really good packaging explained
pr o d u c t EGel
de S i g n F i r M Antonio Castro Graphic Design Studio
lo c at i o n El Paso, TX
cl i e n t Electrode Arrays
M k
There’s definitely a scientific energy conveyed by the
achromatic color palette along with the type and icons that
convey credibility. The architectural design of the height
of the white reads as pure, while the silver matte reads
as modern, clinical, and effective. One caveat: I’m unsure
why the color of the tamper evident label does not match
the design.
The designers have managed to find the spot where clinical
and design-sensitive meet with great success. This product
is primarily used in hospitals and clinics for EEG electro
pads. This product has all the authority of a medical product
and yet aesthetically, I wouldn’t be surprised to find this in
retail stores such as Sephora. The clean typography and the
asymmetrical layout, along with the lovely matte silver and
black, look very high end.
pr o d u c t Tolkowsky
de S i g n F i r M Brandhouse
lo c at i o n London, England
cl i e n t Tolkowsky
r W
There’s the little blue box and now the “perfect” box. What a
magnificently simple and perfectly appropriate product pre-
sentation. Talk about making the product the hero! I adore
the innovative way this box folds back on itself, creating the
perfect stage on which to reveal the heroic product. The
magnets in the closure open and then reseal this package
with confidence. With the surprisingly elegant experience
this package creates, how could she possibly say no?
This package does it’s product justice and I might even ven-
ture to say it elevates it (literally and figuratively). The use
of handstitched leather, the density of the wrapped board
and the experience of the diamond rising to the surface, is
beautiful theater. Don’t you wish all packaging could provide
a little more theater? The logo type is tasteful and feels ap-
propriate but a bit expected, could this have been pushed a
little bit more?
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:220
pr o d u c t
de S i g n F i r M BVD
lo c at i o n Stockholm, Sweeden
cl i e n t Scandinavian Colour Institute
M k
These clear bold messages demonstrate the beauty and graphic impact
of letterforms beyond their linguistic meaning. We judge letters based on
their form which in this case is clean, modern, and powerful.
I find it refreshingly bold that a company such as NCS that is dedicated to
color would choose bold black and white to package and promote their vast
color products. It is a nice foil for the color samples and chips inside.
The typography wrapping around the sides makes these enticing as sculp-
tural display objects, and as a frequent user of these products, I would
assume the shape is more a clue to what’s inside than the name of the
specific product.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:221
really good packaging explained
pr o d u c t Askul , highlighter
de S i g n F i r M BVD
lo c at i o n Stockholm, Sweden
cl i e n t Askul
M k
Color talks. This seems so obvious and yet so brave. I
admire the client that sees the value in a design firm that
not only conceives of but is able to execute this strategy.
These boxes are so starkly simple and beautiful, there’s
really no need to say more. The vertical direction of the
typography is not only a design element but it also mirrors
the row of highlighters as they sit in the box. The intensity
and vibrancy of the colored boxes captures the essence of
the highlighters perfectly. On such a simple package, these
elements elevate the package from functional to beautiful.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:222
pr o d u c t
The National Parcs
de S i g n F i r M 1F
lo c at i o n Montréal, Canada
cl i e n t The National Parcs
M k
I was so fascinated by these graphics that I had to audio-
sample the band, which turns out to be as inspired
musically as the CDs are artistically. It is particularly
intelligent, for the normal reference points for a CD are
gone. The play of nature images in a plastic jewel case is
pure entertainment.
The merging of man-made and natural is intriguingly
captured in the packaging as well as the music, which is
a sampling of the sounds of nature, wood splitting, water
dripping, etc. Peeling off the hyper-real photography
overlays as you open the package is a wonderful
experience. You can almost smell the moss-covered ground
and freshly cut wood. It’s so immediate to download music,
but this CD package makes me realize I would be missing
half the experience if I did that.
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:223
really good packaging explained
(Ray) Text
Job: 05-11966 Title: RP-Really Good Packaging Explained
#175 Dtp:221 Page:224
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