
About the Author

About the Technical Reviewer



images Chapter 1: Getting Started


Prepare Your Mac

Register as an iOS Developer

Download Xcode

Download Unity

Install Unity

Run the Installer

Activate a License

Welcome to Unity!

Manage Unity

Change Skins (Pro)

Update the License

Report Problems

Check for Updates

Explore Further

iOS Development Requirements

The Unity Web Site

Unity Manuals and References

The Unity Community

images Chapter 2: A Unity Tour

Bring out the Angry Bots

Open the Angry Bots Project

Open the Angry Bots Scene

Play Angry Bots

Build Angry Bots

The Editor Layout

Preset Layouts

Custom Layouts

The Inspector View

The Project View

Switch Between One-Column and Two-Columns

Scale Icons

Inspect Assets

Search for Assets

Operate on Assets

The Hierarchy View

Inspect Game Objects

Parent and Child GameObjects

The Scene View

Navigate the Scene

Scene View Options

Scene View Gizmos

The Game View

Maximize on Play


Game View Gizmos

The Console View

Explore Further

Unity Manual


Version Control

images Chapter 3: Making a Scene

Create a New Project

The Main Camera

Multiple Cameras

Anatomy of a Camera

The Transform Component

The Camera Component

FlareLayer Component

GUILayer Component

AudioListener Component

Add a Cube to the Scene

Make the Cube

Frame the Cube

Move the Cube

Anatomy of a Cube

Align With View

Camera Control

Import the Script

Attach the Script

Add a Light

Anatomy of a Light

Adjust the Light

Make a Halo

Add a Skybox

Import the Skybox

Anatomy of a Skybox

Apply the Skybox

Add a Flare

Import Flares

Apply the Flare


Import a Texture

Shop the Asset Store

Import the Texture

Apply the Texture

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Reference Manual

Asset Store

Computer Graphics

images Chapter 4: Making It Move: Scripting the Cube

Organize the Assets

Create the Script

Name the Script

Anatomy of a Script

Attach the Script

Edit the Script

Understand the Script

Read the Scripting Reference

Run the Script

Debug the Script

Compilation Errors

Runtime Errors

Debug with MonoDevelop

Make It Rotate

Rotate the Transform

Other Ways to Rotate

Rotate in World Space

Tween Rotation

Children of the Cube

Making Prefabs

Breaking Prefabs

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Scripting Reference

Asset Store


images Chapter 5: Let’s Dance! Animation and Sound

Import the Skeletons Pack

Add a Skeleton

Hide the Cubes

Orbit the Skeleton

Make the Skeleton Dance

Make the Skeleton Dance Forever

Watch the Hips

Add a Dance Floor

Add a Shadow (Pro)

Add Music

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Reference Manual

Asset Store

Computer Graphics

images Chapter 6: Let’s Roll! Physics and Controls

Make a New Scene

Delete GameObjects

Adjust the Light

Retile the Floor

Reset the Camera

Make a Ball

Make a Sphere

Make It Fall

Customize Collision


Standard PhysicMaterials

Anatomy of a PhysicMaterial

Apply the PhysicMaterial

Make a New PhysicMaterial

Make It Roll

Create the Script

Update: Gather Input

FixedUpdate: Use the Force

Is It Rolling?

Limit the Speed

The Complete Script

Be the Ball

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Reference Manual

Scripting Reference

On the Web

images Chapter 7: Let’s Bowl! Advanced Physics

Lengthen the Lane

Make Some Pins

Make a Game Controller

Create the Script

Keep Playing

Make It Resettable

Send a Message

Check for Gutter Ball

The Complete Listing

Bowling for Barrels

Pick a Barrel

Make a Prefab

Use the Prefab

Add a Collider

Add a Compound Collider

Update the Prefab

A Complex Collider (HyperBowl)

Add Sounds

Get Sounds

Add a Rolling Sound

Add a Pin Collision Sound

Explore Further

Scripting Reference


images Chapter 8: Let’s Play! Scripting the Game

The Game Rules

Scoring the Game

The Frame Score

The Player Score

Setting the Score

Getting the Score

The Complete Listing

Creating a FuguBowlPlayer

The Pin Status

The Game Logic

Design the FSM

Tracking the Game

Starting the State Machine

The States

The Complete Listing

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Scripting Reference

On the Web

images Chapter 9: The Game GUI

The Scoreboard

Create the Script

Style the GUI

The Pause Menu

Create the Script

Track the Current Menu Page

Pause the Game

Check Time.DeltaTime

Display the Menu

Automatic Layout

The Main Page

The Credits Page

The Options Page

The Audio Panel

The Graphics Panel

The System Panel

Customize the GUI Color

Customize the Skin

The Complete Script

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Reference Manual

Scripting Reference

Asset Store

images Chapter 10: Using Unity iOS

Bring Back the Angry Bots

Test with the Unity Remote

Install Xcode

Customize the Player Settings

Resolution and Presentation

Other Settings

Test with the iOS Simulator

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Reference Manual

iOS Developer Library

images Chapter 11: Building for Real: Device Testing and App Submission

Register as an iOS Developer

The Provisioning Portal

Register Test Devices

Register App Identifiers

Development Provisioning Profiles

Distribution Provisioning Profiles

The Xcode Organizer

Build and Run

Prepare App Store Graphics

Create an Icon

Take Screenshots

Add an App on iTunes Connect

Select App Type

App Information

Availability and Price

Version, Category, and Copyright

Rate the App


Upload the Icon and Screenshots

Prepare for Upload

Submit the App

Be Prepared for Rejection

Update the App

Track Sales

Issue Promo Codes

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Apple Developer Site

images Chapter 12: Presentation: Screens and Icons

Bowling for iOS

Scale the GUI

Scale the Scoreboard

Scale the Pause Menu

Set the Icon

Set the Splash Screen (Pro)

A Second Splash Screen

Create the Splash Scene

Create the Splash Screen

Load the Next Scene

Display the Activity Indicator

Script the Activity Indicator

Explore Further

Reference Manual

Scripting Reference

iOS Developer Library

Asset Store


images Chapter 13: Handling Device Input

The Touch Screen

Swipe the Ball

Tap the Ball

The Accelerometer

Debug the Accelerometer

Detect Shakes

The Camera

Reading the WebCam

Explore Further

Scripting Reference

iOS Developer Library

Asset Store

images Chapter 14: Game Center: Leaderboards and Achievements

Set Up Game Center on iTunes Connect

Add a Leaderboard

Create a Single Leaderboard

Add a Language

Set Up Achievements

Integrating Game Center

Initialize Game Center

Submit Achievements

Submit Scores

The Complete Script

Attach the Script

Integrate the Game

Submit Achievements

Submit the Score

Test the Game

Show Game Center In-Game

Explore Further

Scripting Reference

iOS Developer Library

Asset Store

images Chapter 15: iAd: Banner Ads and Interstitial Ads

iTunes Connect

Sign the Contract

Enable iAd

Add a Banner Ad

Create the Script

Attach the Script

Test the Script

Add an Interstitial Ad

Attach the Script

Test the Script

Track Ad Revenues

Explore Further

Scripting Reference

iOS Developer Library

Asset Store

Outside the Asset Store

images Chapter 16: Optimization

Choose Your Target

Frame Rate

Targeting Space


Game View Stats

The Build Log

Run the Built-In Profiler

Run the Editor Profiler (Pro)

Manually Connect the Profiler

Add a Frame Rate Display

Optimize Settings

Quality Settings

Physics Manager

Time Manager

Audio Manager

Player Settings

Optimizing GameObjects




Optimize Assets




Optimize Scripts

Cache GetComponent


Runtime Static Batching (Pro)

Share Materials

Minimize Garbage Collection

Optimize Offline


Umbra (Pro)

Final Profile

Explore Further

Unity Manual

Reference Manual

Scripting Reference

Asset Store

On the Web


images Chapter 17: Where to Go from Here?

More Scripting

Editor Scripts


Script Execution Order


Tracking Apps

Promo Codes

More Monetization

In-App Purchasing

Asset Store

Developing for Android

Contract Work

Final Words


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