really good packaging explained
pr o d u c t Motorola Packaging
de S i g n F i r M Turner Duckworth
lo c at i o n London, England and San Francisco, CA
cl i e n t Motorola
B e
As a range, these look great, colorful, slick—and yet each
one has its own individual feel, held together by the con-
sistent composition and Motorola logo. But the really great
thing about this range is the fact that each one has its own
idea. The middle one that slides out to become a speaker,
using die cutting and BurgoPak sliding technology, instantly
makes this stylish, interactive, and fun, and making a box
into a giant gemstone certainly sparkles on shelf! The suc-
cess here is to allow each product to have its own style and
idea—yet together, they are strongly unified.
M k
These are totally rad. Each design is intriguing on many
levels, from the printing mastery to the textural graphics.
Just like the products they feature, each design—from tat-
too art to gemstone facets to speaker graphics—has its own
unique features and appeal. Individuality and choice are
clearly expressed. The consistent positioning of the brand
identity and the product holds this motivating line together.
r W
Product as hero and package as theater—a nice combina-
tion. The “kick-slide” package informs and transforms. It
indicates how the product opens as it transforms the expe-
rience from that of a phone to that of a rock concert. I love
the idea of tattoos, and how they continue from the package
background to the phone itself. And who doesn’t like jewel
tones and textures?
This is a brilliant range of packages. Motorola realizes that,
with the type of product they sell and a particular demo-
graphic of consumer, their brand needs to have various
faces. These packages manage to communicate product
attributes as well as distinct personalities within the pack-
age design and still maintain a solid Motorola brand image.
They do this with a strong, consistently placed logo and
product name position. The die-cut speaker mesh treat-
ment is stunning, as well as the reflective, jewel-like finish.
The packages really become part of the product rather than
a necessary evil you have to protect the product.
(Ray) Text
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pr o d u c t
Cleatskins POP
de S i g n F i r M The UXB
lo c at i o n Beverly Hills, CA
cl i e n t Cleatskins
M k
A powerful effect created by the black background for the brightly colored
products. The Cleatskin-wrapped cleat is a compelling graphic; followed by
the strong brand identity, it’s a real traffic-stopper. The bold graphic pack-
aging conversing with the consumer through speech bubbles is engaging,
persuasive, and speaks to the customization value of today’s consumer.
r W
As a system, both packaging and merchandising unit result in a smart
identity. The interlocking CS graphic (which forms an “S”) is a sporty and
strong brand mnemonic. The packaging is well organized, highlighting
unique selling features while allowing the product color to shine. And the
merchandising unit, crowned by its sample shoe, immediately commu-
nicates the product in use. I also very much like how the “CS” graphic is
debossed into the product tread itself, another visual and tactile reference
point for the brand.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
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really good packaging explained
pr o d u c t Shell Car Care
de S i g n F i r M Blue Marlin Brand Design
lo c at i o n London, England
cl i e n t Shell
r W
Its not just the organized layout, the organic sweeping
graphic which leads the eye to the key benefit, the master
brand icon, nor the uniquely sensible structures that makes
this identity work. Its all of that. The care taken in every
element is evident from the matte silver substrate to the
well-crafted textured illustrations inside the sweeping
graphic. I specifically like the subtle variations of the
sweeping graphic itself, breaking the traditional rules of
consistent branding and forcing the buyer to reconsider this
key element in every SKU.
pr o d u c t Copycats DVD
de S i g n F i r M Wink
lo c at i o n Minneapolis, MN
cl i e n t Copycats
M k
Wink does it again. The visual language of this design truly
captures what was considered a classic design aesthetic
style of the mid-twentieth century. The repeat pattern of the
background, the abstraction of the video camera into bold
graphic components, the choice of typefaces and mono-
grams, and the monochromatic color tones feel completely
authentic. This design tugs on the nostalgic heartstrings.
This DVD package successfully marries old school and new
school to create something fun and exciting. So often we
see ‘50s-inspired design just regurgitated, but this does it in
a way that creates something new and fresh with a wink of
humor and keeps the best part of the era’s imperfect design
aesthetic—the human quality. I love the company name and
how the logo is repeated, to reinforce the duplication CD/
DVD process.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:232
pr o d u c t
Nike Swim: Water Without Resistance
de S i g n F i r M Nextbigthing
lo c at i o n London, England
cl i e n t Nike Swim Europe
B e
This is innovative, but what makes it great is that the innovation comes
through realizing the big idea of the swimming pool in a box. It’s a really
lovely way to package the items without seeing them but instantly evoke
their usage in a direct way. It’s clever and executed just the right side of
being gimmicky.
M k
Short of a miniature Michael Phelps in this ethereal pool, it is perfect.
This astounding piece embodies good design and is evidence of a beautiful
marriage between a superb structural design and spot-on graphics
combined with flawless printing and production techniques. Can’t wait to
see what Nextbigthing does to top this!
r W
What a powerful analogy; what an arresting visual! Nothing could be
more effective in evoking “swimming through air” than the perceptual
experience of this revolutionary new suit. I imagine those who received this
package could not resist opening it immediately and then well resisted ever
throwing it way. Yet another well-crafted Nike aesthetic.
This press kit was sent to the European market to
introduce a new range of swimwear for Nike.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:233
really good packaging explained
pr o d u c t Two Pianos
de S i g n F i r M Studio 360
lo c at i o n Ljubljana, Slovenia
cl i e n t RTV Slovenia
pr o d u c t Speck
de S i g n F i r M Liquid Agency
lo c at i o n San Jose, CA
cl i e n t Speck
r W
Make the product the hero. It’s a proven strategy. I like the
sweeping lines, both top and bottom, acting almost like a
stage for the floating superhero product. I appreciate how
the side panels are cut away to allow the product to be
viewed from every angle. I like the emoticon logo emblem
and the complementing and quirky logo. I even like the die
cut-violator, intrusive but not cluttering, violating without
denigrating the design’s simple integrity.
I love that what seems to be a massive, heavy product
appears to hover in the package. Overall, the package has
an elegant simplicity. The Speck logotype adds a playful, fun
quality that is unlike the product itself, which looks almost
military in its Tuffskin seriousness.
M k
The origami-style folded appearance of this matte black
design is intriguing. Traditionally, paper folded in halves,
thirds, or quarters was often presented with objects that
were high in value, and this design does convey excellence.
The shapes created by the dividing lines convey two aspects
to the content of this CD.
r W
I just want to touch this package. The matte-finished,
highly textured substrate just draws me in. The rich, deep
embossing almost looks like origami. I adore how this
element reflects back and forth on the inside of the case,
moving directly through the CD itself. I can imagine that this
is no simple feat, ensuring that the CD is perfectly aligned
with the inside graphics. It certainly sets the mood for the
audio dance between classical and jazz.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:234
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