Chapter . Index

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2009. All rights reserved. 223 Index A actions 199– 200 creating action records 200 types 200 Actions application 199 Activities and Tasks application 157 Add Item to Storeroom action 67 Add/ Modify Commodity Codes action 93 Admin Mode 194 Alternatives For Table table window 136 Application Designer 34 Application server log files maximoserver. log 193 native_ stdout 193 systemerr. log 192 systemout. log 192 Application server security application server security files 191 global security files 190 security files 191 Apply to New Crafts? check box 140 Approved ( APPR) 104 approved purchase orders 91 approved purchase requisitions 91 asset custodian 151 asset identifiers 111 asset number 111 assets ancestors 15 asset hierarchy 13 children assets 15 creating 14 Massive Move 20 Move Asset dialog box 20 moving an asset 20 replace assets 21 rotating asset 16 rotating item 16 save the asset record 14 Swap Assets 21 swapping 20 Users and Custodians tab 21 assets and inventory items 16 Assets application 13 Associate User and Custodians action 21 Move/ Modify Assets action 21 tabs 13 Asset 13 List 13 Meters 14 Safety 13 Spare Parts 13 Specifications 14 assets life cycle 12 Assets module applications Assets 12 Condition Monitoring 12 Failure Codes 12 Locations 12 Meter Groups 12 Meters 12 Assignment Manager 122 Assignment Manager application 123 associated contracts 82 Associated Labor table window 140 attached documents Attachments icon 208 configuration 210 properties 198 types of attachments 209 administrative actions 209 Attachments hyperlink 208 Direct Attachments 209 Referential Attachments 209 Attached Documents feature 208 Authorize Sites action 93 auto- numbers 106 Average Cost field 118 Bb asic logger 192 benefits of certification 3 blanket release 108 Bulletin Board cron task ( BBCron) 197

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224 Certification Study Guide Series: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 C calendar 128 calendar record 127 Calendars application 127– 128 centralized purchasing department 109 certificates 129 expiration dates 129 renewing 129 certification benefits 3 checklist 5 IBM Professional Certification Program 2 Test 015 7 Tivoli Professional Certification Program 4 Certification Required? check box 131 Change Item Number 18 change order 107 Change Status action 125 characteristics records 12 Classification 28 Classifications application Attribute 29 benefits of classifications 28 Children 29 classification 28 classification attributes 29 how to access 28 Use with 29 classifying items 93 Closed ( CLOSE) 104 commodity code information 93 Commodity Codes 93 Companies 93 Item Master 93 Purchase Orders 93 Service Items 93 Tools 93 commodity codes 55 commodity group 55 Companies application 55, 100 List 100 tabs Addresses 100 Branches 100 Company 100 Contacts 100 Company types Manufacturer 101 Vendor 101 Company field 90 company master 90 company master record 95 company records 95 company set 90, 99 Company tab 101 Company types Courier 101 Complete ( COMP) 111 Condition Codes application accessing 72 Condition Monitoring application 24 consumable material 18 Contract field 123 Contract module 75– 76 Contract types 76 contracted labor 76 Contracts changing 82 Contract Line Details table window 83 creating 79 creating a new contract Buyer 80 Contract Identifier and Description 80 Contract lines 80 Contract Type 80 Start Date and End Date 80 Status 80 Terms and Conditions 80 Total Cost or Maximum Amount 80 Vendor Reference number 80 deleting 83 Master Contract 80 number 83 original 83 Purchasing Contract Change Price on Use? 85 Change Quantity on Use? 85 Payment Schedule 85 Vendor Items 85 revise 82 Revision field 83 revision number 83 types of contracts 79 conversion factor 53 courses 8 Crafts application 125 Crafts table window 123

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Index 225 creating a release 105 creating purchasing records 94 Cron Task application 48 Cron Task Setup application 204 Currency Codes application 95 Exchange Rates 96 Organizations 96 CUSTODIAN 134 D Database Configuration application 32, 193 capabilities 193 configuring the database 194 Admin Mode 194 command line mode 194 Table. Column 32 Database Configuration Object 32 Default Craft For Labor 126 Delete Person action 135 Delete Person Group action 136 delivery time expectations 91 Desktop Requisitions application 62 disqualified vendor 102 Document Management System ( DMS) 208, 210 Domains application 139 downtime history 176 Duplicate Craft action 140 Duplicate Labor action 126 Duplicate Person Group action 136 E EAR ( Enterprise ARchive) files 192 Edit History Work Orders action 144 Editable on Use? check box 86 electronic audit signatures 198 Electronic Auditing functionality 198 E- mail Listeners application 186 escalations 200 Exchange Rates application 97 Exchange Rates 97 Organizations 97 Extend/ Renew Qualification button 131 External Purchases 91 F failure class 158– 159 Failure Codes application 158 Assets and locations 159 Hierarchy 158 work order problem code 160 failure hierarchy 159 first aid training 130 G garbage collection 208 gauge 12 Generate WO, Meter Frequency Is Reached 41 Generate WO, on Meter Reading ( Do Not Estimate) 41 GL Account code 92 H hazard 162 I IBM Certification Agreement 6 IBM Maximo Asset Management publications 8 IBM Tivoli Asset Management for IT 77 IBM Tivoli Directory Server 190 In Progress ( INPRG) 114 incidents 182 internal PO 105 internal purchases 91 inventory 67 Inventory Adjustments sub- menu 68 Inventory application 68 tabs Inventory 69 Count Frequency 69 Issue Unit 69 Stock Category 69 List 68 Reorder Details Economic Order Quantity 70 Lead Time 70 Safety Stock 69 Rotating Asset 70 Where Used 70 Inventory costing model 57 Inventory module 52 applications 58 Item Master 58 add item to a storeroom 60

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226 Certification Study Guide Series: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 Item 59 Item Assembly Structure 60 List 58 Specifications 60 Storerooms 60 Vendors 60 conflicting objectives 52 defaults 56 initial setup 52 add/ modify conversions 53 commodity codes 54 commodity groups 54 Conversion Factor 54 From Unit of Measure 54 Item Number 54 add/ modify units of measure 53 conversion 52 units of measure 52 Abbreviation 53 Description 53 Unit of Measure 53 introducing 52 Inventory costs 57 Issue Cost 57 Non Capitalized Rotating 57 Reorder 57 inventory reorder process 90 Invoice Management 108 Invoices application 90, 114 invoice types Credit 115 Debit 115 Invoice 115 Issues and Transfers application 70 tabs 70 List 70 Transfer In 71 Transfer Out 71 item assembly structure ( IAS) 16, 60 Item kit 59 item master creating 18 Item Master application 18, 55, 67, 92 item records 55 item sets 55 creating 55 level 55 item status 61 Active 61 Obsolete 61 Pending 61 Pending Obsolescence 61 Planning 61 J job plan 144 Job Plans application 38, 42, 144, 165 create a job plan from work plan 146 tabs Job Plan 145 Work Assets 145 job skill 129 K KPIMAIN tables 207 L labor 38 Labor application 122, 129 Labor Contract 76 Labor Rate Contracts 123 Labor Rate Contracts application. 76 labor record 122 Labor Reporting application 170 reporting a labor 171 by contract/ vendor 171 by labor 171 by ticket 171 by work order 171 LaborQUAL 132 LDAP repositories 190 LDAPSYNC cron task 190, 204 Lease/ Rental Contracts application 76 liability concerns 91 Limits and Tolerances tab 117 Line Types 92 ITEM 92 MATERIAL 92 SERVICE 92 SPORDER 93 STDSERVICE 92 Loaded Cost field 118 location location hierarchy 27 Location 27 Network 27

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Index 227 Operating location 27 Primary system 28 Site 28 System 28 locations 17 add a new location 26 create a location 20 initial status 20 Locations application 26 Logging application 191 capabilities 191 Loggers 192 manage log settings 191 Root Loggers 192 lump sum amount 110 M Manage Downtime History action 176 Manage Premium Pay Codes action 140 Mark Row For Delete button 140 Master Contract 77, 81 approving 81 association Create Associated Contract 81 Lease Contracts 81 Purchase Contracts 81 Warranty on assets 81 creation 81 status 82 Master Contracts application. 81 Master PM 38 non- master PM 38 Master PM records 38 Material receipts 109 Maximo Enterprise Adapter 205 Maximo. log 193 maximo. properties file 207 maximum amount per contract 77 maximum amount per contractor 77 MBOs in memory 207 meter groups 23 meters characteristics meter 26 characteristics meters 26 creating 23 measurement point 26 Meters application 22– 23 types of meters Characteristic 22 Continuous 22 Gauge 22 Microsoft Active Directory 190 Modify Person Availability 128 Move/ Swap/ Modify action 148 multiple loggers 191 Multisite configuration 99 mxe. db. fetchResultLogLimit 207– 208 mxe. doclink. path1 - mxe. doclink. path10 198 MXServer1 197 N network system 28 non- capitalized rotating asset 57 non- inventory location 20 non- master PM 38 non- rotating item 18 O Organization 90 organizational level 79, 93 Organizations application 49, 56 Outside rates 139 Outside Rates table window 139 P Paid Tax GL Account field 98 Pearson Virtual University Enterprises ( VUE) 5 People application 128, 133 tabs List 133 Person 133 performance troubleshooting 206 Person field 123 person group 135, 182 PM alerts 47 PM hierarchies 38 PNDREV( Pending Revision) 82 PO Line 93 PR Line 93 Premium Pay table window 139– 140 premiums 139 Preventive Maintenance ( PM) 39 Preventive Maintenance application 38 creating Master PM 39 delete a PM record 46

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228 Certification Study Guide Series: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 Frequency 40 generate PM work orders 39 Override Updates from Master PM? 46 PM hierachy 46 PM record 45 PM records and routes 45 scheduled work orders 46 Sessional Date 41 updating associated PM records 43 working gwith the Master PM 39 Primary Calendar 133 Primary E- mail 133 Primary Shift 133 problems 182– 183 process flow 153 proficiency in a skill 129 Prometric 5 Purchase Application 77 purchase contract 77, 94 Purchase order status 107 Approved ( APPR) 107 Canceled ( CAN) 107 Closed ( CLOSE) 107 In Progress ( INPRG) 107 Waiting on Approval ( WAPPR) 107 purchase orders ( POs) 87, 90, 94 types CHG 94 PARTS 94 REL 94 SERV 94 STD 94 Purchase Orders application 55, 62, 90, 94, 105 create a purchase order 106 manage purchase orders 106 tabs List 105 PO 105 PO Lines 105 Ship To/ Bill To 105 Terms and Conditions 105 purchase requisitions ( PRs) 91– 92 Purchase Requisitions application 62, 103 create requisition 103 Ship To/ Bill To 103 tabs List 103 PR 103 PR Lines 103 Terms and Conditions 103 WAPPR status 103 Purchasing Module applications Companies 90 Company Master 90 Invoices 90 Purchase Orders 90 Purchase Requisitions 90 Receiving 90 Request for Quotation 91 Terms and Conditions 91 Contracts Module integration 93 Inventory Module 91 Purchasing module 90, 93 Q qualification 129 Qualification records 132 Qualifications application 129 tabs 130 Associated Labor 130 List 130 Qualification 130 Qualifications tab 125 QUERY tables 207 Quick Reporting application 172 R receipts 90 Receive Rotating Items action 91 Receiving application 90, 108 tabs List 109 Material Receipts 109 Material receipts 109 Service Receipts 109 Service receipts 109 Redbooks Web site 222 Contact us xvi Rental Contract 76 reorder items 91 Reorder Point ( ROP) 69 Report Downtime action 173 Reporting downtime 173 request for quotation ( RFQ) 105, 112 Request for Quotation application 105, 112 Required Carft and Skills Levels table window. 131

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Index 229 resources for study 8 Resources Module 122 Calendar field 123 Crafts 122 Labor 122 People 122 Person Group 122 Qualifications 122 return on investment ( ROI) 5 role 201 role names for certification 2 Roles application 201 rotating assets 16, 91, 111 rotating item 16– 17, 59, 111 associate a meter 23 associate a meter group 23 creating 17 non- rotating item 18 number 19 Routes application 45 S Safety module 158 applications Hazards 161 Lock Out/ Tag Out 161 Precautions 161 Safety Plans 161 safety plan 161 Safety Plan application 163 associate a safety plan 165 safety plan 164 safety plan components Hazardous Materials 164 Hazards and Precautions 164 Tag Outs 164 set up a job plan 165 tabs Tag Outs 164 sample questions 211 seasonal work 41 Security Groups application 117 Security levels 197 PRIVATE 197 PUBLIC 197 SECURE 197 Security settings 190 configure log files 191 synchronization 190 Select Action menu 125, 140 Select Reserved Items dialog 71 self service request 185 Self- Service application 184 serialize 111 Service Contract 77 Service Desk agent 181 service item examples 62 service item status 62 Active 63 Obsolete 63 Pending 63 Pending Obsolescence 63 Planning 63 service items 61 Service Items application 55, 61, 92 how to access 62 Reorder Direct Issue Itms/ Svcs action 62 tabs List 62 Service 62 Specifications 62 service level agreement ( SLA) 199 service provider 77 service purchases 109 Service receipts 110 service request 183 high volume 182 status 180 CLOSE 181 INPROG 180 PENDING 180 QUEUED 180 RESOLVED 180 Service Request Classification 185 service requests 180 Service Requests application 180 Apply Service Request Template 183 applying a ticket template 183 Out of the box functionality 180 set level 62 Sets application 55 Ship To or Bill To Attention field 133 shipping and handling details 91 Site level 93 skill level 139 Skill Levels table window 139

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230 Certification Study Guide Series: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 Software Contract 77 spare part 111 specialized training 129 standard rate 139 Standard Service 62 Stocked Tools application 66 how to access 66 tabs 67 Balances sub- tab 67 List 67 Rotating Tool Assets 67 Stocked Tool 67 Vendors 67 Where Used 67 storeroom 20 Storerooms application 67, 72 Storeroom GL Control Account 73 Invoice Variance Account 73 Purchase Variance Account 73 Receipt Variance Account 73 Shrinkage Account 73 Tool Control Account 73 tabs 72 Items 73 Storeroom 72 Cost Adjustment Account 73 Currency Variance Account 73 storeroom- to- storeroom purchase 105 subassemblies 16 SUPERVISOR 134 Swap action 149 Swap Assets dialog box 21 system maintenance troubleshooting 206 system performance configuration issues 205 factors affecting 205 troubleshooting 206 System Properties application 196 capabilities 196 Global Properties 196 Instance Properties 196 Live Refresh 196 property types Global 197 Instance 197 T tax code 98 Tax Options dialog box 98 tax type 98 template id 182 Terms and Conditions 85 creating 86 tab 86 Test 435 7 Ticket Templates application 182 creating a new ticket 182 class 182 required fields 182 template id 182 Timer 123 Tivoli Certification benefits 4 Tivoli environment 5 tool requirements 38 Tool status Active 65 Obsolete 65 Pending 65 Pending Obsolescence 65 Planning 65 TOOLQUAL 132 tools definition 63 tabs 64 Tools application 55, 93 how to access 64 tabs 64 List 64 Required Qualifications 64 Specifications 65 Storerooms 64 Tool 64 Vendors 65 Tools that Requre This Qualification table window. 131 Total Base Cost 117 transfer order 105 U unapproved purchase orders 91 unapproved purchase requisitions 91 Uniform Resource Locator ( URL) 208 Unpaid Tax GL Account field 98 Use Last WO's Start Information to Calculate Next

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Index 231 Due Frequency 40 Use Parent Remit To? field 102 V valid rotating item 17 vendor disqualified 102 Vendor field 90 vendor quotations 91 View Contracts action 99 View Qualification Status History button 132 View Service Requests application 185 Virtual Member Manager 190 VMMSYNC cron task 190 W Waiting for Inspection ( WINSP) 110 Waiting for Serialization ( WASSET) 110 Waiting on Approval ( WAPPR) 104 Warranty Contract 77 Warranty Contracts application 77 Web- based courses 8 Weblogic 193 WebLogic Server 190 WebSphere Application Server 190, 192 WO Completion 175 work order 142 check asset status 174 Downtime Prompt checkbox 176 flow action 154 flow control 152– 153 Other Organization Options action 175 ownership 151 status 152 Work Order Tracking application 142, 169 Actuals tab 169 Flow control 153 Material costs 169 Modify action 149 Move action 148 process flow 152 Swap action 149 work orders status 142 work plan 143, 146, 156 Workflow assignments 133 Workflow E- mail Notification 133 Workflow Inbox assignments 202 workflow node 199 Workflow notifications 202 workflow processes 133, 199 Z Zero Year to Date Hours 129

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