ability to upload data sets for analysis and comparison. These sites can allow proprietary data to leave an organization by bypassing security mechanisms.

Data Accessible from Anywhere

As though employees’ desire to share data is not enough of a threat to proprietary information, many business professionals want access to data from anywhere they work, on a variety of devices. To be productive, employees now request access to data and contact information on their laptops, desktops, home computers, and mobile devices. Therefore, IT departments must now provide the ability to sync data with numerous devices. And if the IT department can’t or won’t provide this capability, employees now have the power to take matters into their own hands.

Previously mentioned online storage sites can be accessed from both the home and office or anywhere there is an Internet connection. Though it might be possible to block access to some of these sites, it is not possible to block access to them all. And some can appear rather innocuous. For many, Google’s free email service Gmail is a great tool that provides a very robust service for free. What few people realize is that Gmail provides more than 7 GB of storage that can also be used to store files, not just email. The Gspace plug-in7 for the Firefox browser provides an FTP-like interface within Firefox that gives users the ability to transfer files from a computer to their Gmail accounts. This ability to easily transfer data outside the control of a company makes securing an organization’s data that much more difficult.

Security Isn’t About Hardware and Software

Many businesses believe that if they purchase enough equipment, they can create a secure infrastructure. Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus programs, and two-factor authentication products are just some of the tools available to assist in protecting a network and its data. It is important to keep in mind that no product or combination of products will create a secure organization by itself. Security is a process; there is no tool that you can “set and forget.” All security products are only as secure as the people who configure and maintain them. The purchasing and implementation of security products should be only a percentage of the security budget. The employees tasked with maintaining the security devices should be provided with enough time, training, and equipment to properly support the products. Unfortunately, in many organizations security activities take a back seat to support activities. Highly skilled security professionals are often tasked with help-desk projects such as resetting forgotten passwords, fixing jammed printers, and setting up new employee workstations.

The Bad Guys Are Very Sophisticated

At one time the computer hacker was portrayed as a lone teenager with poor social skills who would break into systems, often for nothing more than bragging rights. As ecommerce has evolved, however, so has the profile of the hacker.

Now that there are vast collections of credit-card numbers and intellectual property that can be harvested, organized hacker groups have been formed to operate as businesses. A document released in 2008 spells it out clearly: “Cybercrime companies that work much like real-world companies are starting to appear and are steadily growing, thanks to the profits they turn. Forget individual hackers or groups of hackers with common goals. Hierarchical cybercrime organizations where each cybercriminal has his or her own role and reward system is what you and your company should be worried about.”8

Now that organizations are being attacked by highly motivated and skilled groups of hackers, creating a secure infrastructure is mandatory.

Management Sees Security as a Drain on the Bottom Line

For most organizations, the cost of creating a strong security posture is seen as a necessary evil, similar to purchasing insurance. Organizations don’t want to spend the money on it, but the risks of not making the purchase outweigh the costs. Because of this attitude, it is extremely challenging to create a secure organization. The attitude is enforced because requests for security tools are often supported by documents providing the average cost of a security incident instead of showing more concrete benefits of a strong security posture. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that IT professionals speak a different language than management. IT professionals are generally focused on technology, period. Management is focused on revenue. Concepts such as profitability, asset depreciation, return on investment, realization, and total cost of ownership are the mainstays of management. These are alien concepts to most IT professionals.

Realistically speaking, though it would be helpful if management would take steps to learn some fundamentals of information technology, IT professionals should take the initiative and learn some fundamental business concepts. Learning these concepts is beneficial to the organization because the technical infrastructure can be implemented in a cost-effective manner, and they are beneficial from a career development perspective for IT professionals.

A Google search on “business skills for IT professionals” will identify numerous educational programs that might prove helpful. For those who do not have the time or the inclination to attend a class, some very useful materials can be found online. One such document provided by the Government Chief Information Office of New South Wales is A Guide for Government Agencies Calculating Return on Security Investment.9 Though extremely technical, another often cited document is Cost-Benefit Analysis for Network Intrusion Detection Systems, by Huaqiang Wei, Deb Frinke, Olivia Carter, and Chris Ritter.10

Regardless of the approach that is taken, it is important to remember that any tangible cost savings or revenue generation should be utilized when requesting new security products, tools, or policies. Security professionals often overlook the value of keeping Web portals open for employees. A database that is used by a sales staff to enter contracts or purchases or check inventory will help generate more revenue if it has no downtime. A database that is not accessible or has been hacked is useless for generating revenue.

Strong security can be used to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Having secured systems that are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week means that an organization can reach and communicate with its clients and prospective clients more efficiently. An organization that becomes recognized as a good custodian of client records and information can incorporate its security record as part of its branding. This is no different than a car company being recognized for its safety record. In discussions of cars and safety, for example, Volvo is always the first manufacturer mentioned.11

What must be avoided is the “sky is falling” mentality. There are indeed numerous threats to a network, but we need to be realistic in allocating resources to protect against these threats. As of this writing, the National Vulnerability Database sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) lists 33,428 common vulnerabilities and exposures and publishes 18 new vulnerabilities per day.12 In addition, the media is filled with stories of stolen laptops, credit-card numbers, and identities. The volume of threats to a network can be mind numbing. It is important to approach management with “probable threats” as opposed to “describable threats.” Probable threats are those that are most likely to have an impact on your business and the ones most likely to get the attention of management.

Perhaps the best approach is to recognize that management, including the board of directors, is required to exhibit a duty of care in protecting their assets that is comparable to other organizations in their industry. When a security breach or incident occurs, being able to demonstrate the high level of security within the organization can significantly reduce exposure to lawsuits, fines, and bad press.

The goal of any discussion with management is to convince them that in the highly technical and interconnected world we live in, having a secure network and infrastructure is a “nonnegotiable requirement of doing business.”13 An excellent resource for both IT professionals and executives that can provide insight into these issues is CERT’s technical report, Governing for Enterprise Security.14

2. Ten Steps to Building a Secure Organization

Having identified some of the challenges to building a secure organization, let’s now look at 10 ways to successfully build a secure organization. The following steps will put a business in a robust security posture.

A. Evaluate the Risks and Threats

In attempting to build a secure organization, where should you start? One commonly held belief is that you should initially identify your assets and allocate security resources based on the value of each asset. Though this approach might prove effective, it can lead to some significant vulnerabilities. An infrastructure asset might not hold a high value, for example, but it should be protected with the same effort as a high-value asset. If not, it could be an entry point into your network and provide access to valuable data.

Another approach is to begin by evaluating the threats posed to your organization and your data.

Threats Based on the Infrastructure Model

The first place to start is to identify risks based on an organization’s infrastructure model. What infrastructure is in place that is necessary to support the operational needs of the business? A small business that operates out of one office has reduced risks as opposed to an organization that operates out of numerous facilities, includes a mobile workforce utilizing a variety of handheld devices, and offers products or services through a Web-based interface. An organization that has a large number of telecommuters must take steps to protect its proprietary information that could potentially reside on personally owned computers outside company control. An organization that has widely dispersed and disparate systems will have more risk potential than a centrally located one that utilizes uniform systems.

Threats Based on the Business Itself

Are there any specific threats for your particular business? Have high-level executives been accused of inappropriate activities whereby stockholders or employees would have incentive to attack the business? Are there any individuals who have a vendetta against the company for real or imagined slights or accidents? Does the community have a history of antagonism against the organization? A risk management or security team should be asking these questions on a regular basis to evaluate the risks in real time. This part of the security process is often overlooked due to the focus on daily workload.

Threats Based on Industry

Businesses belonging to particular industries are targeted more frequently and with more dedication than those in other industries. Financial institutions and online retailers are targeted because “that’s where the money is.” Pharmaceutical manufacturers could be targeted to steal intellectual property, but they also could be targeted by special interest groups, such as those that do not believe in testing drugs on live animals.

Identifying some of these threats requires active involvement in industry-specific trade groups in which businesses share information regarding recent attacks or threats they have identified.

Global Threats

Businesses are often so narrowly focused on their local sphere of influence that they forget that by having a network connected to the Internet, they are now connected to the rest of the world. If a piece of malware identified on the other side of the globe targets the identical software used in your organization, you can be sure that you will eventually be impacted by this malware. Additionally, if extremist groups in other countries are targeting your specific industry, you will also be targeted.

Once threats and risks are identified, you can take one of four steps:

• Ignore the risk. This is never an acceptable response. This is simply burying your head in the sand and hoping the problem will go away—the business equivalent of not wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

• Accept the risk. When the cost to remove the risk is greater than the risk itself, an organization will often decide to simply accept the risk. This is a viable option as long as the organization has spent the time required to evaluate the risk.

• Transfer the risk. Organizations with limited staff or other resources could decide to transfer the risk. One method of transferring the risk is to purchase specialized insurance targeted at a specific risk.

• Mitigate the risk. Most organizations mitigate risk by applying the appropriate resources to minimize the risks posed to their network.

For organizations that would like to identify and quantify the risks to their network and information assets, CERT provides a free suite of tools to assist with the project. Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE) provides risk-based assessment for security assessments and planning.15 There are three versions of OCTAVE: the original OCTAVE, designed for large organizations (more than 300 employees); OCTAVE-S (100 people or fewer); and OCTAVE-Allegro, which is a streamlined version of the tools and is focused specifically on information assets.

Another risk assessment tool that might prove helpful is the Risk Management Framework developed by Educause/Internet 2.16 Targeted at institutions of higher learning, the approach could be applied to other industries.

Tracking specific threats to specific operating systems, products, and applications can be time consuming. Visiting the National Vulnerability Database and manually searching for specific issues would not necessarily be an effective use of time. Fortunately, the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) at Purdue University has a tool called Cassandra that can be configured to notify you of specific threats to your particular products and applications.17

B. Beware of Common Misconceptions

In addressing the security needs of an organization, it is common for professionals to succumb to some very common misconceptions. Perhaps the most common misconception is that the business is obscure, unsophisticated, or boring—simply not a target for malicious activity. Businesses must understand that any network that is connected to the Internet is a potential target, regardless of the type of business.

Attackers will attempt to gain access to a network and its systems for several reasons. The first is to look around to see what they can find. Regardless of the type of business, personnel information will more than likely be stored on one of the systems. This includes Social Security numbers and other personal information. This type of information is a target—always.

Another possibility is that the attacker will modify the information he or she finds or simply reconfigure the systems to behave abnormally. This type of attacker is not interested in financial gain; he is simply the technology version of teenagers who soap windows, egg cars, and cover property with toilet paper. He attacks because he finds it entertaining to do so. Additionally, these attackers could use the systems to store stolen “property” such as child pornography or credit-card numbers. If a system is not secure, attackers can store these types of materials on your system and gain access to them at their leisure.

The final possibility is that an attacker will use the hacked systems to mount attacks on other unprotected networks and systems. Computers can be used to mount denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, relay spam, or spread malicious software. To put it simply, no computer or network is immune from attack.

Another common misconception is that an organization is immune from problems caused by employees, essentially saying, “We trust all our employees, so we don’t have to focus our energies on protecting our assets from them.” Though this is common for small businesses in which the owners know everyone, it also occurs in larger organizations where companies believe that they only hire “professionals.” It is important to remember that no matter how well job candidates present themselves, a business can never know everything about an employee’s past. For this reason it is important for businesses to conduct preemployment background checks of all employees. Furthermore, it is important to conduct these background checks properly and completely.

Many employers trust this task to an online solution that promises to conduct a complete background check on an individual for a minimal fee. Many of these sites play on individuals’ lack of understanding of how some of these online databases are generated. These sites might not have access to the records of all jurisdictions, since many jurisdictions either do not make their records available online or do not provide them to these databases. In addition, many of the records are entered by minimum wage data-entry clerks whose accuracy is not always 100 percent.

Background checks should be conducted by organizations that have the resources at their disposal to get court records directly from the courthouses where the records are generated and stored. Some firms have a team of “runners” who visit the courthouses daily to pull records; others have a network of contacts who can visit the courts for them. Look for organizations that are active members of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners.18 Members of this organization are committed to providing accurate and professional results. And perhaps more important, they can provide counseling regarding the proper approach to take as well as interpreting the results of a background check.

If your organization does not conduct background checks, there are several firms that might be of assistance: Accurate Background, Inc., of Lake Forest, California19; Credential Check, Inc., of Troy, Michigan20; and Validity Screening Solutions in Overland Park, Kansas.21 The Web sites of these companies all provide informational resources to guide you in the process. (Note: For businesses outside the United States or for U.S. businesses with locations overseas, the process might be more difficult because privacy laws could prevent conducting a complete background check. The firms we’ve mentioned should be able to provide guidance regarding international privacy laws.)

Another misconception is that a preemployment background check is all that is needed. Some erroneously believe that once a person is employed, he or she is “safe” and can no longer pose a threat. However, people’s lives and fortunes can change during the course of employment. Financial pressures can cause otherwise law-abiding citizens to take risks they never would have thought possible. Drug and alcohol dependency can alter people’s behavior as well. For these and other reasons it is a good idea to do an additional background check when an employee is promoted to a position of higher responsibility and trust. If this new position involves handling financial responsibilities, the background check should also include a credit check.

Though these steps might sound intrusive, which is sometimes a reason cited not to conduct these types of checks, they can also be very beneficial to the employee as well as the employer. If a problem is identified during the check, the employer can often offer assistance to help the employee get through a tough time. Financial counseling and substance abuse counseling can often turn a potentially problematic employee into a very loyal and dedicated one.

Yet another common misconception involves information technology (IT) professionals. Many businesses pay their IT staff fairly high salaries because they understand that having a properly functioning technical infrastructure is important for the continued success of the company. Since the staff is adept at setting up and maintaining systems and networks, there is a general assumption that they know everything there is to know about computers. It is important to recognize that although an individual might be very knowledgeable and technologically sophisticated, no one knows everything about computers. Because management does not understand technology, they are not in a very good position to judge a person’s depth of knowledge and experience in the field. Decisions are often based on the certifications a person has achieved during his or her career. Though certifications can be used to determine a person’s level of competency, too much weight is given to them. Many certifications require nothing more than some time and dedication to study and pass a certification test. Some training companies also offer boot camps that guarantee a person will pass the certification test. It is possible for people to become certified without having any real-world experience with the operating systems, applications, or hardware addressed by the certification. When judging a person’s competency, look at his or her experience level and background first, and if the person has achieved certifications in addition to having significant real-world experience, the certification is probably a reflection of the employee’s true capabilities.

The IT staff does a great deal to perpetuate the image that they know everything about computers. One of the reasons people get involved with the IT field in the first place is because they have an opportunity to try new things and overcome new challenges. This is why when an IT professional is asked if she knows how to do something, she will always respond “Yes.” But in reality the real answer should be, “No, but I’ll figure it out.” Though they frequently can figure things out, when it comes to security we must keep in mind that it is a specialized area, and implementing a strong security posture requires significant training and experience.

C. Provide Security Training for IT Staff—Now and Forever

Just as implementing a robust, secure environment is a dynamic process, creating a highly skilled staff of security professionals is also a dynamic process. It is important to keep in mind that even though an organization’s technical infrastructure might not change that frequently, new vulnerabilities are being discovered and new attacks are being launched on a regular basis. In addition, very few organizations have a stagnant infrastructure; employees are constantly requesting new software, and more technologies are added in an effort to improve efficiencies. Each new addition likely adds additional security vulnerabilities.

It is important for the IT staff to be prepared to identify and respond to new threats and vulnerabilities. It is recommended that those interested in gaining a deep security understanding start with a vendor-neutral program. A vendor-neutral program is one that focuses on concepts rather than specific products. The SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security) Institute offers two introductory programs: Intro to Information Security (Security 301),22 a five-day class designed for people just starting out in the security field, and the SANS Security Essentials Bootcamp (Security 401),23 a six-day class designed for people with some security experience. Each class is also available as a self-study program, and each can be used to prepare for a specific certification.

Another option is start with a program that follows the CompTia Security + certification requirements, such as the Global Knowledge Essentials of Information Security.24 Some colleges offer similar programs.

Once a person has a good fundamental background in security, he should then undergo vendor-specific training to apply the concepts learned to specific applications and security devices.

A great resource for keeping up with current trends in security is to become actively involved in a security-related trade organization. The key concept here is actively involved. Many professionals join organizations so that they can add an item to the “professional affiliations” section of their résumé. Becoming actively involved means attending meetings on a regular basis and serving on a committee or in a position on the executive board. Though this seems like a daunting time commitment, the benefit is that the professional develops a network of resources that can be available to provide insight, serve as a sounding board, or provide assistance when a problem arises. Participating in these associations is a very cost-effective way to get up to speed with current security trends and issues. Here are some organizations25 that can prove helpful:

• ASIS International, the largest security-related organization in the world, focuses primarily on physical security but has more recently started addressing computer security as well.

• ISACA, formerly the Information Systems Audit and Control Association.

• High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA).

• Information Systems Security Association (ISSA).

• InfraGard, a joint public and private organization sponsored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

In addition to monthly meetings, many local chapters of these organizations sponsor regional conferences that are usually very reasonably priced and attract nationally recognized experts.

Arguably one of the best ways to determine whether an employee has a strong grasp of information security concepts is if she can achieve the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification. Candidates for this certification are tested on their understanding of the following 10 knowledge domains:

• Access control

• Application security

• Business continuity and disaster recovery planning

• Cryptography

• Information security and risk management

• Legal, regulations, compliance, and investigations

• Operations security

• Physical (environmental) security

• Security architecture and design

• Telecommunications and network security

What makes this certification so valuable is that the candidate must have a minimum of five years of professional experience in the information security field or four years of experience and a college degree. To maintain certification, a certified individual is required to attend 120 hours of continuing professional education during the three-year certification cycle. This ensures that those holding the CISSP credential are staying up to date with current trends in security. The CISSP certification is maintained by (ISC)2 26.

D. Think “Outside the Box”

For most businesses, the threat to their intellectual assets and technical infrastructure comes from the “bad guys” sitting outside their organizations, trying to break in. These organizations establish strong perimeter defenses, essentially “boxing in” their assets. However, internal employees have access to proprietary information to do their jobs, and they often disseminate this information to areas where it is no longer under the control of the employer. This dissemination of data is generally not performed with any malicious intent, simply for employees to have access to data so that they can perform their job responsibilities more efficiently. This also becomes a problem when an employee leaves (or when a person still-employed loses something like a laptop with proprietary information stored on it) and the organization and takes no steps to collect or control their proprietary information in the possession of their now ex-employee.

One of the most overlooked threats to intellectual property is the innocuous and now ubiquitous USB Flash drive. These devices, the size of a tube of lipstick, are the modern-day floppy disk in terms of portable data storage. They are a very convenient way to transfer data between computers. But the difference between these devices and a floppy disk is that USB Flash drives can store a very large amount of data. A 16 GB USB Flash drive has the same storage capacity as more than 10,000 floppy disks! As of this writing, a 16 GB USB Flash drive can be purchased for as little as $30. Businesses should keep in mind that as time goes by, the capacity of these devices will increase and the price will decrease, making them very attractive to employees.

These devices are not the only threat to data. Because other devices can be connected to the computer through the USB port, digital cameras, MP3 players, and external hard drives can now be used to remove data from a computer and the network to which it is connected. Most people would recognize that external hard drives pose a threat, but they would not recognize other devices as a threat. Cameras and music players are designed to store images and music, but to a computer they are simply additional mass storage devices. It is difficult for people to understand that an iPod can carry word processing documents, databases, and spreadsheets as well as music. Fortunately, Microsoft Windows tracks the devices that are connected to a system in a Registry key, HKEY_Local_MachineSystemControlSet00xEnumUSBStor. It might prove interesting to look in this key on your own computer to see what types of devices have been connected. Figure 1.1 shows a wide array of devices that have been connected to a system that includes USB Flash drives, a digital camera, and several external hard drives.


Figure 1.1 Identifying connected USB devices in the USBStor Registry key.

Windows Vista has an additional key that tracks connected devices: HKEY_Local_MachineSoftwareMicrosoftWindows Portable DevicesDevices.27 (Note: Analyzing the Registry is a great way to investigate the activities of computer users. For many, however, the Registry is tough to navigate and interpret. If you are interested in understanding more about the Registry, you might want to download and play with Harlan Carvey’s RegRipper.28)

Another threat to information that carries data outside the walls of the organization is the plethora of handheld devices currently in use. Many of these devices have the ability to send and receive email as well as create, store, and transmit word processing, spreadsheet, and PDF files. Though most employers will not purchase these devices for their employees, they are more than happy to allow their employees to sync their personally owned devices with their corporate computers. Client contact information, business plans, and other materials can easily be copied from a system. Some businesses feel that they have this threat under control because they provide their employees with corporate-owned devices and they can collect these devices when employees leave their employment. The only problem with this attitude is that employees can easily copy data from the devices to their home computers before the devices are returned.

Because of the threat of portable data storage devices and handheld devices, it is important for an organization to establish policies outlining the acceptable use of these devices as well as implementing an enterprise-grade solution to control how, when, or if data can be copied to them. Filling all USB ports with epoxy is a cheap solution, but it is not really effective. Fortunately there are several products that can protect against this type of data leak. DeviceWall from Centennial Software29 and Mobile Security Enterprise Edition from Bluefire Security Technologies30 are two popular ones.

Another way that data leaves control of an organization is through the use of online data storage sites. These sites provide the ability to transfer data from a computer to an Internet-accessible location. Many of these sites provide 5 GB or more of free storage. Though it is certainly possible to blacklist these sites, there are so many, and more are being developed on a regular basis, that it is difficult if not impossible to block access to all of them. One such popular storage location is the storage space provided with a Gmail account. Gmail provides a large amount of storage space with its free accounts (7260 MB as of this writing, and growing). To access this storage space, users must use the Firefox browser with the Gspace plugin installed.31 Once logged in, users can transfer files simply by highlighting the file and clicking an arrow. Figure 1.2 shows the Gspace interface.


Figure 1.2 Accessing Gspace using the Firefox browser.

Another tool that will allow users to access the storage space in their Gmail account is the Gmail Drive shell extension.32 This shell extension places a drive icon in Windows Explorer, allowing users to copy files to the online storage location as though it were a normal mapped drive. Figure 1.3 shows the Gmail Drive icon in Windows Explorer.


Figure 1.3 Gmail Drive in Windows Explorer.

Apple has a similar capability for those users with a MobileMe account. This drive is called iDisk and appears in the Finder. People who utilize iDisk can access the files from anywhere using a Web browser, but they can also upload files using the browser. Once uploaded, the files are available right on the user’s desktop, and they can be accessed like any other file. Figures 1.4 and 1.5 show iDisk features.


Figure 1.4 Accessing files in iDisk.


Figure 1.5 iDisk Upload window in Firefox.

In addition, numerous sites provide online storage. A partial list is included here:

• ElephantDrive:

• Mozy:

• Box:

• Carbonite:

• Windows Live SkyDrive:

• FilesAnywhere:

• Savefile:

• Spare Backup:


• Memeo:


Note: Though individuals might find these sites convenient and easy to use for file storage and backup purposes, businesses should think twice about storing data on them. The longevity of these sites is not guaranteed. For example, Xdrive, a popular online storage service created in 1999 and purchased by AOL in 2005 (allegedly for US$30 million), shut down on January 12, 2009.

E. Train Employees: Develop a Culture of Security

One of the greatest security assets is a business’s own employees, but only if they have been properly trained to comply with security policies and to identify potential security problems.

Many employees don’t understand the significance of various security policies and implementations. As mentioned previously, they consider these policies nothing more than an inconvenience. Gaining the support and allegiance of employees takes time, but it is time well spent. Begin by carefully explaining the reasons behind any security implementation. One of the reasons could be ensuring employee productivity, but focus primarily on the security issues. File sharing using LimeWire and eMule might keep employees away from work, but they can also open up holes in a firewall. Downloading and installing unapproved software can install malicious software that can infect user systems, causing their computers to function slowly or not at all.

Perhaps the most direct way to gain employee support is to let employees know that the money needed to respond to attacks and fix problems initiated by users is money that is then not available for raises and promotions. Letting employees know that they now have some “skin in the game” is one way to get them involved in security efforts. If a budget is set aside for responding to security problems and employees help stay well within the budget, the difference between the money spent and the actual budget could be divided among employees as a bonus. Not only would employees be more likely to speak up if they notice network or system slowdowns, they would probably be more likely to confront strangers wandering through the facility.

Another mechanism that can be used to gain security allies is to provide advice regarding the proper security mechanisms for securing home computers. Though some might not see this as directly benefiting the company, keep in mind that many employees have corporate data on their home computers. This advice can come from periodic, live presentations (offer refreshments and attendance will be higher) or from a periodic newsletter that is either mailed or emailed to employees’ personal addresses.

The goal of these activities is to encourage employees to approach management or the security team voluntarily. When this begins to happen on a regular basis, you will have expanded the capabilities of your security team and created a much more secure organization.

The security expert Roberta Bragg used to tell a story of one of her clients who took this concept to a high level. The client provided the company mail clerk with a WiFi hotspot detector and promised him a free steak dinner for every unauthorized wireless access point he could find on the premises. The mail clerk was very happy to have the opportunity to earn three free steak dinners.

F. Identify and Utilize Built-In Security Features of the Operating System and Applications

Many organizations and systems administrators state that they cannot create a secure organization because they have limited resources and simply do not have the funds to purchase robust security tools. This is a ridiculous approach to security because all operating systems and many applications include security mechanisms that require no organizational resources other than time to identify and configure these tools. For Microsoft Windows operating systems, a terrific resource is the online Microsoft TechNet Library.33 Under the Solutions Accelerators link you can find security guides for all recent Microsoft Windows operating systems. Figure 1.6 shows the table of contents for Windows 2008 Server.


Figure 1.6 Windows Server 2008 Security Guide Table of Contents.

TechNet is a great resource and can provide insight into managing numerous security issues, from Microsoft Office 2007 to security risk management. These documents can assist in implementing the built-in security features of Microsoft Windows products. Assistance is needed in identifying many of these capabilities because they are often hidden from view and turned off by default.

One of the biggest concerns in an organization today is data leaks, which are ways that confidential information can leave an organization despite robust perimeter security. As mentioned previously, USB Flash drives are one cause of data leaks; another is the recovery of data found in the unallocated clusters of a computer’s hard drive. Unallocated clusters, or free space, as it is commonly called, is the area of a hard drive where the operating system and applications dump their artifacts or residual data. Though this data is not viewable through a user interface, the data can easily be identified (and sometimes recovered) using a hex editor such as WinHex.34 Figure 1.7 shows the contents of a deleted file stored on a floppy disk being displayed by WinHex.


Figure 1.7 WinHex displaying the contents of a deleted Word document.

Should a computer be stolen or donated, it is very possible that someone could access the data located in unallocated clusters. For this reason, many people struggle to find an appropriate “disk-scrubbing” utility. Many such commercial utilities exist, but there is one built into Microsoft Windows operating systems. The command-line program cipher.exe is designed to display or alter the encryption of directories (files) stored on NTFS partitions. Few people even know about this command; even fewer are familiar with the /w switch. Here is a description of the switch from the program’s Help file:

Removes data from available unused disk space on the entire volume. If this option is chosen, all other options are ignored. The directory specified can be anywhere in a local volume. If it is a mount point or points to a directory in another volume, the data on that volume will be removed.

To use Cipher, click Start | Run and type cmd. When the cmd.exe window opens, type cipher /w:folder, where folder is any folder in the volume that you want to clean, and then press Enter. Figure 1.8 shows Cipher wiping a folder.


Figure 1.8 Cipher wiping a folder called Secretstuff.

For more on secure file deletion issues, see the author’s white paper in the SANS reading room, “Secure file deletion: Fact or fiction?”35

Another source of data leaks is the personal and editing information that can be associated with Microsoft Office files. In Microsoft Word 2003 you can configure the application to remove personal information on save and to warn you when you are about to print, share, or send a document containing tracked changes or comments.

To access this feature, within Word click Tools | Options and then click the Security tab. Toward the bottom of the security window you will notice the two options described previously. Simply select the options you want to use. Figure 1.9 shows these options.


Figure 1.9 Security options for Microsoft Word 2003.

Microsoft Office 2007 made this tool more robust and more accessible. A separate tool called Document Inspector can be accessed by clicking the Microsoft Office button, pointing to Prepare Document, then clicking Inspect Document. Then select the items you want to remove.

Implementing a strong security posture often begins by making the login process more robust. This includes increasing the complexity of the login password. All passwords can be cracked, given enough time and resources, but the more difficult you make cracking a password, the greater the possibility the asset the password protects will stay protected.

All operating systems have some mechanism to increase the complexity of passwords. In Microsoft Windows XP Professional, this can be accomplished by clicking Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Local Security Policy. Under Security Settings, expand Account Policies and then highlight Password Policy. In the right-hand panel you can enable password complexity. Once this is enabled, passwords must contain at least three of the four following password groups36:

• English uppercase characters (A through Z)

• English lowercase characters (a through z)

• Numerals (0 through 9)

• Nonalphabetic characters (such as !, $, #, %)

It is important to recognize that all operating systems have embedded tools to assist with security. They often require a little research to find, but the time spent in identifying them is less than the money spent on purchasing additional security products or recovering from a security breach.

Though not yet used by many corporations, Mac OS X has some very robust security features, including File Vault, which creates an encrypted home folder and the ability to encrypt virtual memory. Figure 1.10 shows the security options for Mac OS X.


Figure 1.10 Security options for Mac OS X.

G. Monitor Systems

Even with the most robust security tools in place, it is important to monitor your systems. All security products are manmade and can fail or be compromised. As with any other aspect of technology, one should never rely on simply one product or tool. Enabling logging on your systems is one way to put your organization in a position to identify problem areas. The problem is, what should be logged? There are some security standards that can help with this determination. One of these standards is the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).37 Requirement 10 of the PCI DSS states that organizations must “Track and monitor access to network resources and cardholder data.” If you simply substitute confidential information for the phrase cardholder data, this requirement is an excellent approach to a log management program. Requirement 10 is reproduced here:

Logging mechanisms and the ability to track user activities are critical. The presence of logs in all environments allows thorough tracking and analysis if something does go wrong. Determining the cause of a compromise is very difficult without system activity logs:

1. Establish a process for linking all access to system components (especially access done with administrative privileges such as root) to each individual user.

2. Implement automated audit trails for all system components to reconstruct the following events:

• All individual user accesses to cardholder data

• All actions taken by any individual with root or administrative privileges

• Access to all audit trails

• Invalid logical access attempts

• Use of identification and authentication mechanisms

• Initialization of the audit logs

• Creation and deletion of system-level objects

3. Record at least the following audit trail entries for all system components for each event:

• User identification

• Type of event

• Date and time

• Success or failure indication

• Origination of event

• Identity or name of affected data, system component, or resource

4. Synchronize all critical system clocks and times.

5. Secure audit trails so they cannot be altered:

• Limit viewing of audit trails to those with a job-related need.

• Protect audit trail files from unauthorized modifications.

• Promptly back up audit trail files to a centralized log server or media that is difficult to alter.

• Copy logs for wireless networks onto a log server on the internal LAN.

• Use file integrity monitoring and change detection software on logs to ensure that existing log data cannot be changed without generating alerts (although new data being added should not cause an alert).

6. Review logs for all system components at least daily. Log reviews must include those servers that perform security functions like intrusion detection system (IDS) and authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol (AAA) servers (for example, RADIUS).

Note: Log harvesting, parsing, and alerting tools may be used to achieve compliance.

7. Retain audit trail history for at least one year, with a minimum of three months online availability.

Requirement 6 looks a little overwhelming, since few organizations have the time to manually review log files. Fortunately, there are tools that will collect and parse log files from a variety of sources. All these tools have the ability to notify individuals of a particular event. One simple tool is the Kiwi Syslog Daemon38 for Microsoft Windows. Figure 1.11 shows the configuration screen for setting up email alerts in Kiwi.


Figure 1.11 Kiwi Syslog Daemon Email Alert Configuration screen.

Additional log parsing tools include Microsoft’s Log Parser39 and, for Unix, Swatch.40 Commercial tools include Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis, and Response System (MARS)41 and GFI EventsManager.42

An even more detailed approach to monitoring your systems is to install a packet-capturing tool on your network so you can analyze and capture traffic in real time. One tool that can be very helpful is Wireshark, which is “an award-winning network protocol analyzer developed by an international team of networking experts.”43 Wireshark is based on the original packet capture tool, Ethereal. Analyzing network traffic is not a trivial task and requires some training, but it is the perhaps the most accurate way to determine what is happening on your network. Figure 1.12 shows Wireshark monitoring the traffic on a wireless interface.


Figure 1.12 The protocol analyzer Wireshark monitoring a wireless interface.

H. Hire a Third Party to Audit Security

Regardless of how talented your staff is, there is always the possibility that they overlooked something or inadvertently misconfigured a device or setting. For this reason it is very important to bring in an extra set of “eyes, ears, and hands” to review your organization’s security posture.

Though some IT professionals will become paranoid having a third party review their work, intelligent staff members will recognize that a security review by outsiders can be a great learning opportunity. The advantage of having a third party review your systems is that the outsiders have experience reviewing a wide range of systems, applications, and devices in a variety of industries. They will know what works well and what might work but cause problems in the future. They are also more likely to be up to speed on new vulnerabilities and the latest product updates. Why? Because this is all they do. They are not encumbered by administrative duties, internal politics, and help desk requests. They will be more objective than in-house staff, and they will be in a position to make recommendations after their analysis.

The third-party analysis should involve a two-pronged approach: They should identify how the network appears to attackers and how secure the system is, should attackers make it past the perimeter defenses. You don’t want to have “Tootsie Pop security”—a hard crunchy shell with a soft center. The external review, often called a penetration test, can be accomplished in several ways; the first is a no knowledge approach, whereby the consultants are provided with absolutely no information regarding the network and systems prior to their analysis. Though this is a very realistic approach, it can be time consuming and very expensive. Using this approach, consultants must use publicly available information to start enumerating systems for testing. This is a realistic approach, but a partial knowledge analysis is more efficient and less expensive. If provided with a network topology diagram and a list of registered IP addresses, the third-party reviewers can complete the review faster and the results can be addressed in a much more timely fashion. Once the penetration test is complete, a review of the internal network can be initiated. The audit of the internal network will identify open shares, unpatched systems, open ports, weak passwords, rogue systems, and many other issues.

I. Don’t Forget the Basics

Many organizations spend a great deal of time and money addressing perimeter defenses and overlook some fundamental security mechanisms, as described here.

Change Default Account Passwords

Nearly all network devices come preconfigured with a password/username combination. This combination is included with the setup materials and is documented in numerous locations. Very often these devices are the gateways to the Internet or other internal networks. If these default passwords are not changed upon configuration, it becomes a trivial matter for an attacker to get into these systems. Hackers can find password lists on the Internet,44 and vendors include default passwords in their online manuals. For example, Figure 1.13 shows the default username and password for a Netgear router.


Figure 1.13 Default username and password for Netgear router.

Use Robust Passwords

With the increased processing power of our computers and password-cracking software such as the Passware products45 and AccessData’s Password Recovery Toolkit,46 cracking passwords is fairly simple and straightforward. For this reason it is extremely important to create robust passwords. Complex passwords are hard for users to remember, though, so it is a challenge to create passwords that can be remembered without writing them down. One solution is to use the first letter of each word in a phrase, such as “I like to eat imported cheese from Holland.” This becomes IlteicfH, which is an eight-character password using upper- and lowercase letters. This can be made even more complex by substituting an exclamation point for the letter I and substituting the number 3 for the letter e, so that the password becomes !lt3icfH. This is a fairly robust password that can be remembered easily.

Close Unnecessary Ports

Ports on a computer are logical access points for communication over a network. Knowing what ports are open on your computers will allow you to understand the types of access points that exist. The well-known port numbers are 0 through 1023. Some easily recognized ports and what they are used for are listed here:

• Port 21: FTP

• Port 23: Telnet

• Port 25: SMTP

• Port 53: DNS

• Port 80: HTTP

• Port 110: POP

• Port 119: NNTP

Since open ports that are not needed can be an entrance into your systems, and open ports that are open unexpectedly could be a sign of malicious software, identifying open ports is an important security process. There are several tools that will allow you to identify open ports. The built-in command-line tool netstat will allow you to identify open ports and process IDs by using the following switches:

-a Displays all connections and listening ports

-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form

-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection

(Note: In Unix, netstat is also available but utilizes the following switches: -atvp.)

Other tools that can prove helpful are ActivePorts,47 a graphical user interface (GUI) tool that allows you to export the results in delimited format, and Fport,48 a popular command-line tool. Sample results are shown in Figure 1.14.


Figure 1.14 Sample output from Fport

J. Patch, Patch, Patch

Nearly all operating systems have a mechanism for automatically checking for updates. This notification system should be turned on. Though there is some debate as to whether updates should be installed automatically, systems administrators should at least be notified of updates. They might not want to have them installed automatically, since patches and updates have been known to cause more problems than they solve. However, administrators should not wait too long before installing updates, because this can unnecessarily expose systems to attack. A simple tool that can help keep track of system updates is the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer,49 which also will examine other fundamental security configurations.

Use Administrator Accounts for Administrative Tasks

A common security vulnerability is created when systems administrators conduct administrative or personal tasks while logged into their computers with administrator rights. Tasks such as checking email, surfing the Internet, and testing questionable software can expose the computer to malicious software. This means that the malicious software can run with administrator privileges, which can create serious problems. Administrators should log into their systems using a standard user account to prevent malicious software from gaining control of their computers.

Restrict Physical Access

With a focus on technology, it is often easy to overlook nontechnical security mechanisms. If an intruder can gain physical access to a server or other infrastructure asset, the intruder will own the organization. Critical systems should be kept in secure areas. A secure area is one that provides the ability to control access to only those who need access to the systems as part of their job responsibilities. A room that is kept locked using a key that is only provided to the systems administrator, with the only duplicate stored in a safe in the office manager’s office, is a good start. The room should not have any windows that can open. In addition, the room should have no labels or signs identifying it as a server room or network operations center. The equipment should not be stored in a closet where other employees, custodians, or contractors can gain access. The validity of your security mechanisms should be reviewed during a third-party vulnerability assessment.

Don’t Forget Paper!

With the advent of advanced technology, people have forgotten how information was stolen in the past—on paper. Managing paper documents is fairly straightforward. Locking file cabinets should be used—and locked consistently. Extra copies of proprietary documents, document drafts, and expired internal communications are some of the materials that should be shredded. A policy should be created to tell employees what they should and should not do with printed documents. The following example of the theft of trade secrets underscores the importance of protecting paper documents:

A company surveillance camera caught Coca-Cola employee Joya Williams at her desk looking through files and “stuffing documents into bags,” Nahmias and FBI officials said. Then in June, an undercover FBI agent met at the Atlanta airport with another of the defendants, handing him $30,000 in a yellow Girl Scout Cookie box in exchange for an Armani bag containing confidential Coca-Cola documents and a sample of a product the company was developing, officials said.50

The steps to achieving security mentioned in this chapter are only the beginning. They should provide some insight into where to start building a secure organization. (October 2, 2008).

2“Pop quiz: What was the first personal computer?” (October 26, 2008).

3 (March 24, 2009). (October 26, 2008). (October 26, 2008). (October 26, 2008). (October 27, 2008).

8“Report: Cybercrime groups starting to operate like the Mafia,” published July 16, 2008, (October 27, 2008). (October 29, 2008). (October 29, 2008).

11“Why leaders should care about security” podcast, October 17, 2006, Julia Allen and William Pollak, (November 2, 2008).

12 (October 29, 2008).

13“Why leaders should care about security” podcast, October 17, 2006, Julia Allen and William Pollak, (November 2, 2008).

15OCTAVE, (November 2, 2008).

16Risk Management Framework,


18National Association of Professional Background Screeners,

22SANS Intro to Computer Security,

23SANS Security Essentials Bootcamp,

25ASIS International,; ISACA,; HTCIA,; ISSA,; InfraGard,


27 (November 8, 2008).



30Bluefire Security Technologies, 1010 Hull st., Ste. 210, Baltimore, Md. 21230.


32Gmail Drive,

33Microsoft TechNet Library,


35“Secure file deletion: Fact or fiction?” (November 8, 2008).

36“Users receive a password complexity requirements message that does not specify character group requirements for a password,” (November 8, 2008).


38Kiwi Syslog Daemon,

39Log Parser 2.2,


41Cisco MARS,

42GFI EventsManager,



46Password Recovery Toolkit,



49Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer,

503 accused in theft of Coke secrets,” Washington Post, July 26, 2006, (November 8, 2008).

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