
images  A

Advanced Physics

    barrels, bowl

        on asset store

        BarrelPin prefab




        component copy

        compound collider

        GameObjects, child


        paste acomponent

        picking a


        project view

        rigidbody and FuguReset script

        update, prefab

    lane lengthening


        assign prefab

        awake function

        bowling with

        capsule creation


        compiler error

        game controller

        GameObject creation

        intantiate function


        pin instantiation code


        rigidbody, bowl


        BroadcastMessage function

        FuguReset script

        gutter ball


        ResetPosition messaging


        SendMessage function

    resources of


        scripting references

    sounds addition



        get sound

        OnCollision callbacks

        pin collision

        rolling sound


    AnimationClip loop


        Gianmarco Leone’s general music set

        inspector view of

        music set

        in the scene

    dance floor

        hierarchy view

        plane position

        scene view

    dancing skeleton

        asset store


        computer graphics



    hiding cubes

    MouseOrbit script


        directional light


        point light


        rotate, directional light

        skeleton, game view

        soft shadows

    skeleton dance


    Skeletons Pack

        dance floor

        Inspector View

        particle effects

        Project View search results


        sword and shield

images  B

Bowling ball

    ball control

    Collider Component


        PhysicMaterial (see PhysicMaterials)


        Ball controller script

        FixedUpdate callback

        FuguForce script

        OnCollisionEnter callback

        Script creation

        Speed Check


        update callback

    Rigidbody Component

        Collision Detection property

        Constraints property

        Gravity property

        Inspector View

        Interpolation property

        Is Kinematic property


    SmoothFollow script


        Inspector View

        MeshFilter Component

images  C

images  D, E

Device input



        inspector view, shake-to-pause

        log output, log

        print out values

        shakes detection


        asset store


        iCade additions

        iOS developer library

        Prime31 Etcetra plug-in photo

        scripting reference



    touch screen

        adjustment variables

        ball swipe

        ball tapping

        control adjustments






        swipe detection


images  F


    clear function




    struct definition

images  G

Game scripting

    asset store


    logics of

        console view, state machine

        finite state machine design


        state machine, bowling

        state machine initialization

        states (see State coroutines)


        yield function

    pin status

        awake callback

        barrel pin


        GetPinsDown function

        pinBodies variable

        RemovePins function

        ResetPins function




        clear function

        clearScore function





        GetScore function

        HyperBowl scoreboard



        player’s score

        recursive function



        SetStrike function


    stores on web

    utility manual

Graphical user interface (GUI), game

    asset store

    audio panel

    credits page

    graphics panel

    main page

        display of


    options page

    pause menu

        current page

        display, menu


        enumeration of

        escape key

        GUILayout functions

        layout, automatic

        OnGUI callback

        PauseGame function

        script creation

        state diagram



    reference manual







        UnityGUI code

    scripting reference

    system panel

        color customization

        GUISkin, pause menu

        in pause menu

        Necromancer GUI


        selection, color

        skin customization

    utility manual

images  H

images  I


    asset store

    banner ad

        attach, script


        garbage collection (GC)

        listings of

        script creation

        script testing


    interstitial ad

        attach script



        script testing

    iOS developer library

    iTunes Connect

        App information

        contract signing

        enabling iAd


    track ad revenues

iOS Developer Program

    App Store Graphics

        app icon


    build and run

    iTunes Connect (see iTunes Connect)

    Provisioning Portal

        App identifiers

        development provisioning profile

        device testing

        distribution provisioning profile



    Xcode Organizer

        iOS Team Provisioning Profile

        La Petite Baguette Distribution

        profiles provisioning



iTunes Connect

    add/manage apps

        app information

        app type

        availability and price

        icon and screenshots, upload

        Metadata section

        promo codes

        Rating section

        rejection process

        sales tracking

        submission process


        upload preparation

        version, category and copyright information

images  J, K

images  L

Leaderboards and Achievements

    asset store

    center set up on iTunes Connect

        achievements setup

        enabling of

        language addition



        single board

    game center integration

        attach script



        scores submit



    game integration

        score submission

        submit achievements

    iOS developer library


    testing, game

        Game Center

        pause menu


        sandbox version


images  M, N

Main Camera

    anatomy of

    AudioListener Component


        Clear Flags property

        Culling Mask



        perspective projection

        rendering path



    FlareLayer Component

    GUILayer Component


    Transform component

images  O




        collision sound

        compression, mesh


        import settings




    asset store



        BArrelPin prefab



        frustum culling


        main camera


        shader setting



        Lightmapping window

        occlusion culling

        umbra (Pro)


        autoconnect profiler

        build log

        built in profile

        built in profiler

        console app search folder

        CPU usage of profiler

        display of frame rate

        editor profiler (Pro)

        fourth generation iPod Touch

        FPS GameObject



        game view stats

        GUIText GameObject


        manual connection


        shadows disabling

    reference manual

    scripting reference


        cache GetComponent

        garbage collection minimization

        runtime static batching (Pro)

        share materials


        texture animation


    settings of

        accelerometer frequency

        audio manager

        dynamic batching

        mesh data

        multisample anti aliasing

        physics manager



        resolution and presentation

        script call optimization

        static batching (Pro)

        stripping level (Pro)

        time manager

    target selection

        frame rate

        script attachment

        script creation

        space targeting

    Unity manual

    on web

images  P, Q

Physics and controls

    bowling ball (see Bowling ball)

    bowling scene

        asset organization system

        delete GameObjects

        floor retile

        Inspector View

        Light adjusment

        Main Camera

        Point Light

        Save Scene As

        Substance archive

        wood planks ProceduralMaterial

images  R

images  S

Screens and icons

    activity indicator display


    asset store

    GUI scale

        BeginPage function

        high-resolution screen

        pause menu

        quit button



        transformation matrix

    iOS bowling

        FuguBowl player setting

        orientation, autorotate

    iOS developer library

    reference manual

    script, activity indicator

        secondary screen

        start and stop

    scripting reference

    setting of

        default icons

        import, textures

        prerendered icon

        project view

        sizings in player

    splash screen (pro)


        build settings


        default utility

        FuguSplash script


        loading scene


        scene creation

        screen resolutions

        secondary screen

        wait and load

        WaitForSeconds, implement




        compilation errors

        with MonoDevelop

        runtime errors

    folder creation

        anatomy of

        attach, FuguRotate script



        Inspector View


        MonoDevelop editor


        Scripting Reference

    organize assets


        Apply Changes To Prefab

        Break Prefab Instance

        child cubes, editing

        cloning a GameObject

        Project View

    rotate the Cube

        Transform Component


        Tween Rotation

        in World Space

    Scripting References

images  T

images  U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Unity editor


        app store

        contract work

        for Android, develop

        in-app purchase

    promo codes

    scriptings of


        editor scripts

        execution order

        JavaScript script

        listing, FuguEditor

        menu addition




        settings, execution order


        App Annie sales graph


Unity Editor

    default layout

    game view

    preset layout

        2-by-3 view

        4-split view


        tall view

        wide view

    scene view

    workspace customization

        add view

        available layouts

        deletion menu

        detach view

        move views

        new layout

        remove view

        resize areas

        restore settings, layout

        views in Windows menu

Unity iOS

    Angry Bots

        iOS build settings

        iOS version

        open a project

        play, virtual joysticks

        progress bar, game


        project view, scene file

        screen resolutions

        settings, platform

        Unity editor window

    apps on app store


        iOS developer library

        reference manual

        utility manual

    player settings

        additional settings

        customization of

        for iOS

        just-in-time compiler

        optimization techniques

        resolution and presentation


        submission warning

        target resolution option


    test, iOS simulator

        Angry Bots

        append or replace

        build prompt, location and name


        iOS project with Xcode


        progress indicator

        save screen shot command

        selection, iPad or iPhone

        Xcode project folder

    test, remotely

        device resolution, minimize

        remote app

        selection of computer

    Xcode installation

Unity project

    Asset Store

    Computer Graphics

    cube (see Cube GameObject)


        Game View

        Import Package

        Point Light

        in Standard Assets

    Main Camera (see Camera GameObject)

    MouseOrbit script (see MouseOrbit script)

    New Project creation

        menu item

        new scene

        Project Wizard

        Save Scene option

        Unity packages

    Point Light (see Point Light GameObject)

    Reference Manual


        anatomy of

        Import Package

        Render Settings


        Asset Store

        in to Cube

        Game View

        Import Asset command

        Import window

    Unity Manual

Unity system


    for game development

        iOS developer, register as

        Mac preparation

        page download


        Xcode download

    installation of

        bug report

        documentation folder

        execution of installer

        folder contents

        free trial activation

        help menu of Unity

        installer files

        license activation

        paid activation, license

        welcome screen

    iOS development requirements


        bug reporting

        Indie (light)

        license updation

        license window

        preferences in editor

        Pro (dark)

        reporter window

        skin change

        update checks



    web site

Unity tour

    Angry Bots

        application load level


        load scene chooser

        as Mac app

        Mac platform build settings

        new scene

        platform setup


        play mode in editor

        project menu

        save Mac app


        scene menu items

        selection of, from project wizard

        settings window, build

        Unity Mac app

        Unity shared folder

    console view


        2-by-3 layout

        4-split layout

        default layout

        game view

        layouts menu

        preset layouts

        scene view, multitabbed area

        tall layout

        wide layout

        workspace customization

    game view


        maximize on play


    hierarchy view

        child GameObjects

        inspect GameObject

        and inspector view

        parent GameObjects

        scene graph

    inspector view

        editor settings


        meta extension files

    Mac console app

    project view

        assets, inspector view

        assets search

        filtering asset search

        inspector view

        operations on asset

        scale icons

        switching (one and two column)

        top level of




        version controls

    scene view

        camera controls

        camera view

        GameObject selection


        navigation of


        tilted perspective


        top-down view

        Wireframe display

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