Chapter 13

RFID Security

Chunming Rong, University of Stavanger

Erdal Cayirci, University of Stavanger

Radiofrequency identification (RFID) systems use RFID tags to annotate and identify objects. When objects are processed, an RFID reader is used to read information from the tags attached to the objects. The information will then be used with the data stored in the back-end databases to support the handling of business transactions.

1. RFID Introduction

Generally, an RFID system consists of three basic components: RFID tags, RFID readers, and a back-end database.

• RFID tags or RFID transponders. These are the data carriers attached to objects. A typical RFID tag contains information about the attached object, such as an identifier (ID) of the object and other related properties of the object that may help to identify and describe it.

• The RFID reader or the RFID transceiver. These devices can read information from tags and may write information into tags if the tags are rewritable.

• Back-end database. This is the data repository responsible for the management of data related to the tags and business transactions, such as ID, object properties, reading locations, reading time, and so on.

RFID System Architecture

RFID systems’ architecture is illustrated in Figure 13.1. Tags are attached to or embedded in objects to identify or annotate them. An RFID reader will send out signals to a tag for requesting information stored on the tag. The tag responsed to the request by sending back the appropriate information. With the data from the back-end database, applications can then use the information from the tag to proceed with the business transaction related to the object.


Figure 13.1 RFID system architecture.

Next we describe the RFID tags, RFID reader, and back-end database in detail.


In RFID systems, objects are identified or described by information on RFID tags attached to the objects. An RFID tag basically consists of a microchip that is used for data storage and computation and a coupling element for communicating with the RFID reader via radio frequency communication, such as an antenna. Some tags may also have an on-board battery to supply a limited amount of power.

RFID tags can respond to radio frequencies sent out by RFID readers. On receiving the radio signals from a RFID reader, an RFID tag will either send back the requested data stored on the tag or write the data into the tag, if the tag is rewritable. Because radio signals are used, RFID tags do not require line of sight to connect with the reader and precise positioning, as barcodes do. Tags may also generate a certain amount of electronic power from the radio signals they receive, to power the computation and transmission of data.

RFID tags can be classified based on four main criteria: power source, type of memory, computational power, and functionality.

A basic and important classification criterion of RFID tags is to classify tags based on power source. Tags can be categorized into three classes: active, semiactive, and passive RFID tags.

Active RFID tags have on-board power sources, such as batteries. Active RFID tags can proactively send radio signals to an RFID reader and possibly to other tags [1] as well. Compared with tags without on-board power, active tags have longer transmission range and are more reliable. Active tags can work in the absence of an RFID reader. On the other hand, the on-board power supply also increases the costs of active tags.

Semiactive RFID tags also have on-board power sources for powering their microchips, but they use RFID readers’ energy field for actually transmitting their data [2] when responding to the incoming transmissions. Semiactive tags have the middle transmission range and cost.

Passive RFID tags do not have internal power sources and cannot initiate any communications. Passive RFID tags generate power from radio signals sent out by an RFID reader in the course of communication. Thus passive RFID tags can only work in the presence of an RFID reader. Passive tags have the shortest transmission range and the cheapest cost. The differences of active tags, semiactive tags and passive tags are shown in Table 13.1.

Table 13.1

Tags classified by power source


RFID tags may have read-only memory, write-once/read-many memory, or fully rewritable memory. RFID tags can be classified into three categories according to the type of memory that a tag uses: read-only tags, write-once/read-many tags, and fully rewritable tags. The information on read-only tags cannot be changed in the life-cycle of the tags. Write-once/read-many tags can be initialized with application-specific information. The information on fully rewritable tags can be rewritten many times by an RFID reader.

According to the computational power, RFID tags can be classified into three categories: basic tags, symmetric-key tags, and public-key tags. Basic tags do not have the ability to perform cryptography computation. Symmetric-key tags and public-key tags have the ability to perform symmetric-key and public–key cryptography computation, respectively.

RFID tags can also be classified according to their functionality. The MIT Auto-ID Center defined five classes of tags according to their functionality in 2003 [3]: Class 0, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4 tags. Every class has different functions and different requirements for tag memory and power resource. Class 0 tags are passive and do not contain any memory. They only announce their presence and offer electronic article surveillance (EAS) functionality. Class 1 tags are typically passive. They have read-only or write-once/read-many memory and can only offer identification functionality. Class 2 tags are mostly semiactive and active. They have fully rewritable memory and can offer data-logging functionality. Class 3 tags are semiactive and active tags. They contain on-board environmental sensors that can record temperature, acceleration, motion, or radiation and require fully rewritable memory. Class 4 tags are active tags and have fully rewritable memory. They can establish ad hoc wireless networks with other tags because they are equipped with wireless networking components.

RFID Readers

An RFID reader (transceiver) is a device used to read information from and possibly also write information into RFID tags. An RFID reader is normally connected to a back-end database for sending information to that database for further processing.

An RFID reader consists of two key functional modules: a high-frequency (HF) interface and a control unit. The HF interface can perform three functions: generating the transmission power to activate the tags, modulating the signals for sending requests to RFID tags, and receiving and demodulating signals received from tags. The control unit of an RFID reader has also three basic functions: controlling the communication between the RFID reader and RFID tags, encoding and decoding signals, and communicating with the back-end server for sending information to the back-end database or executing the commands from the back-end server. The control unit can perform more functions in the case of complex RFID systems, such as executing anticollision algorithms in the cause of communicating with multitags, encrypting requests sent by the RFID reader and decrypting responses received from tags, and performing the authentication between RFID readers and RFID tags [4].

RFID readers can provide high-speed tag scanning. Hundreds of objects can be dealt with by a single reader within a second; thus it is scalable enough for applications such as supply chain management, where a large number of objects need to be dealt with frequently. RFID readers need only to be placed at every entrance and exit. When products enter or leave the designated area by passing through an entrance or exit, the RFID readers can instantly identify the products and send the necessary information to the back-end database for further processing.

Back-End Database

The back-end database is in the back-end server that manages the information related to the tags in an RFID system. Every object’s information can be stored as a record in the database, and the information on the tag attached to the object can serve as a pointer to the record.

The connection between an RFID reader and a back-end database can be assumed as secure, no matter via wireless link or TCP/IP, because constraints for readers are not very tight and security solutions such as SSL/TLS can be implemented for them [5].

RFID Standards

Currently, as different frequencies are used for RFID systems in various countries and many standards are adopted for different kinds of application, there is no agreement on a universal standard that’s accepted by all parties. Several kinds of RFID standards [6] are being used today. These standards include contactless smart cards, item mana-gement tags, RFID systems for animal identification, and EPC tags. These standards specify the physical layer and the link layer characteristics of RFID systems but do not cover the upper layers.

Contactless smart cards can be classified into three types according to the communication ranges. The ISO standards for them are ISO 10536, ISO 14443, and ISO 15693. ISO 10536 sets the standard for close-coupling smart cards, for which the communication range is about 0–1 cm. ISO 14443 sets the standard for proximity-coupling smart cards, which have a communication range of about 0–10 cm. ISO 15693 specifies vicinity-coupling smart cards, which have a communication range of about 0–1 m. The proximity-coupling and vicinity-coupling smart cards have already been implemented with some cryptography algorithms such as 128-bit AES, triple DES, and SHA-1 and challenge-response authentication mechanisms to improve system security [7].

Item management tag standards include ISO 15961, ISO 15962, ISO 15963, and ISO 18000 series [8]. ISO 15961 defines the host interrogator, tag functional commands, and other syntax features of item management. ISO 15962 defines the data syntax of item management, and ISO 15963 is “Unique Identification of RF tag and Registration Authority to manage the uniqueness.” For the ISO 18000 standards series, part 1 describes the reference architecture and parameters definition; parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 define the parameters for air interface communications below 135 kHz, at 13.56 MHz, at 2.45 GHz, at 860 MHz, at 960 MHz, and at 433 MHz, respectively.

Standards for RFID systems for animal identification include ISO 11784, ISO 11785, and ISO 14223 [9]. ISO 11784 and ISO 11784 define the code structure and technical concepts for radiofrequency identification of animals. ISO 14223 includes three parts: air interface, code and command structure, and applications. These kinds of tags use low frequency for communication and have limited protection for animal tracking [10].

The EPC standard was created by the MIT Auto-ID, which is an association of more than 100 companies and university labs. The EPC system is currently operated by EPCglobal [11]. A typical EPC network has four parts [12]: the electronic product code, the identification system that includes RFID tags and RFID readers, the Savant middleware, and the object naming service (ONS). The first- and second-generation EPC tags cannot support strong cryptography to protect the security of the RFID systems due to the limitation of computational resources, but both of them can provide a kill command to protect the privacy of the consumer [13].

EPC tag encoding includes a Header field followed by one or more Value fields. The Header field defines the overall length and format of the Value fields. There are two kinds of EPC format: EPC 64-bit format and EPC 96-bit format. In the most recent version [14], the 64-bit format was removed from the standard. As shown in Table 13.2, both the formats include four fields: a header (8 bits), an EPC manager number (28 bits), an object class (24 bits), and a serial number (36 bits). The header and the EPC manager number are assigned by EPCglobal [15], and the object class and the serial number are assigned by EPC manager owner. The EPC header identifies the length, type, structure version, and generation of the EPC. The EPC manager number is the entity responsible for maintaining the subsequent partitions of the EPC. The object class identifies a class of objects. Serial number identifies the instance.

Table 13.2

EPC basic format


RFID Applications

Recently more and more companies and organizations have begun to use RFID tags rather than traditional barcode because RFID systems have many advantages over traditional barcode systems. First, the information stored in the RFID tags can be read by RFID readers without line of sight, whereas barcodes can only be scanned within the line of sight. Second, the distance between a tag and a reader is longer compared with the barcode system. For example, an RFID reader can read information from a tag at a distance as long as 300 feet, whereas the read range for a barcode is typically no more than 15 feet. Third, RFID readers can scan hundreds of tags in seconds. Fourth, since today most RFID tags are produced using silicon technology, more functions can be added to them, such as large memory for more information storage and calculation ability to support various kinds of encryption and decryption algorithms, so privacy can be better protected and the tags cannot be easily cloned by attackers. In addition, the information stored in the barcode cannot be changed after being imprinted on the barcode, whereas for the RFID tags with rewritable memory the information can be updated when needed.

With these characteristics and advantages, RFID has been widely adopted and deployed in various areas. Currently, RFID can be used in passports, transportation payments, product tracking, lap scoring, animal identification, inventory systems, RFID mandates, promotion tracking, human implants, libraries, schools and universities, museums, and social retailing. These myriad applications of RFID can be classified into seven classes according to the purpose of identifying items [16]. These classes are asset management, tracking, authenticity verification, matching, process control, access control, and automated payment. Table 13.3 lists the identification purposes of various application types.

Table 13.3

RFID application purpose

Application Type Identification Purpose
Asset management Determine item presence
Tracking Determine item location
Authenticity verification Determine item source
Matching Ensure affiliated items are not separated
Process control Correlate item information for decision making
Access control Person authentication
Automated payment Conduct financial transaction

Asset management involves determining the presence of tagged items and helping manage item inventory. One possible application of asset management is electronic article surveillance (EAS). For example, every good in a supermarket is attached to an EAS tag, which will be deactivated if it is properly checked out. Then RFID readers at the supermarket exits can detect unpaid goods automatically when they pass through.

Tracking is used to identify the location of tagged items. If the readers are fixed, a single reader can cover only one area. To effectively track the items, a group of readers is needed, together with a central system to deal with the information from different readers.

Authenticity verification methods are used to verify the source of tagged items. For example, by adding a cryptography-based digital signature in the tag, the system can prevent tag replication to make sure that the good is labeled with the source information.

Matching is used to ensure that affiliated items are not separated. Samples for matching applications include mothers and their newborn babies to match each other in the hospital and for airline passengers to match their checked luggage and so prevent theft.

Access control is used for person authentication. Buildings may use contactless RFID card systems to identify authorized people. Only those authorized people with the correct RFID card can authenticate themselves to the reader to open a door and enter a building. Using a car key with RFID tags, a car owner can open his own car automatically, another example of RFID’s application to access control.

Process control involves decision making by correlating tagged item information. For example, RFID readers in different parts of an assembly line can read the information on the products, which can be used to help production managers make suitable decisions.

Automated payment is used to conduct financial transactions. The applications include payment for toll expressways and at gas stations. These applications can improve the speed of payment to hasten the processing of these transactions.

2. RFID Challenges

RFID systems have been widely deployed in some areas. Perhaps this happened before the expectations of RFID researchers and RFID services providers were satisfied. There are many limitations of the RFID technology that restrain the deployment of RFID applications, such as the lack of universal standardization of RFID in the industry and the concerns about security and privacy problems that may affect the privacy and security of individuals and organizations. The security and privacy issues pose a huge challenge for RFID applications. Here we briefly summarize some of the challenges facing RFID systems.


As described earlier in the chapter, RFID tags can be classified into three categories based on the equipped computation power: basic tags, symmetric-key tags, and public-key tags. Symmetric-key and public-key tags can implement cryptography protocols for authentication with private key, and public keys, respectively. Basic tags are not capable of performing cryptography computation. Although they lack the capability to perform cryptography computation, they are most widely used for applications such as supply chain management and travel systems. With the widespread application of fully writable or even reprogrammable basic tags, counterfeiters can easily forge basic tags in real-world applications, and these counterfeit tags can be used in multiple places at the same time, which can cause confusion.

The counterfeiting of tags can be categorized into two areas based on the technique used for tampering with tag data: modifying tag data and adding data to a blank tag. In real-world applications, we face counterfeit threats such as the following [7]:

• The attacker can modify valid tags to make them invalid or modify invalid tags to make them valid.

• The attacker can modify a high-priced object’s tag as a low-priced object or modify a low-priced object’s tag as a high-priced object.

• The attacker can modify an object’s tag to be the same as the tags attached to other objects.

• The attacker can create an additional tag for personal reasons by reading the data from an authorized tag and adding this data to a blank tag in real-world applications, such as in a passport or a shipment of goods.


Another main issue of concern in deploying RFID systems is the sniffing problem. It occurs when third parties use a malicious and unauthorized RFID reader to read the information on RFID tags within their transmission range. Unfortunately, most RFID tags are indiscriminate in their responses to reading requests transmitted by RFID readers and do not have access control functions to provide any protection against an unauthorized reader. Once an RFID tag enters a sufficiently powered reader’s field, it receives the reader’s requests via radio frequency. As long as the request is well formed, the tag will reply to the request with the corresponding information on the tag. Then the holder of the unauthenticated reader may use this information for other purposes.


With multiple RFID readers integrated into one system, the movements of objects can be tracked by fixed RFID readers [18]. For example, once a specific tag can be associated with a particular person or object, when the tag enters a reader’s field the reader can obtain the specific identifier of the tag, and the presence of the tag within the range of a specific reader implies specific location information related to the attached person or object. With location information coming from multiple RFID readers, an attacker can follow movements of people or objects. Tracking can also be performed without decrypting the encrypted messages coming from RFID readers [19]. Generally, the more messages the attacker describes, the more location or privacy information can be obtained from the messages.

One way to track is to generate maps of RFID tags with mobile robots [20]. A sensor model is introduced to compute the likelihood of tag detections, given the relative pose of the tag with respect to the robot. In this model a highly accurate FastSLAM algorithm is used to learn the geometrical structure of the environment around the robots, which are equipped with a laser range scanner; then it uses the recursive Bayesian filtering scheme to estimate the posterior locations of the RFID tags, which can be used to localize robots and people in the environment with the geometrical structure of the environment learned by the FastSLAM algorithm.

There is another method to detect the motion of passive RFID tags that are within a detecting antenna’s field. Response rate at the reader is used to study the impact of four cases of tag movements that can provide prompt and accurate detection and the influence of the environment. The idea of multiple tags/readers is introduced to improve performance. The movement-detection algorithms can be improved and integrated into the RFID monitoring system to localize the position of the tags. The method does not require any modification of communication protocols nor the addition of hardware.

In real-world applications, there exists the following tracking threat:

• The attacker can track the potential victim by monitoring the movement of the person and performing some illegal actions against the potential victim [21].

Denial of Service

Denial of service (DoS) takes place when RFID readers or back-end servers cannot provide excepted services. DoS attacks are easy to accomplish and difficult to guard against [22]. The following are nine DoS threats:

• Killing tags to make them disabled to disrupt readers’ normal operations. EPCglobal had proposed that a tag have a “kill” command to destroy it and protect consumer privacy. If an attacker knows the password of a tag, it can “kill” the tag easily in real-world applications. Now Class-0, Class-1 Generation-1, and Class-1 Generation-2 tags are all equipped with the kill command.

• Carry a blocker tag that can disrupt the communication between an RFID reader and RFID tags. A blocker tag is a cheap, passive RFID device that can simulate many basic RFID tags at one time and render specific zones private or public. An RFID reader can only communicate with a single RFID tag at any specific time. If more than one tag responds to a request coming from the reader at the same time, “collision” happens. In this case, the reader cannot receive the information sent by the tags, which makes the system unavailable to authorized uses.

• Carry a special absorbent tag that can be tuned to the same radio frequencies used by legitimate tags. The absorbent tag can absorb the energy or power generated by radiofrequency signals sent by the reader, and the resulting reduction in the reader’s energy may make the reader unavailable to communicate with other tags.

• Remove, physically destroy, or erase the information on tags attached to or embedded in objects. The reader will not communicate with the dilapidated tags in a normal way.

• Shield the RFID tags from scrutiny using a Faraday cage. A Faraday cage is a container made of a metal enclosure that can prevent reading radio signals from the readers [23].

• Carry a device that can actively broadcast more powerful return radio signals or noises than the signals responded to by the tags so as to block or disrupt the communication of any nearby RFID readers and make the system unavailable to authorized users. The power of the broadcast is so high that it could cause severe blockage or disruption of all nearby RFID systems, even those in legitimate applications where privacy is not a concern [24].

• Perform a traditional Internet DoS attack and prevent the back-end servers from gathering EPC numbers from the readers. The servers do not receive enough information from the readers and cannot provide the additional services from the server.

• Perform a traditional Internet DoS attack against the object-naming service (ONS). This can deny the service.

• Send URL queries to a database and make the database busy with these queries. The database may then deny access to authorized users.

Other Issues

Besides the four basic types of attack—counterfeiting, sniffing, tracking, and denial of service—in real-world applications, there also exists some other threats of RFID systems.


Spoofing attacks take place when an attacker successfully poses as an authorized user of a system [25]. Spoofing attacks are different from counterfeiting and sniffing attacks, though they are all falsification types of attack. Counterfeiting takes place when an attacker forges the RFID tags that can be scanned by authorized readers. Sniffing takes place when an attacker forges authorized readers that can scan the authorized tags to obtain useful information. But the forging object of spoofing is an authorized user of a system. There exist the following spoofing threats in real-world applications [26]:

• The attacker can pose as an authorized EPC global Information Service Object Naming Service (ONS) user. If the attacker successfully poses as an authorized ONS user, he can send queries to the ONS to gather EPC numbers. Then, from the EPC numbers, the attacker may easily obtain the location, identification, or other privacy information.

• The attacker can pose as an authorized database user in an RFID system. The database stores the complete information from the objects, such as manufacturer, product name, read time, read location, and other privacy information. If the attacker successfully poses as an authorized database user and an authorized user of ONS, he can send queries to the ONS for obtaining the EPC number of one object, then get the complete information on the object by mapping the EPC number to the information stored in the database.

• The attacker can also pose as an ONS server. If the attacker’s pose is successful, he can easily use the ONS server to gather EPC numbers, respond to invalid requests, deny normal service, and even change the data or write malicious data to the system.


Repudiation takes place when a user denies doing an action or no proof exists to prove that the action has been implemented [27]. There are two kinds of repudiation threats:

• The sender or the receiver denies performing the send and receive actions. A nonrepudiation protocol can be used to resolve this problem.

• The owner of the EPC number or the back-end server denies that it has the information from the objects to which the tags are attached.

Insert Attacks

Insert attacks take place when an attacker inserts some system commands to the RFID system where data is normally expected [28]. In real-world applications, there exists the following attack:

• A system command rather than valid data is carried by a tag in its data storage memory.

Replay Attacks

Replay attacks take place when an attacker intercepts the communication signals between an RFID reader and an RFID tag and records the tag’s response. Then the RFID tag’s response can be reused if the attacker detects that the reader sends requests to the other tags for querying [29]. There exist the following two threats:

• The attacker can record the communications between proximity cards and a building access reader and play it back to access the building.

• The attacker can record the response that an RFID card in a car gives to an automated highway toll collection system, and the response can be used when the car of the attacker wants to pass the automated toll station.

Physical Attacks

Physical attacks are very strong attacks that physically obtain tags and have unauthorized physical operations on the tags. But it is fortunate that physical attacks cannot be implemented in public or on a widespread scale, except for Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanation Standard (TEMPEST) attacks. There exist the following physical attacks [30,31]:

• Probe attacks. The attacker can use a probe directly attached to the circuit to obtain or change the information on tags.

• Material removal. The attacker can use a knife or other tools to remove the tags attached to objects.

• Energy attacks. The attacks can be either of the contact or contactless variety. It is required that contactless energy attacks be close enough to the system.

• Radiation imprinting. The attacker can use an X-ray band or other radial bands to destroy the data unit of a tag.

• Circuit disruption. The attacker can use strong electromagnetic interference to disrupt tag circuits.

• Clock glitch. The attacker can lengthen or shorten the clock pulses to a clocked circuit and destroy normal operations.


Viruses are old attacks that threaten the security of all information systems, including RFID systems. RFID viruses always target the back-end database in the server, perhaps destroying and revealing the data or information stored in the database. There exist the following virus threats:

• An RFID virus destroys and reveals the data or information stored in the database.

• An RFID virus disturbs or even stops the normal services provided by the server.

• An RFID virus threatens the security of the communications between RFID readers and RFID tags or between back-end database and RFID readers.

Social Issues

Due to the security challenges in RFID, many people do not trust RFID technologies and fear that they could allow attackers to purloin their privacy information.

Weis [32] presents two main arguments. These arguments make some people choose not to rely on RFID technology and regard RFID tags as the “mark of the beast.” However, security issues cannot prevent the success of RFID technology.

The first argument is that RFID tags are regarded as the best replacement for current credit cards and all other ways of paying for goods and services. But RFID tags can also serve as identification. The replacement of current ways of paying by RFID tag requires that people accept RFID tags instead of credit cards, and they cannot sell or buy anything without RFID tags.

There is a second argument [33]: “Since RFID tags are also used as identification, they should be implanted to avoid losing the ID or switching it with someone. Current research has shown that the ideal location for the implant is indeed the forehead or the hand, since they are easy to access and unlike most other body parts they do not contain much fluid, which interferes with the reading of the chip.”

Comparison of All Challenges

Previously in this chapter we introduced some of the challenges that RFID systems are facing. Every challenge or attack can have a different method or attack goal, and the consequences of the RFID system after an attack may also be different. In this part of the chapter, we briefly analyze the challenges according to attack methods, attack goals, and the consequences of RFID systems after attacks (see Table 13.4).

Table 13.4

Comparison of all challenges or attacks in RFID systems


The first four challenges are the four basic challenges in RFID systems that correspond to the four basic use cases. Counterfeiting happens when counterfeiters forge RFID tags by copying the information from a valid tag or adding some well-formed format information to a new tag in the RFID system. Sniffing happens when an unauthorized reader reads the information from a tag, and the information may be utilized by attackers. Tracking happens when an attacker who holds some readers unlawfully monitors the movements of objects attached by an RFID tag that can be read by those readers. Denial of service happens when the components of RFID systems deny the RFID service.

The last seven challenges or attacks can always happen in RFID systems (see Table 13.4). Spoofing happens when an attacker poses as an authorized user of an RFID system on which the attacker can perform invalid operations. Repudiation happens when a user or component of an RFID system denies the action it performed and there is no proof that the user did perform the action. Insert attacks happen when an attacker inserts some invalid system commands into the tags and some operations may be implemented by the invalid command. Replay attacks happen when an attacker intercepts the response of the tag and reuses the response for another communication. Physical attacks happen when an attacker does some physical operations on RFID tags and these attacks disrupt communications between the RFID readers and tags. A virus is the security challenge of all information systems; it can disrupt the operations of RFID systems or reveal the information in those systems. Social issues involve users’ psychological attitudes that can influence the users’ adoption of RFID technologies for real-world applications.

3. RFID Protections

According to their computational power, RFID tags can be classified into three categories: basic tags, symmetric-key tags, and public-key tags. In the next part of the chapter, we introduce some protection approaches for these three kinds of RFID tags.

Basic RFID System

Prices have been one of the biggest factors to be considered when we’re making decisions on RFID deployments. Basic tags are available for the cheapest price, compared with symmetric-key tags and public-key tags. Due to the limited computation resources built into a basic tag, basic tags are not capable of performing cryptography computations. This imposes a huge challenge to implement protections on basic tags; cryptography has been one of the most important and effective methods to implement protection mechanisms. Recently several approaches have been proposed to tackle this issue.

Most of the approaches to security protection for basic tags focus on protecting consumer privacy. A usual method is by tag killing, proposed by EPCglobal. In this approach, when the reader wants to kill a tag, it sends a kill message to the tag to permanently deactivate it. Together with the kill message, a 32-bit tag-specific PIN code is also sent to the object tag, to avoid killing other tags. On receiving this kill message, a tag will deactivate itself, after which the tag will become inoperative. Generally, tags are killed when the tagged items are checked out in shops or supermarkets. This is very similar to removing the tags from the tagged items when they are purchased. It is an efficient method of protecting the privacy of consumers, since a killed tag can no longer send out information.

The disadvantage of this approach is that it will reduce the post-purchase benefits of RFID tags. In some cases, RFID tags need to be operative only temporarily. For example, RFID tags used in libraries and museums for tagging books and other items need to work at all times and should not be killed or be removed from the tagged items. In these cases, instead of being killed or removed, tags can be made temporarily inactive. When a tag needs to be reawoken, an RFID reader can send a wake message to the tag with a 32-bit tag-specific PIN code, which is sent to avoid waking up other tags. This also results in the management of PIN codes for tags, which brings some inconvenience.

Another approach to protecting privacy is tag relabeling, which was first proposed by Sarma et al [34]. In this scheme, to protect consumers’ privacy, identifiers of RFID tags are effaced when tagged items are checked out, but the information on the tags will be kept for later use. Inoue and Yasuuran [35] proposed that consumers can store the identifiers of the tags and give each tag a new identifier. When needed, people can reactivate the tags with the new identifiers. This approach allows users to manage tagged items throughout the items’ life cycle. A third approach is to allocate each tag a new random number at each checkout; thus attackers cannot rely on the identifiers to collect information about customers [36]. This method does not solve the problem of tracking [37]. To prevent tracking, random numbers need to be refreshed frequently, which will increase the burden on consumers. Juels proposed a system called the minimalist system [38], in which every tag has a list of pseudonyms, and for every reader query, the tag will respond with a different pseudonym from the list and return to the beginning of the list when this list is exhausted. It is assumed that only authorized readers know all these tag pseudonyms. Unauthorized readers that do not know these pseudonyms cannot identify the tags correctly. To prevent unauthorized readers getting the pseudonyms list by frequent query, the tags will response to an RFID reader’s request with a relatively low rate, which is called pseudonym throttling. Pseudonym throttling is useful, but it cannot provide a high level of privacy for consumers, because with the tag’s small memory, the number of pseudonyms in the list is limited. To tackle this problem, the protocol allows an authorized RFID reader to refresh a tag’s pseudonyms list.

Juels and Pappu [39] proposed to protect consumers’ privacy by using tagged banknotes. The proposed scheme used public-key cryptography to protect the serial numbers of tagged banknotes. The serial number of a tagged banknote is encrypted using a public key to generate a ciphertext, which is saved in the memory of the tag. On receiving a request of the serial number, the tag will respond with this ciphertext. Only law enforcement agencies know the related private key and can decrypt this ciphertext to recover the banknote’s serial number. To prevent tracking of banknotes, the ciphertext will be reencrypted periodically. To avoid the ciphertext of a banknote being reencrypted by an attacker, the tagged banknote can use an optical write–access key. A reader that wants to reencrypt this ciphertext needs to scan the write–access key first. In this system only one key pair, a public key and a private key, is used. But this is not enough for the general RFID system. Using multiple key pairs will impair the privacy of RFID systems, since if the reader wants to reencrypt the ciphertext, it needs to know the corresponding public key of this tag.

So, a universal reencryption algorithm has been introduced [40]. In this approach, an RFID reader can reencrypt the ciphertext without knowing the corresponding public key of a tag. The disadvantage of this approach is that attackers can substitute the ciphertext with a new ciphertext, so the integrity of the ciphertext cannot be protected. By signing the ciphertext with a digital signature, this problem can be solved [41], since only the authenticated reader can access the ciphertext.

Floerkemeier et al. [42] introduced another approach to protect consumer privacy by using a specially designed protocol. In their approach, they first designed the communication protocol between RFID tags and RFID readers. This protocol requires an RFID reader to provide information about the purpose and the collection type for the query. In addition, a privacy-enforcing device called a watchdog tag is used in the system. This watchdog tag is a kind of sophisticated RFID tag that is equipped with a battery, a small screen, and a long-range communication channel. A watchdog tag can be integrated into a PDA or a cell phone and can decode the messages from an RFID reader and display them on the screen for the user to read. With a watchdog tag, a user can know not only the information from the RFID readers in the vicinity of the tag but also the ID, the query purpose, and the collection type of the requests sent by the RFID readers. With this information, the user is able to identify the unwanted communications between tags and an RFID reader, making this method useful for users to avoid the reader ID spoofing attack.

Rieback, Crispo, and Tanebaum [43] proposed another privacy-enforcing device called RFID Guardian, which is also a battery-powered RFID tag that can be integrated into a PDA or a cell phone to protect user privacy. RFID Guardian is actually a user privacy protection platform in RFID systems. It can also work as an RFID reader to request information from RFID tags, or it can work like a tag to communicate with a reader. RFID Guardian has four different security properties: auditing, key management, access control, and authentication. It can audit RFID readers in its vicinity and record information about the RFID readers, such as commands, related parameters, and data, and provide these kinds of information to the user. Using this information, the user can sufficiently identify illegal scanning. In some cases, a user might not know or could forget the tags in his vicinity. With the help of RFID Guardian, the user can detect all the tags within radio range. Then the user can deactivate the tags according to his choice.

For RFID tags that use cryptography methods to provide security, one important issue is key management. RFID Guardian can perform two-way RFID communications and can generate random values. These features are very useful for key exchange and key refresh. Using the features of coordination of security primitives, context awareness, and tag-reader mediation, RFID Guardian can provide access control for RFID systems [44]. Also, using two-way RFID communication and standard challenge-response algorithms, RFID Guardian can provide off-tag authentication for RFID readers.

Another approach for privacy protecting is proposed by Juels, Rivest, and Szydlo [45]. In this approach, a cheap, passive RFID tag is used as the blocker tag. Since this blocker tag can simulate many RFID tags at the same time, it is very difficult for an RFID reader to identify the real tag carried by the user. The blocker tag can both simulate all the possible RFID tags and simulate only a select set of the tags, making it convenient for the user to manage the RFID tags. For example, the user can tell the blocker tag to block only the tags that belong to a certain company. Another advantage of this approach is that if the user wants to reuse these RFID tags, unlike the “killed” tags that need to be activated by the user, the user need only remove the blocker tag. Since the blocker tag can shield the serial numbers of the tags from being read by RFID readers, it can also be used by attackers to disrupt proper operation of an RFID system. A thief can also use the blocker tag to shield the tags attached to the commodities in shops and take them out without being detected.

RFID System Using Symmetric-Key Cryptography

Symmetric-key cryptography, also called secret-key cryptography or single-key cryptography, uses a single key to perform both encryption and decryption. Due to the limited amount of resources available on an RFID chip, most available symmetric-key cryptographs are too costly to be implemented on an RFID chip. For example, a typical implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) needs about 2000–3000 gates. This is not appropriate for low-cost RFID tags. It is only possible to implement AES in high-end RFID tags. A successful case of implementing a 128-bit AES on high-end RFID tags has been reported [46].

Using the Symmetric Key to Provide Authentication and Privacy

Symmetric-key cryptography can be applied to prevent tag cloning in RFID systems using a challenge and response protocol. For example, if a tag shares a secret key K with a reader and the tag wants to authenticate itself to the reader, it will first send its identity to the reader. The reader will then generate a nonce N and send it to the tag. The tag will use this nonce and the secret K to generate a hash code H = h(K,N) and send this hash code to the reader. The reader can also generate a hash code H′ = h(K,N) and compare these two codes to verify this tag. Using this scheme, it is difficult for an attacker to clone the tags without knowing the secret keys.

Different kinds of symmetric-key cryptography protocol-based RFID tags have been used recently in daily life. For example, an RFID device that uses this symmetric-key challenge-response protocol, called a digital signature transponder, has been introduced by Texas Instruments. This transponder can be built into cars to prevent car theft and can be implemented into wireless payment devices used in filling stations.

One issue of RFID systems that use symmetric-key cryptography is key management. To authenticate itself to an RFID reader, each tag in the system should share a different secret key with the reader, and the reader needs to keep all the keys of these tags. When a tag wants to authenticate itself to an RFID reader, the reader needs to know the secret key shared between them. If the reader does not know the identification of the tag in advance, it cannot determine which key can be used to authenticate this tag. If the tag sends its identification to the reader before the authentication for the reader to search the secret key, the privacy of the tag cannot be protected, since other readers can also obtain the identification of this tag.

To tackle this problem, one simple method is key searching. The reader will search all the secret keys in its memory to find the right key for the tag before authentication. There are some protocols proposed for the key search for RFID tags. One general kind of key search scheme [47] has been proposed. In this approach, the tag first generates a random nonce N and hashes this N using its secret key K to generate the hash code. Then it sends both this hash code and N to the reader. Using this nonce N, the reader will generate the hash code with all the secret keys and compare them with the received hash code from the tag. If there is a match, it means it found the right key. In this scheme, since the nonce N is generated randomly every time, the privacy of the tag can be protected.

The problem with this approach is that if there are a large number of tags, the key searching will be very costly. To reduce the cost of the key searching, a modification of this scheme was proposed [48]; in [20], in this approach, a scheme called tree of secret is used. Every tag is assigned to a leaf in the tree, and every node in the tree has its secret key. This way the key search cost for each tag can be reduced, but it will add some overlap to the sets of keys for each tag.

Another approach to reduce the cost of key searching is for the RFID tags and RFID reader to keep synchronization with each other. In this kind of approach, every tag will maintain a counter for the reader query times. For each reader’s query, the tag should respond with a different value. The reader will also maintain counters for all the tags’ responses and maintain a table of all the possible response values. Then, if the reader and tags can keep synchronization, the reader can know the approximate current counter number of the tags. When the reader receives a response from a tag, it can search the table and quickly identify this tag.

Other Symmetric-Key Cryptography-Based Approaches

In addition to the basic symmetric-key challenge-response protocol, some symmetric-key cryptography-based approaches have been proposed recently to protect the security and privacy of RFID systems.

One approach is called YA-TRAP: Yet Another T rivial RFID Authentication Protocol, proposed by Tsudik [49]. In this approach, a technique for the inexpensive untraceable identification of RFID tags is introduced. Here untraceable means it is computationally difficult to gather the information about the identity of RFID tags from the interaction with them. In YA-TRAP, for the purpose of authentication, only minimal communication between the reader and tags is needed, and the computational burden on the back-end server is very small.

The back-end server in the system is assumed to be secure and maintains all tag information. Each tag should be initialized with three values: Ki, T0, and Tmax. Ki is both the identifier and the cryptographic key for this tag. The size of Ki depends on the number of tags and the secure authentication requirement; in practice, 160 bits is enough. T0 is the initial timestamp of this tag. The value of T0 of each tag does not need to vary. This means that a group of tags can have the same T0. Tmax is the maximum value of T0, and a group of tags can also have the same Tmax value. In addition, each tag has a seeded pseudorandom number generator.

YA-TRAP works as follows: First, each tag should store a timestamp Tt in its memory. When an RFID reader wants to interrogate a RFID tag, it will send the current timestamp Tr to this tag. Receiving Tr, the tag will compare Tr with the timestamp value it stores and with Tmax. If Tr< Tt or Tr >Tmax, this tag will respond to the reader with a random value generated by the seeded pseudo random number generator. Otherwise, the tag will replace Tt with Tr and calculate Hr = HMACKi(Tt), and then send Hr to the reader. Then the reader will send Tr and Hr to the back-end server. The server will look up its database to find whether this tag is a valid tag. If it’s not, the server will send a tag-error message to the reader. If this is a valid tag, the server will send the meta-ID of this tag or the valid message to the reader, according to different application requirements. Since the purpose of this protocol is to minimize the interaction between the reader and tags and minimize the computation burden of the back-end server, it has some vulnerability. One of them is that the adversary can launch a DoS attack to the tag. For example, the attack can send a timestamp t < Tmax, but this t is wildly inaccurate with the current time. In this case, the tag will update its timestamp with the wrong time and the legal reader cannot get access to this tag.

In Ref. [33], another approach called deterministic hash locks [50] was proposed. In this scheme, the security of RFID systems is based on the one-way hash function. During initialization, every tag in the system will be given a meta-ID, which is the hash code of a random key. This meta-ID will be stored in the tag’s memory. Both the meta-ID and the random key are also stored in the back-end server. After initialization, all the tags will enter the locked state. When they stay in the locked state, tags will respond only with the meta-ID when interrogated by an RFID reader. When a legitimate reader wants to unlock a tag, as shown in Figure 13.2, it will first send a request to the tag. After receiving the meta-ID from the tag, the reader will send this meta-ID to the back-end server. The back-end server will search in its database using this meta-ID to get the random key. Then it will send this key to the reader, and the reader will send it to the tag. Using this random key, the tag will hash this key and compare the hash code with its meta-ID. The tag will unlock itself and send its actual identification to the reader if these two values match. Then the tag will return to the locked state to prevent hijacking of illegal readers. Since the illegal reader cannot contact the back-end server to get the random key, it cannot get the actual identification of the tag.


Figure 13.2 Tag unlock.

One problem with deterministic hash locks is that when the tag is queried, it will respond with its meta-ID. Since the meta-ID of the tag is a static one and cannot change, the tag can be tracked easily. To solve this problem, Weis, Sarma, Rivest, and Engels proposed the Randomized Hash Locks protocol to prevent tracking of the tag. In this protocol, each tag is equipped with not only the one-way hash function but also a random number generator. When the tag is requested by a reader, it will use the random number generator to generate a random number and will hash this random number together with its identification. The tag will respond with this hash code and the random number to the reader. After receiving this response from the tag, the reader will get all identifications of the tags from the back-end server. Using these identifications, the reader will perform brute-force search by hashing the identification of each tag together with the random number and compare the hash code. If there is a match, the reader can know the identification of the tag. In this approach, the tag response to the reader is not dependent on the request of the reader, which means that the tag is vulnerable to replay attack. To avoid this, Juels and Weis proposed a protocol called Improved Randomized Hash-Locks [51].

RFID System Using Public-key Cryptography

Symmetric-key cryptography can provide security for RFID systems, but it is more suitable to be implemented in a closed environment. If the shared secret keys between them are leaked, it will impose a big problem for the security of RFID systems. Public-key cryptography is more suitable for open systems, since both RFID readers and tags can use their public keys to protect the security of RFID systems. In addition, using public-key cryptography can not only prevent leakage of any information to the eavesdropper attack during communication between reader and tags, it also can provide digital signatures for both the readers and tags for authentication. In the public-key cryptography system, an RFID reader does not need to keep all the secret keys for each tag and does not need to search the appropriate key for each tag as it does in a symmetric-key cryptography system. This will reduce the system burden for key management. Although public-key cryptography has some advantages over symmetric-key cryptography, it is commonly accepted that public-key cryptography is computationally more expensive than symmetric-key cryptography. Because of the limitations of memory and computational power of the ordinary RFID tags, it is difficult for the public-key cryptography to be implemented in RFID systems. In recent years, some research shows that some kinds of public key-based cryptographies such as elliptic curve cryptography and hyperelliptic curve cryptography are feasible to be implemented in high-end RFID tags [52].

Authentication with Public-Key Cryptography

Basically, there are two different kinds of RFID tag authentication methods using public-key cryptography: one is online authentication and the other is offline authentication [53].

For the authentication of RFID tags in an online situation, the reader is connected with a database server. The database server stores a large number of challenge-response pairs for each tag, making it difficult for the attacker to test all the challenge-response pairs during a limited time period. During the challenge-response pairs enrollment phase, the physical uncloneable function part of RFID systems will be challenged by a Certification Authority with a variety of challenges, and accordingly it will generate responses for these challenges. The physical uncloneable function is embodied in a physical object and can give responses to the given challenges [54]. Then these generated challenge-response pairs will be stored in the database server.

In the authentication phase, when a reader wants to authenticate a tag, first the reader will send a request to the tag for its identification. After getting the ID of the tag, the reader will search the database server to get a challenge-response pair for this ID and send the challenge to the tag. After receiving the challenge from the reader, the tag will challenge its physical uncloneable function to get a response for this challenge and then send this response to the reader. The reader will compare this received response with the response stored in the database server. If the difference between these two responses is less than a certain predetermined threshold, the tag can pass the authentication. Then the database server will remove this challenge-response pair for this ID.

One paper [55] details how the authentication of RFID tags works in an offline situation using public key cryptography. To provide offline authentication for the tags, a PUF-Certificate-Identify-based identification scheme is proposed. In this method, a standard identification scheme and a standard signature scheme are used. Then the security of RFID systems depends on the security of the PUF, the standard identification scheme, and the standard signature scheme. For the standard identification scheme, an elliptic curve discrete log based on Okamoto’s Identification protocol [56] is used. This elliptic curve discrete log protocol is feasible to be implemented in the RFID tags.

Identity-Based Cryptography Used in the RFID Networks

An identity-based cryptographic scheme is a kind of public-key-based approach that was first proposed by Shamir [57] in 1984. To use identity-based cryptography in RFID systems, since both the RFID tags and the reader have their identities, it is convenient for them to use their own identities to generate their public keys. An RFID system based on identity-based cryptography should be set up with the help of a PKG. When the reader and tags enter the system, each of them is allocated a unique identity stored in their memory. The process of key generation and distribution in the RFID system that uses identity-based cryptography is shown in Figure 13.3 and is outlined here:

1. PKG generates a “master” public key PUpkg and a related “master” private key PRpkg and saves them in its memory.

2. The RFID reader authenticates itself to the PKG with its identity IDre.

3. If the reader can pass the authentication, PKG generates a unique private key PRre for the reader and sends this private key together with PUpkg to reader.

4. When an RFID tag enters the system, it authenticates itself to the PKG with its identity IDta.

5. If the tag can pass the authentication, PKG generates a unique private key PRta for the tag and sends PRta together with PUpkg and the identity of the reader IDre to the tag.


Figure 13.3 Key generation and distribution.

After this process, the reader can know its private key PRre and can use PUpkg and its identity to generate its public key. Every tag entered into the system can know its own private key and can generate a public key of its own and a public key of the reader.

If an RFID tag is required to transmit messages to the reader in security, since the tag can generate the reader’s public key PUre, it can use this key PUre to encrypt the message and transmit this encrypted message to the reader. As shown in Figure 13.4, after receiving the message from the tag, the reader can use its private key PRre to decrypt the message. Since only the reader can know its private key PRre, the security of the message can be protected.


Figure 13.4 Message encryption.

Figure 13.5 illustrates the scheme for the reader to create its digital signature and verify it. First, the reader will use the message and the hash function to generate a hash code, and then it uses its private key PRre to encrypt this hash code to generate the digital signature and attach it to the original message and send both the digital signature and message to the tag. After receiving them, the RFID tag can use the public key of the reader PUre to decrypt the digital signature to recover the hash code. By comparing this hash code with the hash code generated from the message, the RFID tag can verify the digital signature.


Figure 13.5 A digital signature from a reader.

Figure 13.6 illustrates the scheme for the RFID tag to create its digital signature and verify it. In RFID systems, the reader cannot know the identity of the tag before reading it from the tag. The reader cannot generate the public key of the tag, so the general protocol used in identity-based networks cannot be used here. In our approach, first, the tag will use its identity and its private key PRta to generate a digital signature. When the tag needs to authenticate itself to the reader, it will add this digital signature to its identity, encrypt it with the public key of the reader PUre, and send to the reader; only the reader can decrypt this ciphertext and get the identity of the tag and the digital signature. Using the tag identity, the reader can generate the tag’s public key PUta. Then the reader can use this public key to verify the digital signature.


Figure 13.6 A digital signature from a tag.

As mentioned, the most important problem for the symmetric-key approach in RFID systems is the key management. The RFID tags need a great deal of memory to store all the secret keys related with each tag in the system for message decryption. Also, if the RFID reader receives a message from a tag, it cannot know which tag this message is from and therefore cannot know which key it can use to decrypt the message. The reader needs to search all the keys until it finds the right one. In RFID systems using identity-based cryptography, every tag can use the public key of the reader to generate the ciphertext that can be decrypted using the reader’s private key, so the reader does not need to know the key of the tags; all it needs to keep is its own private key.

In some RFID applications such as epassports and visas, tag authentication is required. However, the symmetric-key approach cannot provide digital signatures for RFID tags to authenticate them to RFID readers. By using an identity-based scheme, the tags can generate digital signatures using their private keys and store them in the tags. When they need to authenticate themselves to RFID readers, they can transmit these digital signatures to the reader, and the reader can verify them using the tags’ public keys.

In identity-based cryptography RFID systems, since the identity of the tags and reader can be used to generate public keys, the PKG does not need to keep the key directory, so it can reduce the resource requirements. Another advantage of using identity-based cryptography in RFID systems is that the reader does not need to know the public keys of the tags in advance. If the reader wants to verify the digital signature of an RFID tag, it can read the identity of the tag and use the public key generated from the identity to verify the digital signature.

An inherent weakness of identity-based cryptography is the key escrow problem. But in RFID systems that use identity-based cryptography, because all the devices can be within one company or organization, the PKG can be highly trusted and protected, and the chance of key escrow can be reduced.

Another problem of identity-based cryptography is revocation. For example, people always use their public information such as their names or home addresses to generate their public key. If their private keys are compromised by an attacker, since their public information cannot be changed easily, this will make it difficult to regenerate their new public keys. In contrast, in RFID systems the identity of the tag is used to generate the public key. If the private key of one tag has been compromised, the system can allocate a new identity to the tag and use this new identity to effortlessly create a new private key to the tag.


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