really good packaging explained
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:168
I wish I had designed this.”
— Sharon Werner, page 199
I wish I had designed this.”I wish I had designed this.”
— Sharon Werner, page 199 — Sharon Werner, page 199
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:169
really good packaging explained
pr o d u c t Dashing Diva
de s i g n F i r m Beyondesign
lo c at i o n Bombay, India
cl i e n t Dashing Diva
B e
Singular, strong, vibrant colors combined with the unusual
cropping of the dynamic watercolor imagery pack a punch.
The strong differentiation through color, framed by the
clean, pure, white background makes this fresh and fruity.
The simple logo—predictably sans serif but redeemed by
the clever way in which the typographic information is con-
tained and held together using the color in the logo to help
with differentiation—pulls it all together in unison.
r W
There is much to like about this identity. I like the name,
first and foremost, and how the color of the “Sin” changes
to signal the form and fragrance. I like the subtle facets in
the package structure, married by the soft shoulders, which
are both echoed from the bottles to the two-piece, lidded
carton. The super-close-up photography nicely reflects
the fragrance cues. And, although no one will read the tiny,
supportive type, this does suggest that the product has a
credible brand story.
s W
The brand starts with an intriguing name, carries through
the design, and is paid off in the witty copy. The vibrant
colors and soft edges of the watercolor paintings contrast
the faceted structures of the bottles, making the packages
more dynamic. The logotype reading vertically obviously
allows it to be larger and creates a natural location for the
brand message. Overall, this is a nice system; however, I
don’t think it’s as successful on the handled case.
pr o d u c t Paqit
de s i g n F i r m Toast Marketing & Design
lo c at i o n New York, NY
cl i e n t Paqit, LLC
B e
Achingly modern, these are stripped down to the very bare
essentials. Two simple, strong swaths of fresh, pure color
plus white give pace to what is essentially an extremely
simple, utilitarian design. Allowing the substrate to show
through, the lovely metallic finished with gloss and matte
inks, elevates this to a premium feel, and the simple
logo that has just a touch of personality helps it to avoid
becoming sterile.
m k
In their purest form, graphic shapes can be effectively
engaging. The interaction of the vertical and horizontal
forms visually connects the copy, and the subtle colors
and printing techniques project a high-quality persona.
Of course, the “i” that pops up from the identity serves to
reinforce the personal nature of this product.
s W
Pure, clean, modern, these are handsome paqits. It’s
difficult to bridge the gender gap with beauty products,
and this towelette package does it perfectly. The colors
with silver and charcoal gray are masculine, yet pretty. The
logotype is distinctive but not fussy and puts an emphasis
on the personal with an i.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:170
pr o d u c t Oxygen Plus
de s i g n F i r m Spunk Design Machine
lo c at io n Minneapolis, MN
cl i e n t Oxygen Plus
m k
With this line of copy, atmospheric imagery, and
effervescent graphics, who would not have the urge to open
this structure?
s W
Selling air—will it be the next bottled water? If so, O+ will
definitely lead the pack. The package is as intriguing as
the product itself, from the tag line, “the energy crisis is
over” to the simple, clean, distinctive logotypes. Is it my
imagination, or is the product applicator a bit phallic?
Intentional? Since it’s called the O-stick? I also appreciated
the wavy-haired guy on what is usually a very intentionally
generic demonstration diagram. Nice touch.
pr o d u c t CND Brisa
de s i g n F i r m MiresBall
lo c at i o n San Diego, CA
cl i e n t CND
B e
Gorgeous. The bold, expressive imagery here—a dynamic,
textural splash of color with consistent composition that
holds the range together—utterly heroes the beauty of
the product itself. Not sure I like the logo, but the overall
look is modern, beautiful, stylish, and striking, the modern
typographic treatment in simple white allowing the imagery
to be the star.
m k
Highlights, vibrancy, and depth are communicated by the
texture, smear, and color of the paint. What makes this
design so smart is that it projects an image of artistry and
professional skill. A stylish solution.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:171
really good packaging explained
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:172
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