really good packagINg eXplaINed
B e
This is lovely. The black really pings out the colorful, refined,
typographic fruits to maximum effect, using a glossy black
label that blends visually into the glass bottle. I can’t
actually read the type that masks the fruit image, but I
imagine it has relevance to the taste, cunningly holding
all the secondary information. It’s a different take on an
ingredient-led design, and the understated foil branding
combined with all that considered space gives this a
premium and elegant finish.
m k
Oh, how I wish I could read this language! What a striking
concept—the beauty is in the details, from the shading of
the type to create highlights to the stems of type curving off
the typographic fruits that so delightfully identify this
brand. The brand identity, with its beautifully locked-up
typography and delicate silver foil stamp, is positioned
perfectly, but with artwork that captivating, the name is
almost immaterial.
s W
This design is intriguing—I would love to have designed
this. The way the color plays off the type to create the fruit
shapes is well done. The optical illusion of the shapes
appearing and disappearing makes me want to spend time
with this package. Placing the brand name near the bottom
gives the fruit room to breathe.
pr o d u c t Incanto
de s I g N F I r m Bruketa&Zinic OM
lo c at I o N Zagreb, Croatia
cl I e N t Fructus
B e
The brief to make this bottle radically different but keep
the dimensions the same could not have been more of
a challenge, and I applaud the solution: It is innovative,
different, and the result is a very sleek bottle with delicate
touches. Confining the graphics to the neck area makes the
bottle unusual and striking. I’m not particularly moved by
the design on the label; it doesn’t have the same modernity
and style that the bottle conveys. But keeping the branding
so small at the top is a brave move that allows the bottle’s
shape to shine unhindered.
m k
A glass beer bottle that breaks away from the stereotypical
form elevates the perception of quality and distinctiveness
for this brand. What appears to be the brand identity
embossed on the sides of the bottle makes for a tactile
grip—the consumer is literally holding the brand. As
described in the brief, this design succeeds in the challenge
of making this brand refreshingly palatable.
pr o d u c t Castel 330ml Beer Bottle
de s I g N F I r m Tsikolia Design R&D LTD.
lo c at I o N Tbilisi, Georgia
cl I e N t Castel
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B e
There’s something rather striking about the simplicity of this design, with
its ultra-typographic solution and simple white paper stock. The unusual
neck label saves it from being another minimal design solution without
personality—it looks great! Not sure what happens when it’s opened, but
with the heavy die cut making it look sleek, understated, and sophisticated,
it certainly stands out on the shelf.
s W
The simplicity of this bottle is stunning. The flag on the neck wrap is an
interesting and unusual touch. I’m not sure why the center of the “6” is
removed on the bottle but it’s still there on the neck wrap. If it is the brand
identity, I would like it to be consistent. The monochromatic color of white
on the light liquid works well.
pr o d u c t N76
de s I g N F I r m Alexander Egger, Lisa Vrabec
lo c at I o N Vienna, Austria
cl I e N t N76
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really good packagINg eXplaINed
B e
Absolut is such a recognizable brand that it must be difficult to differentiate
a new family member from the existing range. This scarily alcoholic version
(100 proof/50 percent alcohol by volume) is successful in that it absolutely
conforms to the family image, yet it’s definitely the bigger, tougher brother.
Heavy black with silver chrome contrast exudes strength in this seriously
masculine design. It is not to be messed with, and certainly the black sheep
of the family!
m k
Absolut’s packaging designs never fail to capture the essence and spirit
(no pun intended) of their contents. This one nails it! As dramatic and
edgy as an icon can get. This fashionista black-and-silver bottle sets a new
standard in the category. Goth, urban, Hells Angels, and yet smart, sexy
and powerful, Absolut 100 is clearly the rebel of the Absolut brand family,
and this rebel has a captivating personality.
r W
Black sheep, indeed! In fact, it’s the black glass that concerns me. It’s
important that this high-test brand offering immediately stands out from
the rest of the family. However, if the brand’s essence is quality and purity,
the black is perhaps too strong and a bit off-brand. A semi-opaque silver
might have evoked that same masculine strength, with more of a nod to
brand equities and premium vodka credentials. Nothing too special about
the type here, but with this brand’s truly iconic shape-driven equities, what
more do you need?
pr o d u c t Absolut 100
de s I g N F I r m Pearlfisher
lo c at I o N London, England
cl I e N t Absolut Vodka
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Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:124
B e
Ignoring the one on the left—no comment necessary—I like the 1950s retro
feel of the illustration style. It’s difficult to work with a monolithic brand
such as Coke and effectively decorate it without it looking throwaway, but
I feel this Christmas decoration has style. The retro feel harks back to the
golden age of Coke, and keeping the colors true to the brand and using the
silver can as a finish works cohesively. The subtle hint at bells and baubles
reins this away from all the chintzy horrors that Christmas can coax out.
m k
The Museum of Modern Art is renowned for their award-winning holiday
card selection. It would not be surprising if these cans found their
inspiration from that impeccably designed artwork. I imagine that the
appearance of a simple application of color and the perception of multiple
transparencies can be a technological challenge, but the beauty in these
designs is the facade of effortlessness. I wonder if Hatch Design creates
cards for MoMA....
s W
Although I think the Classic Coke can on the left is a perfectly appropriate
answer to the problem of creating a holiday theme package, the other two
are far more interesting and fresh. The modern patterns are intriguing and
the balance of tones keeps the essence of each of the brands. The size of
“Zero” could have been smaller, relative to “Coca-Cola.”
pr o d u c t Coca-Cola Holiday 2007
de s I g N F I r m Hatch Design
lo c at I o N San Francisco, CA
cl I e N t The Coca-Cola Company
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really good packagINg eXplaINed
pr o d u c t Blossa Annual Edition
de s I g N F I r m BVD
lo c at I o N Stockholm, Sweden
cl I e N t V&S Group
B e
This is true Scandinavian class: Beautiful typography on
a simple, elegant backdrop that allows for a new variant
that’s totally different, yet still unmistakably Blossa. This
is achieved through a unique, recognizable bottle, with its
unusual cork closure, and an ascending numerical system
that is always the hero of the design. The result is so
collectible and iconic, I can see this going for decades!
m k
So handsome! Short, stocky, broad shoulders, a long
neck, and great coloring convey—at least in this case—a
classic, sexy strength. Perhaps this wonderful typographic
execution was inspired by the German typomaniac Erik
Spiekermann. However it was conceived, it sets the tone
for the year perfectly. I would enjoy hearing the analysis for
each font. Too bad it’s an annual edition, as the entire line
would make for a stunning billboard on shelf.
r W
I can immediately see these bottles lined up against a bar
back, encouraging the liberating experience of taste-
testing each vintage. The bottles work as well as individual
statements as they do collectively. Collectibility would
encourage you to add each year’s new product and replenish
the past year’s stock—what a great marketing strategy.
s W
As a group, these are stunning—I want to own them all.
Individually, there are some that are visually more appealing
than others. I love the simplicity of just the numeric
year, sans additional decoration, which makes “05” less
successful in my mind. This is an unusual-shaped bottle
for wine—it communicates a brown goods spirit to me, like
a whiskey or maybe a port—but I do like the shape and the
large graphic surface.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:126
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