Chapter 5.2. Contract status

Page 78

78 Certification Study Guide Series: IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.1 5.2 Contract status Contract status can have the following values: APPR ( Approved) From this status, you can change the status to Canceled ( CAN), Closed ( CLOSE), Suspended ( SUSPND), or Expired ( EXPIRED). CAN ( Canceled or Terminated) See “ Deleting contracts” on page 83 for more information. CLOSE ( Closed) See “ Deleting contracts” on page 83 for more information. DRAFT ( Draft) In this status you can edit everything according to the properties for this type of contract. From this status, you can change to Waiting on Approval ( WAPPR), APPR, CLOSE, or CAN. EXPIRD ( Expired) See “ Deleting contracts” on page 83 for more information. PNDREV ( Pending Revision) This status indicates the contract is a new revision of an existing contract. This is similar to draft, but you can only edit specified fields. REVISED ( Revised) The system applies a Revised status when a more current revision is approved. You cannot modify anything on this contract or change the status to any other status. SUSPND ( Suspended) See “ Deleting contracts” on page 83 for more information. WAPPR ( Waiting on Approval) When a contract is waiting for approval, you can modify anything ( according to properties). You can change WAPPR to DRAFT, APPR, CLOSE, or CAN. WSTART ( Waiting to Start) The system applies this status when you choose APPR and the start date is in the future. You may change this status to APPR

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