

Absolute Colorimetric rendering intent, 280

absolute leading, 102

Absolute Overlap option, 391

absolute page numbers, 390

Absolute trapping method, 405, 406, 408, 410

accent marks, 375

Accents for All Caps option, 375

Actual Size command, 51, 52

Actual Size view, 56

Add Chapter button, 340, 351

Add Guides pane, Guide Manager dialog box, 204

Add Noise dialog box, 180

additive color, 260

Adjustments menu, 179

Adobe Illustrator, 164, 165, 398, 403

Adobe Photoshop, 163, 211, 398. See also Photoshop files

Advanced Options pane, Print dialog box, 389

agates, 373

Align Horizontal Centers button, 195

Align Left Edges button, 195

Align Text options, 328

Align Vertical Centers button, 195

Align With Text Ascent button, 200

Align With Text Baseline button, 200


item, 195–196

page number, 249

tab, 160

text, 77, 104, 115, 328, 429

alignment buttons, 104

All Caps type style, 123, 133

All Pictures in Layout command, 180

alpha channels, 182, 209, 212, 213–215

Always Hide Tab Bar option, 18

Always Show Tab Bar option, 18

anchored items, 199–202

copying, 201

creating, 199

defined, 199

deleting, 201

keyboard shortcuts, 433

moving, 200

offsetting, 201

realigning, 200

resizing, 201

ways of using, 199, 202

Angle field, 173

apostrophe, 130

Append command, 42, 49

Append Conflict dialog box, 50

Append dialog box, 49–50


all vs. selected components, 50

colors, 263

H&Js, 49, 117

from one project to another, 49–50

quick-and-dirty, 50

style sheets, 82, 244

application close button, 8, 9

Application Control menu, 8, 9

application maximize button, 8, 9

application minimize button, 8, 9

application preferences, 363–370

Default Path pane, 367

Display pane, 363

EPS pane, 367

File List pane, 367

Font Mapping pane, 366

Fraction/Price pane, 370

Full Res Preview pane, 368

Input Settings pane, 364

Job Jackets pane, 368

PDF pane, 369

Picture Effects pane, 370

PSD Import pane, 369

Save pane, 365–366

Undo pane, 365

XTensions Manager pane, 366

application title bar, 8, 9

Apply button, 15

arrowheads pointer, 65

As Is composite color option, 390

asterisk, 96

attributes, finding/changing, 298–300

Attributes dialog box, 288

Auto Backup feature, 38, 58

Auto Constrain feature, 372

Auto Hyphenation feature, 117, 132

Auto Image option, 212

Auto Kern Above option, 124, 126, 375

Auto Leading option, 102, 373–374

Auto Library Save option, 330

Auto Page Insertion option, 66, 81, 82, 83, 372

Auto Picture Import options, 47, 183, 371

Auto Save feature, 38, 58

automatic page numbers, 248–249

Automatic Text Box option, 34, 35, 63, 81, 250

automatic tiling, 391

auxiliary dictionary, 293–297

adding words to, 293, 296, 297

creating, 293, 294

editing, 293, 297

limitations of, 295

opening, 294


Background Color button, 269, 273, 275

backups, automatic, 38, 58

Badia Software, 241, 266, 391

Based On style sheets, 235, 240

Baseline Grid command, 115, 374, 423

Baseline Grid icon, 374

Baseline Shift command

and centered alignment, 77

fine-tuning text paths with, 325, 328

keyboard shortcuts, 129, 428

vs. leading, 129

when to use, 129

Baseline Shift field

Character Attributes dialog box, 122, 129

Edit Character Style Sheet dialog box, 237

Beveled Corner Picture Box tool, 17

Beveled Corner Text Box tool, 17

Bézier, Pierre, 315

Bézier boxes, 4, 72, 73, 306. See also Bézier picture boxes

Bézier items, 303–319

converting standard items to, 310–311

defined, 303

deleting, 307

drawing, 306–311

flipping, 324

keyboard shortcuts, 305, 430–432

merging, 320–321

moving, 313

reshaping, 303, 312–324

scaling, 319

tools for working with, 17, 303, 304

Bézier Line icon, 326

Bézier Line tool, 17, 304, 306, 308

Bézier paths

illustrated, 4

manipulating text on, 129, 303

moving points on, 313

reshaping, 219, 312

Bézier Picture Box tool, 17, 304, 306, 308

Bézier picture boxes, 171, 172, 306, 322

Bézier Text Box tool, 17, 94, 304, 306, 308

Bézier text boxes, 306

Bézier Text-Path tool, 17, 304, 306, 308

Bézier text paths, 325–328

bitmap pictures

choosing resolution for, 164

cropping, 172

enlarging, 163

making adjustments to, 164, 179

scaling, 165

trapping, 412

Blatner, David, 79

Bleed Options pane, Print dialog box, 387

bleeds, 169, 208, 387

Blend menu, 178

blending modes, 24, 178, 222


applying, 20, 275–276

and DeviceN composite color, 390

and flattened objects, 388

greeked, 53, 364

body text style, 231, 239

boilerplate, 21

Bold type style, 123

book chapters

adding, 341

building index for, 353

designating as master, 345

displaying list of, 22

displaying status of, 343

maximum number of, 339

numbering pages in, 344

opening, 342

printing, 345

synchronizing, 341, 343, 350

undoing changes to, 342

Book palette

Add Chapter button, 341

closing, 342

designating chapter as master in, 345

illustrated, 25, 339

master file name in, 340

Move Chapter buttons, 342

numbering pages with, 344

printing book chapters with, 345

Status column, 25, 343

books, 339–360

adding chapters to, 341–342

creating, 340

creating table of contents for, 346–352

defined, 25, 339

deleting chapters from, 342–243

editing master file for, 343

indexing, 353–360

maximum number of chapters in, 339

naming, 340

numbering/renumbering pages in, 96, 344

printing chapters in, 345

reordering chapters in, 342

undoing changes to, 342

using style sheets for, 243

bookshelf icon, 331


alpha channel, 215

coloring, 259, 272, 274

printing, 1

restyling, 151–152

runaround, 210

selecting, 143

setting width of, 273

Bottom vertical alignment, 77

bounding boxes, 64, 212, 285

Box Angle field, 76, 173

Box pane, Modify dialog box, 173, 175, 267


applying blends to, 275–276

Bézier. See Bézier boxes

bounding, 64, 212, 285

contentless, 207

converting to lines, 206

copying, 91

drawing, 306, 307

duplicating, 91

linking, 89

pasting, 91

picture. See picture boxes

selecting, 2

text. See text boxes

Break Above value, 135, 375

Brightness/Contrast dialog box, 179

Bring All to Front command, 56

Bring Forward command, 198, 218, 288, 425

Bring To Front command, 198, 220, 288, 425

Build Index dialog box, 359, 360

bulleted lists, 233

bullets, 131

Bunting, Fred, 393

BureauManager, 241, 391


calibration, monitor, 277

caps, drop. See drop caps

Capture Settings option, Print dialog box, 389

Carroll, Lewis, 92

Cascade command, 56

case, converting, 123

Cell pane, Modify dialog box, 156


applying blends to, 275

applying color to, 272

changing content of, 149

combining, 150

editing contents of, 143

jumping between, 430

linking, 89, 139

splitting, 150

centering text, 77, 104

centimeters, 373

chains, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92

Change Case submenu, 123

Channel Options dialog box, 178

Channels tab, PSD Import palette, 178


adding, 341

building index for, 353

designating as master, 345

displaying list of, 22

displaying status of, 343

maximum number of, 339

numbering pages in, 344

opening, 342

printing, 345

synchronizing, 341, 343, 350

undoing changes to, 342

Character Attributes dialog box

applying color with, 259, 268

applying ligatures with, 135, 375

Baseline Shift field, 122, 129

Horizontal/Vertical Scale values, 127

illustrated, 14

opening, 121, 428

OpenType area, 123

scaling type with, 127, 128

Character Attributes tab, Measurements palette, 18

character preferences, 374–375

character spacing, 118, 124–126

Character Style menu, 239

character style sheets

applying, 234

comparing, 244

creating, 232

editing, 236–237

embedding in paragraph style sheets, 239

vs. paragraph style sheets, 233


applying ligatures to, 375

finding/changing, 298–300

special. See special characters

charts, 163

check boxes, 15

Check Spelling feature, 293–297, 433

Check Story dialog box, 296

choke trapping method, 404

ciceros, 373

Classic tab, Measurements palette, 2, 3, 18, 19

clicking methods, 67

Clipboard, 69, 70, 194, 422

Clipping pane, Modify dialog box, 210, 219, 220, 431

clipping paths, 211–220

creating, 213–216

defined, 211

how they work, 211, 217

illustrated, 209, 211

reshaping, 219

vs. Runaround feature, 212, 217

showing/hiding, 178

Clipping tab, Measurements palette, 212

Clipping Type options, 212, 213–217

Close All command, 48

close button, 6, 7, 8, 9

Close command, 48

CMS, 277. See also color matching systems

CMYK color model, 164, 179, 260, 264

Collect for Output command, 241, 400, 401, 402

Collect for Output dialog box, 400

Collect for Output report, 401

color channels, 178

color correction, 179

color experts, 282

color management, 277–282

default environment, 278

defined, 277

getting expert help with, 282

and monitor calibration, 277

purpose of, 260

setting preferences for, 279–280

viewing/changing settings for, 281–282

Color Management pane, Color Management dialog box, 163

Color Management tab, Import Picture dialog box, 281

Color Manager, 277, 279–282

Color Manager preferences, 279–282

color matching systems, 259, 260, 277

Color menu, 259

color models, 164, 260

Color Options pane, Print dialog box, 386

color preferences, 203, 210

color proofs, 403

color range, 277

color separations, 164, 393, 403

color swatches, 261, 262, 267, 272. See also swatch books

colors, 259–282

appending, 49, 263

applying, 267–276

avoiding surprises with, 260

and computer monitors, 260, 277

creating, 259–265

dash/stripe, 230

deleting, 266

duplicating, 263

editing, 264

hexachrome, 403

keyboard shortcuts, 432

layer, 288

and libraries, 331

managing, 277–282

naming, 263

printing, 259–262, 390, 403

replacing, 266

soft proofing, 278

trapping, 260, 404–409

Colors dialog box, 263, 266, 403, 409, 432

Colors palette

alternatives to, 259

controls available on, 260

illustrated, 6, 8, 20

purpose of, 20, 259

ColorSync, 277

Column Guides settings, 35, 247

columns (table)

adding, 148

deleting, 149

making uniform size, 145

resizing, 144–145

columns (text)

aligning, 115, 157

changing number of, 34, 78

changing spacing between, 78

illustrated, 35

Combine Cells command, 150

Combine command, 321

commercial printers, 402

Compare Dashes & Stripes dialog box, 229

Compare Paragraph Style Sheets dialog box, 244

Composition Zones

creating, 16, 383

defined, 379

editing, 384

linking to, 384

purpose of, 383

updating, 384

Composition Zones tool, 16

CompuSense Ltd., 241, 297, 391

Concave-Corner Picture Box tool, 17

Concave-Corner Text Box tool, 17

Condensed typeface, 127

content, synchronized, 333–337

Content submenu, 3, 207

Content tool, 2, 16


converting item’s, 207

copying/cutting and pasting, 194

defined, 1

locking, 188

modifying, 2

selecting, 2

context menus, 27

Contextual Menu setting, 52

“Continued from” indicator, 94

“Continued on” indicator, 94

Control Key Activates setting, 52

Convert Quotes option, 82, 130

Convert Table to Group command, 155

Convert Table to Text command, 154

Convert Text to Table dialog box, 141

Copy command, 69, 194

copyfitting, 132


boxes, 91

between layouts/projects, 95

pages, 95

pictures, 69

text, 69

text boxes, 69

Corner Point button, 318

corner points, 303, 304, 309, 318

corrupted files, 95

Creation pane, Modify dialog box, 153

Creation preferences, 153

cropping pictures, 172

Cross-Stream value, 126

crosshair cursor, 63, 161

crosshair icon, 223

curly quotation marks, 130

Current Page Number character, 248, 344

Current Page Number command, 340

curve handles

adjusting, 308, 312, 314

exposing, 305, 431

illustrated, 303

purpose of, 303

restoring retracted, 315

retracting, 305, 315, 431, 432


converting to straight segments, 317

drawing, 308–309

reshaping, 314, 316

custom tab stops, 157, 158–159

Cut command, 69


damaged files, 95

dash characters, 98

dashes, 227–230

appending, 49, 227

applying, 227

choosing endcap style for, 228

coloring, 230

comparing, 229

converting hyphens to, 82

creating/editing, 227–228

removing, 227

specifying distance between, 228

types of, 133

Dashes & Stripes dialog box, 49, 227

Default layer, 283, 284

Default Path command, 36

Default Path preferences, 367

Defined by Sources rendering intent, 280

Delay Before Live Refresh Drag field, 168

Delete button, 87

Delete Changes option, 252–255

Delete Layer button, 283

Delete Layer dialog box, 291

Delete Pages dialog box, 87

Delete Unused Layers command, 291


Bézier items, 307

book chapters, 342–243

colors, 266

columns, 149

H&Js, 118

items, 69

layers, 291

layout pages, 87

layouts, 32, 41

library items, 332

master pages, 257

pages, 87

picture boxes, 168

pictures, 168

rows, 149

synchronized items, 338

text, 68, 91, 426

Dependent Traps option, 409

design tips, 208

Device Options pane, Print dialog box, 386

device profiles. See profiles

DeviceN composite color, 390

dialog boxes, 14–15. See also specific dialog boxes

displaying panes in, 15

exiting, 14

moving, 14

opening, 14

vs. palettes, 136

restoring last-used values in, 14

selecting specific fields in, 14

tabbing through fields in, 14

DIC color model, 260

dictionary, spelling, 293–297

Difference command, 320

dingbats, 94, 131, 413–416

discretionary hyphens, 105, 120

Display DPI Value setting, 51

Display keyboard shortcuts, 422–423

Display preferences, 51, 363

Distribute Evenly option, 145

dot leaders, 137, 157, 158

dots, 133. See also ellipsis

Drag and Drop Text feature, 70, 200

drawing programs, 164

drop caps, 101, 110–111

Drop Shadow tab, Measurements palette, 19, 222, 230

drop shadows, 4, 19, 221–222, 230

dummy text, 92

Duplicate command, 58, 161, 188, 256


boxes, 91

colors, 263

files, 38

items, 188–189

layers, 287

layouts, 32, 41

linked boxes, 91

master pages, 256

picture boxes, 161

style sheets, 235


Edit Auxiliary Dictionary dialog box, 297

Edit Color dialog box

and color separations, 403

creating process color with, 262

creating spot color with, 261, 403

editing CMYK/RGB color with, 264

Halftone menu, 386

undoing changes in, 60

Edit Dash dialog box, 228, 230

Edit Default Aux Dictionary dialog box, 297

Edit Hyphenation & Justification dialog box, 117–118

Edit icon, 284

Edit Jabberwocky Sets dialog box, 92

Edit List dialog box, 346, 347, 348

Edit menu

Find/Change palette, 23

illustrated, 10, 12

preferences, 362

Edit Paragraph Style Sheet dialog box, 119, 233, 236, 239

Edit Stripe dialog box, 227, 230


drag-and-drop, 70

redoing, 58, 61

undoing, 58–60

ellipsis, 14, 133

em dashes, 82, 98, 133

embedded paths, 211, 212

en dashes, 98, 133, 390

Enable Access to Picture Profiles option, 281

Enable Ligatures option, 135

End of Document option, 81

End of Section option, 81

End of Story option, 81

Entire Story option, 79

EPS files

editing, 398

importing, 161, 163

previewing, 165–166

saving pages as, 398

trapping, 412

using files saved as, 399

EPS output styles, 399

EPS preferences, 367, 399

!Error warning, 377

Evaluate Layout command, 381


charts, 163

spreadsheets, 82, 142

Exclusive Or command, 321, 323

Exit command, 48

Expanded typeface, 127

Export as PDF dialog box, 397

Export Layouts as Project dialog box, 42


files, 396–398

fonts, 80

layouts, 42, 383

XTensions sets, 378

Exposé, 55

eye icon, 178

eyeglasses icon, 330


F10 key, 55

facing-page icons, 85

facing-pages layouts

adding uneven number of pages to, 85

converting to single-sided layouts, 254

forcing pages between pages in, 88

inserting pages between spreads in, 86

and page reshuffling, 86, 255

Facing Pages option, 34, 35, 85, 247

“false italic” effect, 75

fast-clicking methods, 67

fields, using math in, 29

file formats

picture, 161, 163

text, 79, 82

File List preferences, 367

File menu

Collaboration Setup command, 384

Collect for Output command, 241, 400, 402

illustrated, 10, 12

setting preferences for, 367

files. See also projects

appending specifications to, 49–50

backing up, 58

closing, 7, 48

converting from previous QuarkXPress versions, 45

duplicating, 38

exporting, 396–398

locking, 39

naming, 36

numbering sections of, 96

opening, 44–47

rescuing corrupted, 95

reverting to last saved version of, 39

saving, 32, 36–38, 58

undoing/redoing changes to, 58–61

Filters menu, 180

Find/Change command, 298–302

applying style sheets with, 240, 301

finding/changing colors with, 266

finding/changing fonts with, 302

finding/changing text attributes with, 298–300

finding/changing text with, 298–300

keyboard shortcuts, 433

undoing changes made with, 300

Find/Change palette, 23, 298–302

Find Replacement Font dialog box, 46

Finder, opening QuarkXPress files from, 45

First Baseline Offset value, 74, 115

First Line Indent value, 101, 108

Fit Box To Picture command, 163, 172

Fit in Window command, 51, 52, 208

Fit in Window view, 56

Flex Space Width value, 375

Flip Horizontal button, 176, 324

Flip Horizontal command, 74, 176, 324

Flip Text button, 326

Flip Vertical button, 176, 324

Flip Vertical command, 74, 176, 324


pictures, 176

text, 74

flowing text, 81, 83. See also stories

Flush Zone value, 118

FOCOLTONE color model, 260, 262

folders, creating, 36

Font area, Measurements palette, 122

Font Mapping preferences, 366

Font menu, 122

Font Options pane, Print dialog box, 387


applying ligatures to, 135

changing, 122, 302

editing, 126

exporting, 80

finding/replacing, 302

fraction, 134

inserting glyphs in, 22

keyboard shortcuts, 428

missing, 46, 302

OpenType, 123, 134, 135

PostScript, 402

for print output, 136

sans serif, 103, 129, 136

serif, 103, 129, 136

shortcuts for working with, 122

symbol, 131

foot mark, 130

footers, table, 146

Force Down pointer, 86, 95

Force Left pointer, 95

Force Right pointer, 86, 88, 95

Forced Justified alignment, 104

Formats pane, Paragraph Attributes dialog box, 100, 106, 107, 110, 427

Formats ruler, 101

formatting, 99–120

accessing commands for, 99

aligning text to grid, 115

applying hyphenation, 117–120

changing horizontal alignment, 104

changing leading, 102–103

changing paragraph spacing, 106

copying, 116

creating hanging indents, 108–109

indenting, 100–101

inserting drop caps, 110–111

inserting line breaks, 105

inserting paragraph rules, 112–114

keeping paragraphs together, 107

local, 234

preventing widows/orphans, 107

purpose of, 99

Fraction/Price preferences, 134, 370

fractions, 134

Frame Color button, 273

Frame command, 161

Frame tab

Measurements palette, 18, 271

Modify dialog box, 72


applying color to, 271

applying to boxes, 72, 161

illustrated, 73

removing, 72

tips for using, 72

trapping, 411

Framing preferences, 372

Fraser, Bruce, 393

FreeHand, 164, 403

Freehand Line tool, 17, 304, 307

Freehand Picture Box tool, 17, 304, 307

Freehand Text Box tool, 17, 304, 307

Freehand Text-Path tool, 17, 304, 307

Freehand tool, 307

Full Res Preview preferences, 368

Full Resolution option, 166

FullColor XT, 266


gamut, 277, 280

gaps, applying color to, 271

General preferences

Print Layout, 66, 81, 87, 372

Project, 371

GIF files, 161, 162, 166

GLUON, Inc., 91, 307, 391

Glyphs palette

displaying ligatures with, 135

illustrated, 22

inserting special characters via, 130, 131, 413

producing fractions with, 134

purpose of, 22

Go to Page dialog box, 54

Go-to-page pop-up menu, 55

good tension, 208

Greek Pictures option, 165, 372

Grid pane, Modify dialog box, 274

Grid tab, Modify dialog box, 151


aligning text to, 115

applying color to, 272, 274

organizing elements on, 208

restyling, 151–152

snapping text to, 374

Group command, 186


items, 186–187

palettes, 26


adding drop shadows to, 221

converting tables to, 155

copying/cutting and pasting, 69

Guide Manager command, 204–205

guides, 203–205

creating, 203, 204–205

keyboard shortcuts, 423

locking/unlocking, 205

purpose of, 203

removing, 203, 205

setting interval between, 204

showing/hiding, 43

snapping to, 65, 203, 372

Guides command, 9

guillemets, 130

Gutter Width value, 35, 78

gutters, 35, 208


Halftone menu, 386

halftone settings, 393

hand icon, 53

hanging indents, 108–109, 132, 200

hanging punctuation, 132

headers, table, 146

heading style, 231

Help menu, 11, 13

hexachrome colors, 403


baseline grid, 423

clipping paths, 178

guides, 43

layers, 289

palettes, 421

tab bar, 18


appending, 49, 117

applying, 119

creating/editing, 117–118

defined, 117

deleting, 118

maximum number of, 117

meaning of acronym, 25

horizontal alignment buttons, 104

horizontal lines, 112–114

Horizontal Offset value, 189, 190

Horizontal Scale command, 127

HSB color model, 260

HTML format, 33, 79, 82

hyperlinks, 26. See also linking

hyphenation, 25, 104, 117–120, 374. See also H&Js

Hyphenation Exceptions dialog box, 120

Hyphenation Zone value, 118

hyphens. See also hyphenation

converting to em dashes, 82

discretionary, 105, 120

nonbreaking, 119, 133

regular, 133

special menu for, 98


I-beam pointer, 63

ICC profiles, 277. See also profiles

ICM, 277

Ignore White option, 407

Illustrator, 164, 165, 398, 403

Image Color Management, 277

image-editing applications, 24, 177, 403

images. See pictures

imagesetters, 402

imagesetting, 402

import/export filters, 82

Import Picture command, 162

Import Picture dialog box, 162, 163, 165, 281

Import Text command, 82, 138–139

Import Text dialog box, 82


Excel spreadsheets, 82

Photoshop files, 177–178

pictures, 162–163, 430

style sheets, 82

text, 82

inch mark, 130

inches, 373

Include Style Sheets option, 82

Indent Here character, 109, 132

Indent Here command, 200


alternatives to, 101

first line of paragraph, 101, 108–109

under headline/subheads, 101

lists, 347

paragraph rules, 112–113

with Spacebar, 101

whole paragraph, 100

indents, hanging, 108–109, 132, 200

Independent Traps option, 409

Index palette

buttons/controls, 356

Edit button, 357

illustrated, 354

keyboard shortcuts, 356

purpose of, 354

Scope menu, 355

indexes, 353–360

building, 359–360

changing separation characters for, 358

choosing alphabetizing method for, 355

choosing master page for, 360

choosing preferences for, 358–359

cross-referencing entries in, 358

editing, 357, 360

illustrated, 353

keyboard shortcuts, 433–434

marking layout for, 354–356

nested, 354, 360

inline graphics, 199

Input Settings preferences, 52, 53, 70, 364

Insert Character submenu, 98, 413

Insert Pages dialog box, 84

Insert Table Columns dialog box, 148

Insert Table Rows dialog box, 148

insertion point

controlling, 18

creating, 67

moving, 426


creating, 336

defined, 333

unsynchronizing, 337

Interactive preferences, 53

Intersection command, 320

Invisibles command, 66

italic effect, false, 75

Italic type style, 123

Item icon, 285

Item menu, 3, 11, 13

Item tool, 2, 16

items, 185–208

adding drop shadows to, 221–222

aligning, 195–196

anchoring, 199–202

appending, 49–50

changing stacking levels for, 197–198, 288

coloring background of, 269

converting contents of, 207

converting shape of, 206

copying/cutting and pasting, 194

creating, 2

defined, 1

deleting, 69

drag-copying, 193

duplicating, 188–189

grouping/ungrouping, 186–187

keyboard shortcuts, 424–425

linking, 89

locking, 188

modifying, 2

moving, 186, 197

positioning, 195, 203

resizing, 187

rotating, 190–191

scaling, 190–191

selecting/deselecting, 2, 185, 197

skewing, 190–191

snapping to guides, 65, 203

suppressing printing of, 392

wrapping text around, 210, 212, 218, 220


Jabberwocky, 92–93

Jabberwocky Dictionary dialog box, 93

Jabberwocky sets, 92–93

JDF files, 379, 388

JDF Options pane, Print dialog box, 388

Job Definition Format, 379

Job Jackets, 379–382

contents of, 379

defined, 379

preferences, 368

working with, 380–382

Job Jackets Manager, 382

Job Tickets, 379–382

creating projects from, 380

linking projects to, 382

purpose of, 379

Join Endpoints command, 321

JPEG files, 161, 163, 179, 212, 270

jump lines, 94

justification, 25, 77, 104. See also H&Js

Justified vertical alignment, 77


Keep Changes option, 252–255, 372

Keep Lines Together command, 107

Keep Project Settings option, 45

Keep Runaround option, 289, 376

Keep with Next ¶ command, 107

kerning, 124–126

of automatic page numbers, 249

defined, 124

in fractions, 134

keyboard shortcuts, 429

negative, 132

next to drop cap, 111

OpenType, 371

preferences, 45

removing, 125

restoring normal, 124

using dialog box, 124

using keyboard, 125

using Measurements palette, 124

kerning pairs, 126

Kerning Table Edit command, 126

Kerning Table Editor XTension, 126, 249

keyboard shortcuts, 421–434

anchored boxes, 433

baseline shift, 129, 428

Bézier items, 305, 431–432

check spelling, 293, 433

Clipboard, 422

clipping, 431

color, 432

dashes, 133

dialog boxes, 421

displays, 422–423

dragging/dropping text, 426

Find/Change, 433

fonts, 122, 428

guides, 423

horizontal alignment, 104

Index palette, 356

indexing, 433–434

items, 424–425

jumping between table cells, 430

kerning, 125, 429

layout navigation, 424

leading, 103

lines, 431

Measurements palette, 19

moving insertion point, 426

multiple items, 425

output, 434

palettes, 421

paragraph formats, 427–428

picture boxes, 430–431

picture importing, 430

picture scaling, 170

picture styling, 431

preferences, 361, 434

project windows, 423

projects, 422

rulers, 423

runarounds, 431

screen redraw, 53

show/hide palettes, 421

special characters, 98, 131, 429–430

style sheets, 432

table resizing, 430

text alignment, 429

text deletion, 426

text flow, 427

text resizing, 426–427

text selection, 425–426

text style, 428

Tools palette, 422

tracking, 125, 429

type resizing, 121

type style, 123

Undo/Redo, 58, 422

Web, 434

word space tracking, 429

zoom, 51, 52

Knockout Limit value, 407

Knockout trapping method, 404


LAB color model, 260

labels, library item, 332

Layer Options pane, Print dialog box, 388

layer preferences, 376

layers, 283–292

changing color of, 288

changing transparency of, 178

copying items to different, 286, 287

creating, 284

creating items on, 284

deleting, 291

duplicating, 287

and layout pages, 284

locking/unlocking, 290

and master pages, 245

maximum number of, 283

merging, 292

moving items to different, 286

preventing output of, 292

purpose of, 283

renaming, 288

restacking, 288

selecting items on, 285

setting preferences for, 376

showing/hiding, 289

suppressing printing of, 392

Layers palette

controls on, 283

illustrated, 23, 283

purpose of, 23, 283

Layers tab, PSD Import palette, 178

Layout menu, 11, 13, 32, 53

layout pages. See also layouts

adding repetitive items to, 85

applying master pages to, 20, 251

arranging in pairs, 34

deleting, 87

and layers, 284

making page numbers appear on, 96, 248, 344

and page reshuffling, 255

rearranging, 88

switching between master pages and, 246

updating items on, 245

using en dash for page numbers on, 390

using master page as blueprint for, 245

Layout Properties dialog box, 43

Layout Properties settings, 32

layout tabs, 6, 7, 8, 9

Layout Type menu, 34

layouts, 40–43. See also layout pages

adding new pages to, 84–86

adding repetitively used items to, 85

adding to projects, 40

appending, 49

changing default measurement units for, 29

changing properties for, 43

choosing zoom level for, 52

copying items between, 193–194

creating good tension in, 208

creating multiple views of, 57

Default layer for, 283, 284

deleting, 32, 41

displaying, 7, 9

displaying page count for, 84

displaying specific page in, 55

drag-copying pages between, 95

duplicating, 32, 41

evaluating, 381

exporting, 42

inserting synchronized content into, 336

limits on number of, 33

maximum number of pages in, 32

moving, 53

moving up/down through, 54

naming, 34

previewing/building lists for, 349

print vs. Web, 5

printing, 1, 385–389

purpose of, 32

QuarkXPress features applicable to, 33

renumbering pages in, 96

scrolling through, 53

sharing among projects, 42

soft proofing, 278

switching among, 32, 41, 53

undoing changes to, 33

viewing links in, 90


absolute, 102

automatic, 102, 373–374

changing, with dialog box, 103

changing, with keyboard, 103

changing, with Measurements palette, 102

defined, 77

ensuring uniformity of, 115

preferences, 210

Left Indent value, 100, 108

legal boilerplate, 21

libraries, 329–332

arranging items in, 332

closing, 331

and colors, 331

creating, 329

defined, 329

deleting items from, 332

labeling items in, 332

maximum number of items in, 329

opening, 331

purpose of, 329

putting items in, 330

retrieving items from, 331

Library palettes, 25

ligatures, 135, 375

line breaks, 79, 98, 105

Line Check command, 93

Line Color button, 270, 274, 326

Line Color menu, 267

Line icon, 326

line spacing, 77, 102–103. See also leading

Line Text-Path tool, 16, 68

Line tools, 2, 16, 17, 223

lines (graphic), 223–230

adding drop shadow to, 230

anchoring, 223

applying color to, 270

changing angle of, 226

changing length of, 225

changing width of, 224

converting boxes to, 206

dashed. See dashes

drawing, 223, 307

filling page with, 114

illustrated, 4

keyboard shortcuts, 431

modifying, 224–226

moving, 225

purpose of, 1

repositioning, 226

rotating, 226

lines (text)

changing spacing between, 77, 102–103

copying/cutting and pasting, 69

keeping together, 107

selecting, 67

Link Order menu, 140

Link Project command, 382

Link Text Cells command, 139

Link to Current Text Chain option, 84

linked boxes, 91, 258


to Composition Zones, 384

manual, 81, 89

style sheets, 232–233

text boxes, 258

text items, 89

Linking tool, 16, 89, 140, 258

Linkster, 91

lists, 346–352

appending, 49

applying style sheets to, 347–348

bulleted, 233

choosing indent level for, 347

creating, 346–351

defined, 339

revising, 352

Lists palette

building lists with, 349

illustrated, 22

previewing lists on, 349, 350

purpose of, 22, 339

Live Refresh feature, 64, 147, 168, 364

local formatting, 234

Lock to Baseline Grid command, 115, 374


files, 39

guides, 205

layers, 290

pictures, 182

Low Resolution option, 166


Mac OS Line Endings option, 79

Mac OS X

color matching system, 277

creating PostScript file in, 396

keyboard shortcuts, 421–434

launching QuarkXPress from, 31

PPDs, 395

Print dialog box, 389

QuarkXPress menus in, 10–11

QuarkXPress screen in, 6–7

special characters, 413–418

Macromedia FreeHand, 164, 403

magazines, 94

Maintain Geometry option, 144, 145, 146, 148, 151

Maintain Leading option, 210, 374

Make Fraction command, 134

manual linking, 81, 89

“marching ants” marquee, 89

margin guides, 6, 7, 8, 9

Margin Guides settings, 34, 35


illustrated, 35

modifying, 247

MarkzTools V XTension, 95

Markzware Software, 95

Mask menu, 182

masks, 182

Master Guides dialog box, 43, 247, 257

Master Page Items options, 372

master pages, 245–258

adding automatic text box to, 258

applying style sheet to, 241

applying to layout pages, 251

creating, 256

deleting, 257

duplicating, 256

facing pages, 247

illustrated, 245

Keep/Delete Changes preferences, 252–255, 372

and layers, 245

locking items on, 250

modifying, 250

naming/renaming, 257

printing, 249

purpose of, 85

reordering icons for, 256

single-sided, 247

switching between layout pages and, 246

ways of using, 245

mathematical operators, 29

maximize button, 8, 9

Measure submenu, 29

measurement preferences, 29, 373

measurement units, 29

Measurements palette, 18–19

Bézier settings, 304

changing leading with, 102

changing line length with, 225

changing number of columns with, 78

changing tabs on, 2

changing text angle with, 75

changing Text Inset value with, 71

Character Attributes tab, 18

Classic tab, 2, 3, 18, 19

Clipping tab, 212

Color menu, 259

context-sensitive nature of, 2

default tab on, 18

Drop Shadow tab, 19, 222, 230

Font area, 122

Frame tab, 18, 271

kerning/tracking with, 124

keyboard shortcuts, 19

vs. Modify dialog box, 71

navigating, 2

navigator tab bar, 2, 3, 18

Paragraph Attributes tab, 19, 99, 104

repositioning lines with, 226

repositioning picture boxes with, 169

repositioning text boxes with, 65

resizing text boxes with, 64

resizing type with, 121

restyling lines with, 224

rotating pictures/boxes with, 173

rotating text boxes with, 76

Runaround tab, 18, 210, 212, 218

scaling picture boxes with, 167

scaling pictures with, 170

scaling type with, 127

Space/Align tab, 19, 195, 196

Table Grid tab, 152, 156, 274

Tabs tab, 158, 159

Text Path tab, 328

Text tab, 18, 66, 74, 75

type style buttons, 123

vertically shifting type with, 129

menu bar, 7, 8, 9

menus, 10–13, 27. See also specific menus

Merge Layers button, 283, 292

Merge Layers dialog box, 292


Bézier items, 320–321

layers, 292

Microsoft Windows. See Windows

Microsoft Word format, 79, 82

millimeters, 373

minimize button, 6, 7, 8, 9

Missing Fonts dialog box, 46

Missing Profiles dialog box, 46, 47

misspelled words, 293–297

mock text, 92

Modify dialog box

Box pane, 173, 175, 267

Cell pane, 156

changing number of columns with, 78

changing text angle with, 75

Clipping pane, 220

Creation pane, 153

Frame tab, 72

Grid pane, 274

Grid tab, 151

vs. Measurements palette, 71

modifying tables with, 156

panes available in, 15

Picture pane, 174, 175, 181

rotating pictures with, 174

Runaround pane, 220

scaling picture boxes with, 167

skewing pictures with, 175

Table pane, 140, 145

Table tab, 151

Text pane, 153

Text Path tab, 328

monitor calibration, 277

Monitor Profile menu, 278

Move Chapter buttons, 342

Move dialog box, 88

Move Item to Layer button, 283, 286


anchored items, 200

Bézier items, 313

dialog boxes, 14

insertion point, 426

items, 186, 197

layouts, 53

lines, 225

multiple items, 185

picture boxes, 168–169

points, 313

text boxes, 65

MrsEavesFractions font, 134

multi-ink color model, 260, 265

Multiple Insets values, 71, 74

multiple items. See also items

aligning, 195–196

arranging, 208

copying between layouts/projects, 193–194

copying/cutting and pasting, 194

evenly distributing, 196

grouping, 186–187

keyboard shortcuts, 425

moving, 185

positioning, 195, 203

resizing, 187

selecting/deselecting, 185

Murphy, Chris, 393



books, 340

colors, 263

files, 36

layouts, 34

master pages, 257

projects, 36

style sheets, 232, 233

templates, 39

navigator tab bar, Measurements palette, 2, 3, 18

negative kerning, 132

New Folder command, 36

New Layer button, 283, 284

New Layout dialog box, 40

New Project dialog box, 35, 63

New Window command, 7, 57

New XML dialog box, 434

newsletters, 81, 94

Next Box character, 97

Next Box Page Number character, 94

Next Column character, 97

No Style option, 242

Non-Designer’s Type Book, The , 122

non-force pointer, 86, 95

non-printing characters, 66, 299

Non-White Areas clipping type, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216–217

nonbreaking characters, 98

nonbreaking hyphens, 119, 133

Normal style sheets, 241, 242

numbers, page. See page numbers


object-oriented pictures, 164

OfficialReport XT, 241

Offset fields, 189, 190, 201, 374

Opacity controls, 267

Opacity field, 178, 181

Open dialog box, 44

Open submenu, 44

OpenType fonts, 123, 134, 135, 371

OPI Options pane, Print dialog box, 388

OPI XTension, 163

Orientation button, 35

orphans, 107, 132

Orthogonal Line tool, 17, 132, 223

Orthogonal Text-Path tool, 17, 68

Outline type style, 123

output keyboard shortcuts, 434

output service providers, 402

output setups, color, 282

output styles, 394

Output Styles dialog box, 394, 397, 399

Outset values, 210

Oval Picture Box tool, 17

Oval Text Box tool, 17

overflow text, 66, 81, 83, 91, 93

Overprint Limit value, 407

Overprint trapping method, 404, 406, 407, 410


padlock pointer, 188

Page commands, 54

page count readout, 84

page-design tips, 208

page grabber hand, 53

page icon, 55

page layout application, 1

Page Layout palette

asterisk in, 96

deleting pages with, 87

going to page with, 55

illustrated, 6, 8, 20

inserting pages with, 85–86

purpose of, 20, 246

rearranging pages with, 88

undoing operations in, 60, 85

Page menu, 11, 13, 43

page numbers

absolute, 390

aligning, 249

automatic, 248–249

for books, 344

in lists, 347

for master pages, 248–249

for section of a file, 96

in table of contents, 347

Page Options pane, Print dialog box, 391

Page Properties dialog box, 434

Page Relative Mode button, 195

page reshuffling, 86, 255

Page Setup dialog box, 389

Page Size settings, 35

Page Tiling options, 391

Page Up/Down keys, 54


adding to layouts, 84–86

deleting, 87

drag-copying between layouts/projects, 95

layout. See layout pages

master. See master pages

numbering/renumbering, 96, 248–249, 344

rearranging, 88

routing overflow text to, 81

palette sets, 26

palettes, 16–26. See also specific palettes

closing, 7

vs. dialog boxes, 136

grouping, 26

managing, 26

opening, 7, 9, 16

saving as sets, 26

showing/hiding, 421

panes, dialog box, 15

PANTONE color model, 259, 260, 261, 403

Paragraph Attributes dialog box

Formats pane, 100, 106, 107, 110, 427

illustrated, 15, 99

keyboard shortcuts, 427

Leading area, 103

Rules pane, 112, 427

Space Before/After fields, 106

Tabs pane, 19, 160, 427

Paragraph Attributes tab, Measurements palette, 19, 99, 104

paragraph preferences, 373–374

paragraph returns, 66, 99. See also Return character

Paragraph Rules feature, 112–114

paragraph style sheets

applying, 234

vs. character style sheets, 233

comparing, 244

creating, 232–233

default character style sheet for, 232

editing, 236–237

embedding character style sheet in, 239

illustrated, 231

paragraphs. See also text

applying H&Js to, 119

changing alignment of, 104

changing spacing between, 77, 106

creating line breaks in, 105

defined, 99

indenting first line of, 101, 108–109

indenting whole, 100

keeping together, 107

keyboard shortcuts, 427–428

numbering, 233

preventing orphans/widows in, 107

selecting, 67

Paste command, 69, 70, 194

pasteboard, 6, 7, 8, 9, 402

paths, text. See text paths

Paths tab, PSD Import palette, 178

pause-dragging preferences, 64, 168

PDF Export Options dialog box, 397–398

PDF files

color managing, 280

custom output settings for, 394

exporting, 30, 33, 183, 369, 396

importing, 161, 162, 163

printing, 390, 402

saving layouts as, 397

setting preferences for, 397

PDF Filter XTension, 163

PDF output style, 397

PDF preferences, 369, 397

Perceptual rendering intent, 280

Photoshop files, 24, 163, 164, 177–178

picas, 29, 373

Picture Angle field, 174

Picture Background Color button, 270

Picture Bounds option, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218

Picture Box tools, 17, 161

picture boxes

applying frames to, 72, 161

centering pictures in, 170

creating, 161

cropping pictures in, 172

deleting, 168

drawing, 306

duplicating, 161

illustrated, 1, 4

keyboard shortcuts, 430–431

moving, 168–169

rotating, 173

scaling, 167, 171

skewing, 175

Picture Cells option, 142

Picture Color button, 270

Picture Effects palette

Adjustments menu, 179

and bitmap pictures, 164, 179

Filters menu, 180

illustrated, 24

purpose of, 24, 164, 177

Picture Effects preferences, 370

Picture Export Options dialog box, 177, 180, 401

picture icon, 336

Picture Options pane, Print dialog box, 386

Picture pane, Modify dialog box, 174, 175, 181

picture paths, 331

Picture Skew field, 175

picture tables, 142

pictures, 161–184

adding drop shadows to, 221

applying color to, 270

applying special effects to, 177, 179–180

auto update of imported, 47

bitmap vs. vector, 163–164

centering in picture boxes, 170

changing transparency of, 181

copying/cutting and pasting, 69

cropping, 172

deleting, 168

displaying information about, 165, 179

flipping, 176

greeked, 53, 165, 372

importing, 161, 162–163, 430

keyboard shortcuts, 430–431

locating missing, 47, 183–184

locking, 182

masking area of, 182

previewing, 165–166

rotating, 173–174

scaling, 165, 170, 171

skewing, 175

suppressing printing of, 392

trapping imported, 412

updating, 183–184

wrapping text around, 210, 212, 218, 220

pixels, 29, 163, 178, 373

Plain Text format, 79, 82

Plain type style, 123

pointing-hand icon, 64


adding, 312

changing style of, 318

corner, 303, 304, 309, 318

deleting, 312

measuring in, 29, 102, 373

moving, 313

types of, 304


drawing programs, 315

fonts, 402

line styles, 227

printers, 387, 388, 390, 395, 396

PowerXChange, 391

PPD Manager, 395, 396


application, 363–370

Auto Picture Import, 183

character, 374–375

choosing, 30

color, 203, 210

Color Manager, 279–282

Default Path, 36, 367

Display, 51, 363

EPS, 367, 399

File List, 367

Font Mapping, 366

Fraction/Price, 134, 370

Framing, 372

Full Res Preview, 368

Index, 358–359

Input Settings, 52, 53, 70, 364

Interactive, 53

Jabberwocky, 92

Job Jackets, 368

Keep/Delete Changes, 252–255, 372

keyboard shortcuts, 361, 434

measurement units, 29, 373

non-matching, 45

paragraph, 373–374

pause-dragging, 64, 168

PDF, 369, 397

Picture Effects, 370

Print Layout, 66, 81, 87, 372–376

project, 371

PSD Import, 369

purpose of, 30

quotation marks, 130

Save, 365–366

scroll, 53

Snap Distance, 203, 372

tool, 16, 153, 223, 376

Trapping, 405–407

Undo, 59, 365

XTensions Manager, 47, 366

Preferences command, 10

Preferences dialog box, 361–376

Character pane, 374–375

Default Path pane, 367

Display pane, 363

EPS pane, 367

File List pane, 367

Font Mapping pane, 366

Fraction/Price pane, 370

Full Res Preview pane, 368

General pane, 371, 372

illustrated, 361

Input Settings pane, 364

Job Jackets pane, 368

keyboard shortcuts, 434

Layers pane, 376

Measurements pane, 373

opening, 361

Paragraph pane, 373–374

PDF pane, 369

Picture Effects pane, 370

PSD Import pane, 369

Save pane, 365–366

Tool pane, 376

Undo pane, 365

XTensions Manager pane, 366

Previous Box Page Number character, 94

prime marks, 130

Print Chapters button, 345

Print dialog box

Advanced Options pane, 389

Bleed Options pane, 387

Color Options pane, 386

Device Options pane, 386

Font Options pane, 387

illustrated, 385

JDF Options pane, 388

Layer Options pane, 388

OPI Options pane, 388

Page Options pane, 391

Pages field, 390

Picture Options pane, 386

Registration Marks Options pane, 387

saving settings in, 389

Summary pane, 389

Transparency Options pane, 388

Print Layout preferences, 372–376

Character pane, 374–375

General pane, 66, 81, 87, 372

Layers pane, 376

Measurements pane, 373

Paragraph pane, 373–374

Tools pane, 376

print layouts, 5, 34, 385

print output. See also printing

choosing fonts for, 136

choosing picture resolution for, 164

styles, 394

and transparency, 181

Print Style menu, 385, 394

Printer button, 389

Printer menu, 385, 389


commercial, 402

PostScript, 387, 388, 390, 395, 396

printing. See also print output

with automatic tiling, 391

book chapters, 345

borders, 1

color, 259–262, 390, 403

layouts, 1, 385–389

master pages, 249

quick-and-dirty, 389

spreads, 86, 386

suppressing, 392

Printools XT, 241, 391

process color, 259, 262, 403

Process Trapping option, 406

Profile Information palette, 281, 282

Profile Manager dialog box, 282


choosing, 281

file location for, 282

missing, 46

purpose of, 46, 277

project preferences, 371

project title bar, 8, 9

project windows

arranging multiple, 56

illustrated, 5

keyboard shortcuts, 423

moving layouts in, 53

resizing, 52

splitting, 5, 57

splitting into multiple views, 57

stacking, 56

tiling, 56

viewing layouts in multiple, 57

projects. See also files

activating open, 56

adding layouts to, 40

adding pages to, 81

appending specifications to, 49–50

backing up, 58

copying items between, 193–194

creating, 34

creating from templates, 39

creating list definition for, 346–349

creating multiple views of, 57

defined, 32

drag-copying pages between, 95

exporting layouts from, 42

keyboard shortcuts, 422

naming, 36

opening, 44–47

QuarkXPress features applicable to, 33

saving, 36–38

sharing layouts among, 42

turning on Auto Page Insertion for, 81

undoing changes to, 33

Proof Output submenu, 278

Properties button, 389

PSD files, 161, 163, 212. See also Photoshop files

PSD Import palette, 24, 164, 178

PSD Import preferences, 369

PSD Import XTension, 164, 177–178

pull quotes, 114, 132

punctuation, hanging, 132


Quark Color Management System profiles, 46. See also profiles

Quark Print Collection, 391


building blocks, 1–2, 4

collaborating in, 379

Color Manager, 277, 279–282

combining text and pictures in, 209

conversions possible in, 3

creating Web pages in, 34

dialog boxes, 14–15. See also dialog boxes

flexibility of, 3, 136

image-handling features, 177

launching, 31

menus, 10–13, 27

palettes, 16–26. See also palettes

preferences, 30. See also preferences

project/layout structure, 5. See also layouts; projects

purpose of, 1

quitting/exiting, 48

screen, 6–9

table features, 137, 156. See also tables

ways of using, 1

word processing features, 293–302

XTensions, 28. See also XTensions

QuarkXPress menu, 10

Quit QuarkXPress command, 48

quotation marks, 82, 130

quotations, 132. See also pull quotes


radio buttons, 15

read-only files, 39

Real World Color Management , 393

Real World QuarkXPress 7, 79

Rectangle Text Box tool, 2, 16, 94, 258

Redefine Style Sheets XTension, 236

Redo button, 6, 7, 8, 9, 61

Redo command, 58, 61, 422

Redo History, 61

Redo/Undo keyboard shortcuts, 422

Registration Marks Options pane, Print dialog box, 387

Relative Colorimetric rendering intent, 280

Remove Chapter button, 342

Remove Manual Kerning command, 125

Rendering Intent options, 280, 281

Repeat as Footer command, 146

Repeat as Header command, 146

Repeat Count field, 189, 190

repetition, 208

Report Only option, Collect for Output dialog box, 400

reshuffling, page, 86, 255

Resize XT XTension, 191


anchored items, 201

items, 187

multiple items, 187

project windows, 52

table columns, 144–145

tables, 430

text, 426–427

text boxes, 64

type, 121


bitmap picture, 164, 165

and clipping paths, 219

full- vs. low-, 166, 219

Return character, 66, 99, 104

Reverse Difference command, 320

reverse rules, 114

Reverse Trap setting, 409

reversed type, 129

Revert to Saved command, 39, 58, 60

RGB color mode, 164, 165, 179, 260, 264

rhythm, 208

Rich Text Format, 79

Right Indent value, 100


items, 190–191

lines, 226

picture boxes, 173

pictures, 173–174

text, 75

text boxes, 76

Rotation tool, 16, 76, 173, 226

Rounded-Corner Picture Box tool, 17

Rounded-Corner Text Box tool, 17

rows (table)

adding, 148

deleting, 149

making uniform size, 145

resizing, 144–145

ruler guides, 203–205. See also guides

ruler origin box, 6, 7, 8, 9


displaying, 7, 9

illustrated, 6, 8

keyboard shortcuts, 423

purpose of, 7, 9

rules, paragraph, 112–114

Rules pane, Paragraph Attributes dialog box, 112, 427

runaround, 210–220

choosing settings for, 210, 289

vs. clipping paths, 212, 217

controlling, 212

forcing, 225

how clipping works with, 217

illustrated, 209

keyboard shortcuts, 431

purpose of, 212

reshaping, 219

and tables, 217

turning off, 212

Runaround pane, Modify dialog box, 220

Runaround tab, Measurements palette, 18, 210, 212, 218


sans serif fonts, 103, 129, 136

Saturation rendering intent, 280

Save As dialog box, 36–38

Save command, 36, 58

Save Page as EPS dialog box, 398

Save preferences, 365–366

Save Text dialog box, 79


files, 36–38

palettes, 26

Print dialog box settings, 389

setting default location for, 36

text, 79

Scale command, 127

Scale Picture To Box command, 163, 171

Scale Text Horizontally button, 127

Scale Text Vertically button, 127


Bézier items, 319

bitmap pictures, 165

items, 190–191

picture boxes, 167, 171

pictures, 170, 171

type, 127–128

Scissors tool, 16, 316

screen redraw shortcuts, 53

screen resolution, 51

scroll arrows, 53

scroll bar, 53

scroll box, 53

Search Criteria dialog box, 93

searching and replacing. See Find/Change command

Section button, 96

Section command, 54, 96

Section dialog box, 344

Select All command, 67

Select Items on Layer command, 285

Selected Picture command, 172, 173, 176, 180

Selected Text option, 79


lines, 67

paragraphs, 67

stories, 67

text, 67, 425–426

Send & Bring submenu, 288

Send Backward command, 198, 288

Send To Back command, 198, 288

Sequence menu, 385

serif fonts, 103, 129, 136

Set Table Break dialog box, 146

Shade controls, 267

Shadow type style, 123

shadows, drop. See drop shadows

Shape submenu, 3, 206, 310, 326

ShapeMaker XTension, 307

shared content library, 333

Shared Content palette, 333–338

adding entries to, 334–335

deleting entries from, 338

illustrated, 21, 333

purpose of, 21

Shared Item Properties dialog box, 334, 383

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

Show Clipboard command, 70

Show Tool Tips option, 16, 19


baseline grid, 423

clipping paths, 178

guides, 43

layers, 289

palettes, 421

tab bar, 18

silhouettes, 212

Single Layout Mode setting, 5, 34, 371

single-sided layouts

converting to facing-pages layouts, 254

creating spreads in, 86

vs. facing pages, 247

and page reshuffling, 86, 255

single-sided page icons, 85

Single Word Justify option, 118

Skew field, 175


items, 190–191

pictures, 175

text, 75

sliders, 15

Small Caps preferences, 374

Small Caps type style, 123

Smart Quotes feature, 130

Smooth Point button, 315, 318

Snap Distance preference, 203, 372

Snap to Guides feature, 65, 144, 203, 372

soft proofing, 278, 280

Source Setup menu, 279

source setups, 282

Space After field, 106

Space/Align tab, Measurements palette, 19, 195, 196

Space Before field, 106

Space field, 196


finding/changing, 298–300

special menu for, 98

types of, 98


character, 118, 124–126

column, 78

inter-word, 125

line, 77, 102–103

paragraph, 77, 106

word, 118

spacing buttons, 196

special characters, 413–420

choosing from menu, 97, 98

inserting, from keyboard, 131

inserting, with Glyphs palette, 130

keyboard shortcuts, 429–430

Special menu, 98

Special (Nonbreaking) menu, 98

SpecTackler, 391

Speed Scroll feature, 53

SpellBound XT, 297

Spelling feature, 293–297, 433

split bar, 57

Split Cells command, 150

Split command, 323

Split Window command, 7, 9, 57, 95

spot colors, 165, 259, 261, 403

Spread Relative Mode button, 195

spread trapping method, 404


creating, in single-sided layouts, 86

forcing pages between, 88

printing, 86, 386

spreadsheets, 82, 142

Stack command, 56


items, 197–198, 288, 349

layers, 288

project windows, 56

Standard Em Space option, 375

Starburst tool, 16, 304, 311

Status column, Book palette, 25, 343

Step and Repeat command, 132, 161, 189, 190


defined, 89

locking, 188

selecting, 67

story icon, 336

straight-line paths, 68

straight quotes, 130

Stretch Picture To Fit Box command, 171

Strike Thru type style, 123

stripes, 227–230

appending, 49, 227

applying, 227

coloring, 230

comparing, 229

creating/editing, 227–228

removing, 227

style buttons, 123

Style menu, 10, 12

style sheets, 231–244

appending, 49, 50, 241, 244

applying by example, 238

applying H&Js via, 119

applying tabs via, 158

applying to lists, 347–348

applying to text boxes, 241

applying with Find/Change, 240, 301

benefits of using, 231, 243

comparing, 244

creating, 232–233, 235

default, 241

deleting, 242–243

duplicating, 235

editing, 235, 236–237

embedding, 239

finding/replacing, 240, 298–300

illustrated, 231, 232

importing, 82

keyboard shortcuts, 432

linking, 232–233

managing, 241

maximum number of, 231

naming, 232, 233

Normal, 241, 242

printing reports about, 241

purpose of, 231

removing rules from, 112

setting keyboard equivalent for, 232, 233

Style Sheets dialog box, 233, 235, 240, 244, 432

Style Sheets palette

applying style sheets with, 234

creating style sheets with, 235

editing style sheets with, 236

illustrated, 6, 8, 20

purpose of, 20, 231

styles, 231. See also style sheets

styling type, 123

subhead style, 231

Subscript preferences, 374

Subscript type style, 123, 134

subtractive color, 260

Suggested Hyphenation command, 105, 120

Summary pane, Print dialog box, 389

Super Step and Repeat command, 161, 190–192, 208

Superior preferences, 374

Superior type style, 123, 134

Superscript preferences, 374

Superscript type style, 123

Suppress Output option, 292, 392

Suppress Picture Output option, 392

swatch books, 260, 265, 403. See also color swatches

symbol fonts, 131

Symmetrical Point button, 314, 315, 318

symmetrical points, drawing curves with, 308

Synchronize All button, 343

Synchronize Book button, 25, 341, 350, 351

Synchronize Selected Chapters dialog box, 341, 350

synchronized content, 333–338

creating instances of, 336

defined, 333

deleting, 338

displaying listing of, 335

storage location for, 333

unsynchronizing, 337


Tab Order menu, 140

Table Break command, 146, 155

table cells

applying blends to, 275

applying color to, 272

changing content of, 149

combining, 150

editing contents of, 143

jumping between, 430

linking, 89, 139

splitting, 150

Table Grid tab, Measurements palette, 152, 156, 274

Table Import XTension, 142, 163

Table Link dialog box, 142

Table menu, 11, 13, 156

table of contents, 22, 137, 346–352

Table pane, Modify dialog box, 140, 145

Table Properties dialog box, 138, 153

Table tab, Modify dialog box, 151

Table tool, 16

tables, 137–156

adding columns/rows to, 148

applying color to, 272–274

changing content of cells in, 149

changing link/tab order in, 140

combining/uncombining cells in, 150

converting text to, 141

converting to text/group, 154–155

creating, 137, 138–139, 141–142

creating headers/footers for, 146

defined, 137

deleting columns/rows from, 149

editing contents of cells in, 143

entering Runaround values for, 217

examples of, 137

inserting tabs in, 137

linking text cells in, 139

and Live Refresh feature, 147

modifying, 137, 156

purpose of, 1

reconfiguring, 144–150

resizing, 430

resizing columns/rows in, 144–145

resizing whole, 147

restyling, 151–152

setting preferences for, 153

splitting, 146

Tables tool, 137, 138, 139, 142, 153

tabs, 157–160

applying via style sheets, 158

center-aligned, 160

decimal-aligned, 157, 160

editing, 160

inserting in table cells, 137

left-aligned, 157, 160

removing, 161

right-aligned, 160

setting, 157–159

viewing, 157, 159

ways of using, 157

Tabs pane, Paragraph Attributes dialog box, 19, 160, 427

Tabs tab, Measurements palette, 158, 159

templates, 36, 39, 42, 380

tension, good, 208

text, 63–79 . See also type

adding drop shadows to, 221

aligning, 429

aligning to grid, 115

anchoring items in, 199

applying color to, 268

applying H&Js to, 119

boxes. See text boxes

centering, 77, 104

changing vertical alignment of, 77

converting case of, 123

converting to table, 141

copyfitting, 132

copying and pasting, 69

cutting and pasting, 69

deleting, 68, 426

dragging and dropping, 70, 426

finding/changing, 298–300

flipping, 74

flowing, 81, 83. See also stories

formatting, 99–120

importing, 82

indenting, 100–101

inputting, 66

inserting tabs into, 157–159

items. See text items

justification of, 77, 104

paths. See text paths

preventing orphans/widows in, 107

resizing, 426–427

rotating, 75–76

saving, 79

selecting, 67, 425–426

showing invisible characters in, 66

skewing, 75

styling, 428

synchronized, 333

tools for working with, 63

wrapping around items, 210, 212, 218, 220

Text Angle value, 75

Text Box tools, 17, 63

text boxes, 63–66

applying frames to, 72

applying style sheets to, 241

changing number of columns in, 78

changing Text Inset value for, 71

copying/cutting and pasting, 69

copying paragraph formatting in, 116

creating, 63

deleting automatic, 63

dragging and dropping text in, 70

drawing, 306

filling with dummy text, 92

illustrated, 1, 4

importing text into, 82

linking, 89, 258

moving, 65

moving text down in, 74

repositioning, 65

resizing, 64

rotating, 76

rotating text in, 75

typing text into, 66

text chains, 84, 89, 90, 91, 92

Text Color button, 268

Text Inset value, 66, 71, 74, 208

text items

deleting, 91

linking, 89

unlinking, 90, 91

Text Orientation buttons, 327

text overflow symbol, 66, 83

Text pane, Modify dialog box, 153

Text Path tab

Measurements palette, 328

Modify dialog box, 328

Text-Path tools, 17, 94

text paths

applying color to, 270

changing orientation of text on, 327

converting lines to, 325

creating, 68, 325–328

creating jump line on, 94

drawing, 307

illustrated, 1

linking, 89

raising/lowering text on, 328

Text Skew value, 75

text strings, 67

Text tab, Measurements palette, 18, 66, 74, 75

Text to Box command, 322, 323

texture, 208

Through the Looking Glass, 92

Thumbnails command, 51

Thumbnails view

drag-copying pages in, 95

editing limitations of, 51

keyboard shortcut, 51

rearranging pages in, 88

tiling/stacking projects in, 56

viewing links in, 90

TIFF files

and alpha channels, 212

applying trapping to, 412

choosing color depth for, 363

colorizing, 270

creating clipping paths from, 213

and DeviceN composite color, 390

and embedded paths, 212

importing, 161, 163

Low Resolution output option, 388

preview options, 165, 166

Tile command, 56

Tile Horizontally command, 56

Tile Vertically command, 56, 95

title bar, 6, 7, 8, 9

Title Case option, 123

tool preferences, 16, 153, 223, 376

Tools palette, 16–17

illustrated, 6, 8, 16

keyboard shortcuts, 422

moving tools to, 16

opening, 16

restoring default, 16

selecting/deselecting tools in, 16

setting tool preferences in, 376

Top Text Inset value, 74, 103

Top vertical alignment, 77

TOYO color model, 260

tracking, 124–125

defined, 124

keyboard shortcuts, 429

preferences, 45

removing, 125

restoring normal, 124

using dialog box, 124

using keyboard, 125

using Measurements palette, 124

transparency, 178, 181, 267, 388

Transparency Options pane, Print dialog box, 388

Trap Information palette

choosing trapping values with, 410

displaying default trap settings in, 411

illustrated, 21

purpose of, 21

trapping bitmaps with, 412

Trap Specifications dialog box, 408–409

trapping, 404–412

bitmaps, 412

colors, 260, 404–409

controls, 21, 405

defined, 404

frames, 411

imported pictures, 412

mini-glossary, 404

preferences, 405–407

type, 411

when to apply, 404

TRUMATCH color model, 260, 262

type. See also text; typography

creating reversed, 129

for print, 136

removing styling from, 123

resizing, 121

scaling, 127–128

styling, 123

trapping, 411

vertically shifting, 129

Type menu, 210

type style buttons, 123

type style shortcuts, 123

Typesetting mode, 373

TypeTricks XTension, 125, 134

typography. See also type

basics, 121

defined, 99

ensuring consistent, 231

how to learn about, 136

recommended book on, 122

terms, 129

tips and tricks, 127–135


Underline type style, 112, 123, 133

Undo button, 6, 7, 8, 9, 59

Undo command, 58–60

Undo History, 59, 60

Undo preferences, 59, 365

Undo/Redo keyboard shortcuts, 422

Ungroup command, 155, 187

Union command, 320

Unlinking tool, 16, 89, 90, 140, 258

Unsynchronize All button, 337

Unsynchronize command, 337

updating pictures, 183–184

Usage dialog box, 184, 302, 384, 396, 434

Use OpenType Kerning option, 371

Utilities menu

enabling/disabling XPress Tags with, 82

enabling/disabling XTension Manager with, 28

illustrated, 11, 13

and kerning values, 371

PPD Manager, 362, 395, 396

Profile Manager, 282, 362

Special Character submenus, 98


vector masks, 212

vector pictures, 164, 165

Vertical Alignment options, 77

Vertical Offset value, 189, 190

Vertical Scale command, 127

View menu

illustrated, 11, 13

zooming in/out with, 51

view percent field, 6, 7

Vision’s Edge, 191

Vista XTension, 177, 179

VScale percentage, 123


Web keyboard shortcuts, 434

Web layouts

converting print layouts to, 32

creating, 5

downloadable information on, 34

and export of layers, 292

icon for, 41

linking/unlinking items in, 89, 139

missing pictures in, 47

and paragraph attributes, 99

preferences, 362

and Suppress Output command, 292

Web pages, creating, 34

white space, 208

widows, 107

Williams, Robin, 122

Window menu

arranging multiple project windows with, 56

Colors palette, 152, 260, 267

Glyphs palette, 135, 375, 413

illustrated, 11, 13

Layers palette, 392

Picture Effects palette. See Picture Effects palette

Profile Information palette, 281

PSD Import palette, 178


color matching system, 277

creating PostScript file in, 396

keyboard shortcuts, 421–434

launching QuarkXPress from, 31

PPDs, 395

printer settings, 389

QuarkXPress menus in, 12–13

QuarkXPress screen in, 8–9

special characters, 413–416, 419–420

zoom limits in, 51

Windows Explorer, opening QuarkXPress files from, 45

windows (project)

arranging multiple, 56

moving layouts in, 53

resizing, 52

splitting into multiple views, 57

stacking, 56

tiling, 56

viewing layouts in multiple, 57

With-Stream value, 126

Word Count dialog box, 295

Word format, 79, 82

word processing applications, 293

word processing files, 82

Word Processing mode, 373

Word Space Tracking value, 125

word spacing, 118

Word Underline type style, 123

WordPerfect format, 79, 82


adding to auxiliary dictionary, 293, 296, 297

hyphenating, 105, 117–120

misspelled, 293–297

selecting, 67

workgroups, 243, 339, 362, 394

wrapping text, 210, 212, 218, 220


XML files, 379

XML Import preferences, 361

XPedient Corporation, 236

XPress Preferences file, 362

XPress Preferences prompt, 45

XPress Tags filter, 82

XPress Tags format, 79, 82


backing up, 378

BureauManager, 391

displaying list of installed, 28

enabling/disabling, 28, 377

FullColor XT, 266

installing, 28

Kerning Table Editor, 126, 249

managing, 377–378

OPI, 163

PDF Filter, 163

Printools XT, 391

PSD Import, 164, 177–178

purpose of, 28, 377

Quark Print Collection, 391

Redefine Style Sheets, 236

Resize XT, 191

ShapeMaker, 307

sharing, 378

shopping for, 28

SpecTackler, 391

SpellBound XT, 297

Table Import, 142, 163

TypeTricks, 125, 134

Vista, 177, 179

XTensions Manager, 377–378

enabling/disabling XPress Tags filter with, 82

enabling/disabling XTensions with, 28, 377

getting list of installed XTensions with, 28

opening automatically, 47, 377

preferences, 366

XTensions sets, 378


Zapf Dingbat characters, 94, 131, 413–416

zoom button, 6, 7

zoom levels, 51

zoom limits, Windows, 51

zoom shortcuts, 51, 52

Zoom tool, 16, 52, 53

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