Table of Contents

Note New or substantially changed features are listed in boldface. In addition to the changes we have noted, there are dozens and dozens of new sidebars, introductory paragraphs, and other improvements throughout the book—more than we could note.

Chapter 1. The Interface

What is QuarkXPress?

The QuarkXPress building blocks

If it’s not one thing, it’s another

Projects and layouts

Print layouts and Web layouts

The QuarkXPress screen in Mac OS X

Key to the QuarkXPress screen in Mac OS X

The QuarkXPress screen in Windows

Key to the QuarkXPress screen in Windows

The QuarkXPress menus in Mac OS X

The QuarkXPress menus in Windows

Dialog boxes

Dialog box panes

The QuarkXPress palettes*

The Tools palette

Tools on the default pop-out menus

The Measurements palette

The Page Layout palette

The Style Sheets palette

The Colors palette

The Shared Content palette

The Trap Information palette

The Lists palette

The Glyphs palette

The Layers palette

The Find/Change palette

The PSD Import palette

The Picture Effects palette

Library palettes

Book palettes

Managing palettes onscreen

Context menus

XTending XPress with XTensions

Measurement units

Picas and points

Using math in fields

Preferences (a sneak preview)

A partial listing of preferences

Chapter 2. Startup

Getting started

To launch QuarkXPress in Mac OS X

To launch QuarkXPress in Windows

Projects and layouts

To create a project

Saving files

To save an unsaved file

To resave a file

To save a new version of a file

To create a template

To revert to the last saved version

Working with layouts

To add a layout to a project

To switch among layouts

To delete a layout

To duplicate a layout

To export layouts from a project

Changing layout properties

To change a layout’s dimensions or type

Opening files

To open a QuarkXPress project from within the application

To reopen a recently opened and saved file

To open a QuarkXPress file from the Finder/Windows Explorer

To convert a file from a previous version of QuarkXPress to 7.0

Things that may happen when a file is opened

Non-matching preferences prompt

Fonts are missing

Profiles are missing

Pictures are missing

XTensions Manager

Closing files

To close one file

To close all open QuarkXPress files

To quit/exit the application

Appending specifications

To append specifications from one project to another

Chapter 3. Navigate/Undo

Changing zoom levels

To zoom in or out using the View menu or the view percent field

To zoom in or out using a shortcut

Moving around

To switch between layouts

To move a layout in the project window using the page grabber hand

To move a layout in the project window using the scroll arrows, bars, or boxes

To move through a layout using the extended keyboard

To go to a page using a command

To go to a page using the Page Layout palette

To go to a page using the Go-to-page menu or field

To arrange multiple project windows

To activate an open project

Creating multiple views of one layout or project

To view a layout in multiple windows

To split a window into multiple views

To remove splits from a window

Undoing edits

To undo via a shortcut or button

To undo via a menu command

To redo edits that were undone

Chapter 4. Text

Text basics

To create a text box

To resize a text box manually

To resize a text box using the Measurements palette

To move a text box manually

To reposition a text box or any other item using the Measurements palette

Working with text

To input text

What is the text overflow symbol?

To select text

To delete text

To create a straight text path

To delete any item

To rearrange text using the Clipboard

To drag and drop text

Working with text boxes

To change the Text Inset using the Measurements palette

To apply a frame to any type of box

Frames illustrated

To move text down in its box

To flip text

To change the text angle using the Measurements palette

To change the text angle using the Modify dialog box

To rotate a text box using the Measurements palette

To rotate a text box using the Rotation tool

To change vertical alignment

To change the number of columns using the Measurements palette

To change columns and/or gutter width using a dialog box

To save text as a word processing file

Managing fonts

Use a font manager

Use the same fonts

Chapter 5. Text Flow

Adding pages

To turn on Auto Page Insertion for a new project

To import text

To insert pages using a dialog box

To insert pages using the Page Layout palette

Deleting pages

To delete pages using a dialog box

To delete pages using the Page Layout palette

Rearranging pages

To rearrange pages in Thumbnails view

To rearrange pages using the Page Layout palette

Linking/unlinking text items

To link text items manually

To unlink text items

To delete a text item from a chain and preserve the chain

To unlink a text item from a chain and preserve the item and chain

Working with blocks of text

To fill text boxes with dummy text

To create or edit a Jabberwocky set

To use the Line Check command

To insert a “Continued on” character

To insert a “Continued from” character

To drag-copy pages from one layout or project to another

To number a section of a file

Using the Next Box and Next Column characters

Chapter 6. Formats

Formatting fundamentals

To indent a whole paragraph

To indent the first line of a paragraph

To change leading using the Measurements palette

To change leading using the keyboard

To change leading using a dialog box

To change horizontal alignment

To break a line without creating a new paragraph

To change the spacing between paragraphs

To keep two paragraphs together

To prevent orphan and widow lines

Formatting tips and tricks

To create a hanging indent using a dialog box

To create a hanging indent using the Indent Here character

To remove an Indent Here character

To insert an automatic drop cap

To resize an automatic drop cap

To kern next to a drop cap

To remove an automatic drop cap

To insert a paragraph rule

To align text to a grid

To copy formats in the same story

Applying hyphenation

To create or edit an H&J

To apply an H&J

To enter hyphenation exceptions

Chapter 7. Typography

Typography basics

To resize type using the Measurements palette

To resize type using the keyboard

To change fonts

To style type

Kerning and tracking

To kern or track type manually using the Measurements palette

To kern or track using the keyboard

To adjust inter-word spacing

To remove kerning and word space tracking

To use the Kerning Table Editor

Typographic tips and tricks

To scale type using the Measurements palette

To scale type horizontally or vertically using the keyboard

To scale type interactively

To vertically shift type using the Measurements palette

To vertically shift type using the keyboard

To turn on Smart Quotes

To insert special characters via the Glyphs palette

To insert special characters from the keyboard

Hanging punctuation


Get your dashes straight

Dot, dot, dot



To apply ligatures to standard fonts

To apply ligatures to OpenType fonts

Setting type for print output

Chapter 8. Tables and Tabs

Tables and tabs

Creating tables

To create an empty text table

To link all the text cells in a table

To change the link or tab order in a table

To create a table from existing text

To create a table with data from Excel

To create a picture table

To edit the contents of a table cell

Reconfiguring tables

To resize a column or row by dragging

To resize a column or row by entering values

To make columns and/or rows uniform in size

To split a table

To create header and footer rows

To resize a whole table

To add columns or rows to a table

To delete a row or column from a table

To change the content of a cell (picture, text, or none)

To combine cells

To uncombine cells

Restyling tables

To restyle the border or gridlines using a dialog box

To restyle multiple border segments or gridlines via submenus

To restyle one border segment or gridline via the context menu

Choosing Tables tool preferences

To choose Tables tool preferences

Converting tables

To convert a table to text

To convert a table to a group

Table editing and formatting recap

Setting tabs

To insert tabs into text

To set custom tab stops

To edit or remove custom tab stops

Chapter 9. Pictures

Picture basics

To create a picture box

To import a picture

Formats you can import

Other picture import options

Pictures come in two basic flavors

Choosing the right resolution for a bitmap picture

Enlarge or shrink?

EPS preview options

Using full resolution preview

To turn on full resolution preview for selected pictures

To turn off full resolution preview for selected pictures

Scaling and positioning picture boxes

To scale a picture box manually

To scale a picture box using the Measurements palette

To delete a picture box

To delete a picture (and keep the box)

To move a picture box manually

To reposition a picture box using the Measurements palette

To create a bleed

Fitting pictures into their boxes

To scale a picture using the Measurements palette

To scale a picture using the keyboard

To center a picture in its box

To fit a picture to its box, maintaining proportions

To fit a picture to its box, distorting proportions

To scale a picture and its box

Cropping pictures

To crop a picture by moving it within its box

To crop a picture by resizing its box

To fit a box to a picture

Rotating, skewing, and flipping pictures

To rotate a picture and its box using the Measurements palette

To rotate a picture and its box using the Rotation tool

To rotate a picture (and not its box)

To skew a picture and its box

To skew a picture (and not its box)

To flip a picture

Applying special effects to pictures

To work with Photoshop files

To apply image adjustments

To apply special-effects filters

To create a new file from a modified picture

To change a picture’s transparency

To select a mask

Locking pictures

To lock a picture to prevent changes

Updating pictures

To choose an import setting for modified pictures

To update pictures using the Usage dialog box

Chapter 10. Multiple Items

Selecting and deselecting items

To select multiple items

To deselect all items

To select all items on a page or spread

Grouping items

To group items

To move an item in a group

To delete an item from a group

To take an item out of a group without deleting it

To resize a whole group

To ungroup items

Locking items

To lock an item’s position

To lock an item’s content

Creating multiples

To duplicate an item

To step and repeat an item

To rotate, scale, or skew copies of an item using Super Step and Repeat

To drag-copy an item between layouts or projects

To copy and paste an item between pages, layouts, or projects

To cut or copy contents (picture or text) between pages, layouts, or projects

Positioning items

To align items

To align items with the page or the spread

To distribute items

To select an item that’s behind another item

To move an item that’s behind other items

To move an item forward or backward

Anchoring items

To anchor an item into text

To realign an anchored item

To move an anchored item to a new location

To offset an anchored item

To resize an anchored item

To delete an anchored item

To create an unanchored copy of an anchored item

Using guides

To create a ruler guide manually

To remove manual ruler guides

To create guides using Guide Manager

To remove and/or lock/unlock Guide Manager guides

Converting items

To convert an item’s shape

To convert an item’s contents

Design tips

Chapter 11. Pictures and Text

Pictures and text

Using Runaround

To wrap text around an item

Using clipping paths

Runaround vs. clipping, in a nutshell

To create a clipping path

Runaround and clipping: How they work together

To wrap text around a picture

To reshape a runaround or clipping path

To wrap text inside a hidden picture

Applying drop shadows

To add a drop shadow to an item

Adjusting drop shadows to taste

Chapter 12. Lines

Drawing lines

To draw a straight horizontal or vertical line

To draw a straight line at any angle

Modifying lines

To change the width of a line

To restyle a line using the Measurements palette

To shorten or lengthen a line manually

To shorten or lengthen a line using the Measurements palette

To move a line manually

To change the angle of a line

To reposition a line using the Measurements palette

Creating dashes and stripes

To create or edit dashes or stripes

To compare two dashes or stripes

To color a dash or stripe

To add a drop shadow to a line

Chapter 13. Style Sheets

Creating and applying style sheets

To create a style sheet the easy way

To apply a style sheet

Local formatting

To create a style sheet by duplication

To create a style sheet from scratch

To edit a style sheet

Applying style sheets by example

To embed a character style sheet into a paragraph style sheet

One degree of separation: Based On

Using Find/Change to apply or change style sheets

What’s Normal?

Managing style sheets

Appending style sheets

To delete a style sheet

To delete all unused style sheets

To compare two style sheets

Chapter 14. Master Pages

Using master pages

To switch between master page and layout page display

Single-sided vs. facing pages

To modify the non-printing margin and column guides

To number pages automatically

To modify a master page

To apply a master page to a layout page

Keep or delete changes?

To duplicate a master page

To create a new, blank master page

To rename a master page

To delete a master page

To create your own automatic text box

Chapter 15. Color

Creating colors

Where colors are saved

Colors for print

To create a spot color for print output

To create a process color

To create a color by duplicating an existing color

To edit a CMYK or RGB color

To create a multi-ink color

Deleting and replacing colors

To delete or globally replace a color

Applying colors

To apply a color

To color text

To color the background of an item

To color a picture

To color a line or a text path

To color a frame

To color the gaps in a line, frame, or text path

Applying colors to tables

To color the background of table cells

To color the background of a table box

To color the table box frame

To color table border segments and/or gridlines

Applying blends

To apply a blend to a box or table cell

Managing color

What is color management?

How color matching systems work

Calibration is key

The QuarkXPress Color Manager

The QuarkXPress default color management environment

To check the monitor profile

To soft proof a layout

To set Color Manager preferences

To choose a profile while importing a picture

To work with color management settings from a color expert

Chapter 16. Layers

Layer basics

To create a layer

To create an item on a layer

To find out which layer an item is on

To select all the items on a layer

To move an item to a different layer

To copy an item to another layer

To duplicate a layer in the same layout

To copy an item and its layer from one project to another

To restack a layer

To change a layer’s name or color

Hiding layers

To hide/show all the layers in a layout

Locking layers

To lock/unlock one layer

To lock all the layers except one

To lock/unlock all layers

Deleting layers

To delete a layer or layers

To delete all layers that don’t contain any items

To merge layers

To prevent a layer from being output

Chapter 17. Search and Replace

Word processing in QuarkXPress

Checking spelling

To create an auxiliary dictionary

To open an existing auxiliary dictionary

To check the spelling of a word, selection, story, or layout

To edit an auxiliary dictionary


To find and change spaces, characters, style sheets, or attributes

Use Find/Change to apply a style sheet

To find and change fonts only

Chapter 18. Béziers

Bézier basics

The Bézier tool chest

Bézier settings on the Measurements palette

The Bézier shortcuts

Drawing Bézier items

To draw a straight-sided Bézier line or text path

To draw a straight-sided Bézier picture box or text box

To draw a freehand box, line, or text path

To delete a Bézier item

To draw curved segments connected by symmetrical points

To draw curved segments connected by corner points

To convert a smooth or symmetrical point to a corner point

To convert a standard box or line into a Bézier box or line

To create a star-shaped picture box

Reshaping Bézier items

To add or delete a point

To move a point

To move a whole Bézier item

To move control handles to reshape a curve

To retract one curve handle

To restore retracted curve handles

To reshape a segment by dragging

To cut an item with the Scissors tool

To convert a curved segment into a straight segment, or vice versa

To change a point’s style

To scale a whole Bézier box, line, or text path

To merge two or more items

To convert text characters into a Bézier picture box

To split a merged or Text to Box item

To flip an item

Creating Bézier text paths

To convert a line into a text path

Other ways to play with text paths

To change the orientation of text on a curvy path

To raise or lower text on its path

Chapter 19. Libraries

Using libraries

To create a library

To put an item in a library

To open an existing library

Picture paths

To retrieve an item from a library

To label a library item

To display items by label

To hide items bearing the same label

To delete an item from a library

Chapter 20. Synchronize

Synchronizing content

What is synchronized content?

To add an entry to the Shared Content palette

Creating instances

To insert a synchronized item into a layout

To insert a synchronized picture into a layout

To insert a synchronized story into a layout


To unsynchronize one instance

To unsynchronize all instances of an entry

To delete an entry from the Shared Content palette

Chapter 21. Books

Books, lists, and indexes

Creating books

To create a master file

To create a book

To add chapters to a book

To change the chapter order

To delete a chapter from a book

Deciphering the Status column

To edit the master file

Numbering pages in a book

To print book chapters

To designate a different chapter as the master

Creating lists

To create a list definition for a project

To preview and build a list for a layout

To create a list definition for a book

To build a list for a book file

To revise a list


To mark a layout for indexing

To edit an index entry

To add an already marked word again to an index

To cross-reference an index entry

To choose Index preferences

To build an index

Chapter 22. Preferences

Getting to the preferences

The Preferences dialog box

Other kinds of preferences and defaults

Choosing application preferences

Display pane

Input Settings pane

Undo pane

Save pane (, next page)

XTensions Manager pane

Font Mapping pane

File List pane

Default Path pane

EPS pane

Full Res Preview pane

Job Jackets pane

PDF pane

PSD Import pane

Fraction/Price pane

Picture Effects pane

Choosing project preferences

General pane

Choosing print layout preferences

General pane

Measurements pane

Paragraph pane

Character pane

Tools pane

Layers pane

Managing XTensions

To enable/disable XTensions or import/export filters

To create an XTensions set

To backup and share XTensions sets

Chapter 23. Workgroups

Collaborating in QuarkXPress

Working with Job Jackets

To create a project from a Job Ticket

To evaluate a layout

To link a project to a Job Ticket

Working with Composition Zones

To create a composition zone

To edit a Composition Zone

To link to a Composition Zone

To update a Composition Zone

Chapter 24. Print

Printing files

To output a print layout

Capture the settings

Printer button: Mac OS X

Properties button: Windows


As Is

To print using automatic tiling

To suppress printing of a picture

To suppress printing of all pictures

To suppress printing of an item

To suppress printing of a layer

To modify halftone settings

To create or edit a print output style

What’s a PPD?

To use the PPD manager

Exporting files

To create a PostScript file in Mac OS X

To create a PostScript file in Windows

To save a layout as a PDF file

To set PDF preferences

To create a PDF output style

To save a page as an EPS file

To set EPS preferences

To create an EPS output style

To collect for output

Imagesetting tips

Color separation tips

Trapping colors

When not to apply trapping

When to apply trapping

To choose Trapping preferences for a whole layout

To choose trapping values for a color (Trap Specifications)

To choose trapping values for an object (Trap Information palette)

Trapping type

Trapping a frame

Trapping imported pictures

Appendix A: Special Characters

Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts


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